require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe ActsAsIcontact::Resource do it "has a RestClient connection" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.connection.url.should == ActsAsIcontact.connection['resources'].url end it "can return all resources for the given URL" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.all.count.should == 12 end it "can return the first resource" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.first.should be_a_kind_of(ActsAsIcontact::Resource) end describe "find method" do it "returns a ResourceCollection when given :all" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:all) r.should be_a_kind_of(ActsAsIcontact::ResourceCollection) end it "returns a Resource when given :first" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:first) r.should be_a_kind_of(ActsAsIcontact::Resource) end it "understands the :limit option" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:all, :limit => 5) == "bar" r[4].foo.should == "dar" r.count.should == 5 end it "understands the :offset option" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:all, :offset => 5) r.count.should == 7 == "ear" r[6].foo.should == "yar" end it "understands multiple options together (:limit and :offset)" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:all, :offset => 5, :limit => 5) == "ear" r[4].foo.should == "jar" r.count.should == 5 end it "returns fewer than the limit if it hits the end of the collection" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.find(:all, :offset => 10, :limit => 5) r.count.should == 2 == "kar" r[1].foo.should == "yar" end end it "knows its properties" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.first == "bar" end it "knows its id if it's not new" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.first == 1 end it "does not have an id if it's new" do r ="foo" => "bar") be_nil end it "has its own connection if it's not new" do r = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.first r.connection.url.should == ActsAsIcontact.connection['resources/1'].url end it "does not have a connection if it's new" do r ="foo" => "bar") r.connection.should be_nil end it "knows its REST base resource" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.base.should == ActsAsIcontact.connection end it "knows its primary key" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.primary_key.should == "resourceId" end it "knows that the primary key is required on update" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.required_on_update.should == ["resourceId"] end it "knows that the primary key MUST NOT be included on create" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.never_on_create.should == ["resourceId"] end context "updating records" do before(:each) do @res = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.first end it "knows it isn't a new record" do @res.should_not be_a_new_record end it "can set new values on existing fields" do = "zar" == "zar" end it "can add new fields" do @res.zoo = "flar" @res.zoo.should == "flar" end it "knows the minimum set of properties that changed or must be sent" do @res.too = "tar" @res.send(:update_fields).should == {"resourceId" => "1", "too" => "tar"} end context "with successful save" do before(:each) do @res.too = "sar" @result = end it "returns success" do @result.should be_true end it "updates itself with the new values" do @res.too.should == "sar" end it "has no errors" do @res.errors.should be_empty end it "has no error" do @res.error.should be_nil end it "can be called with a bang" do!.should be_true end end context "with failed save but status 200" do before(:each) do @bad = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.all[1] = nil @result = end it "returns failure" do @result.should be_false end it "returns the errors list" do @bad.errors.should == ["You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo","This was not a good record"] end it "returns the top error" do @bad.error.should == "You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo" end it "throws an exception with a bang" do lambda{!}.should raise_error(ActsAsIcontact::RecordNotSaved,"You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo") end end context "with failed save on HTTP failure exception" do before(:each) do @bad = ActsAsIcontact::Resource.all[2] = nil @result = end it "returns failure" do @result.should be_false end it "returns the errors list" do @bad.errors.should == ["You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue"] end it "returns the top error" do @bad.error.should == "You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue" end it "throws an exception with a bang" do lambda{!}.should raise_error(ActsAsIcontact::RecordNotSaved,"You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue") end end end context "creating records" do before(:each) do @res ="foo" => "flar", "kroo" => "krar") end it "knows it's a new record" do @res.should be_a_new_record end it "can set new values on existing fields" do = "zar" == "zar" end it "can add new fields" do @res.zoo = "flar" @res.zoo.should == "flar" end it "knows the full set of properties that were added or are required" do ActsAsIcontact::Resource.stubs(:required_on_create).returns(["shoo"]) @res.send(:create_fields).should == {"foo" => "flar", "kroo" => "krar", "shoo" => ""} end context "with successful save" do before(:each) do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", :body => %q<{"resources":[{"resourceId":"100","foo":"flar","kroo":"krar","too":"sar"}]}>) @res.too = "sar" end it "returns success" do be_true end it "updates itself with the new values" do @res.too.should == "sar" end it "has no errors" do @res.errors.should be_empty end it "has no error" do @res.error.should be_nil end it "can be called with a bang" do!.should be_true end end context "with failed save but status 200" do before(:each) do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", :body => %q<{"resources":[],"warnings":["You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo","This was not a good record"]}>) @res = = nil @result = end it "returns failure" do @result.should be_false end it "returns the errors list" do @res.errors.should == ["You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo","This was not a good record"] end it "returns the top error" do @res.error.should == "You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo" end it "throws an exception with a bang" do lambda{!}.should raise_error(ActsAsIcontact::RecordNotSaved,"You did not provide a foo. foo is a required field. Please provide a foo") end end context "with failed save on HTTP failure exception" do before(:each) do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", :status => ["400","Bad Request"], :body => %q<{"errors":["You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue"]}>) @res = = nil @result = end it "returns failure" do @result.should be_false end it "returns the errors list" do @res.errors.should == ["You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue"] end it "returns the top error" do @res.error.should == "You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue" end it "throws an exception with a bang" do lambda{!}.should raise_error(ActsAsIcontact::RecordNotSaved,"You did not provide a clue. Clue is a required field. Please provide a clue") end end end end