require "digest/md5" module Blazer class DataSource attr_reader :id, :settings, :connection_model def initialize(id, settings) @id = id @settings = settings @connection_model = do def "Blazer::Connection::#{object_id}" end establish_connection(settings["url"]) if settings["url"] end end def name settings["name"] || @id end def linked_columns settings["linked_columns"] || {} end def smart_columns settings["smart_columns"] || {} end def smart_variables settings["smart_variables"] || {} end def timeout settings["timeout"] end def cache settings["cache"] end def use_transaction? settings.key?("use_transaction") ? settings["use_transaction"] : true end def run_statement(statement, options = {}) rows = nil error = nil cached_at = nil cache_key = self.cache_key(statement) if cache if cache && !options[:refresh_cache] value = rows, cached_at = Marshal.load(value) if value end unless rows rows = [] comment = "blazer" if options[:user].respond_to?(:id) comment << ",user_id:#{options[:user].id}" end if options[:user].respond_to?(Blazer.user_name) # only include letters, numbers, and spaces to prevent injection comment << ",user_name:#{options[:user].send(Blazer.user_name).to_s.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/, "")}" end if options[:query].respond_to?(:id) comment << ",query_id:#{options[:query].id}" end in_transaction do begin connection_model.connection.execute("SET statement_timeout = #{timeout.to_i * 1000}") if timeout && postgresql? result = connection_model.connection.select_all("#{statement} /*#{comment}*/") result.each do |untyped_row| row = {} untyped_row.each do |k, v| row[k] = result.column_types.empty? ? v : result.column_types[k].send(:type_cast, v) end rows << row end rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e error = e.message.sub(/.+ERROR: /, "") end end Blazer.cache.write(cache_key, Marshal.dump([rows,]), expires_in: cache.to_f * 60) if !error && cache end [rows, error, cached_at] end def clear_cache(statement) Blazer.cache.delete(cache_key(statement)) end def cache_key(statement) ["blazer", "v2", id, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(statement)].join("/") end def tables default_schema = postgresql? ? "public" : connection_model.connection_config[:database] schema = connection_model.connection_config[:schema] || default_schema rows, error, cached_at = run_statement(connection_model.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["SELECT table_name, column_name, ordinal_position, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ?", schema])) Hash[rows.group_by { |r| r["table_name"] }.map { |t, f| [t, f.sort_by { |f| f["ordinal_position"] }.map { |f| f.slice("column_name", "data_type") }] }.sort_by { |t, _f| t }] end def postgresql? ["PostgreSQL", "Redshift"].include?(connection_model.connection.adapter_name) end protected def in_transaction if use_transaction? connection_model.transaction do begin yield ensure raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end else yield end end end end