module Govspeak class PostProcessor @extensions = [] class << self attr_reader :extensions end def self.process(html, govspeak_document) new(html, govspeak_document).output end def self.extension(title, &block) @extensions << [title, block] end extension("add class to last p of blockquote") do |document| document.css("blockquote p:last-child").map do |el| el[:class] = "last-child" end end # This "fix" here is tied into the rendering of images as one of the # pre-processor tasks. As images can be created inside block level elements # it's possible that their block level elements can be HTML entity escaped # to produce "valid" HTML. # # This sucks for us as we spit the user out HTML elements. # # This fix reverses this, and of course, totally sucks because it's tightly # coupled to the `render_image` code and it really isn't cool to undo HTML # entity encoding. extension("fix image attachment escaping") do |document| document.css("figure.image").map do |el| xml = el.children.to_s next unless xml =~ /<div class="img">|<figcaption>/ el.children = xml .gsub( %r{<(div class="img")>(.*?)<(/div)>}, "<\\1>\\2<\\3>", ) .gsub( %r{<(figcaption)>(.*?)<(/figcaption&)gt;}, "<\\1>\\2<\\3>", ) end end extension("embed attachment HTML") do |document| document.css("govspeak-embed-attachment").map do |el| attachment = govspeak_document.attachments.detect { |a| a[:id] == el["id"] } unless attachment el.remove next end attachment_html = GovukPublishingComponents.render( "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment", attachment: attachment, locale: govspeak_document.locale, ) el.swap(attachment_html) end end extension("embed attachment link HTML") do |document| document.css("govspeak-embed-attachment-link").map do |el| attachment = govspeak_document.attachments.detect { |a| a[:id] == el["id"] } unless attachment el.remove next end attachment_html = GovukPublishingComponents.render( "govuk_publishing_components/components/attachment_link", attachment: attachment, locale: govspeak_document.locale, ) el.swap(attachment_html) end end extension("Add table headers and row / column scopes") do |document| document.css("thead th").map do |el| el.content = el.content.gsub(/^# /, "") el.content = el.content.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, "") if el.content.blank? # Removes a strange whitespace in the cell if the cell is already blank. = "td" if el.content.blank? # This prevents a `th` with nothing inside it; a `td` is preferable. el[:scope] = "col" if el.content.present? # `scope` shouldn't be used if there's nothing in the table heading. end document.css(":not(thead) tr td:first-child").map do |el| next unless el.content.match?(/^#($|\s.*$)/) # Replace '# ' and '#', but not '#Word'. # This runs on the first child of the element to preserve any links el.children.first.content = el.children.first.content.gsub(/^#($|\s)/, "") = "th" if el.content.present? # This also prevents a `th` with nothing inside it; a `td` is preferable. el[:scope] = "row" if el.content.present? # `scope` shouldn't be used if there's nothing in the table heading. end end extension("use gem component for buttons") do |document| document.css(".govuk-button").map do |el| button_html = GovukPublishingComponents.render( "govuk_publishing_components/components/button", text: el.content, href: el["href"], start: el["data-start"], data_attributes: { module: el["data-module"], "tracking-code": el["data-tracking-code"], "tracking-name": el["data-tracking-name"], }, ).squish.gsub("> <", "><").gsub!(/\s+/, " ") el.swap(button_html) end end extension("use custom footnotes") do |document| document.css("a.footnote").map do |el| footnote_number = el[:href].gsub(/\D/, "") el.content = "[footnote #{footnote_number}]" end document.css("[role='doc-backlink']").map do |el| backlink_number = " #{el.css('sup')[0].content}" if el.css("sup")[0].present? el["aria-label"] = "go to where this is referenced#{backlink_number}" end end attr_reader :input, :govspeak_document def initialize(html, govspeak_document) @input = html @govspeak_document = govspeak_document end def output document = nokogiri_document self.class.extensions.each do |_, block| instance_exec(document, &block) end document.to_html end private def nokogiri_document doc = doc.encoding = "UTF-8" doc.fragment(input) end end end