require 'spec_helper' describe 'Standalone migrations' do def write(file, content) raise "cannot write nil" unless file file = tmp_file(file) folder = File.dirname(file) `mkdir -p #{folder}` unless File.exist?(folder), 'w') { |f| f.write content } end def read(file) end def migration(name) m = `cd spec/tmp/db/migrate && ls`.split("\n").detect { |m| m =~ /#{name}/ } m ? "db/migrate/#{m}" : m end def tmp_file(file) "spec/tmp/#{file}" end def schema ENV['SCHEMA'] end def run(cmd) result = `cd spec/tmp && #{cmd} 2>&1` raise result unless $?.success? result end def make_migration(name, options={}) task_name = options[:task_name] || 'db:new_migration' migration = run("rake #{task_name} name=#{name}").match(%r{db/migrate/\d+.*.rb})[0] content = read(migration) content.sub!(/def down.*?\send/m, "def down;puts 'DOWN-#{name}';end") content.sub!(/def up.*?\send/m, "def up;puts 'UP-#{name}';end") write(migration, content) migration.match(/\d{14}/)[0] end def write_rakefile(config=nil) write 'Rakefile', <<-TXT $LOAD_PATH.unshift '#{File.expand_path('lib')}' begin require "standalone_migrations" StandaloneMigrations::Tasks.load_tasks rescue LoadError => e puts "gem install standalone_migrations to get db:migrate:* tasks! (Error: \#{e})" end TXT end def write_multiple_migrations migration_superclass = if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 "ActiveRecord::Migration[#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}.#{Rails::VERSION::MINOR}]" else "ActiveRecord::Migration" end write_rakefile %{t.migrations = "db/migrations", "db/migrations2"} write "db/migrate/20100509095815_create_tests.rb", <<-TXT class CreateTests < #{migration_superclass} def up puts "UP-CreateTests" end def down puts "DOWN-CreateTests" end end TXT write "db/migrate/20100509095816_create_tests2.rb", <<-TXT class CreateTests2 < #{migration_superclass} def up puts "UP-CreateTests2" end def down puts "DOWN-CreateTests2" end end TXT end before do `rm -rf spec/tmp` if File.exist?('spec/tmp') `mkdir spec/tmp` write_rakefile write(schema, '') write 'db/config.yml', <<-TXT development: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/development.sql test: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/test.sql TXT end after(:all) do `rm -rf spec/tmp` if File.exist?('spec/tmp') end it "warns of deprecated folder structure" do warning = /DEPRECATED.* db\/migrate/ expect(run("rake db:create")).not_to match(warning) write('db/migrations/fooo.rb', 'xxx') expect(run("rake db:create --trace")).to match(warning) end describe 'db:create and drop' do it "should create the database and drop the database that was created" do run "rake db:create" run "rake db:drop" end end describe 'callbacks' do it 'runs the callbacks' do expect(StandaloneMigrations::Tasks).to receive(:configure) connection_established = false expect(ActiveRecord::Base).to receive(:establish_connection) do connection_established = true end expect(StandaloneMigrations).to receive(:run_on_load_callbacks) do expect(connection_established).to be true end Dir.chdir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "tmp")) do load "Rakefile" Rake::Task['standalone:connection'].invoke end end end describe 'db:new_migration' do it "fails if i do not add a name" do expect(lambda{ run("rake db:new_migration") }).to raise_error(/name=/) end it "generates a new migration with this name from ENV and timestamp" do expect(run("rake db:new_migration name=test_abc_env")).to match(%r{create(.*)db/migrate/\d+_test_abc_env\.rb}) expect(run("ls db/migrate")).to match(/^\d+_test_abc_env.rb$/) end it "generates a new migration with this name from args and timestamp" do expect(run("rake db:new_migration[test_abc_args]")).to match(%r{create(.*)db/migrate/\d+_test_abc_args\.rb}) expect(run("ls db/migrate")).to match(/^\d+_test_abc_args.rb$/) end it "generates a new migration with the name converted to the Rails migration format" do expect(run("rake db:new_migration name=MyNiceModel")).to match(%r{create(.*)db/migrate/\d+_my_nice_model\.rb}) expect(read(migration('my_nice_model'))).to match(/class MyNiceModel/) expect(run("ls db/migrate")).to match(/^\d+_my_nice_model.rb$/) end it "generates a new migration with name and options from ENV" do run("rake db:new_migration name=add_name_and_email_to_users options='name:string email:string'") expect(read(migration('add_name_and_email_to_users'))).to match(/add_column :users, :name, :string\n\s*add_column :users, :email, :string/) end it "generates a new migration with name and options from args" do run("rake db:new_migration[add_website_and_username_to_users,website:string/username:string]") expect(read(migration('add_website_and_username_to_users'))).to match(/add_column :users, :website, :string\n\s*add_column :users, :username, :string/) end end describe 'db:version' do it "should start with a new database version" do expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/Current version: 0/) end it "should display the current version" do run("rake db:new_migration name=test_abc") run("rake --trace db:migrate") expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/Current version: #{}/) end end describe 'db:migrate' do it "does nothing when no migrations are present" do expect(run("rake db:migrate")).not_to match(/Migrating/) end it "migrates if i add a migration" do run("rake db:new_migration name=xxx") expect(run("rake db:migrate")).to match(/Xxx: Migrating/i) end end describe 'db:migrate:down' do it "migrates down" do make_migration('xxx') sleep 1 version = make_migration('yyy') run 'rake db:migrate' result = run("rake db:migrate:down VERSION=#{version}") expect(result).not_to match(/Xxx: reverting/) expect(result).to match(/Yyy: reverting/) end it "fails without version" do make_migration('yyy') # Rails has a bug where it's sending a bad failure exception # expect(lambda{ run("rake db:migrate:down") }).to raise_error(/VERSION|version/) end end describe 'db:migrate:up' do it "migrates up" do make_migration('xxx') run 'rake db:migrate' sleep 1 version = make_migration('yyy') result = run("rake db:migrate:up VERSION=#{version}") expect(result).not_to match(/Xxx: migrating/) expect(result).to match(/Yyy: migrating/) end it "fails without version" do make_migration('yyy') # Rails has a bug where it's sending a bad failure exception # expect(lambda{ run("rake db:migrate:up") }).to raise_error(/VERSION|version/) end end describe 'db:rollback' do it "does nothing when no migrations have been run" do expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 0/) expect(run("rake db:rollback")).to eq('') expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 0/) end it "rolls back the last migration if one has been applied" do write_multiple_migrations run("rake db:migrate") expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 20100509095816/) expect(run("rake db:rollback")).to match(/revert/) expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 20100509095815/) end it "rolls back multiple migrations if the STEP argument is given" do write_multiple_migrations run("rake db:migrate") expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 20100509095816/) run("rake db:rollback STEP=2") =~ /revert/ expect(run("rake db:version")).to match(/version: 0/) end end describe 'schema:dump' do it "dumps the schema" do write(schema, '') run('rake db:schema:dump') expect(read(schema)).to match(/ActiveRecord/) end end describe 'db:schema:load' do it "loads the schema" do run('rake db:schema:dump') write(schema, read(schema)+"\nputs 'LOADEDDD'") result = run('rake db:schema:load') expect(result).to match(/LOADEDDD/) end it "loads all migrations" do make_migration('yyy') run "rake db:migrate" run "rake db:drop" run "rake db:create" run "rake db:schema:load" expect(run( "rake db:migrate").strip).to eq('') end end describe 'db:abort_if_pending_migrations' do it "passes when no migrations are pending" do expect(run("rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations").strip).to eq('') end it "fails when migrations are pending" do make_migration('yyy') expect(lambda{ run("rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations") }).to raise_error(/1 pending migration/) end end describe 'db:test:load' do it 'loads' do write(schema, "puts 'LOADEDDD'") expect(run("rake db:test:load")).to match(/LOADEDDD/) end it "fails without schema" do schema_path = "spec/tmp/#{schema}" `rm -rf #{schema_path}` if File.exist?(schema_path) expect(lambda{ run("rake db:test:load") }).to raise_error(/try again/) end end describe 'db:test:purge' do it "runs" do run('rake db:test:purge') end end describe "db:seed" do it "loads" do write("db/seeds.rb", "puts 'LOADEDDD'") expect(run("rake db:seed")).to match(/LOADEDDD/) end describe 'with non-default seed file' do let(:yaml_hash) do { "db" => { "seeds" => "db/seeds2.rb", } } end before do write(".standalone_migrations", yaml_hash.to_yaml) end it "loads" do write("db/seeds2.rb", "puts 'LOADEDDD'") expect(run("rake db:seed")).to match(/LOADEDDD/) end end it "does nothing without seeds" do expect(run("rake db:seed").length).to eq(0) end end describe "db:reset" do it "should not error when a seeds file does not exist" do make_migration('yyy') run('rake db:migrate DB=test') expect(lambda{ run("rake db:reset") }).not_to raise_error end end describe 'db:migrate when environment is specified' do it "runs when using the DB environment variable", :travis_error => true do make_migration('yyy') run('rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test') expect(run('rake db:version RAILS_ENV=test')).not_to match(/version: 0/) expect(run('rake db:version')).to match(/version: 0/) end it "should error on an invalid database", :travis_error => true do expect(lambda{ run("rake db:create RAILS_ENV=nonexistent")}).to raise_error(/rake aborted/) end end end