/* dtable.c */ /* Copyright (C) 2004 Bill Paxton This file is part of Dtable. Dtable is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Dtable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with Dtable; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "dtable_intern.h" #include #include #include #include /* Internal include files, from the ext/includes directory */ #include #include #include /* safe storing of doubles */ #include /* End of internal files */ #define is_a_dtable(d) ( TYPE(d) == T_DATA && RDATA(d)->dfree == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)dtable_free ) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif typedef struct { long num_cols, num_rows; /* the dimensions */ double **ptr; /* the data */ } Dtable; /* prototypes */ static void dtable_free(Dtable *d); PRIVATE bool Is_Dtable(VALUE obj) { return is_a_dtable(obj); } // data stored in row order // i.e., array arr of num_cols W and num_rows H is actually an array of H pointers // each pointing to an array of W doubles. // access row i and col j as arr[i][j] in c, as arr[i,j] in Ruby. static void Alloc2dGrid(double ***f, int num_cols, int num_rows) { int i; if ((*f = (double **) calloc(num_rows, sizeof(double *)))==NULL) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Memory allocation error in \"Alloc2dGrid\""); for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { if (((*f)[i] = (double *) calloc(num_cols ,sizeof(double)))==NULL) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Memory allocation error in \"Alloc2dGrid\""); } } static double Max2dGrid(double **f, int num_cols, int num_rows) { int i, j; double M; M = f[0][0]; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { if (f[i][j] > M) M = f[i][j]; } } return M; } static double Min2dGrid(double **f, int num_cols, int num_rows) { int i, j; double M; M = f[0][0]; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { if (f[i][j] < M) M = f[i][j]; } } return M; } static bool Max_Lt_2dGrid(double **f, double limit, int num_cols, int num_rows, double *fmax) { int i, j; double M=0, tmp; bool found = false; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { tmp = f[i][j]; if (tmp >= limit) continue; if (!found) { found = true; M = tmp; } else if (tmp > M) M = tmp; } } *fmax = M; return found; } static bool Min_Gt_2dGrid(double **f, double limit, int num_cols, int num_rows, double *fmin) { int i, j; double M=0, tmp; bool found = false; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { tmp = f[i][j]; if (tmp <= limit) continue; if (!found) { found = true; M = tmp; } else if (tmp < M) M = tmp; } } *fmin = M; return found; } static Dtable *Get_Dtable(VALUE obj) { Dtable *d; Data_Get_Struct(obj, Dtable, d); return d; } double **Dtable_Ptr(VALUE dtable, long *num_cols, long *num_rows) { Dtable *d; Data_Get_Struct(dtable, Dtable, d); if(num_cols) *num_cols = d->num_cols; if(num_rows) *num_rows = d->num_rows; return d->ptr; } static VALUE cDtable; /* the Dtable class object */ static void dtable_free(Dtable *d) { double **array = d->ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < d->num_rows; i++) free(array[i]); free(array); free(d); } static VALUE dtable_alloc(VALUE klass) { Dtable *d; VALUE ary = Data_Make_Struct(klass, Dtable, NULL, dtable_free, d); d->num_cols = d->num_rows = 0; d->ptr = NULL; return ary; } static VALUE dtable_init(VALUE ary, int num_cols, int num_rows) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); if (num_cols <= 0 || num_rows <= 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "bad args: Dtable.new(%d, %d)", num_cols, num_rows); Alloc2dGrid(&d->ptr, num_cols, num_rows); d->num_cols = num_cols; d->num_rows = num_rows; return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.dup -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_. For performance sensitive situations involving a series of operations, * first make a copy using dup and then do "bang" operations to modify the result without further copying. */ VALUE dtable_dup(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_cols, num_rows); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[i][j] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.reverse_rows -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with the order of rows reversed. */ VALUE dtable_reverse_rows(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, last_row = num_rows - 1; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_cols, num_rows); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[last_row-i][j] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.reverse_cols -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with the order of columns reversed. */ VALUE dtable_reverse_cols(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, last_col = num_cols - 1; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_cols, num_rows); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[i][last_col-j] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.rotate_cw90 -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ rotated 90 degrees clockwise. */ VALUE dtable_rotate_cw90(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, last_row = num_rows - 1; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_rows, num_cols); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[j][last_row-i] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.rotate_ccw90 -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. */ VALUE dtable_rotate_ccw90(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, last_col = num_cols - 1; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_rows, num_cols); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[last_col-j][i] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.transpose -> a_dtable * * Returns a transposed copy of _dtable_ (i.e., exchange rows and columns). */ VALUE dtable_transpose(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows; VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), num_rows, num_cols); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { dest[j][i] = src[i][j]; } } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dtable.new(num_cols, num_rows) -> a_dtable * * Returns a new Dtable with the requested dimensions. */ VALUE dtable_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { if (argc != 2) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "need 2 args for Dtable.new(num_cols, num_rows)"); int num_cols = NUM2INT(argv[0]), num_rows = NUM2INT(argv[1]); return dtable_init(ary, num_cols, num_rows); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.num_cols -> integer * * Returns the number of entries in the x dimension of _dtable_. */ VALUE dtable_num_cols(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); return LONG2NUM(d->num_cols); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.num_rows -> integer * * Returns the number of entries in the y dimension of _dtable_. */ VALUE dtable_num_rows(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); return LONG2NUM(d->num_rows); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.min_gt(val) -> float or nil * * Returns the minimum entry in _dtable_ which is greater than _val_, or nil if no such entry if found. */ VALUE dtable_min_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); val = rb_Float(val); double zmin, z = NUM2DBL(val); if (Min_Gt_2dGrid(d->ptr, z, d->num_cols, d->num_rows, &zmin)) return rb_float_new(zmin); return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.max_lt(val) -> float or nil * * Returns the maximum entry in _dtable_ which is less than _val_, or nil if no such entry if found. */ VALUE dtable_max_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); val = rb_Float(val); double zmax, z = NUM2DBL(val); if (Max_Lt_2dGrid(d->ptr, z, d->num_cols, d->num_rows, &zmax)) return rb_float_new(zmax); return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.min -> float * * Returns the minimum entry in _dtable_. */ VALUE dtable_min(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); double zmin = Min2dGrid(d->ptr, d->num_cols, d->num_rows); return rb_float_new(zmin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.max -> float * * Returns the maximum entry in _dtable_. */ VALUE dtable_max(VALUE ary) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); double zmax = Max2dGrid(d->ptr, d->num_cols, d->num_rows); return rb_float_new(zmax); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.row(int) -> a_dvec * * Creates a Dvector holding a copy of the contents of the requested row. */ VALUE dtable_row(VALUE ary, VALUE row_num) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); row_num = rb_Integer(row_num); int row = NUM2INT(row_num); if (row < 0 || row >= d->num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Asking for row i = %i from array with only %li rows", row, d->num_rows); VALUE dvec = Dvector_Create(); Dvector_Data_Replace(dvec, d->num_cols, d->ptr[row]); return dvec; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.set_row(int,a_dvec) -> a_dvec * * Stores the contents of _a_dec_ in the specified row of the array. * The length of the vector must equal the number of columns in the array. */ VALUE dtable_set_row(VALUE ary, VALUE row_num, VALUE dvec) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); long len, j; double *data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(dvec, &len); row_num = rb_Integer(row_num); int row = NUM2INT(row_num); if (row < 0 || row >= d->num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Asking for row i = %i from array with only %li rows", row, d->num_rows); if (len != d->num_cols) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Length of vector (%li) does not match number of columns (%li)", len, d->num_cols); for (j=0; j < len; j++) d->ptr[row][j] = data[j]; return dvec; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.each_row{|row| } * * Iterates over all rows and executes the given block */ VALUE dtable_each_row(VALUE ary){ Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); VALUE dvec = Dvector_Create(); int i; for(i=0; i < d->num_rows; i++){ Dvector_Data_Replace(dvec, d->num_cols, d->ptr[i]); rb_yield(dvec); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.set_column(int,a_dvec) -> a_dvec * * Stores the contents of _a_dec_ in the specified column of the array. * The length of the vector must equal the number of rows in the array. */ VALUE dtable_set_column(VALUE ary, VALUE col_num, VALUE dvec) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); long len, i; double *data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(dvec, &len); col_num = rb_Integer(col_num); int col = NUM2INT(col_num); if (col < 0 || col >= d->num_cols) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Asking for column i = %i from array with only %li columns", col, d->num_cols); if (len != d->num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Length of vector (%li) does not match number of rows (%li)", len, d->num_rows); for (i=0; i < len; i++) d->ptr[i][col] = data[i]; return dvec; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.column(int) -> a_dvec * * Creates a Dvector holding a copy of the contents of the requested column. */ VALUE dtable_column(VALUE ary, VALUE column_num) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); column_num = rb_Integer(column_num); int i, column = NUM2INT(column_num), len; if (column < 0 || column >= d->num_cols) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Asking for column i = %i from array with only %li columns", column, d->num_cols); VALUE dvec = Dvector_Create(); len = d->num_rows; Dvector_Data_Resize(dvec, len); for (i=0; i < len; i++) Dvector_Store_Double(dvec, i, d->ptr[i][column]); return dvec; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.each_column{|col| } * * Iterates over all columns and executes the given block */ VALUE dtable_each_column(VALUE ary){ Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); VALUE dvec = Dvector_Create(); int i,j; for(j=0; j < d->num_cols; j++){ for(i=0; i < d->num_rows; i++){ Dvector_Store_Double(dvec, i, d->ptr[i][j]); } rb_yield(dvec); } return ary; } static void set_dtable_vals(VALUE ary, double v) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, i, j; double **data = d->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { data[i][j] = v; } } } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.clear -> dtable * * Sets the entries of _dtable_ array to zero. */ VALUE dtable_clear(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { set_dtable_vals(ary, 0.0); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.set(float) -> dtable * dtable.set(a_dtable) -> dtable * * Modifies the entries of _dtable_ array. If the argument is a float, then all of the * entries are set to that value. If the argument is another Dtable array, then it must * be the size as _dtable_, and its contents are copied to _dtable_. */ VALUE dtable_set(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { if (is_a_dtable(val)) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(val); int num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, i, j; double **data = d->ptr; double **data2 = d2->ptr; if (d2->num_cols != num_cols || d2->num_rows != num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Arrays must be same size for Dtable set"); for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { data[i][j] = data2[i][j]; } } } else { double v = NUM2DBL(val); set_dtable_vals(ary, v); } return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op_bang(VALUE ary, double (*op)(double)) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); double **p = d->ptr; int num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, i, j; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { p[i][j] = (*op)(p[i][j]); } } return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op(VALUE source, double (*op)(double)) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(dtable_dup(source), op); } static double do_neg(double arg) { return -arg; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.neg -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by -x. */ VALUE dtable_neg(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_neg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.abs -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with all entries replaced by their absolute values. */ VALUE dtable_abs(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, fabs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sin -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by sin(x). */ VALUE dtable_sin(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, sin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.cos -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by cos(x). */ VALUE dtable_cos(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, cos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.tan -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by tan(x). */ VALUE dtable_tan(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, tan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.asin -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by asin(x). */ VALUE dtable_asin(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.acos -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by acos(x). */ VALUE dtable_acos(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, acos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atan -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by atan(x). */ VALUE dtable_atan(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, atan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sinh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by sinh(x). */ VALUE dtable_sinh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, sinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.cosh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by cosh(x). */ VALUE dtable_cosh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, cosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.tanh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by tanh(x). */ VALUE dtable_tanh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, tanh); } static double do_asinh(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(x*x+1.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.asinh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by asinh(x). */ VALUE dtable_asinh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_asinh); } static double do_acosh(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(x*x-1.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.acosh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by acosh(x). */ VALUE dtable_acosh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_acosh); } static double do_atanh(double x) { return 0.5*log((1.0+x)/(1.0-x)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atanh -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by atanh(x). */ VALUE dtable_atanh(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_atanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.ceil -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with entry x replaced by smallest integer not less than x. */ VALUE dtable_ceil(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, ceil); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.floor -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by largest integer not greater than x. */ VALUE dtable_floor(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, floor); } static double do_round(double x) { return (x == 0.0)? 0.0 : (x > 0.0)? floor(x+0.5) : ceil(x-0.5); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.round -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by round(x). * (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.) */ VALUE dtable_round(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_round); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.exp -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by exp(x). */ VALUE dtable_exp(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, exp); } static double do_exp10(double arg) { return pow(10.0, arg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.exp10 -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by 10**x. */ VALUE dtable_exp10(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_exp10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.log -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by log(x). */ VALUE dtable_log(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.log10 -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by log10(x). */ VALUE dtable_log10(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, log10); } static double do_inv(double arg) { return 1.0/arg; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.inv -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by 1/x. */ VALUE dtable_inv(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sqrt -> a_dtable * * Returns of copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by sqrt(x). */ VALUE dtable_sqrt(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.neg! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with -x. */ VALUE dtable_neg_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_neg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.abs! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with abs(x). */ VALUE dtable_abs_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, fabs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sin! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with sin(x). */ VALUE dtable_sin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.cos! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with cos(x). */ VALUE dtable_cos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.tan! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with tan(x). */ VALUE dtable_tan_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.asin! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with asin(x). */ VALUE dtable_asin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.acos! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with acos(x). */ VALUE dtable_acos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, acos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atan! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with atan(x). */ VALUE dtable_atan_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, atan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sinh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with sinh(x). */ VALUE dtable_sinh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.cosh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with cosh(x). */ VALUE dtable_cosh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.tanh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with tanh(x). */ VALUE dtable_tanh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.asinh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with asinh(x). */ VALUE dtable_asinh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_asinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.acosh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with acosh(x). */ VALUE dtable_acosh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_acosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atanh! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with atanh(x). */ VALUE dtable_atanh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_atanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.ceil! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with the smallest integer not less than x. */ VALUE dtable_ceil_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, ceil); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.floor! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with the largest integer not greater than x. */ VALUE dtable_floor_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, floor); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.round! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with the integer closest to x. * (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.) */ VALUE dtable_round_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_round); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.exp! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with exp(x). */ VALUE dtable_exp_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, exp); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.exp10! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with 10**x. */ VALUE dtable_exp10_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_exp10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.log! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with log(x). */ VALUE dtable_log_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.log10! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with log10(x). */ VALUE dtable_log10_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.inv! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with 1/x. */ VALUE dtable_inv_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sqrt! -> dtable * * Replace each entry x of _dtable_ with sqrt(x). */ VALUE dtable_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sqrt); } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg, double (*op)(double, double)) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); arg = rb_Float(arg); double y = NUM2DBL(arg), **p = d->ptr; int num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows, i, j; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { p[i][j] = (*op)(p[i][j], y); } } return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op1(VALUE source, VALUE arg, double (*op)(double, double)) { return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(dtable_dup(source), arg, op); } static double do_trim(double x, double cutoff) { return (fabs(x) < cutoff)? 0.0 : x; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.trim(cutoff=1e-6) -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with any entry with absolute value less than _cutoff_ replaced by 0. */ VALUE dtable_trim(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6); return dtable_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_trim); } static double do_safe_log(double x, double y) { return log(MAX(x,y)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_log(cutoff=1e-99) -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by log(max(x,_cutoff_)). */ VALUE dtable_safe_log(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log); } static double do_safe_log10(double x, double y) { return log10(MAX(x,y)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_log10(cutoff=1e-99) -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by log10(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_log10(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log10); } static double do_safe_inv(double x, double y) { return (fabs(x) >= y)? 1.0/x : (x > 0.0)? 1.0/y : -1.0/y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_inv(cutoff=1e-99) -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by sign(x)/_cutoff_ if abs(x) < _cutoff_, 1/x otherwise. * */ VALUE dtable_safe_inv(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_inv); } static double do_safe_asin(double x) { return asin(MAX(-1.0,MIN(1.0,x))); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_asin -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_asin(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_asin); } static double do_safe_acos(double x) { return acos(MAX(-1.0,MIN(1.0,x))); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_acos -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_acos(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_acos); } static double do_safe_sqrt(double x) { return sqrt(MAX(x,0.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_sqrt -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by sqrt(max(x,0)). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_sqrt(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atan2!(number) -> dtable * dtable.atan2!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of _dtable_ by the angle whose tangent is x/_number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation replaces each entry x of _dtable_ by the angle whose tangent is x divided * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_atan2_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, atan2); } static double do_mod(double x, double y) { return x - y * floor(x/y); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.modulo!(number) -> dtable * dtable.mod!(number) -> dtable * dtable.modulo!(other) -> dtable * dtable.mod!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x % _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x % the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_modulo_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mod); } static double do_remainder(double x, double y) { return (x*y > 0.0)? do_mod(x,y) : do_mod(x,y)-y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.remainder!(number) -> dtable * dtable.remainder!(other) -> dtable * * When the argument is a number, this operation replaces with each entry x of _dtable_ by the remainder of x divided by _number_. * When the argument is a data array, this operation replaces with each entry x of _dtable_ * by remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_remainder_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_remainder); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.trim!(cutoff=1e-6) -> dtable * * Each entry x in _dtable_ having absolute value less than _cutoff_ is replaced by 0. */ VALUE dtable_trim_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6); return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_trim); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.pow!(number) -> dtable * dtable.pow!(other) -> dtable * dtable.raised_to!(number) -> dtable * dtable.raised_to!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x ** _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x ** the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_pow_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(ary, arg, pow); } static double do_as_exponent_of(double x, double y) { return pow(y,x); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.as_exponent_of!(number) -> dtable * dtable.as_exponent_of!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of _dtable_ by _number_ ** x. * When argument is a data array, this operation replaces each entry x of _dtable_ * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array raised to the power x. */ VALUE dtable_as_exponent_of_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_log!(cutoff=1e-99) -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by log(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_log_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_log10!(cutoff) -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by log10(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_log10_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_inv!(cutoff) -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by sign(x)/_cutoff_ if abs(x) < _cutoff_, 1/x otherwise. * */ VALUE dtable_safe_inv_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_sqrt! -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by sqrt(max(x,0)). * */ VALUE dtable_safe_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_asin! -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))).. * */ VALUE dtable_safe_asin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.safe_acos! -> dtable * * Replaces each entry x in _dtable_ by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))).. * */ VALUE dtable_safe_acos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dtable_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_acos); } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, double (*op)(double, double)) { VALUE check = rb_obj_is_kind_of(ary2, rb_cNumeric); if (check != Qfalse) { return dtable_apply_math_op1_bang(ary1, ary2, op); } Dtable *d1 = Get_Dtable(ary1); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(ary2); int num_cols = d1->num_cols, num_rows = d1->num_rows, i, j; if (num_cols != d2->num_cols || num_rows != d2->num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Dtable arrays must be same dimension for math operation"); double **p1, **p2; p1 = d1->ptr; p2 = d2->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { p1[i][j] = (*op)(p1[i][j], p2[i][j]); } } return ary1; } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_apply_math_op2(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, double (*op)(double, double)) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(dtable_dup(ary1), ary2, op); } static double do_add(double x, double y) { return x + y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.add(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.add(other) -> a_dtable * dtable + number -> a_dtable * number + dtable -> a_dtable * dtable + other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x + _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x + the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_add(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_add); } static double do_sub(double x, double y) { return x - y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sub(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.sub(other) -> a_dtable * dtable - number -> a_dtable * number - dtable -> a_dtable * dtable - other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x - _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x - the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_sub(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_sub); } static double do_mul(double x, double y) { return x * y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.mul(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.mul(other) -> a_dtable * dtable - number -> a_dtable * number - dtable -> a_dtable * dtable - other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x * _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x * the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_mul(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mul); } static double do_div(double x, double y) { return x / y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.div(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.div(other) -> a_dtable * dtable - number -> a_dtable * number - dtable -> a_dtable * dtable - other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x / _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x / the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_div(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_div); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.modulo(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.mod(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.modulo(other) -> a_dtable * dtable.mod(other) -> a_dtable * dtable % number -> a_dtable * dtable % other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x % _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x % the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. * */ VALUE dtable_mod(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mod); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.remainder(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.remainder(other) -> a_dtable * * When the argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by the remainder of x divided by _number_. * When the argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by the remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_remainder(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_remainder); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.pow(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.pow(other) -> a_dtable * dtable.raised_to(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.raised_to(other) -> a_dtable * dtable ** number -> a_dtable * dtable ** other -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by x ** _number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by x ** the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. * */ VALUE dtable_pow(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, pow); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.as_exponent_of(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.as_exponent_of(other) -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by _number_ ** x. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array raised to the power x. */ VALUE dtable_as_exponent_of(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.atan2(number) -> a_dtable * dtable.atan2(other) -> a_dtable * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced by the angle whose tangent is x/_number_. * When argument is a data array, this operation returns a copy of _dtable_ with each entry x replaced * by the angle whose tangent is x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_atan2(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, atan2); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.add!(number) -> dtable * dtable.add!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x + _number_. * When argument is a data array, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x + * the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_add_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_add); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sub!(number) -> dtable * dtable.sub!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x - _number_. * When argument is a data array, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x - * the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_sub_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_sub); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.mul!(number) -> dtable * dtable.mul!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x * _number_. * When argument is a data array, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x * * the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_mul_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mul); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.div!(number) -> dtable * dtable.div!(other) -> dtable * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x / _number_. * When argument is a data array, each entry x in _dtable_ is replaced by x / * the corresponding entry in the _other_ data array. */ VALUE dtable_div_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dtable_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_div); } PRIVATE /*======================================================================*/ VALUE Read_Dtable(VALUE dest, char *filename, int skip_lines) { FILE *file = NULL; long num_cols, num_rows; int i, j, k, len; const int buff_len = 10000; const int err_len = 100; char c, buff[buff_len], *p, *pend, err_str[err_len]; double *data, **ptr = Dtable_Ptr(dest, &num_cols, &num_rows); if ((file=fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "failed to open %s", filename); for (i = 0; i < skip_lines; i++) { /* skip over initial lines */ if (fgets(buff, buff_len, file)==NULL) { fclose(file); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read reached end of file before reaching line %i in %s", skip_lines, filename); } } // rewrite to use strtod instead of fscanf to deal with numbers from fortran like 0.501-129 for 0.501E-129 for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { data = ptr[i]; for (j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { // skip over blanks (includes end-of-line and tab) p = buff; k = 0; while ((c=getc(file)) != EOF) { if (!isspace(c)) break; } // save the non-blanks *p++ = c; while ((c=getc(file)) != EOF) { if (isspace(c) || k > 1000) break; *p++ = c; } *p = ' '; data[j] = strtod(buff,&pend); if (pend != p) { // need to check to see if have a number like 0.501-129 if (pend[0] == '+' || pend[0] == '-') { // insert 'E' and try again pend[5] = ' '; pend[4] = pend[3]; pend[3] = pend[2]; pend[2] = pend[1]; pend[1] = pend[0]; pend[0] = 'E'; data[j] = strtod(buff,&pend); } } if (!is_okay_number(data[j])) { fclose(file); len = (pend-buff < err_len-1)? pend-buff : err_len-1; printf("len %i\n", len); strncpy(err_str,buff,len); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "failed to read requested amount of data in %s (asked for %li xs and %li ys; found only %i and %i). last attempt to read got %g from string starting with: %s", filename, num_cols, num_rows, i+1, j, data[j], err_str); } } } fclose(file); return dest; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.read(filename, skip_lines=0) -> dtable * * The contents of _dtable_ are replaced by the contents of the file, starting after skipping * the specified number of lines. The values in the file are listed with row number 0 first. * */ VALUE dtable_read(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 2)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 1 or 2)",argc); VALUE filename = argv[0]; int skip_lines = (argc==2)? NUM2INT(rb_Integer(argv[1])) : 0; return Read_Dtable(self, StringValuePtr(filename), skip_lines); } PRIVATE VALUE dtable_entry(VALUE ary, long i, long j) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); if (d->num_cols <= 0 || d->num_rows <= 0) return Qnil; if (i < 0) i += d->num_rows; if (j < 0) j += d->num_cols; if (i < 0 || d->num_rows <= i || j < 0 || d->num_cols <= j) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(d->ptr[i][j]); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable[row,col] -> number or nil * dtable.at(row,col) -> number or nil * * Returns the element at location _row_, _col_. Returns +nil+ * if the location is out of range. */ VALUE dtable_at(VALUE ary, VALUE xloc, VALUE yloc) { return dtable_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(xloc), NUM2LONG(yloc)); } void dtable_store(VALUE ary, long i, long j, double v) { double **ptr; long num_cols, num_rows; ptr = Dtable_Ptr(ary, &num_cols, &num_rows); if (num_cols <= 0 || num_rows <= 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "bad args for setting entry in data array"); } if (i < 0) i += num_rows; if (j < 0) j += num_cols; if (i < 0 || num_rows <= i || j < 0 || num_cols <= j) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "bad args for setting entry in data array"); } ptr[i][j] = v; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable[row,col] = number -> number * * Replaces the element at location _row_, _col_ by the given _number_. */ VALUE dtable_aset(VALUE ary, VALUE xloc, VALUE yloc, VALUE val) { dtable_store(ary, NUM2LONG(xloc), NUM2LONG(yloc), NUM2DBL(val)); return val; } #define DTABLE_DUMP_VERSION 1 PRIVATE /* Called by the marshalling mechanism to store a permanent copy of a Dtable. _limit_ is simply ignored. */ VALUE dtable_dump(VALUE ary, VALUE limit) { int i; /* for STORE_UNSIGNED */ long rows, cols; long x, y; double ** data = Dtable_Ptr(ary, &cols, &rows); double * col; long target_len = 1 /* first signature byte */ + 8 /* 2 * length */ + cols * rows * 8 ; unsigned u_len; VALUE str = rb_str_new2(""); rb_str_resize(str,target_len); /* This seems to do the trick */ /* \begin{playing with ruby's internals} */ unsigned char * ptr = (unsigned char *) RSTRING_PTR(str); /* signature byte */ (*ptr++) = DTABLE_DUMP_VERSION; u_len = (unsigned) rows; /* limits to 4 billions rows */ STORE_UNSIGNED(u_len, ptr); /* destroys u_len */ u_len = (unsigned) cols; /* limits to 4 billions columns */ STORE_UNSIGNED(u_len, ptr); /* destroys u_len */ for(x = 0; x < rows; x++) { col = data[x]; for(y = 0; y < cols; y++) { store_double(*(col++), ptr); ptr += 8; } } /* RSTRING_LEN(str) = target_len;*/ return str; /* \end{playing with ruby's internals} */ } PRIVATE /* Called by the marshalling mechanism to retrieve a permanent copy of a Dtable. */ VALUE dtable_load(VALUE klass, VALUE str) { VALUE ret = Qnil; VALUE s = StringValue(str); unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *) StringValuePtr(s); unsigned char * dest = buf + RSTRING_LEN(s); unsigned i; /* for GET_UNSIGNED */ unsigned tmp = 0; long rows, cols; long x,y; double ** data; double * col; /* depending on the first byte, the decoding will be different */ switch(*(buf++)) { case 1: GET_UNSIGNED(tmp, buf); rows = tmp; GET_UNSIGNED(tmp, buf); cols = tmp; /* create a new Dtable with the right size */ ret = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), cols, rows); data = Dtable_Ptr(ret, NULL, NULL); for(x = 0; x < rows; x++) { col = data[x]; for(y = 0; y< cols; y++) { if(buf + 8 > dest) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "corrupted data given to Dtable._load"); break; } else { col[y] = get_double(buf); buf += 8; } } } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "corrupted data given to Dtable._load"); } return ret; } /* The following function has been written by Benjamin ter Kuile */ PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.interpolate(Xs, Ys, nx, ny, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end) -> a_dtable * * Returns a copy of _dtable_ with the values interpolated given the proper X and Y axis to create a uniform spaced result in the X- and Y * direction consisting of nx- and ny values for each direction. */ VALUE dtable_interpolate(VALUE ary, VALUE x_vec, VALUE y_vec, VALUE nx_val, VALUE ny_val, VALUE xstart_val, VALUE xend_val, VALUE ystart_val, VALUE yend_val) { Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(ary); int nx = NUM2DBL(rb_Integer(nx_val)); int ny = NUM2DBL(rb_Integer(ny_val)); int i, j, num_cols = d->num_cols, num_rows = d->num_rows/*, last_row = num_rows - 1*/; long xsrc_len, ysrc_len; double *xsrc = Dvector_Data_for_Read(x_vec, &xsrc_len); double *ysrc = Dvector_Data_for_Read(y_vec, &ysrc_len); if(xsrc_len != num_cols) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Number of x values (%ld) do not match the number of columns (%d)", xsrc_len, num_cols); if(ysrc_len != num_rows) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Number of y values (%ld) do not match the number of rows (%d)", ysrc_len, num_rows); VALUE new = dtable_init(dtable_alloc(cDtable), nx, ny); Dtable *d2 = Get_Dtable(new); double **src, **dest; xstart_val = rb_Float(xstart_val); double xstart = NUM2DBL(rb_Float(xstart_val)); if(xstart < xsrc[0]) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "The start x value %g is smaller than the bound (%g)", xstart, xsrc[0]); double xend = NUM2DBL(rb_Float(xend_val)); if(xend > xsrc[xsrc_len-1]) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "The end x value %g is bigger than the bound (%g)", xend, xsrc[xsrc_len-1]); double ystart = NUM2DBL(rb_Float(ystart_val)); if(ystart < ysrc[0]) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "The start y value %g is smaller than the bound (%g)", ystart, ysrc[0]); double yend = NUM2DBL(rb_Float(yend_val)); if(yend > ysrc[ysrc_len-1]) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "The end y value %g is bigger than the bound (%g)", yend, ysrc[ysrc_len-1]); double dx = (xend-xstart)/(nx-1); double dy = (yend-ystart)/(ny-1); double xcurrent = xstart; double ycurrent = ystart; double intvalue; int isrc = 1; int jsrc = 1; src = d->ptr; dest = d2->ptr; for (i = 1; i < ny+1; i++) { while(ysrc[isrc] < ycurrent && ycurrent < ysrc[ysrc_len-1]){ isrc++; } for (j = 1; j < nx+1; j++) { while(xsrc[jsrc] < xcurrent && xcurrent < xsrc[xsrc_len-1]){ jsrc++; } intvalue = ( ( src[isrc-1][jsrc-1]*(ysrc[isrc]-ycurrent)*(xsrc[jsrc]-xcurrent)) + ( src[isrc][jsrc - 1] * (ycurrent - ysrc[isrc - 1]) * (xsrc[jsrc] - xcurrent) ) + ( src[isrc - 1][jsrc] * (ysrc[isrc] - ycurrent) * (xcurrent - xsrc[jsrc - 1]) ) + ( src[isrc][jsrc] * (ycurrent - ysrc[isrc - 1]) * (xcurrent - xsrc[jsrc - 1]) ) ); intvalue = intvalue / ( (ysrc[isrc] - ysrc[isrc - 1]) * (xsrc[jsrc] - xsrc[jsrc - 1]) ); dest[i-1][j-1] = intvalue; xcurrent += dx; } xcurrent = xstart; jsrc = 1; ycurrent += dy; } return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dtable.sum -> number * * Returns the sum of the entries in _dtable_. Returns 0.0 if * _dtable_ is empty. * * a = Dtable.new(2,4) * a.set_column(0, Dvector[1,2,3,4]) * a.set_column(1, Dvector[0, 1, 0, 1]) * a.sum -> 12.0 * Dtable.new(2,2).sum -> 0.0 */ VALUE dtable_sum(VALUE tabl){ int i,j; double sum=0.0; double **src; Dtable *d = Get_Dtable(tabl); src = d->ptr; for(i=0; i < d->num_cols; i++){ for(j=0; j < d->num_rows; j++){ sum = sum + src[j][i]; } } return rb_float_new(sum); } /* * Document-class: Dobjects::Dtable * * Dtables are a specialized implementation of two-dimensional arrays of double precision floating point numbers. * They are intended for use in applications needing efficient processing of large 2D tables of numeric data. * Essentially any of the operations you might do with a Ruby Array of numbers can also be done with a Dtable. * Dtables follow the same design philosophy as Dvector and uses Dvectors for several operations. */ PUBLIC void Init_Dtable() { /* modified by Vincent Fourmond, for splitting out the libraries */ rb_require("Dobjects/Dvector"); /* we first make sure Dvector is included */ VALUE mDobjects = rb_define_module("Dobjects"); cDtable = rb_define_class_under(mDobjects, "Dtable", rb_cObject); /* end of modification */ rb_define_alloc_func(cDtable, dtable_alloc); rb_define_method(cDtable, "initialize", dtable_initialize, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "read", dtable_read, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "num_cols", dtable_num_cols, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "num_rows", dtable_num_rows, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "at", dtable_at, 2); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "[]", "at"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "[]=", dtable_aset, 3); rb_define_method(cDtable, "row", dtable_row, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "column", dtable_column, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "set_row", dtable_set_row, 2); rb_define_method(cDtable, "set_column", dtable_set_column, 2); rb_define_method(cDtable, "clear", dtable_clear, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "set", dtable_set, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "max", dtable_max, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "min", dtable_min, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "min_gt", dtable_min_gt, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "max_lt", dtable_max_lt, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "dup", dtable_dup, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "transpose", dtable_transpose, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "reverse_rows", dtable_reverse_rows, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "reverse_cols", dtable_reverse_cols, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "rotate_cw90", dtable_rotate_cw90, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "rotate_ccw90", dtable_rotate_ccw90, 0); /* math operations */ rb_define_method(cDtable, "add", dtable_add, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "+", "add"); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "plus", "add"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sub", dtable_sub, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "-", "sub"); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "minus", "sub"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "mul", dtable_mul, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "*", "mul"); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "times", "mul"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "div", dtable_div, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "/", "div"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "modulo", dtable_mod, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "mod", "modulo"); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "%", "modulo"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "remainder", dtable_remainder, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "pow", dtable_pow, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "raised_to", "pow"); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "**", "pow"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "as_exponent_of", dtable_as_exponent_of, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atan2", dtable_atan2, 1); /* numeric methods */ rb_define_method(cDtable, "abs", dtable_abs, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "ceil", dtable_ceil, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "floor", dtable_floor, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "round", dtable_round, 0); /* standard math functions */ rb_define_method(cDtable, "acos", dtable_acos, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "acosh", dtable_acosh, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "asin", dtable_asin, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "asinh", dtable_asinh, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atan", dtable_atan, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atanh", dtable_atanh, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "cos", dtable_cos, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "cosh", dtable_cosh, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "exp", dtable_exp, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "log", dtable_log, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "log10", dtable_log10, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sin", dtable_sin, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sinh", dtable_sinh, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sqrt", dtable_sqrt, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "tan", dtable_tan, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "tanh", dtable_tanh, 0); /* nonstandard math functions */ rb_define_method(cDtable, "neg", dtable_neg, 0); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "-@", "neg"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "exp10", dtable_exp10, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "inv", dtable_inv, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "trim", dtable_trim, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_log", dtable_safe_log, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_log10", dtable_safe_log10, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_inv", dtable_safe_inv, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_sqrt", dtable_safe_sqrt, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_asin", dtable_safe_asin, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_acos", dtable_safe_acos, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "add!", dtable_add_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "plus!", "add!"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sub!", dtable_sub_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "minus!", "sub!"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "mul!", dtable_mul_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "times!", "mul!"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "div!", dtable_div_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "modulo!", dtable_modulo_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "mod!", "modulo!"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "remainder!", dtable_remainder_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "pow!", dtable_pow_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDtable, "raised_to!", "pow!"); rb_define_method(cDtable, "as_exponent_of!", dtable_as_exponent_of_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atan2!", dtable_atan2_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "neg!", dtable_neg_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "abs!", dtable_abs_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sin!", dtable_sin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "cos!", dtable_cos_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "tan!", dtable_tan_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "asin!", dtable_asin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "acos!", dtable_acos_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atan!", dtable_atan_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sinh!", dtable_sinh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "cosh!", dtable_cosh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "tanh!", dtable_tanh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "asinh!", dtable_asinh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "acosh!", dtable_acosh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "atanh!", dtable_atanh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "ceil!", dtable_ceil_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "floor!", dtable_floor_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "round!", dtable_round_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "exp!", dtable_exp_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "exp10!", dtable_exp10_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "log!", dtable_log_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "log10!", dtable_log10_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "inv!", dtable_inv_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sqrt!", dtable_sqrt_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "trim!", dtable_trim_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_log!", dtable_safe_log_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_log10!", dtable_safe_log10_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_inv!", dtable_safe_inv_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_sqrt!", dtable_safe_sqrt_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_asin!", dtable_safe_asin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "safe_acos!", dtable_safe_acos_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "interpolate", dtable_interpolate, 8); rb_define_method(cDtable, "sum", dtable_sum, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "each_row", dtable_each_row, 0); rb_define_method(cDtable, "each_column", dtable_each_column, 0); /* Marshal : */ rb_define_method(cDtable, "_dump", dtable_dump, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDtable, "_load", dtable_load, 1); /* modified by Vincent Fourmond, for splitting out the libraries */ rb_require("Dobjects/Dtable_extras.rb"); /* end of modification */ /* first, we export the symbols needed by other libraries see include/dtable.h for their description */ RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDtable, Read_Dtable); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDtable, Dtable_Ptr); /* now we import the symbols from Dvector */ VALUE cDvector = rb_const_get(mDobjects, rb_intern("Dvector")); RB_IMPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Create); RB_IMPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_Resize); RB_IMPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_Replace); RB_IMPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_for_Read); RB_IMPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Store_Double); } /* implementing the symnbols just means that the location of the global variable with the pointer function will be here */ IMPLEMENT_SYMBOL(Dvector_Create); IMPLEMENT_SYMBOL(Dvector_Data_Resize); IMPLEMENT_SYMBOL(Dvector_Data_Replace); IMPLEMENT_SYMBOL(Dvector_Data_for_Read); IMPLEMENT_SYMBOL(Dvector_Store_Double);