require 'rails/generators/base' module ActivityNotification module Generators # Controller generator to create customizable controller files from templates. # @example Run controller generator for users as target # rails generate activity_notification:controllers users class ControllersGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base CONTROLLERS = ['notifications', 'notifications_with_devise', 'notifications_api', 'notifications_api_with_devise', 'subscriptions', 'subscriptions_with_devise', 'subscriptions_api', 'subscriptions_api_with_devise'].freeze desc <<-DESC.strip_heredoc Create inherited ActivityNotification controllers in your app/controllers folder. Use -c to specify which controller you want to overwrite. If you do no specify a controller, all controllers will be created. For example: rails generate activity_notification:controllers users -c notifications This will create a controller class at app/controllers/users/notifications_controller.rb like this: class Users::NotificationsController < ActivityNotification::NotificationsController content... end DESC source_root File.expand_path("../../templates/controllers", __FILE__) argument :target, required: true, desc: "The target to create controllers in, e.g. users, admins" class_option :controllers, aliases: "-c", type: :array, desc: "Select specific controllers to generate (#{CONTROLLERS.join(', ')})" # Creates controller files in application directory def create_controllers @target_prefix = target.blank? ? '' : (target.camelize + '::') controllers = options[:controllers] || CONTROLLERS controllers.each do |name| template "#{name}_controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{target}/#{name}_controller.rb" end end # Shows readme to console def show_readme readme "README" if behavior == :invoke end end end end