module MaropostApi ## # Contains methods that get Contacts based on provided parameters. # The method names themselves reveal the type of reports they are getting. class Contacts ## # Creates a new instance of Reports class. # @param account [Integer] is authentic user account id (Integer) provided by # @param api_key [String] is the auth token (String) that is validated on the server to authenticate the user def initialize(account = ENV["ACCOUNT"], api_key = ENV["API_KEY"]) MaropostApi.instance_variable_set(:@api_key, api_key) MaropostApi.instance_variable_set(:@account, account) end ## # gets contact for the provided # @param email [String] must be an email def get_for_email(email) full_path = full_resource_path("/email") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({"contact[email]" => email}) MaropostApi.get_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # gets opens for the provided # @param contact_id [Integer] unique id of the contact # @param page [Integer] number that decides which page or result to retrieve def get_opens(contact_id, page) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{contact_id}/open_report") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({page: page}) MaropostApi.get_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # gets clicks for the provided # @param contact_id [Integer] unique id of the contact # @param page [Integer] number that decides which page or result to retrieve def get_clicks(contact_id, page) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{contact_id}/click_report") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({page: page}) MaropostApi.get_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # gets contacts for the provided # @param list_id [Integer] unique id of the list # @param page [Integer] number that decides which page or result to retrieve def get_for_list(list_id, page) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts", 'lists') query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({page: page}) MaropostApi.get_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # gets contacts for the provided # @param list_id [Integer] unique id of the list # @param contact_id [Integer] unique contact id def get_contact_for_list(list_id, contact_id) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts/#{contact_id}", 'lists') query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params MaropostApi.get_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # creates a contact # @param email [String] must be an email # @param first_name [String] Contact First Name # @param last_name [String] Contact Last Name # @param phone [String] Contact's phone number # @param fax [String] Contacts' fax number # @param uid [String] Unique identifier # @param custom_field [Hash] list of custom_fields addable for the new contact # @param add_tags [Array] list of tags to be added to the contact # @param remove_tags [Array] list of tags to be removed from the contact # @param remove_from_dnm [Boolean] decides whether to remove contact from dnm or not # @param options [Hash] Key value pairs containing other different properties for the new contact def create_contact( email, first_name, last_name, phone, fax, uid = nil, custom_field = {}, add_tags = [], remove_tags = [], remove_from_dnm = false, **options ) args = method(__method__).parameters body = {contact: {}} args.each do |arg| k = arg[1].to_s v = eval(k) body[:contact][k] = v unless v.nil? end # p body path = full_resource_path() MaropostApi.post_result(path, body) end ## # creates a contact # @param list_id [Integer] id of the list for which to update/create contact # @param email [String] must be an email # @param first_name [String] Contact First Name # @param last_name [String] Contact Last Name # @param phone [String] Contact's phone number # @param fax [String] Contacts' fax number # @param uid [String] Unique identifier # @param custom_field [Hash] list of custom_fields addable for the new contact # @param add_tags [Array] list of tags to be added to the contact # @param remove_tags [Array] list of tags to be removed from the contact # @param remove_from_dnm [Boolean] decides whether to remove contact from dnm or not # @param subscribe [Boolean] Flags the new contact as subscribed def create_or_update_for_list( list_id, email, first_name, last_name, phone, fax, uid = nil, custom_field = {}, add_tags = [], remove_tags = [], remove_from_dnm = true, subscribe = true ) args = method(__method__).parameters body = {contact: {}} args.each do |arg| k = arg[1].to_s next if k == "list_id" v = eval(k) body[:contact][k] = v unless v.nil? end email_existence = get_for_email(email) if email_existence.success contact_id =["id"] full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts/#{contact_id}", "lists") MaropostApi.put_result(full_path, body) else full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts", "lists") MaropostApi.post_result(full_path, body) end end ## # creates a contact # @param email [String] must be an email # @param first_name [String] Contact First Name # @param last_name [String] Contact Last Name # @param phone [String] Contact's phone number # @param fax [String] Contacts' fax number # @param uid [String] Unique identifier # @param custom_field [Hash] list of custom_fields addable for the new contact # @param add_tags [Array] list of tags to be added to the contact # @param remove_tags [Array] list of tags to be removed from the contact # @param remove_from_dnm [Boolean] decides whether to remove contact from dnm or not # @param options [Hash] Key value pairs containing other different properties for the new contact def create_or_update_for_lists_and_workflows( email, first_name, last_name, phone, fax, uid = nil, custom_field = {}, add_tags = [], remove_tags = [], remove_from_dnm = true, **options ) args = method(__method__).parameters body = {contact: {}} args.each do |arg| k = arg[1].to_s v = eval(k) body[:contact][k] = v unless v.nil? end email_existence = get_for_email email if email_existence.success contact_id =["id"] full_path = full_resource_path("/#{contact_id}") body[:contact].delete("options") body[:contact]["subscribe"] = options[:subscribe] if options.has_key? :subscribe MaropostApi.put_result(full_path, body) else full_path = full_resource_path MaropostApi.post_result(full_path, body) end end ## # creates a contact # @param list_id [Integer] id of the list for which to update/create contact # @param email [String] must be an email # @param first_name [String] Contact First Name # @param last_name [String] Contact Last Name # @param phone [String] Contact's phone number # @param fax [String] Contacts' fax number # @param uid [String] Unique identifier # @param custom_field [Hash] list of custom_fields addable for the new contact # @param add_tags [Array] list of tags to be added to the contact # @param remove_tags [Array] list of tags to be removed from the contact # @param remove_from_dnm [Boolean] decides whether to remove contact from dnm or not # @param subscribe [Boolean] Flags the new contact as subscribed def update_for_list_and_contact( list_id, contact_id, email, first_name, last_name, phone, fax, uid = nil, custom_field = {}, add_tags = [], remove_tags = [], remove_from_dnm = true, subscribe = true ) args = method(__method__).parameters body = {contact: {}} args.each do |arg| k = arg[1].to_s next if ["list_id", "contact_id"].include? k v = eval(k) body[:contact][k] = v unless v.nil? end full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts/#{contact_id}", "lists") MaropostApi.put_result(full_path, body) end ## # unsubscribes all those contacts matching # @param contact_field_value [String|Integer] the value of the contact field name # @param contact_field_name [String|Integer] the name of the field to query the contact for def unsubscribe_all(contact_field_value, contact_field_name) full_path = full_resource_path('/unsubscribe_all') query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({"contact[#{contact_field_name}]" => contact_field_value}) MaropostApi.put_result(full_path, {}, query_params) end ## # deletes contact from all the lists # @param email [String] gets deleted if matches the value provided def delete_from_all_lists(email) full_path = full_resource_path('/delete_all') query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({"contact[email]" => email}) MaropostApi.delete_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # deletes contact from list # @param contact_id [Integer] Contact id to delete # @param list_to_delete_from [Integer] List id def delete_from_lists(contact_id, lists_to_delete_from) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{contact_id}") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({'list_ids' => lists_to_delete_from.join(',')}) MaropostApi.delete_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # deletes contact for uid # @param uid [String] unique identifier def delete_contact_for_uid(uid) full_path = full_resource_path("/delete_all") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params({"uid" => uid}) MaropostApi.delete_result(full_path, query_params) end ## # deletes list for the given contact # @param list_id [Integer] List ID # @param contact_id [Integer] Contact ID def delete_list_contact(list_id, contact_id) full_path = full_resource_path("/#{list_id}/contacts/#{contact_id}", "lists") query_params = MaropostApi.set_query_params MaropostApi.delete_result(full_path, query_params) end private def full_resource_path(specifics = '', root_resource = 'contacts') account = MaropostApi.instance_variable_get(:@account) "/accounts/#{account}/#{root_resource}" << specifics end end end