module OrigenTesters module SmartestBasedTester class Pattern require_relative './nodes' module Avc def nodes_namespace OrigenTesters::SmartestBasedTester::Decompiler::Avc end def parse_frontmatter(raw_frontmatter:, context:) # So far, only seen patterns that have comments and/or whitespace in # the frontmatter. Not sure if anything else is allowed. # For this, every comment will be considered the 'header' header = [] raw_frontmatter.each_with_index do |l, i| if !(l =~'^\s*#')).nil? header << l.chomp elsif l.strip.empty? # Whitespace. Do nothing. else!.fail!("Unable to parse pattern frontmatter, at line: #{i}") end end context, pattern_header: header, comments: [] ) end def parse_pinlist(raw_pinlist:, context:) raw_pinlist = raw_pinlist.join('') # The pinlist can be parsed by grabbing everything between the 'format' token and the ';' # character then splitting by whitespace. Whitespace is then stripped to clean # up the names. # E.g.: FORMAT TCLK TDI TDO TMS; context, pins: raw_pinlist[raw_pinlist.index('FORMAT')..raw_pinlist.index(';') - 1].split(/\s+/)[1..-1].map(&:strip) ) end def parse_vector(raw_vector:, context:, meta:) if raw_vector =~'^\s*#') # Comment context, comments: raw_vector.split("\n") ) elsif raw_vector =~'^R\d+\s') # Vector elements = raw_vector.split(/\s+/, 2 + context.pinlist.size) elements[-1] = elements[-1].split(/\s/, 2) elements[-1][0] = elements[-1][0].gsub(';', '').chomp elements[-1][1] = elements[-1][1].gsub(';', '').chomp context, repeat: elements[0].gsub('R', '').to_i, timeset: elements[1], pin_states: (elements[2..-2] || []) << elements[-1][0], comment: elements[-1][1] ) else # Anything that doesn't start with Rxyz where xyz is some integer # will be considered a sequencer instruction inst_plus_args = raw_vector.split(/\s+/) inst_plus_args.last.gsub!(';', '').strip! context, instruction: inst_plus_args[0], arguments: inst_plus_args[1..-1] ) end end end end end end