# @title Vedeu API # The Vedeu API Vedeu provides a simple DSL for the creation of terminal/console based applications. Below is a list of all the API methods: class OtherClassInYourApplication # ... def some_method Vedeu.some_api_method end # ... end Most of Vedeu's core functionality comes from its API methods, these methods are used in a variety of ways, sometimes in combination: # with parameters Vedeu.method_name(*params) # with a block Vedeu.method_name(*params) do # ... end # with other methods Vedeu.method_name.other_method Nearly all of the API methods have associated {file:docs/events.md Vedeu Events} which you can bind to or trigger to achieve the same effect. It is favoured that you trigger events instead of calling API methods as this gives you a bit more visibility when debugging, and flexibility when running your application. However, how you build your application is up to you! (Of course!) ## Configuration See {file:docs/configuration.md} ## Events See {file:docs/events.md} ## Input ### Vedeu.keypress ### Vedeu.keymap - key - name - interface ## Interfaces ### Vedeu.interface - background - border - cursor - colour - delay - focus! - foreground - geometry - align - align_left - align_center - align_centre - align_right - align_top - align_middle - align_bottom - horizontal_alignment - vertical_alignment - height - width - x - y - group - keymap - key - name - interface - line - name - style - use ## Views ### Vedeu.renders ### Vedeu.render - view - colour - cursor - geometry - height - width - x - y - line - background - colour - foreground - stream - align - background - colour - foreground - style - text - width - streams - stream - text - style - lines - line - name - style - use ### Vedeu.views - ... as #renders ## Menus ### Vedeu.menu - items - name ## Renderers ### Vedeu.renderer # API Methods ### Vedeu.add_command @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.add_keypress @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.all_commands Returns an array of all commands received by Vedeu. @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.all_keypresses Returns an array of all keypresses received by Vedeu. @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.background_colours Repository method. Access registered background colours. Vedeu.background_colours # => [Vedeu::Colours::Backgrounds] Vedeu.background_colours.all # => [Hash<String => String>] ### Vedeu.bind @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.bind_alias @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.border See {Vedeu::Borders::DSL.border} ### Vedeu.borders Repository method. Access registered borders. Vedeu.borders # [Vedeu::Borders::Repository] Vedeu.borders.all # [Array<Vedeu::Borders::Border>] ### Vedeu.bound? @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.buffer_update @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.buffer_write @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.buffers Repository method. Access registered borders. Vedeu.buffers # [Vedeu::Buffers::Repository] Vedeu.buffers.all # [Array<Vedeu::Buffers::Buffer>] ### Vedeu.clear @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.clear_by_group @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.clear_by_name @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.clear_content_by_name @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.clock_time @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.configuration @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.configure @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.cursor @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.cursors Repository method. Access registered cursors. Vedeu.cursors # [Vedeu::Cursors::Repository] Vedeu.cursors.all # [Array<Vedeu::Cursors::Cursor>] ### Vedeu.direct_write @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.documents @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.drb_restart @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.drb_start @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.drb_status @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.drb_stop @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.events Repository method. Access registered events. Vedeu.events # [Vedeu::Events::Repository] Vedeu.events.all # [Array<Vedeu::Events::Collection>] ### Vedeu.exit @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focus @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focus? @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focus_by_name @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focus_next @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focus_previous @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.focussed? @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.foreground_colours Show all the registered foreground colours. Vedeu.foreground_colours.all # => [Hash<String => String>] Vedeu.foreground_colours # => [Vedeu::Colours::Foregrounds] ### Vedeu.geometries Repository method. Access registered interface/view geometry. Vedeu.geometries # [Vedeu::Geometries::Repository] Vedeu.geometries.all # [Array<Vedeu::Geometries::Geometry>] ### Vedeu.geometry @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.goto @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.group @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.groups Repository method. Access registered groups. Vedeu.groups # [Vedeu::Groups::Repository] Vedeu.groups.all # [Array<Vedeu::Groups::Group>] ### Vedeu.height @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.hide_cursor See {file:docs/cursors.md#vedeuhide_cursor__} ### Vedeu.hide_group @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.hide_interface @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.interface @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.interfaces Repository method. Access registered interfaces. Vedeu.interfaces # [Vedeu::Interfaces::Repository] Vedeu.interfaces.all # [Array<Vedeu::Interfaces::Interface>] ### Vedeu.keymap @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.keymaps Repository method. Access registered keymaps. Vedeu.keymaps # [Vedeu::Input::Repository] Vedeu.keymaps.all # [Array<Vedeu::Input::Keymap>] ### Vedeu.keypress @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.keys @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.last_command Returns the last command entered into Vedeu. @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.last_keypress Returns the last keypress entered into Vedeu. @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.log @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.log_stderr @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.log_stdout @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.log_timestamp @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.menu @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.menus Repository method. Access registered menus. Vedeu.menus # [Vedeu::Menus::Repository] Vedeu.menus.all # [Array<Vedeu::Menus::Menu>] ### Vedeu.profile @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.read This allows the direct reading from the terminal, unencumbered by the framework. Vedeu.read("some input here") # => programmatic cooked mode # (default) Vedeu.read("\e[24;2~", mode: :raw) # => programmatic raw mode # (provides :shift_f12 in # this example) Vedeu.read(nil, mode: :raw) # => for a single keypress Vedeu.read(nil, mode: :cooked) # => (default mode) for a 'line at # a time' (pressing 'return' # ends the line) The way that these are used will depend on the mode your terminal is currently set to. Vedeu by default sets this to `:raw` (single character, hidden cursor). `Vedeu.read` by default expects the terminal to be in `:cooked` mode unless you provide the `mode: :raw` option. - In `:cooked` mode (default), it will trigger a `:_command_` event with the input provided, meaning you should bind to :command to receive the input. - In `:raw` mode, it will trigger a `:_keypress_` event with the input provided, meaning you should bind to `:key` to receive the input. You can also access the input given using the API methods: Vedeu.all_commands Vedeu.all_keypresses Vedeu.last_command Vedeu.last_keypress ### Vedeu.ready! @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.ready? @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.refresh @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.render @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.render_output @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.renderer @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.renderers Repository method. Access registered renderers. Vedeu.renderers # [Vedeu::Renderers] ### Vedeu.renders @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.renders @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.resize @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.show_cursor See {file:docs/cursors.md#vedeushow_cursor__} ### Vedeu.show_group @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.show_interface @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.timer @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.toggle_cursor See {file:docs/cursors.md#vedeutoggle_cursor__} ### Vedeu.toggle_group @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.toggle_interface @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.trigger @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.unbind @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.view @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.views @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.width @todo Add more documentation. ### Vedeu.write This allows the direct writing to the terminal, unencumbered by the framework. @todo Add more documentation.