require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'Double routes' do let :test_double do { :fullpath => '/api/google?a=5', :content => 'some awesome content', :verb => 'POST', :status => '201' } end let :valid_params do { 'double[fullpath]' => test_double[:fullpath], 'double[content]' => test_double[:content], 'double[verb]' => test_double[:verb], 'double[status]' => test_double[:status] } end let :invalid_params do valid_params.except('double[fullpath]') end describe "through ui", :ui => true do it "shows doubles page by default" do visit '/' current_path.should == '/doubles' end it "shows list of doubles" do f = Double.create test_double visit '/doubles' page.should have_content(f.fullpath) end it "shows form for creating new double" do visit '/doubles/new' page.should have_css('#double_fullpath') page.should have_css('#double_content') page.should have_css('#double_description') end it "creates double" do post '/doubles', valid_params follow_redirect! last_request.fullpath.should == '/doubles' last_response.body.should =~ /Double created/ Double.exists?(test_double).should be true end it "reports failure when creating with invalid parameters" do post '/doubles', invalid_params last_response.should be_ok last_response.body.should =~ /Crumps!.*Fullpath can't be blank/ end it "brings up double edit form" do f = Double.create test_double visit "/doubles/#{}/edit" find('#double_fullpath').value.should == f.fullpath find('#double_content').value.should == f.content end it "updates double" do f = Double.create test_double put "/doubles/#{}", 'double[fullpath]' => '/some/other/api' follow_redirect! last_request.fullpath.should == '/doubles' last_response.body.should =~ /Double updated/ f.reload.fullpath.should == '/some/other/api' end it "chooses active double" do f = Double.create test_double.merge!(:active => false) ajax "/doubles/#{}", :as => :put, :active => true last_response.should be_ok last_response.body.should == 'Changed' end it "deletes double" do f = Double.create test_double delete "/doubles/#{}" follow_redirect! last_response.should be_ok last_response.body.should =~ /Double deleted/ Double.exists?(test_double).should be_false end end describe "through REST api", :ui => false do it "creates double" do post '/doubles', test_double last_response.should be_ok Double.exists?(test_double).should be_true end it "reports failure when creating with invalid parameters" do post '/doubles', test_double.except(:fullpath) last_response.should_not be_ok last_response.body.should =~ /\{"fullpath":\["can't be blank"\]\}/ end it "deletes all doubles" do Double.create test_double delete '/doubles/all' last_response.should be_ok Double.count.should == 0 end end describe 'through REST (ActiveResource compatible) json api', :ui => false do it "creates double as AR resource" do post '/doubles.json', { :double => test_double }.to_json, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'Application/json' last_response.should be_ok Double.exists?(test_double).should be_true last_response.body.should == Double.where(test_double).first.to_json end it "reports failure when creating with invalid parameters" do post '/doubles.json', { :double => test_double.except(:fullpath) }.to_json, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'Application/json' last_response.should_not be_ok last_response.body.should =~ /\{"fullpath":\["can't be blank"\]\}/ end it 'loads double as AR resource' do d = Double.create test_double get "/doubles/#{}.json", 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'Application/json' last_response.should be_ok last_response.body.should == d.to_json(:include => :requests) end it '404s if double is not found' do get "/doubles/345345.json", 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'Application/json' last_response.status.should == 404 end end end