#!/usr/bin/env ruby $-w = true $:.unshift File.dirname($0) + '/../lib' require 'pp' require 'getoptlong' require 'vpim/vcard' HELP =<... Options -h,--help Print this helpful message. -n,--name Print the vCard name. -d,--debug Print debug information. Examples: EOF opt_name = nil opt_debug = nil opts = GetoptLong.new( [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--name", "-n", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--debug", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--help" then puts HELP exit 0 when "--name" then opt_name = true when "--debug" then opt_debug = true end end if ARGV.length < 1 puts "no vcard files specified, try -h!" exit 1 end ARGV.each do |file| cards = Vpim::Vcard.decode(open(file)) cards.each do |card| card.each do |field| puts "..#{field.name.capitalize}=#{field.value.inspect}" if field.group puts " group=#{field.group}" end field.each_param do |param, values| puts " #{param}=[#{values.join(", ")}]" end end if opt_name begin puts "#name=#{card.name.formatted}" rescue puts "! failed to decode name!" end end if opt_debug card.groups.sort.each do |group| card.enum_by_group(group).each do |field| puts "#{group} -> #{field.inspect}" end end end puts "" end end