# FGDC <> SpatialOrganization # FGDC CSDGM writer output in XML # History: # Stan Smith 2018-03-26 refactored error and warning messaging # Stan Smith 2017-12-21 original script require_relative '../fgdc_writer' module ADIWG module Mdtranslator module Writers module Fgdc class SpatialOrganization def initialize(xml, hResponseObj) @xml = xml @hResponseObj = hResponseObj @NameSpace = ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Writers::Fgdc end def writeXML(hResourceInfo) # spatial organization 3.1 (indspref) - Indirect Spatial Reference # <- hResourceInfo.spatialReferenceSystems.systemIdentifier (first) haveIndirect = false hResourceInfo[:spatialReferenceSystems].each do |hSystem| unless hSystem[:systemIdentifier].empty? unless hSystem[:systemIdentifier][:description].empty? @xml.tag!('indspref', hSystem[:systemIdentifier][:description]) haveIndirect = true break end end end if !haveIndirect && @hResponseObj[:writerShowTags] @xml.tag!('indspref') end # spatial organization 3.2 (direct) - Direct Spatial Reference Method # <- resourceInfo.spatialRepresentationTypes # take first to match ['point' | 'vector' | 'grid'] direct = nil hResourceInfo[:spatialRepresentationTypes].each do |type| direct = 'Point' if type == 'point' direct = 'Vector' if type == 'vector' direct = 'Raster' if type == 'grid' unless direct.nil? @xml.tag!('direct', direct) break end end if direct.nil? && @hResponseObj[:writerShowTags] @xml.tag!('direct') end # spatial organization 3.3 (ptvctinf) - point and vector object information # <- resourceInfo.spatialRepresentations.vectorRepresentation (first) hResourceInfo[:spatialRepresentations].each do |hSpaceRep| unless hSpaceRep[:vectorRepresentation].empty? hVectorRep = hSpaceRep[:vectorRepresentation] unless hVectorRep.empty? @xml.tag!('ptvctinf') do if hVectorRep[:topologyLevel].nil? # spatial organization point and vector object 3.3.1 (sdtsterm) - SDTS term [] hVectorRep[:vectorObject].each do |hVecObj| @xml.tag!('sdtsterm') do # spatial organization point and vector object (sdtstype) - SDTS object type (requied) @xml.tag!('sdtstype', hVecObj[:objectType]) # spatial organization point and vector object (ptvctcnt) - SDTS count unless hVecObj[:objectCount].nil? @xml.tag!('ptvctcnt', hVecObj[:objectCount]) end if hVecObj[:objectCount].nil? @xml.tag!('ptvctcnt') end end end else # point and vector object 3.3.2 (vpfterm) - VPF terms description @xml.tag!('vpfterm') do # VPF term (vpflevel) - VPF topology level @xml.tag!('vpflevel', hVectorRep[:topologyLevel]) # VPF term (vpfinfo) - VPF point and vector object information [] hVectorRep[:vectorObject].each do |hVecObj| @xml.tag!('vpfinfo') do # spatial organization point and vector object (vpftype) - VPF object type (requied) @xml.tag!('vpftype', hVecObj[:objectType]) # spatial organization point and vector object (ptvctcnt) - VPF object type unless hVecObj[:objectCount].nil? @xml.tag!('ptvctcnt', hVecObj[:objectCount]) end if hVecObj[:objectCount].nil? @xml.tag!('ptvctcnt') end end end end end end break end end end # spatial organization 3.4 (rastinfo) - point and vector object information # <- resourceInfo.spatialRepresentations.gridRepresentation (first) hResourceInfo[:spatialRepresentations].each do |hSpaceRep| unless hSpaceRep[:gridRepresentation].empty? hGridRep = hSpaceRep[:gridRepresentation] @xml.tag!('rastinfo') do # spatial organization raster 3.4.1 (rasttype) - raster type (required) unless hGridRep[:cellGeometry].empty? @xml.tag!('rasttype', hGridRep[:cellGeometry]) end if hGridRep[:cellGeometry].empty? @NameSpace.issueWarning(380, 'rasttype') end # spatial organization raster 3.4.2 (rowcount) - row count hGridRep[:dimension].each do |hDimension| if hDimension[:dimensionType] == 'row' unless hDimension[:dimensionSize].nil? @xml.tag!('rowcount', hDimension[:dimensionSize]) end end end # spatial organization raster 3.4.2 (colcount) - column count hGridRep[:dimension].each do |hDimension| if hDimension[:dimensionType] == 'column' unless hDimension[:dimensionSize].nil? @xml.tag!('colcount', hDimension[:dimensionSize]) end end end # spatial organization raster 3.4.2 (vrtcount) - depth count hGridRep[:dimension].each do |hDimension| if hDimension[:dimensionType] == 'vertical' unless hDimension[:dimensionSize].nil? @xml.tag!('vrtcount', hDimension[:dimensionSize]) end end end end break end end end # writeXML end # SpatialOrganization end end end end