/* =================================================================
 Copyright (C) 2000-2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 02111-1307, USA.
 ================================================================= */
#include "nsTable.h"

namespace bzs
namespace db
namespace protocol
namespace tdap
namespace client

#define TABLE_NUM_TMP 512

/* field size for validation.
enum eFieldQuery

class DLLLIB dbdef : private nstable
    friend class database;
    struct dbdimple* m_dimpl;
    dbdef(const dbdef&);
    dbdef& operator=(const dbdef&);

    bool isUsedField(short tableIndex, short deleteIndex);
    void renumberFieldNum(short tableIndex, short Index, short op);
    bool resizeAt(short tableIndex, bool key);
    void moveById(short id);
    bool validLen(uchar_td FieldType, uint_td FieldLen);
    bool isPassKey(uchar_td FieldType);
    void openDdf(const _TCHAR* dir, short Mode, const _TCHAR* OwnerName);
    void createDDF(const _TCHAR* fullpath);
    void saveDDF(short tableIndex, short opration, bool forPsqlDdf = true);
    ushort_td getDDFNewTableIndex();
    ushort_td getDDFNewFieldIndex();
    void doOpen(const _TCHAR* uri, char_td mode = 0,
                const _TCHAR* ownername = NULL);
    void doClose();
    keylen_td writeKeyData();
    void writeRecordData(){};
    void onReadAfter(){};
    void drop();
    inline nstable* table() { return this; }
    inline fielddef_t_my& convert(fielddef_t_my& fd_my,
                                  const fielddef_t_pv& fd_pv);
    void tableDefCopy(tabledef* dest, const tabledef* src, size_t size);

    dbdef(nsdatabase* pbe, short defType, short mode);
    void create(const _TCHAR* uri);
    void autoMakeSchema(bool noUseNullkey);
    bool testTablePtr(tabledef* td);
    tabledef* initReadAfter(short tableIndex, const tabledef* data, uint_td datalen);
    void* getBufferPtr(uint_td& size);
    bool setDefaultImage(short tableIndex, const uchar_td* p, ushort_td size);
    bool addSchemaImage(const tabledef* p, ushort_td size, short& tableIndex);
    void allocDatabuffer();
    using nstable::addref;
    using nstable::release;
    using nstable::refCount;
    short tableCount() const;
    void* relateData() const;
    short openMode() const;
    tabledef* tableDefs(int index);
    tabledef** tableDefPtr(int index);
    void setVersion(int v);
    int version() const;

    inline short_td stat() const { return m_stat; }
    short validateTableDef(short tableIndex);
    void updateTableDef(short tableIndex, bool forPsqlDdf = true);
    fielddef* insertField(short tableIndex, short insertIndex);
    void deleteField(short tableIndex, short deleteIndex);
    keydef* insertKey(short tableIndex, short insertIndex);
    void deleteKey(short tableIndex, short deleteIndex);
    void insertTable(tabledef* tableDef);
    void deleteTable(short tableIndex);
    void renumberTable(short oldIndex, short newIndex);
    short tableNumByName(const _TCHAR* tableName);
    void getFileSpec(fileSpec* fs, short tableIndex);
    short findKeynumByFieldNum(short tableIndex, short index);
    short fieldNumByViewNum(short tableIndex, short index);
    short fieldNumByName(short tableIndex, const _TCHAR* name);
    void* allocRelateData(int size);
    uint_td fieldValidLength(eFieldQuery query, uchar_td fieldType);
    void pushBackup(short tableIndex);
    bool compAsBackup(short tableIndex);
    void popBackup(short tableIndex);
    void synchronizeSeverSchema(short tableIndex);

    inline short_td tdapErr(HWND hWnd, _TCHAR* retbuf = NULL)
        return nstable::tdapErr(hWnd, retbuf);

    inline _TCHAR* statMsg(_TCHAR* retbuf)
        nstable::tdapErr(0, retbuf);
        return retbuf;

    void reopen(char_td mode = TD_OPEN_READONLY);
    using nstable::setStat;
    using nstable::mode;

} // namespace client
} // namespace tdap
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace db
} // namespace bzs