module Metanorma module Ogc class Converter < Standoc::Converter def validate(doc) content_validate(doc) schema_validate(formattedstr_strip(doc.dup), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "ogc.rng")) end def title_validate(_root) nil end def content_validate(doc) super bibdata_validate(doc.root) end def bibdata_validate(doc) stage_validate(doc) version_validate(doc) end def stage_validate(xmldoc) @doctype == "engineering-report" and return stage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text %w(draft swg-draft oab-review public-rfc tc-vote work-item-draft approved deprecated retired rescinded legacy).include? stage or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{stage} is not a recognised status") stage_type_validate(stage, @doctype) end def stage_type_validate(stage, doctype) err = case doctype when "standard", "abstract-specification-topic", "draft-standard" %w(draft work-item-draft).include?(stage) when "community-standard" %w(draft swg-draft).include?(stage) when "best-practice", "community-practice" %w(draft swg-draft work-item-draft).include?(stage) else %w(swg-draft oab-review public-rfc tc-vote work-item-draft deprecated rescinded legacy).include?(stage) end err and @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{stage} is not an allowed status for #{doctype}") end def version_validate(xmldoc) version ="//bibdata/edition")&.text if %w(engineering-report discussion-paper).include? @doctype version.nil? or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "Version not permitted for #{@doctype}") else version.nil? and @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "Version required for #{@doctype}") end end def execsummary_validate(xmldoc) sect ="//clause[@type = 'executivesummary']") @doctype == "engineering-report" && sect.nil? and @log.add("Style", nil, "Executive Summary required for Engineering Reports!") @doctype != "engineering-report" && !sect.nil? and @log.add("Style", nil, "Executive Summary only allowed for Engineering Reports!") end def section_validate(doc) preface_sequence_validate(doc.root) execsummary_validate(doc.root) sections_sequence_validate(doc.root) super end STANDARDTYPE = %w{standard standard-with-suite abstract-specification community-standard profile}.freeze # spec of permissible section sequence # we skip normative references, it goes to end of list SEQ = [ { msg: "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) Scope", val: ["./self::clause[@type = 'scope']"], }, { msg: "Scope must be followed by Conformance", val: ["./self::clause[@type = 'conformance']"], }, { msg: "Normative References must be followed by " \ "Terms and Definitions", val: ["./self::terms | .//terms"], }, ].freeze def seqcheck(names, msg, accepted) n = names.shift return [] if n.nil? test = { |a| } if test.all?(&:nil?) @log.add("Style", nil, msg) end names end def sections_sequence_validate(root) return unless STANDARDTYPE.include?(@doctype) names = root.xpath("//sections/* | //bibliography/*") names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[0][:msg], SEQ[0][:val]) names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[1][:msg], SEQ[1][:val]) names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[2][:msg], SEQ[2][:val]) n = names.shift if n&.at("./self::definitions") n = names.shift end if n.nil? || != "clause" @log.add("Style", nil, "Document must contain at least one clause") return end"//references | //clause[descendant::references]" \ "[not(parent::clause)]") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Normative References are mandatory") end def preface_sequence_validate(root) @doctype == "engineering-report" and return"//preface/abstract") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Abstract is missing!")"//bibdata/keyword | //bibdata/ext/keyword") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Keywords are missing!")"//foreword") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Preface is missing!")"//bibdata/contributor[role/@type = 'author']/organization/" \ "name") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Submitting Organizations is missing!")"//submitters") or @log.add("Style", nil, "Submitters is missing!") end def norm_ref_validate(doc) @doctype == "engineering-report" or return super doc.xpath("//references[@normative = 'true']").each do |b| @log.add("Bibliography", b, "Engineering report should not contain normative references") end end end end end