var currentRequest = null; var CmFilter = { // Generate or remove elements of the dropdown based on the search value. dropdown_search: function(element) { var filter = element.val().toUpperCase(); var dropdownElements = element.parents(':nth(1)').find('.list-area').children(); for (var i = 0; i < dropdownElements.length; i++) { var txtValue = $(dropdownElements[i]).children().text(); if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { $(dropdownElements[i]).css('display', 'flex'); } else { $(dropdownElements[i]).css('display', 'none'); } } } } // Main method which will structure the existing filter values with the newly // applied filter. Send and receive the value from the backend. var getFilteredData = function(filterType, filterValue, filterColumn=null) { let sortColumn = $('[data-behaviour="sort-column"]').val(); let sortDirection = $('[data-behaviour="sort-direction"]:checked').val(); var url = window.location.pathname // Based on the value changed for recent filter generate the filterParams hash var filterParams = {}; if (filterColumn) { filterParams[filterType] = {}; filterParams[filterType][filterColumn] = filterValue } else { if (filterType) filterParams[filterType] = filterValue } // page params is reinitialized to 1 when any new filter value is applied so // that it won't throw the error when the user doesn't have sufficent data // to display on the table. var queryString = { filters: filterParams, sort_column: sortColumn, sort_direction: sortDirection, page: 1 }; // Generate the queryString by concatenating the filterParams and // searchParams that are already applied, if searchParams are present. var searchParams = var searchParamsHash = getParamsAsObject(searchParams) if (Object.keys(searchParamsHash).length > 0) { // Delete the previous applied value for multi_select filter from the // searchParams as altering the array with new and old value will create // more complicated logic. The new value is passed and structured in // filterParams and will be concadinated with the searchParams post deletion if (filterType == 'multi_select') { searchParams = getParamsAsObject(searchParams) if (searchParams['filters'] && searchParams['filters'][filterType] !== undefined) { delete(searchParams['filters'][filterType][filterColumn]) } searchParams = jQuery.param(searchParams) } filterParams = jQuery.param(queryString) var availableParams = searchParams + '&' + filterParams var queryString = getParamsAsObject(availableParams) } return currentRequest = $.ajax(url, { type: 'GET', data: queryString, beforeSend: function() { if (currentRequest !== null) { currentRequest.abort(); } }, success: function(data) { var queryParam = jQuery.param(queryString) window.history.pushState("", "", url + '?' + queryParam); if ($('#view_type').val() == 'kanban') { $.each(, function(key, value) { $('.' + key + ' .cards').html(value) }); $('.kanban-list .counter').html(0) $.each(data.table.column_count, function(key, value) { $('.' + key + ' .counter').html(value) }); } else { $('.cm-index-page__table-container').html(data); } }, error: function(jqxhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(errorThrown, textStatus); } }); } $(document).on('change', '[data-behaviour="filter"]', function(e) { var filterType = $(this).data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).data('db-column') if (filterType == 'range') { var rangeElements = $(this).parent().children() var filterValue = $(rangeElements[0]).val() + ' to ' + $(rangeElements[1]).val() } else { var filterValue = $(this).val() } $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':first').children(':nth(1)').text(filterValue) $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':first').children(':last').removeClass('hidden') unhideClearFilterBtn(filterValue) getFilteredData(filterType, filterValue, filterColumn) }); $(document).on('keyup', '[data-behaviour="input-search"]', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var searchValue = $(this).val(); unhideClearFilterBtn(searchValue) getFilteredData('search', searchValue) }); $(document).on('click', '[data-behaviour="filter-option"]', function(e) { var filterType = $(this).data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).data('db-column') // Clear the search value post selection and regenerate the dropdown elements. var searchInputElement = $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':first').children() searchInputElement.val('') CmFilter.dropdown_search(searchInputElement) unhideFilter(filterType, filterColumn) }); var unhideFilter = function(filterType, filterColumn) { var filterInputElement = $('[data-behaviour="filter-input"][data-filter-type=' + filterType + '][data-db-column='+ filterColumn + ']') filterInputElement.parent().removeClass('hidden'); }; // Search inside the dropdowns $(document).on('keyup', '[data-behaviour="dropdown-filter-search"]', function(e) { CmFilter.dropdown_search($(this)) }); // Method to decode the encoded nested and/or complex hash and convert it to // object that is used for filters while sending the data to the backend. var getParamsAsObject = function (query) { query = query.substring(query.indexOf('?') + 1); var re = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g; var decodeRE = /\+/g; var decode = function (str) { return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(decodeRE, " ")); }; var params = {}, e; while (e = re.exec(query)) { var k = decode(e[1]), v = decode(e[2]); if (k.substring(k.length - 2) === '[]') { k = k.substring(0, k.length - 2); (params[k] || (params[k] = [])).push(v); } else params[k] = v; } var assign = function (obj, keyPath, value) { var lastKeyIndex = keyPath.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i < lastKeyIndex; ++i) { var key = keyPath[i]; if (!(key in obj)) obj[key] = {} obj = obj[key]; } obj[keyPath[lastKeyIndex]] = value; } for (var prop in params) { var structure = prop.split('['); if (structure.length > 1) { var levels = []; structure.forEach(function (item, i) { var key = item.replace(/[?[\]\\ ]/g, ''); levels.push(key); }); assign(params, levels, params[prop]); delete(params[prop]); } } return params; }; $(document).on('click', '[data-behaviour="filter-input"]', function(e) { var filterType = $(this).data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).data('db-column') var filterElement = $('[data-behaviour="filter"][data-filter-type=' + filterType + '][data-db-column=' + filterColumn +']') if (filterType == 'range') { filterElement.parent().toggleClass('hidden') } else if (filterType == 'multi_select') { $(this).parent().children(':last').toggleClass('hidden') } else if (filterType == 'date') { } }) // Remove all the applied filters and reload the page $(document).on('click', '.clear-btn', function(e) { window.location.href = window.location.href.split("?")[0] }) var unhideClearFilterBtn = function(filterValue) { if (filterValue) { $('.clear-btn').removeClass('hidden') } } $(document).on('click', '[data-behaviour="select-option"] .cm-checkbox', function(e) { $(this).prop('checked', !$(this).prop('checked')); }) // Selecting options for single and multi select filters $(document).on('click', '[data-behaviour="select-option"]', function(e) { var filterType = $(this).data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).data('db-column') if (filterType == 'single_select') { var filterValue = $(this).data('value') var filterText = $(this).text() if (!this.classList.contains('selected')) { if (this.parentNode.querySelector('.list-item.selected') != null) { this.parentNode.querySelector('.list-item.selected').classList.remove('selected'); } $(this).addClass('selected') } $(this).parents(':nth(4)').children(':first').children(':nth(1)').text(filterText) $(this).parents(':nth(4)').children(':first').children(':last').removeClass('hidden') // Clear the search value post selection and regenerate the dropdown elements. var searchInputElement = $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':first').children() searchInputElement.val('') CmFilter.dropdown_search(searchInputElement) unhideClearFilterBtn(filterValue) getFilteredData(filterType, filterValue, filterColumn) } else if (filterType == 'multi_select') { var parentChip = $(this).parent().siblings(':first') var checkboxElement = $(this).find('.cm-checkbox') checkboxElement.prop('checked', !checkboxElement.prop('checked')) var checkedCount = $(this).parent().find('.cm-checkbox').filter(':checked').length if (checkboxElement.prop('checked')) { var chip = $('
') var firstSpan = $('').text($(this).text()) var secondSpan = $('') parentChip.prepend(chip.append(firstSpan).append(secondSpan)) } else { var chipElement = parentChip.find('.chip') for(var i = 0; i < chipElement.length; i++) { if ($(chipElement[i]).text() == $(this).text()) { $(chipElement[i]).remove() break } } } if (checkedCount > 0) { parentChip.addClass('search-with-chips').removeClass('search-area') $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':last').addClass('active') } else { parentChip.addClass('search-area').removeClass('search-with-chips') $(this).parents(':nth(1)').children(':last').removeClass('active') } } }); // Apply button for multi select filters $(document).on('click', '.apply-area', function(e) { var filterInputElement = $(this).parents(':nth(3)').children(':first') var filterType ='filter-type') var filterColumn ='db-column') var filterValue = [] var filterValueText = [] var selectFilterElement = $('[data-behaviour="select-option"][data-filter-type=' + filterType + '][data-db-column=' + filterColumn + ']') var checkedElements = selectFilterElement.find('.cm-checkbox').filter(':checked') if (checkedElements.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < checkedElements.length; i++) { filterValue.push($(checkedElements[i]).parent().data('value')) filterValueText.push($(checkedElements[i]).parent().text()) } var truncatedFilterValue = filterValueText[0] if (filterValue.length > 1) { truncatedFilterValue += ' + ' + (filterValue.length - 1) + ' more' } filterInputElement.children(':nth(1)').text(truncatedFilterValue) filterInputElement.children(':last').removeClass('hidden') selectFilterElement.parents(':nth(3)').addClass('hidden') // Clear the search value post selection and regenerate the dropdown elements. var searchInputElement = $(this).parent().children(':first').children(':last') searchInputElement.val('') CmFilter.dropdown_search(searchInputElement) unhideClearFilterBtn(filterValue) getFilteredData(filterType, filterValue, filterColumn) } }); // Remove single applied filter. $(document).on('click', '.filter-chip-remove', function(e) { var url = window.location.pathname var filterType = $(this).parent().data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).parent().data('db-column') var searchParams = if (searchParams.length > 0) { var queryString = getParamsAsObject(searchParams) if (queryString['filters'][filterType] != undefined) { delete(queryString['filters'][filterType][filterColumn]) var queryParam = jQuery.param(queryString) window.history.pushState("", "", url + '?' + queryParam); window.location.reload() } } }); $(document).on('click', '[data-behaviour="selected-chip"]', function(e) { var filterType = $(this).parents(':nth(5)').find('.filter-chip').data('filter-type') var filterColumn = $(this).parents(':nth(5)').find('.filter-chip').data('db-column') var filterValue = $(this).siblings().text() var selectElement = $('[data-behaviour="select-option"][data-filter-type=' + filterType + '][data-db-column=' + filterColumn + ']') $(this).parent().remove() for(var i = 0; i < selectElement.length; i++) { if ($(selectElement[i]).data('value') == filterValue) { var checkboxElement = $(selectElement[i]).find('.cm-checkbox') checkboxElement.prop('checked', !checkboxElement.prop('checked')) break } } var checkedCount = $(selectElement).find('.cm-checkbox').filter(':checked').length if (checkedCount < 1) { $(selectElement).parent().siblings(':first').addClass('search-area').removeClass('search-with-chips') $(selectElement).parent().siblings(':last').removeClass('active') } }) $(document).on("change", '[data-behaviour="sort-column"], [data-behaviour="sort-direction"]', function (e) { getFilteredData(null, null, null); }); $(document).on("click", '[data-behaviour="reset-sort"]', function (e) { let url = window.location.pathname; let queryString = getParamsAsObject(; delete queryString["sort_column"]; delete queryString["sort_direction"]; let queryParam = jQuery.param(queryString); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url + "/reset_sort_columns", success: function(data) { window.history.pushState("", "", url + "?" + queryParam); window.location.reload(); }, error: function(jqxhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(errorThrown, textStatus); } }); });