unless defined? $__rq_jobrunner__ module RQ #--{{{ LIBDIR = File::dirname(File::expand_path(__FILE__)) + File::SEPARATOR unless defined? LIBDIR require 'drb/drb' require 'yaml' require LIBDIR + 'util' # # the JobRunner class is responsible for pre-forking a process/shell in # which to run a job. this class is utilized by the JobRunnerDaemon so # processes can be forked via a drb proxy to avoid actual forking during an # sqlite transaction - which has undefined behaviour # class JobRunner #--{{{ $VERBOSE = nil include DRbUndumped attr :q attr :job attr :jid attr :cid attr :shell attr :command attr :stdin attr :stdout attr :stderr attr :data alias pid cid def initialize q, job #--{{{ @q = q @job = job @jid = job['jid'] @command = job['command'] @shell = job['shell'] || 'bash' @sh_like = File::basename(@shell) == 'bash' || File::basename(@shell) == 'sh' @r,@w = IO::pipe @env = {} @env["PATH"] = [@q.bin, ENV["PATH"]].join(":") @job.fields.each do |field| key = "RQ_#{ field }".upcase.gsub(%r/\s+/,'_') val = @job[field] val = File.expand_path(File.join(@q.path,val)) if %w( stdin stdout stderr data).include?(field.to_s) @env[key] = "#{ val }" end @env['RQ'] = File.expand_path @q.path @env['RQ_JOB'] = @job.to_hash.to_yaml @stdin = @job['stdin'] @stdout = @job['stdout'] @stderr = @job['stderr'] @data = @job['data'] @stdin &&= File::join @q.path, @stdin # assume path relative to queue @stdout &&= File::join @q.path, @stdout # assume path relative to queue @stderr &&= File::join @q.path, @stderr # assume path relative to queue @data &&= File::join @q.path, @data # assume path relative to queue @cid = Util::fork do @env.each{|k,v| ENV[k] = v} ENV['RQ_PID'] = "#{ $$ }" @w.close STDIN.reopen @r argv = if @sh_like [ [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File::basename(@shell) }__"], '--login' ] else [ [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File::basename(@shell) }__"], '-l' ] end exec *argv end @r.close #--}}} end def run #--{{{ command = @command.gsub %r/#.*/o, '' # kill comments path = @q.bin command = if @sh_like sin = "0<#{ @stdin }" if @stdin sout = "1>#{ @stdout }" if @stdout serr = "2>#{ @stderr }" if @stderr "( PATH=#{ path }:$PATH #{ command } ;) #{ sin } #{ sout } #{ serr }" else sin = "<#{ @stdin }" if @stdin sout = ">#{ @stdout }" if @stdout serr = ">&#{ @stderr }" if @stderr "( ( #{ command } ;) #{ sin } #{ sout } ) #{ serr }" end @w.puts command @w.close #--}}} end #--}}} end # class JobRunner #--}}} end # module RQ $__rq_jobrunner__ = __FILE__ end