# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values.
# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup).
# Examples:
# cities = City.create([{ :name => 'Chicago' }, { :name => 'Copenhagen' }])
# Mayor.create(:name => 'Daley', :city => cities.first)
Cms::Site.create(:id => 1, :label => 'localhost', :identifier => 'localhost', :hostname => 'localhost:3000');
Cms::Site.create(:id => 2, :label => 'myimathstesting', :identifier => 'myimathstesting', :hostname => 'myimathstesting.com:3000');
Cms::Layout.create(:id => 1, :site_id => 1, :label => 'application', :identifier => 'application_localhost',
:content => '
{{ cms:page:title:string }}
{{ cms:page:content:rich_text }}
Cms::Layout.create(:id => 2, :site_id => 1, :label => 'index', :identifier => 'index_localhost',
:content => '
{{ cms:page:content }}
Cms::Page.create({:id => 1, :site_id => 1, :layout_id => 2, :label => 'root', :full_path => '/',
:content => '
', :children_count => 3, :is_published => 1, :is_shared => 0}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Page.create({:id => 2, :site_id => 1, :layout_id => 2, :label => 'index-cms',:slug => 'index-cms', :full_path => '/index-cms',
:content => '
[index content]
', :children_count => 0, :is_published => 1, :is_shared => 0}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Page.create({:id => 3, :site_id => 1, :layout_id => 1, :label => 'about',:slug => 'about', :full_path => '/about',
:content => '
about title
[about content]
', :children_count => 0, :is_published => 1, :is_shared => 0}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Page.create({:id => 4, :site_id => 1, :layout_id => 1, :label => 'contact',:slug => 'contact', :full_path => '/contact',
:content => '
contact us
[contact us]
', :children_count => 0, :is_published => 1, :is_shared => 0}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Snippet.create({:id => 1, :site_id => 1, :label => 'header', :identifier => 'header',
:content => '[header snippet goes here]', :is_shared => 1}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Snippet.create({:id => 2, :site_id => 1, :label => 'footer', :identifier => 'footer',
:content => '[footer snippet goes here]', :is_shared => 1}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Snippet.create({:id => 3, :site_id => 1, :label => 'login_form', :identifier => 'login-form',
:content => '', :is_shared => 1}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Category.create({:id => 1, :site_id => 1, :label => 'carousel', :categorized_type => 'Cms::File'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Category.create({:id => 2, :site_id => 1, :label => 'carousel', :categorized_type => 'Cms::Page'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Category.create({:id => 3, :site_id => 1, :label => 'carousel', :categorized_type => 'Cms::Snippet'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Categorization.create({:id => 1, :category_id => 2, :categorized_type => 'Cms::File', :categorized_id => 1}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Categorization.create({:id => 2, :category_id => 2, :categorized_type => 'Cms::File', :categorized_id => 2}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 1, :page_id => 1, :identifier => 'content', :content => 'root'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 2, :page_id => 2, :identifier => 'content', :content => '[index content]'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 3, :page_id => 3, :identifier => 'title', :content => 'about title'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 4, :page_id => 3, :identifier => 'content', :content => '[about content]'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 5, :page_id => 4, :identifier => 'title', :content => 'contact us'}, :without_protection => true);
Cms::Block.create({:id => 6, :page_id => 4, :identifier => 'content', :content => '[contact us]'}, :without_protection => true);