JRuby Sandbox

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The JRuby sandbox is a reimplementation of \_why's freaky freaky sandbox
in JRuby, and is heavily based on [javasand][1] by Ola Bini, but updated
for JRuby 1.7.

## Prerequisites

This gem was developed against JRuby 1.7.6, and is known to work with 1.7.8,
but has not been tested against other versions, so proceed at your own risk.
The Travis CI configuration specifies the `jruby-19mode` target, which floats
between exact versions of JRuby. At the time of writing, this is currently
JRuby 1.7.8. You can see a list of Travis CI's provided rubies [here][2]. As
long as the build is green you should be good to go.

Installing JRuby is simple with RVM:

    rvm install jruby-1.7.6

## Building

To build the JRuby extension, run `rake compile`. This will build the
`lib/sandbox/sandbox.jar` file, which `lib/sandbox.rb` loads.

## Basic Usage

Sandbox gives you a self-contained JRuby interpreter in which to eval
code without polluting the host environment.

    >> require "sandbox"
    => true
    >> sand = Sandbox::Full.new
    => #<Sandbox::Full:0x46377e2a>
    >> sand.eval("x = 1 + 2") # we've defined x in the sandbox
    => 3
    >> sand.eval("x")
    => 3
    >> x # but it hasn't leaked out into the host interpreter
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for #<Object:0x11cdc190>

There's also `Sandbox::Full#require`, which lets you invoke `Kernel#require`
directly for the sandbox, so you can load any trusted core libraries. Note that
this is a direct binding to `Kernel#require`, so it will only load ruby stdlib
libraries (i.e. no rubygems support yet).

## Sandbox::Safe usage

Sandbox::Safe exposes an `#activate!` method which will lock down the sandbox,
removing unsafe methods. Before calling `#activate!`, Sandbox::Safe is the same
as Sandbox::Full.

    >> require 'sandbox'
    => true
    >> sand = Sandbox.safe
    => #<Sandbox::Safe:0x17072b90>
    >> sand.eval %{`echo HELLO`}
    => "HELLO\n"
    >> sand.activate!
    >> sand.eval %{`echo HELLO`}
    Sandbox::SandboxException: NoMethodError: undefined method ``' for main:Object

Sandbox::Safe works by whitelisting methods to keep, and removing the rest.
Checkout sandbox.rb for which methods are kept.

Sandbox::Safe.activate! will also isolate the sandbox environment from the
filesystem using FakeFS.

     >> require 'sandbox'
     => true
     >> s = Sandbox.safe
     => #<Sandbox::Safe:0x3fdb8a73>
     >> s.eval('Dir["/"]')
     => ["/"]
     >> s.eval('Dir["/*"]')
     => ["/Applications", "/bin", "/cores", "/dev", etc.]
     > s.activate!
     >> s.eval('Dir["/*"]')
     => []
     > Dir['/*']
     => ["/Applications", "/bin", "/cores", "/dev", etc.]

## Known Issues / TODOs

  * There is currently no timeout support, so it's possible for a
    sandbox to loop indefinitely and block the host interpreter.

[1]: http://ola-bini.blogspot.com/2006/12/freaky-freaky-sandbox-has-come-to-jruby.html
[2]: http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/ci-environment/#Ruby-(aka-common)-VM-images