module Katello module LazyAccessor def self.included(base) base.send :include, LazyAccessor::InstanceMethods base.send :extend, LazyAccessor::ClassMethods end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :lazy_attributes def lazy_attributes_options(attr) if @lazy_attributes_options && @lazy_attributes_options.key?(attr) @lazy_attributes_options.fetch(attr.to_s) elsif superclass.respond_to?(:lazy_attributes_options) superclass.lazy_attributes_options(attr.to_s) else fail "lazy attribute #{attr} not defined" end end # @example lazy_accessor :a, :b, :c, # :initializer => lambda { json = Resources::Candlepin::Product.get(cp_id)[0] }, # :unless => lambda { cp_id.nil? } def lazy_accessor(*args) options = args.extract_options! @lazy_attributes = [] if @lazy_attributes.nil? @lazy_attributes = @lazy_attributes.concat args @lazy_attributes_options ||= {} fail ArgumentError, "Attribute names must be symbols" if args.any? { |attribute| !attribute.is_a?(Symbol) } redefined_attr = args.find { |attribute| instance_methods.include?(attribute.to_s) } Rails.logger.warn "Remote attribute '#{redefined_attr}' has already been defined" if redefined_attr fail ArgumentError, "Please provide an initializer" if options[:initializer].nil? args.each do |symbol| options[:in_group] = args.size > 1 @lazy_attributes_options[symbol.to_s] = options send :define_method, "#{symbol.to_s}=" do |val| lazy_attribute_set(symbol, val) end send :define_method, symbol do lazy_attribute_get(symbol) end end end end module InstanceMethods def changed_remote_attributes @changed_remote_attributes ||= {} end def changed_remote_attributes=(val) @changed_remote_attributes = val end def save(*) if (status = super) changed_remote_attributes.clear end status end def save!(*) super.tap do changed_remote_attributes.clear end end def reload(*) super.tap do changed_remote_attributes.clear end end def lazy_attributes attrs = (self.class.superclass.respond_to? :lazy_attributes) ? self.class.superclass.lazy_attributes : [] attrs += (self.class.lazy_attributes || []) attrs.uniq end private def lazy_attribute_set(attr, val) instance_variable_set("@#{attr.to_s}", val) end def lazy_attribute_get(attr) attr = attr.to_s options = self.class.lazy_attributes_options(attr) excepted = options.key?(:unless) ? self.instance_eval(&options[:unless]) : (self.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && self.new_record?) if !instance_variable_defined?("@#{attr}") && !excepted remote_values = run_initializer(options[:in_group], options[:initializer]) if options[:in_group] prepopulate(remote_values) else instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", remote_values) if respond_to?("#{attr}=") end end instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") end def remote_attribute_value(attr) return nil if self.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && self.new_record? options = self.class.lazy_attributes_options(attr) initializer, in_group = options[:initializer], options[:in_group] remote_values = run_initializer(in_group, initializer) changed_remote_attributes[attr] = in_group ? remote_values["#{attr}"] : remote_values end def run_initializer(in_group, initializer) remote_values = self.instance_eval(&initializer) if in_group && !remote_values.is_a?(Hash) fail "Expect initializer to return hash if a group of attributes is defined by lazy_accessor" end remote_values end def prepopulate(remote_values) attrs = self.lazy_attributes # if +load_remote_data+ is defined, use it to populate the instance variables if self.respond_to?(:load_remote_data) load_remote_data(remote_values) else remote_values.each_pair { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k.to_s}", v) if (attrs && attrs.include?(k.to_sym) && respond_to?("#{k.to_s}=")) } end end end end end