describe("Custom Matchers (Integration)", function() { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new j$.Env(); }); it("allows adding more matchers local to a spec", function(done) {'spec defining a custom matcher', function() { env.addMatchers({ matcherForSpec: function() { return { compare: function(actual, expected) { return { pass: false, message: "matcherForSpec: actual: " + actual + "; expected: " + expected }; } } } }); env.expect("zzz").matcherForSpec("yyy"); });"spec without custom matcher defined", function() { expect(env.expect("zzz").matcherForSpec).toBeUndefined(); }); var specDoneSpy = jasmine.createSpy("specDoneSpy"); var expectations = function() { var firstSpecResult = specDoneSpy.calls.first().args[0]; expect(firstSpecResult.status).toEqual("failed"); expect(firstSpecResult.failedExpectations[0].message).toEqual("matcherForSpec: actual: zzz; expected: yyy"); done(); }; env.addReporter({ specDone:specDoneSpy, jasmineDone: expectations}); env.execute(); }); it("passes the spec if the custom matcher passes", function(done) { env.addMatchers({ toBeReal: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: true }; } }; } });"spec using custom matcher", function() { env.expect(true).toBeReal(); }); var specExpectations = function(result) { expect(result.status).toEqual('passed'); }; env.addReporter({ specDone: specExpectations, jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); it("uses the negative compare function for a negative comparison, if provided", function(done) { env.addMatchers({ toBeReal: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: true }; }, negativeCompare: function() { return { pass: true }; } }; } });"spec with custom negative comparison matcher", function() { env.expect(true).not.toBeReal(); }); var specExpectations = function(result) { expect(result.status).toEqual('passed'); } env.addReporter({ specDone: specExpectations, jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); it("generates messages with the same rules as built in matchers absent a custom message", function(done) { env.addMatchers({ toBeReal: function() { return { compare: function() { return { pass: false }; } } } });'spec with an expectation', function() { env.expect("a").toBeReal(); }); var specExpectations = function(result) { expect(result.failedExpectations[0].message).toEqual("Expected 'a' to be real."); }; env.addReporter({ specDone: specExpectations, jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); it("passes the expected and actual arguments to the comparison function", function(done) { var argumentSpy = jasmine.createSpy("argument spy").and.returnValue({ pass: true }); env.addMatchers({ toBeReal: function() { return { compare: argumentSpy }; } });'spec with an expectation', function () { env.expect(true).toBeReal(); env.expect(true).toBeReal("arg"); env.expect(true).toBeReal("arg1", "arg2"); }); var specExpectations = function() { expect(argumentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); expect(argumentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true, "arg"); expect(argumentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true, "arg1", "arg2"); }; env.addReporter({ specDone: specExpectations, jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); it("passes the jasmine utility and current equality matchers to the expectation factory", function(done) { var matcherFactory = function() { return { compare: function() { return {pass: true}; }}; }, argumentSpy = jasmine.createSpy("argument spy").and.returnValue(matcherFactory), customEqualityFn = function() { return true; }; env.addCustomEqualityTester(customEqualityFn); env.addMatchers({ toBeReal: argumentSpy });"spec with expectation", function() { env.expect(true).toBeReal(); }); var specExpectations = function() { expect(argumentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(j$.matchersUtil, [customEqualityFn]); }; env.addReporter({ specDone: specExpectations, jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); });