// This file was auto-generated based on version 2.0.1 of the canonical data. using Xunit; using System; public class AllYourBaseTest { [Fact] public void Single_bit_one_to_decimal() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1 }; var outputBase = 10; var expected = new[] { 1 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Binary_to_single_decimal() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, 0, 1 }; var outputBase = 10; var expected = new[] { 5 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Single_decimal_to_binary() { var inputBase = 10; var inputDigits = new[] { 5 }; var outputBase = 2; var expected = new[] { 1, 0, 1 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Binary_to_multiple_decimal() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; var outputBase = 10; var expected = new[] { 4, 2 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Decimal_to_binary() { var inputBase = 10; var inputDigits = new[] { 4, 2 }; var outputBase = 2; var expected = new[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Trinary_to_hexadecimal() { var inputBase = 3; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, 1, 2, 0 }; var outputBase = 16; var expected = new[] { 2, 10 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Hexadecimal_to_trinary() { var inputBase = 16; var inputDigits = new[] { 2, 10 }; var outputBase = 3; var expected = new[] { 1, 1, 2, 0 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Number_15_bit_integer() { var inputBase = 97; var inputDigits = new[] { 3, 46, 60 }; var outputBase = 73; var expected = new[] { 6, 10, 45 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Empty_list() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new int[0]; var outputBase = 10; var expected = new[] { 0 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Single_zero() { var inputBase = 10; var inputDigits = new[] { 0 }; var outputBase = 2; var expected = new[] { 0 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Multiple_zeros() { var inputBase = 10; var inputDigits = new[] { 0, 0, 0 }; var outputBase = 2; var expected = new[] { 0 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Leading_zeros() { var inputBase = 7; var inputDigits = new[] { 0, 6, 0 }; var outputBase = 10; var expected = new[] { 4, 2 }; Assert.Equal(expected, AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Input_base_is_one() { var inputBase = 1; var inputDigits = new int[0]; var outputBase = 10; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Input_base_is_zero() { var inputBase = 0; var inputDigits = new int[0]; var outputBase = 10; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Input_base_is_negative() { var inputBase = -2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1 }; var outputBase = 10; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Negative_digit() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; var outputBase = 10; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Invalid_positive_digit() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; var outputBase = 10; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Output_base_is_one() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; var outputBase = 1; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Output_base_is_zero() { var inputBase = 10; var inputDigits = new[] { 7 }; var outputBase = 0; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Output_base_is_negative() { var inputBase = 2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1 }; var outputBase = -7; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")] public void Both_bases_are_negative() { var inputBase = -2; var inputDigits = new[] { 1 }; var outputBase = -7; Assert.Throws(() => AllYourBase.Rebase(inputBase, inputDigits, outputBase)); } }