require 'singleton' require 'json' module Datapimp class Configuration include Singleton DefaultSettings = { manifest_filename: "datapimp.json", github_username: '', github_organization: '', github_app_key: '', github_app_secret: '', github_access_token: '', dnsimple_api_token: '', dnsimple_username: '', dropbox_app_key: '', dropbox_app_secret: '', dropbox_app_type: 'sandbox', dropbox_client_token: '', dropbox_client_secret: '', aws_access_key_id: '', aws_secret_access_key: '', aws_region: 'us-east-1', google_client_id: '', google_client_secret: '', google_refresh_token: '', google_access_token: '' } def current(using_environment = true) @current ||= calculate_config(using_environment) end def self.method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if instance.respond_to?(meth) return instance.send meth, *args, &block end nil end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if current.key?(meth.to_s) return current.fetch(meth) end super end def initialize!(fresh=false) return if home_config_path.exist? && !fresh FileUtils.mkdir_p home_config_path.dirname"w+") do |fh| fh.write(DefaultSettings.to_json) end end def deploy_manifests_path Pathname(home_config_path.dirname).join("deploy-manifests").tap do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless dir.exist? end end def manifest_filename "datapimp.json" end def dnsimple_setup? dnsimple_api_token.to_s.length > 0 && dnsimple_username.to_s.length > 0 end def dropbox_setup? dropbox_app_key.to_s.length > 0 && dropbox_app_secret.to_s.length > 0 end def google_setup? google_client_secret.to_s.length > 0 && google_client_id.to_s.length > 0 end def amazon_setup? aws_access_key_id.to_s.length > 0 && aws_secret_access_key.to_s.length > 0 end def show current.each do |p| key, value = p unless key == 'sites_directory' puts "#{key}: #{ value.inspect }" end end end def primary_config cwd_config_path.exist? ? cwd_config : home_config end def get(setting) setting = setting.to_s.downcase primary_config[setting] end def set(setting, value, persist = true, options={}) setting = setting.to_s.downcase primary_config[setting] = value save! if persist == true value end def apply_all(options={}) current.merge!(options) end def unset(setting, persist = true) primary_config.delete(setting) save! if persist == true end def defaults DefaultSettings.dup end def calculate_config(using_environment = true) @current = defaults.merge(home_config.merge(cwd_config.merge(applied_config))).to_mash if ENV['DATAPIMP_CONFIG_EXTRA'].to_s.length > 0 extra_config = Datapimp::Util.load_config_file(ENV['DATAPIMP_CONFIG_EXTRA']) @current.merge!(extra_config) if extra_config.is_a?(Hash) end (defaults.keys + home_config.keys + cwd_config.keys).uniq.each do |key| upper = key.to_s.upcase if ENV[upper] @current[key] = ENV[upper] end end if using_environment @current end def apply_config(hash={}) applied_config.merge!(hash) current.merge(applied_config) end def apply_config_from_path(path) path = Pathname(path) parsed = JSON.parse( rescue {} applied_config.merge!(parsed) nil end def save! save_home_config save_cwd_config @current = nil true end def save_cwd_config return nil unless cwd_config_path.exist?, 'w+') do |fh| fh.write JSON.generate(cwd_config.to_hash) end end def save_home_config, 'w+') do |fh| fh.write JSON.generate(home_config.to_hash) end end # Applied config is configuration values passed in context # usually from the cli, but also in the unit tests def applied_config @applied_config ||= {} end def cwd_config @cwd_config ||= begin (cwd_config_path.exist? rescue false) ? JSON.parse( : {} rescue {} end end def home_config initialize! unless home_config_path.exist? @home_config ||= begin (home_config_path.exist? rescue false) ? JSON.parse( : {} rescue {} end end def home_config_path= value @home_config_path = Pathname(value) end def home_config_path @home_config_path || Pathname(ENV['HOME']).join(".datapimp", manifest_filename) end def cwd_config_path= value @cwd_config_path = Pathname(value) end def cwd_config_path @cwd_config_path || Pathname(Datapimp.pwd).join(manifest_filename) end end end