require 'spec/spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord do describe '.define_index' do before :each do module ::TestModule class TestModel < ActiveRecord::Base; end end TestModule::TestModel.stub_methods( :before_save => true, :after_commit => true, :after_destroy => true ) @index = ThinkingSphinx::Index.stub_instance(:delta? => false) ThinkingSphinx::Index::Builder.stub_method(:generate => @index) end after :each do # Remove the class so we can redefine it TestModule.send(:remove_const, :TestModel) ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.delete "TestModule::TestModel" end it "should do nothing if indexes are disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:define_indexes? => false) TestModule::TestModel.define_index {} ThinkingSphinx::Index.should_not have_received(:new) ThinkingSphinx.unstub_method(:define_indexes?) end it "should add a new index to the model" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index {} TestModule::TestModel.sphinx_indexes.length.should == 1 end it "should add to ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models if the model doesn't already exist in the array" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.should include("TestModule::TestModel") end it "shouldn't add to ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models if the model already exists in the array" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end { |model| model == "TestModule::TestModel" }.length.should == 1 TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end { |model| model == "TestModule::TestModel" }.length.should == 1 end it "should add before_save and after_commit hooks to the model if delta indexing is enabled" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end TestModule::TestModel.should have_received(:before_save).with(:toggle_delta) TestModule::TestModel.should have_received(:after_commit).with(:index_delta) end it "should not add before_save and after_commit hooks to the model if delta indexing is disabled" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end TestModule::TestModel.should_not have_received(:before_save).with(:toggle_delta) TestModule::TestModel.should_not have_received(:after_commit).with(:index_delta) end it "should add an after_destroy hook with delta indexing enabled" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end TestModule::TestModel.should have_received(:after_destroy).with(:toggle_deleted) end it "should add an after_destroy hook with delta indexing disabled" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index do; end TestModule::TestModel.should have_received(:after_destroy).with(:toggle_deleted) end it "should return the new index" do TestModule::TestModel.define_index.should == @index end it "should die quietly if there is a database error" do ThinkingSphinx::Index::Builder.stub_method_to_raise(:generate => Mysql::Error) lambda { TestModule::TestModel.define_index }.should_not raise_error end it "should die noisily if there is a non-database error" do ThinkingSphinx::Index::Builder.stub_method_to_raise(:generate => StandardError) lambda { TestModule::TestModel.define_index }.should raise_error end end describe "index methods" do before(:all) do @person = Person.find(:first) end describe "in_both_indexes?" do it "should return true if in core and delta indexes" do @person.should_receive(:in_core_index?).and_return(true) @person.should_receive(:in_delta_index?).and_return(true) @person.in_both_indexes?.should be_true end it "should return false if in one index and not the other" do @person.should_receive(:in_core_index?).and_return(true) @person.should_receive(:in_delta_index?).and_return(false) @person.in_both_indexes?.should be_false end end describe "in_core_index?" do it "should call in_index? with core" do @person.should_receive(:in_index?).with('core') @person.in_core_index? end end describe "in_delta_index?" do it "should call in_index? with delta" do @person.should_receive(:in_index?).with('delta') @person.in_delta_index? end end describe "in_index?" do it "should return true if in the specified index" do @person.should_receive(:sphinx_document_id).and_return(1) @person.should_receive(:sphinx_index_name).and_return('person_core') Person.should_receive(:search_for_id).with(1, 'person_core').and_return(true) @person.in_index?('core').should be_true end end end describe '.source_of_sphinx_index' do it "should return self if model defines an index" do Person.source_of_sphinx_index.should == Person end it "should return the parent if model inherits an index" do Admin::Person.source_of_sphinx_index.should == Person end end describe '.to_crc32' do it "should return an integer" do Person.to_crc32.should be_a_kind_of(Integer) end end describe '.to_crc32s' do it "should return an array" do Person.to_crc32s.should be_a_kind_of(Array) end end describe "toggle_deleted method" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:sphinx_running? => true) @configuration = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance @configuration.stub_methods( :address => "an address", :port => 123 ) @client = @client.stub!(:update => true) @person = Person.find(:first) Riddle::Client.stub_method(:new => @client) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => false) } @person.stub_method(:in_core_index? => true) end it "should create a client using the Configuration's address and port" do @person.toggle_deleted Riddle::Client.should have_received(:new).with( @configuration.address, @configuration.port ) end it "should update the core index's deleted flag if in core index" do @client.should_receive(:update).with( "person_core", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "shouldn't update the core index's deleted flag if the record isn't in it" do @person.stub_method(:in_core_index? => false) @client.should_not_receive(:update).with( "person_core", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "shouldn't attempt to update the deleted flag if sphinx isn't running" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:sphinx_running? => false) @client.should_not_receive(:update) @person.toggle_deleted @person.should_not have_received(:in_core_index?) end it "should update the delta index's deleted flag if delta indexes are enabled and the instance's delta is true" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => true) } = true @client.should_receive(:update).with( "person_delta", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "should not update the delta index's deleted flag if delta indexes are enabled and the instance's delta is false" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => true) } = false @client.should_not_receive(:update).with( "person_delta", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "should not update the delta index's deleted flag if delta indexes are enabled and the instance's delta is equivalent to false" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => true) } = 0 @client.should_not_receive(:update).with( "person_delta", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "shouldn't update the delta index if delta indexes are disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true) @client.should_not_receive(:update).with( "person_delta", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "should not update the delta index if delta indexing is disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => false) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => true) } = true @client.should_not_receive(:update).with( "person_delta", ["sphinx_deleted"], {@person.sphinx_document_id => 1} ) @person.toggle_deleted end it "should not update either index if updates are disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_methods( :updates_enabled? => false, :deltas_enabled => true ) Person.sphinx_indexes.each { |index| index.stub_method(:delta? => true) } = true @client.should_not_receive(:update) @person.toggle_deleted end end describe "sphinx_indexes in the inheritance chain (STI)" do it "should hand defined indexes on a class down to its child classes" do Child.sphinx_indexes.should include(*Person.sphinx_indexes) end it "should allow associations to other STI models" do source = Child.sphinx_indexes.last.sources.first sql = source.to_riddle_for_core(0, 0).sql_query sql.gsub!('$start', '0').gsub!('$end', '100') lambda { Child.connection.execute(sql) }.should_not raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end end it "should return the sphinx document id as expected" do person = Person.find(:first) model_count = ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.length offset = ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.index("Person") ( * model_count + offset).should == person.sphinx_document_id alpha = Alpha.find(:first) offset = ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.index("Alpha") ( * model_count + offset).should == alpha.sphinx_document_id beta = Beta.find(:first) offset = ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.index("Beta") ( * model_count + offset).should == beta.sphinx_document_id end describe '#primary_key_for_sphinx' do before :each do @person = Person.find(:first) end after :each do Person.set_sphinx_primary_key nil end it "should return the id by default" do @person.primary_key_for_sphinx.should == end it "should use the sphinx primary key to determine the value" do Person.set_sphinx_primary_key :first_name @person.primary_key_for_sphinx.should == @person.first_name end it "should not use accessor methods but the attributes hash" do id = @person.stub!(:id => 'unique_hash') @person.primary_key_for_sphinx.should == id end end describe '.sphinx_index_names' do it "should return the core index" do Alpha.sphinx_index_names.should == ['alpha_core'] end it "should return the delta index if enabled" do Beta.sphinx_index_names.should == ['beta_core', 'beta_delta'] end it "should return the superclass with an index definition" do Parent.sphinx_index_names.should == ['person_core', 'person_delta'] end end end