Item Information

<%# title field %> <% if document[blacklight_config.index.title_field.to_sym] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.title') %>:
<%= render_full_title(document) %>
<% end %> <%# translated title field %> <% if document[:title_info_translated_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.title_translated') %>:
<% document[:title_info_translated_tsim].each do |translated_title| %> <%= translated_title %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# alternative title field %> <% if document[:title_info_alternative_tsim] %>
<% if document[:title_info_alternative_label_ssm] %> <%= document[:title_info_alternative_label_ssm].first %> <% else %> <%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.title_alt') %>: <% end %>
<% document[:title_info_alternative_tsim].each do |alt_title| %> <%= alt_title %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# uniform title field %> <% if document[:title_info_uniform_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.title_uniform') %>:
<% document[:title_info_uniform_tsim].each do |uniform_title| %> <%= uniform_title %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# abstract/description field %> <% if document[:abstract_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.abstract') %>:
<% document[:abstract_tsim].each do |abstract| %> <%= abstract %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# creator field - assumes equal # of roles and creator names %> <% if document[:name_personal_tsim] || document[:name_corporate_tsim] || document[:name_generic_tsim] %> <% names, roles = setup_names_roles(document) %> <% names.each_with_index do |name, index| %>
<%= roles[index] %>:
<%= link_to_facet(name, 'name_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <%# note @type="statement of responsibility" field %> <% if document[:note_resp_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_resp') %>:
<% document[:note_resp_tsim].each do |resp| %> <%= resp %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# date field %> <% if document[:date_start_tsim] %>
<%= t('') %>:
<% render_mods_dates(document).each do |date| %> <%= date %>
<% end %> <%# document[:date_start_tsim].each_with_index do |start_date,index| %> <%# date_type = document[:date_type_ssm] ? document[:date_type_ssm][index] : nil %> <%# date_qualifier = document[:date_start_qualifier_ssm] ? document[:date_start_qualifier_ssm][index] : nil %> <%# date_end = document[:date_end_tsim] ? document[:date_end_tsim][index] : nil %> <%# render_mods_dates(start_date, date_end, date_qualifier, date_type) %> <%# end %>
<% end %> <%# genre field - basic %> <% if document[:genre_basic_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.genre_basic') %>:
<% document[:genre_basic_ssim].each do |format| %> <%= link_to_facet(format, 'genre_basic_ssim') %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# genre field - specific %> <% if document[:genre_specific_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.genre_specific') %>:
<% document[:genre_specific_ssim].each do |genre| %> <%= link_to_facet(genre, 'genre_specific_ssim') %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# collex field %> <%# if document[blacklight_config.collection_field.to_sym] %> <%# end %> <%# physical location field (including sub_location and shelf_locator) %> <% if document[:physical_location_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.location') %>:
<%= link_to_facet(document[:physical_location_ssim].first, 'physical_location_ssim') %> <% if document[:sub_location_tsim] %>
<%= document[:sub_location_tsim].first %> <% end %> <% if document[:shelf_locator_tsim] %>
<%= document[:shelf_locator_tsim].first %> (<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.shelf_locator').downcase %>) <% end %>
<% end %> <%# related item host field (physical collection) %> <% if document[:related_item_host_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.collection') %>:
<% document[:related_item_host_ssim].each do |related_host| %> <%= link_to_facet(related_host, 'related_item_host_ssim') %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# related item series field (series) %> <% if document[:related_item_series_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.series') %>:
<% document[:related_item_series_ssim].each_with_index do |related_series,index| %> <%= link_to_facets([related_series, document[:related_item_host_ssim].first], %w[related_item_series_ssim related_item_host_ssim]) %> <% if document[:related_item_subseries_ssim] && document[:related_item_subseries_ssim][index] %> <%= content_tag(:span, t('blacklight.breadcrumb.separator'), :class => 'metadata_breadcrumb') %> <%= link_to_facets( [document[:related_item_subseries_ssim][index], related_series], %w[related_item_subseries_ssim related_item_series_ssim]) %> <% end %> <% if document[:related_item_subsubseries_ssim] && document[:related_item_subsubseries_ssim][index] %> <%= content_tag(:span, t('blacklight.breadcrumb.separator'), :class => 'metadata_breadcrumb') %> <%= link_to_facets( [document[:related_item_subsubseries_ssim][index], document[:related_item_subseries_ssim][index], related_series], %w[related_item_subsubseries_ssim related_item_subseries_ssim related_item_series_ssim]) %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# topic field %> <% if document[:subject_topic_tsim] || document[:subject_name_corporate_tsim] || document[:subject_name_personal_tsim] || document[:subject_name_conference_tsim] || document[:subject_temporal_facet_ssim] || document[:subject_title_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.subject_topic') %>:
<% if document[:subject_topic_tsim] %> <% document[:subject_topic_tsim].each do |topic| %> <%= link_to_facet(topic, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_name_corporate_tsim] %> <% document[:subject_name_corporate_tsim].each do |corp_name| %> <%= link_to_facet(corp_name, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_name_personal_tsim] %> <% document[:subject_name_personal_tsim].each do |pers_name| %> <%= link_to_facet(pers_name, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_name_conference_tsim] %> <% document[:subject_name_conference_tsim].each do |conf_name| %> <%= link_to_facet(conf_name, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_title_tsim] %> <% document[:subject_title_tsim].each do |subj_title| %> <%= link_to_facet(subj_title, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_temporal_facet_ssim] %> <% document[:subject_temporal_facet_ssim].each do |temporal_subj| %> <% if temporal_subj =~ /-[0-9]{2}$/ %> <%= link_to_facet(temporal_subj, 'subject_facet_ssim', render_mods_date(temporal_subj)) %> <% else %> <%= link_to_facet(temporal_subj, 'subject_facet_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <%# geo subject field %> <% if document[:subject_hiergeo_geojson_ssm] || document[:subject_geo_nonhier_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.subject_geo') %>:
<% if document[:subject_hiergeo_geojson_ssm] %> <% document[:subject_hiergeo_geojson_ssm].each do |hier_geojson| %> <%= render_hiergo_subject(hier_geojson, t('blacklight.breadcrumb.separator'), 'metadata_breadcrumb') %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:subject_geo_nonhier_ssim] %> <% document[:subject_geo_nonhier_ssim].each do |nonhier_geo| %> <%= link_to_facet(nonhier_geo, 'subject_geographic_ssim') %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <%# publisher field %> <% if document[:publisher_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.publisher') %>:
<% 0.upto document[:publisher_tsim].length-1 do |index| %> <% if document[:pubplace_tsim] %> <%= document[:pubplace_tsim][index] + ' : ' if document[:pubplace_tsim][index] %> <% end %> <%= document[:publisher_tsim][index] %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# place of pub. field (if no publisher) %> <% if document[:pubplace_tsim] && !document[:publisher_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.pubplace') %>:
<% document[:pubplace_tsim].each do |pubplace| %> <%= pubplace %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# edition field %> <% if document[:edition_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.edition') %>:
<% document[:edition_tsim].each do |edition| %> <%= edition %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="performers" field %> <% if document[:note_performers_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_performers') %>:
<% document[:note_performers_tsim].each do |performers| %> <%= performers %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="ownership" field %> <% if document[:note_ownership_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_ownership') %>:
<% document[:note_ownership_tsim].each do |ownership_note| %> <%= ownership_note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="acquisition" field %> <% if document[:note_acquisition_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_acquisition') %>:
<% document[:note_acquisition_tsim].each do |acquisition_note| %> <%= acquisition_note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="preferred citation" field %> <% if document[:note_citation_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_citation') %>:
<% document[:note_citation_tsim].each do |citation_note| %> <%= citation_note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="date" field %> <% if document[:note_date_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_date') %>:
<% document[:note_date_tsim].each do |date_note| %> <%= date_note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note @type="citation/refernce" field %> <% if document[:note_reference_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note_reference') %>:
<% document[:note_reference_tsim].each do |reference_note| %> <%= reference_note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# note field %> <% if document[:note_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.note') %>:
<% document[:note_tsim].each do |note| %> <%= note %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# extent field %> <% if document[:extent_tsi] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.extent') %>:
<%= document[:extent_tsi] %>
<% end %> <%# geo scale field %> <% if document[:subject_scale_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.scale') %>:
<% document[:subject_scale_tsim].each do |scale| %> <%= scale %>
<% end %> <% end %> <%# lang field %> <% if document[:lang_term_ssim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.language') %>:
<% document[:lang_term_ssim].each do |lang| %> <%= lang %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# TOC field %> <% if document[:table_of_contents_tsi] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.toc') %>:
<% document[:table_of_contents_tsi].split('--').each do |toc_entry| %> <%= toc_entry.strip %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# local-accession id field %> <% if document[:local_accession_id_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_local_acc') %>:
<% document[:local_accession_id_tsim].each do |accession| %> <%= accession %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# local-other id field %> <% if document[:identifier_local_other_tsim] || document[:identifier_local_other_invalid_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_local_other') %>:
<% if document[:identifier_local_other_tsim] %> <% document[:identifier_local_other_tsim].each do |local_other| %> <%= local_other %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:identifier_local_other_invalid_tsim] %> <% document[:identifier_local_other_invalid_tsim].each do |local_other_invalid| %> <%= local_other_invalid + ' ' + t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_local_other_invalid') %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <%# local-call id field %> <% if document[:identifier_local_call_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_local_call') %>:
<% document[:identifier_local_call_tsim].each do |local_call| %> <%= local_call %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# local-barcode id field %> <% if document[:identifier_local_barcode_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_local_barcode') %>:
<% document[:identifier_local_barcode_tsim].each do |barcode| %> <%= barcode %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# isbn id field %> <% if document[:identifier_isbn_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_isbn') %>:
<% document[:identifier_isbn_tsim].each do |isbn| %> <%= isbn %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# lccn id field %> <% if document[:identifier_lccn_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_lccn') %>:
<% document[:identifier_lccn_tsim].each do |lccn| %> <%= lccn %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% if document[:classification_tsim] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.classification') %>:
<% document[:classification_tsim].each do |classification| %> <%= classification %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# related item isReferencedBy field %> <% if document[:related_item_isreferencedby_ssm] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.referenced_by') %>:
<% document[:related_item_isreferencedby_ssm].each do |reference| %> <%= link_to(reference, reference, :target => '_blank') %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%# URI field %> <% if document[:identifier_uri_ss] %> <% oai_object = true if document[:active_fedora_model_suffix_ssi] == 'OAIObject' %>
<%= oai_object ? t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_uri_oai') : t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.id_uri_ark') %>:
<%= link_to(document[:identifier_uri_ss], document[:identifier_uri_ss], :class => 'uri_metadata_link', :target => oai_object ? '_blank' : '_self' ) %>
<% end %> <%# rights field %> <%# TODO: Remove use_and_reproduction_ssm after November 2014 update has run %> <% if document[:use_and_reproduction_ssm] || document[:rights_ssm] || document[:license_ssm] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.rights') %>:
<% if document[:use_and_reproduction_ssm] %> <% document[:use_and_reproduction_ssm].each do |terms| %> <%= terms %>
<% if terms.match(/\(CC\s/) %> <%= render_cc_license(terms) %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:rights_ssm] %> <% document[:rights_ssm].each do |rights| %> <%= rights %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if document[:license_ssm] %> <% document[:license_ssm].each do |license| %> <%= license %>
<% if license.match(/\(CC\s/) %> <%= render_cc_license(license) %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <%# additional rights/use info field %> <% if document[:restrictions_on_access_ssm] %>
<%= t('blacklight.metadata_display.fields.access') %>:
<% document[:restrictions_on_access_ssm].each do |restrictions| %> <%= restrictions %>
<% end %>
<% end %>