require 'test_helper' require 'hpricot' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :all def setup Favorite.destroy_all end def test_should_find_including_unpublished post = posts(:funny_post) post.save_as_draft assert Post.unscoped.find( assert Post.unscoped.all.include?(post) end def test_default_find_should_not_find_drafts post = posts(:funny_post) post.save_as_draft assert !Post.find(:all).include?(post) end def test_should_find_recent posts = Post.find_recent(:limit => 3) assert_equal posts.size, 3 posts = Post.find_recent assert_equal posts.size, 4 end def test_should_find_popular posts = Post.find_popular(:limit => 3, :since => 10.days) assert_equal 3, posts.size posts = Post.find_popular(:limit => 3, :since => 1.days) assert_equal posts.size, 0 end def test_should_display_name post = posts(:funny_post) assert_equal post.display_title, "HOW TO: Building communities is all about love." end def test_should_find_previous_post previous = posts(:not_funny_post).previous_post assert_equal previous, posts(:funny_post) end def test_should_find_next_post next_post = posts(:funny_post).next_post assert_equal next_post, posts(:not_funny_post) end def test_should_track_post_activity assert_difference Activity, :count, 1 do post = => 'testing activity tracking', :raw_post => 'will this work?', :published_as => 'live') post.user = users(:quentin)! end end def test_should_not_track_draft_post_activity assert_no_difference Activity, :count do post = => 'testing activity tracking', :raw_post => 'will this work?', :published_as => 'draft') post.user = users(:quentin)! end end def test_should_delete_post_activity post = => 'testing activity tracking', :raw_post => 'will this work?', :published_as => 'live') post.user = users(:quentin)! assert_difference Activity, :count, -1 do post.destroy end end # def test_link_for_rss # assert_equal posts(:funny_post).link_for_rss, "http://localhost:3000/quentin/posts/1-This-is-really-good-stuff" # end def test_create_poll assert_difference Poll, :count, 1 do assert_difference Choice, :count, 3 do assert posts(:funny_post).create_poll({:question => 'Who can have a great time?'}, ['I can', 'You can', 'No one can']) end end end def test_should_not_add_empty_poll assert_no_difference Poll, :count do assert_no_difference Choice, :count do posts(:funny_post).create_poll({:question => 'Who can have a great time?'}, ['only one choice']) end end end def test_should_not_create_poll_with_no_choices assert_no_difference Poll, :count do assert_no_difference Choice, :count do posts(:funny_post).create_poll({:question => 'Who can have a great time?'}, []) end end end def test_update_poll assert posts(:not_funny_post).create_poll({:question => 'Who can have a great time?'}, ['I can', 'You can', 'No one can']) assert posts(:not_funny_post).update_poll({:question => 'Who can have a terrible time?'}, ['Foo', 'Bar']) assert_equal 'Who can have a terrible time?', posts(:not_funny_post).poll.question assert_equal 'Foo', posts(:not_funny_post).poll.choices.first.description assert_equal 'Bar', posts(:not_funny_post).poll.choices.last.description end def test_update_poll_with_no_choices_should_delete_poll assert posts(:funny_post).create_poll({:question => 'Who can have a great time?'}, ['I can', 'You can', 'No one can']) assert_difference Poll, :count, -1 do assert posts(:funny_post).update_poll({:question => 'Who can have a terrible time?'}, []) end end def test_should_find_most_commented assert_equal posts(:funny_post).id, assert_equal posts(:apt_post).id, end def test_find_recent assert Post.find_recent(:limit => 30) end def test_image_for_excerpt_for_post_with_no_image_returns_avatar_url assert_equal posts(:funny_post).user.avatar_photo_url(:medium), posts(:funny_post).image_for_excerpt end def test_has_been_favorited_by_user post = posts(:funny_post) assert !post.has_been_favorited_by(users(:quentin)) favorite = => '', :favoritable => post ) favorite.user = users(:quentin) assert post.has_been_favorited_by(users(:quentin)) end def test_should_set_published_at_date_when_first_published post = users(:quentin) => 'Blog post message', :title => 'Title') assert !post.published_at! post.published_as = 'live' assert post.published_at end def test_should_not_set_published_at_if_republishing post = users(:quentin).posts.create!(:raw_post => 'Blog post message', :title => 'Title') post.save_as_live #publish published_at = post.published_at post.save_as_draft #unpublish post.save_as_live #publish again assert_equal post.published_at, published_at end def test_should_show_published_at_display post = posts(:funny_post) assert_equal post.published_at_display, I18n.l(post.published_at, :format => :published_date) end def test_should_show_published_at_display_for_draft post = posts(:funny_post) post.save_as_draft assert_equal post.published_at_display, 'Draft' end def test_should_not_notify_for_posts_without_comment_notification_on post = posts(:funny_post) post.send_comment_notifications = false! assert_difference ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :length, 0 do comment = post.comments.create!(:comment => 'foo', :user => users(:aaron)) comment.send_notifications end end test "should find related" do p1 = posts(:funny_post) p2 = posts(:not_funny_post) p1.tag_list = 'tag1, tag2'! p2.tag_list = 'tag2, tag3'! assert Post.find_related_to(p1).include?(p2) p2.tag_list = 'tag3, tag4'! assert !Post.find_related_to(p1).include?(p2) end end