require 'uri' require 'timeout' DEBUGGER_STEP_TYPE = ['STEP','STOVER','STRET','SUSP'] DEBUGGER_STEP_COMMENT = ['Stepped into','Stepped over','Stepped return','Suspended'] def debug_read_cmd(io,wait) begin if wait cmd = io.readpartial(4096) $_cmd << cmd if cmd !~ /^\s*$/ else cmd = io.read_nonblock(4096) $_cmd << cmd if cmd !~ /^\s*$/ end rescue # puts $!.inspect end end def execute_cmd(cmd, advanced) cmd = URI.unescape(cmd.gsub(/\+/,' ')) if advanced puts "[Debugger] Executing: #{cmd.inspect}" result = "" error = '0'; begin result = eval(cmd, $_binding).inspect rescue Exception => exc error = '1'; result = "#{$!}".inspect end cmd = URI.escape(cmd.sub(/[\n\r]+$/, ''),"[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]")) if advanced $_s.write("EV" + (advanced ? "L:#{error}:#{cmd}:" : ':'+(error.to_i != 0 ? 'ERROR: ':'')) + result + "\n") end def get_variables(scope) if (scope =~ /^GVARS/) cmd = "global_variables" prefix = "" vartype = "G" elsif (scope =~ /^LVARS/) cmd = "local_variables" prefix = "" vartype = "L" elsif (scope =~ /^CVARS/) if $_classname =~ /^\s*$/ return end cmd = "class_variables" prefix = "#{$_classname}." vartype = "C" elsif (scope =~ /^IVARS/) if ($_classname =~ /^\s*$/) or ($_methodname =~ /^\s*$/) return end cmd = "instance_variables" prefix = "self." vartype = "I" end begin vars = eval(prefix + cmd, $_binding) $_s.write("VSTART:#{vartype}\n") vars.each do |v| if v !~ /^\$(=|KCODE)$/ begin result = eval(v,$_binding).inspect rescue Exception => exc result = "#{$!}".inspect end $_s.write("V:#{vartype}:#{v}:#{result}\n") end end $_s.write("VEND:#{vartype}\n") rescue end end def log_command(cmd) # puts "[Debugger] Received command: #{cmd}" end def debug_handle_cmd(inline) cmd = $_cmd.match(/^([^\n\r]*)([\n\r]+|$)/)[0] processed = false wait = inline if cmd != "" if cmd =~/^CONNECTED/ log_command(cmd) puts "[Debugger] Connected to debugger" processed = true elsif cmd =~/^(BP|RM):/ log_command(cmd) ary = cmd.split(":") bp = ary[1].gsub(/\|/,':') + ':' + ary[2].chomp if (cmd =~/^RM:/) $_breakpoint.delete(bp) puts "[Debugger] Breakpoint removed: #{bp}" else $,1) puts "[Debugger] Breakpoint added: #{bp}" end processed = true elsif cmd =~ /^RMALL/ log_command(cmd) $_breakpoint.clear puts "[Debugger] All breakpoints removed" processed = true elsif cmd =~ /^ENABLE/ log_command(cmd) $_breakpoints_enabled = true puts "[Debugger] Breakpoints enabled" processed = true elsif cmd =~ /^DISABLE/ log_command(cmd) $_breakpoints_enabled = false puts "[Debugger] Breakpoints disabled" processed = true elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^STEPOVER/) log_command(cmd) $_step = 2 $_step_level = $_call_stack $_resumed = true wait = false puts "[Debugger] Step over" processed = true elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^STEPRET/) log_command(cmd) if $_call_stack < 1 $_step = 0 comment = ' (continue)' else $_step = 3 $_step_level = $_call_stack-1; comment = '' end $_resumed = true wait = false puts "[Debugger] Step return" + comment processed = true elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^STEP/) log_command(cmd) $_step = 1 $_step_level = -1 $_resumed = true wait = false puts "[Debugger] Step into" processed = true elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^CONT/) log_command(cmd) wait = false $_step = 0 $_resumed = true puts "[Debugger] Resuming" processed = true elsif cmd =~ /^SUSP/ log_command(cmd) $_step = 4 $_step_level = -1 wait = true puts "[Debugger] Suspend" processed = true elsif cmd =~ /^KILL/ log_command(cmd) puts "[Debugger] Terminating..." processed = true System.exit elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^EVL?:/) log_command(cmd) processed = true execute_cmd cmd.sub(/^EVL?:/,""), (cmd =~ /^EVL:/ ? true : false) elsif inline and (cmd =~ /^[GLCI]VARS/) log_command(cmd) get_variables cmd processed = true elsif inline log_command(cmd) puts "[Debugger] Unknown command" processed = true end end if processed $_cmd = $_cmd.sub(/^([^\n\r]*)([\n\r]+(.*)|)$/, "\\3") $_wait = wait if inline end processed end $_tracefunc = lambda{|event, file, line, id, bind, classname| return if eval('Thread.current!=Thread.main', bind) $_binding = bind; $_classname = classname; $_methodname = id; file = file.to_s.gsub('\\', '/') if file[0, $_app_path.length] == $_app_path if event =~ /^line/ unhandled = true step_stop = ($_step > 0) and (($_step_level < 0) or ($_call_stack <= $_step_level)) if (step_stop or ($_breakpoints_enabled and (not $_breakpoint.empty?))) filename = file[$_app_path.length, file.length-$_app_path.length] ln = line.to_i.to_s if (step_stop or ($_breakpoints_enabled and ($_breakpoint.has_key?(filename + ':' + ln)))) fn = filename.gsub(/:/, '|') cl = classname.to_s.gsub(/:/,'#') $_s.write((step_stop ? DEBUGGER_STEP_TYPE[$_step-1] : "BP") + ":#{fn}:#{ln}:#{cl}:#{id}\n") puts "[Debugger] " + (step_stop ? DEBUGGER_STEP_COMMENT[$_step-1] : "Breakpoint") + " in #{fn} at #{ln}" $_step = 0 $_step_level = -1 $_wait = true while $_wait while debug_handle_cmd(true) do end if System::get_property('main_window_closed') $_wait = false end sleep if $_wait end unhandled = false end end if unhandled debug_handle_cmd(true) end elsif event =~ /^call/ $_call_stack += 1 elsif event =~ /^return/ $_call_stack -= 1 end end if $_resumed $_resumed = false $_s.write("RESUMED\n") end } $_s = nil begin puts "[Debugger] Opening connection" debug_host = (Rho::RhoConfig.debug_host.nil? or Rho::RhoConfig.debug_host == "") ? '' : Rho::RhoConfig.debug_host debug_port = (Rho::RhoConfig.debug_port.nil? or Rho::RhoConfig.debug_port == "") ? 9000 : Rho::RhoConfig.debug_port $_s = timeout(30) {, debug_port) } puts "[Debugger] Connected: " + $_s.to_s $_s.write("CONNECT\n") $_breakpoint = $_breakpoints_enabled = true $_step = 0 $_step_level = -1 $_call_stack = 0 $_resumed = false $_cmd = "" $_app_path = File.join(Rho::RhoApplication::get_base_app_path(), 'app/').gsub('\\', '/') at_exit { $_s.write("QUIT\n") if (not $_s.nil?) } set_trace_func $_tracefunc { while true debug_read_cmd($_s,true) while debug_handle_cmd(false) do end if ($_cmd !~ /^\s*$/) and (Thread.main.stop?) $_wait = true Thread.main.wakeup end end } rescue puts "[Debugger] Unable to open connection to debugger: " + $!.inspect $_s = nil end