require 'nokogiri' require 'icuke/simulator' require 'icuke/simulate' class ICukeWorld include ICuke::Simulate::Gestures attr_reader :response def initialize @simulator = end def launch(application, options = {}) @simulator.launch(application, options) end def quit @simulator.quit end def page @xml ||= Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(response).root end def response @response ||= @simulator.view end def record @simulator.record end def can_see?(text) page.xpath(%Q{//*[contains(., "#{text}") or contains(@label, "#{text}") or contains(@value, "#{text}")]}).any? end def onscreen?(x, y) return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < 320 && y < 480 end def tap(label, options = {}, &block) options = { :pause => true }.merge(options) element = page.xpath( %Q{//*[#{trait(:button, :updates_frequently, :keyboard_key)} and @label="#{label}" and frame]}, %Q{//*[#{trait(:link)} and @value="#{label}" and frame]} ).first raise %Q{No element labelled "#{label}" found in: #{response}} unless element # This seems brittle, revist how to fetch the frame without relying on it being the only child frame = element.child # Hit the element in the middle x = frame['x'].to_f + (frame['width'].to_f / 2) y = frame['y'].to_f + (frame['height'].to_f / 2) raise %Q{Element "#{label}" is off screen in: #{response}} unless onscreen?(x, y) @simulator.fire_event(, y, options)) sleep(options[:pause] ? 1 : 0.2) refresh yield element if block_given? end def swipe(direction, options = {}) modifier = [:up, :left].include?(direction) ? -1 : 1 # Just swipe from the middle of an iPhone-dimensioned screen for now x = 320 / 2 y = 480 / 2 x2 = x y2 = y if [:up, :down].include?(direction) y2 = y + (100 * modifier) else x2 = x + (100 * modifier) end @simulator.fire_event(, y, x2, y2, options)) sleep(1) refresh end def type(textfield, text, options = {}) tap(textfield, :hold_for => 0.75) do |field| if field['value'] tap('Select All') tap('Delete') end end text.split('').each do |c| begin tap(c == ' ' ? 'space' : c, :pause => false) rescue Exception => e try_keyboards = case c when /[a-zA-Z]/ ['more, letters', 'shift'] when /[0-9]/ ['more, numbers'] else ['more, numbers', 'more, symbols'] end until try_keyboards.empty? begin tap(try_keyboards.shift, :pause => false) retry rescue end end raise e end end # From UIReturnKeyType # Should probably sort these in rough order of likelyhood? return_keys = ['return', 'go', 'google', 'join', 'next', 'route', 'search', 'send', 'yahoo', 'done', 'emergency call'] return_keys.each do |key| begin tap(key) return rescue end end end def scroll_to(text, options = {}) previous_response = response.dup while page.xpath(%Q{//*[contains(., "#{text}") or contains(@label, "#{text}") or contains(@value, "#{text}")]}).empty? do scroll(options[:direction]) raise %Q{Content "#{text}" not found in: #{response}} if response == previous_response end end def scroll(direction) swipe_directions = { :up => :down, :down => :up, :left => :right, :right => :left } swipe(swipe_directions[direction]) end def set_application_defaults(defaults) @simulator.set_defaults(defaults) end private def trait(*traits) "(#{ { |t| %Q{contains(@traits, "#{t}")} }.join(' or ')})" end def refresh @response = nil @xml = nil end end World do end LIBICUKE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../ext/iCuke/libicuke.dylib') Given /^(?:"([^\"]*)" from )?"([^\"]*)" is loaded in the simulator(?: using sdk (.*))?$/ do |target, project, sdk| launch File.expand_path(project), :target => target, :env => { 'DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES' => LIBICUKE } end Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| raise %Q{Content "#{text}" not found in: #{response}} unless can_see?(text) end Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| raise %Q{Content "#{text}" was found but was not expected in: #{response}} if can_see?(text) end When /^I tap "([^\"]*)"$/ do |label| tap(label) end When /^I type "([^\"]*)" in "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text, textfield| type(textfield, text) end When /^I scroll (down|up|left|right)(?: to "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |direction, text| if text scroll_to(text, :direction => direction.to_sym) else scroll(direction.to_sym) end end Then /^I put the phone into recording mode$/ do record end Then /^show me the screen$/ do puts response end