require 'macroape' require 'yaml' module Macroape module CLI module PreprocessCollection def self.main(argv) help_string = %q{ Command-line format: ruby preprocess_collection.rb [options] Options: [-p ] [-d ] [-b ] [-o ] [--silent] - don't show current progress information during scan (by default this information's written into stderr) [--pcm] - treats your input motifs as PCM-s. Motifs are converted to PWMs internally so output is the same as for according PWMs The tool stores preprocessed Macroape collection to the specified YAML-file. Example: ruby preprocess_collection.rb ./motifs -p 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 -d 1 10 -b 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 -o collection.yaml } if argv.empty? || ['-h', '--h', '-help', '--help'].any?{|help_option| argv.include?(help_option)} STDERR.puts help_string exit end data_model = argv.delete('--pcm') ? Bioinform::PCM : Bioinform::PWM default_pvalues = [0.0005] background = [1,1,1,1] rough_discretization = 1 precise_discretization = 10 output_file = 'collection.yaml' max_hash_size = 1000000 data_source = argv.shift raise "No input. You'd specify file or folder with pwms" unless data_source raise "Error! File or folder #{data_source} doesn't exist" unless Dir.exist?(data_source) || File.exist?(data_source) || data_source == '.stdin' pvalues = [] silent = false until argv.empty? case argv.shift when '-b' background = argv.shift(4).map(&:to_f) raise 'background should be symmetric: p(A)=p(T) and p(G) = p(C)' unless background == background.reverse when '-p' loop do begin Float(argv.first) pvalues << argv.shift.to_f rescue raise StopIteration end end when '-d' rough_discretization, precise_discretization = argv.shift(2).map(&:to_f).sort when '-o' output_file = argv.shift when '-m' max_hash_size = argv.shift.to_i when '--silent' silent = true end end pvalues = default_pvalues if pvalues.empty? collection =, precise_discretization, background, pvalues) if motifs = Dir.glob(File.join(data_source,'*')).map do |filename| pwm = ||= File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)) pwm end elsif File.file?(data_source) input = motifs = data_model.choose_parser(input).split_on_motifs(input, data_model) elsif data_source == '.stdin' input = $ motifs = data_model.choose_parser(input).split_on_motifs(input, data_model) else raise "Specified data source `#{data_source}` is neither directory nor file nor even .stdin" end pwms = pwms.each_with_index do |pwm,index| STDERR.puts "#{index + 1} -- Name: #{}, Length: #{pwm.length}" unless silent # When support of onefile collections is introduced - then here should be check if name exists. # Otherwise it should skip motif and tell you about this # Also two command line options to fail on skipping or to skip silently should be included info = {rough: {}, precise: {}} pwm.background!(background).max_hash_size!(max_hash_size) pwm.discrete(rough_discretization).thresholds(*pvalues) do |pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue| info[:rough][pvalue] = threshold / rough_discretization end pwm.discrete(precise_discretization).thresholds(*pvalues) do |pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue| info[:precise][pvalue] = threshold / precise_discretization end collection.add_pwm(pwm, info) end,'w') do |f| f.puts(collection.to_yaml) end rescue => err STDERR.puts "\n#{err}\n#{err.backtrace.first(5).join("\n")}\n\nUse -help option for help\n" end end end end