require 'oauth' require 'cgi' module Katello class HttpResource class NetworkException < StandardError end class RestClientException < StandardError attr_reader :service_code, :code def initialize(params) super params[:message] @service_code = params[:service_code] @code = params[:code] end end include Katello::Concerns::FilterSensitiveData class_attribute :consumer_secret, :consumer_key, :ca_cert_file, :prefix, :site, :default_headers, :ssl_client_cert, :ssl_client_key attr_reader :json def initialize(json = {}) @json = json end def [](key) @json[key] end def []=(key, value) @json[key] = value end REQUEST_MAP = { get: Net::HTTP::Get, post: Net::HTTP::Post, put: Net::HTTP::Put, patch: Net::HTTP::Patch, delete: Net::HTTP::Delete }.freeze class << self REQUEST_MAP.keys.each do |key| define_method(key) do |*args| issue_request( method: key, path: args.first, headers: args.length > 1 ? args.last : nil, payload: args.length > 2 ? args[1] : nil # non-GET method signatures use payload as the second argument, keeping headers as the last element ) end end def logger fail NotImplementedError end def process_response(resp) logger.debug "Processing response: #{resp.code}" logger.debug filter_sensitive_data(resp.body) return resp unless resp.code.to_i >= 400 parsed = {} message = "Rest exception while processing the call" service_code = "" status_code = resp.code.to_s begin parsed = JSON.parse resp.body message = parsed["displayMessage"] if parsed["displayMessage"] service_code = parsed["code"] if parsed["code"] rescue => error logger.error "Error parsing the body: " << error.backtrace.join("\n") if %w(404 500 502 503 504).member? resp.code.to_s logger.error "Remote server status code " << resp.code.to_s raise RestClientException, {:message => error.to_s, :service_code => service_code, :code => status_code}, caller else raise NetworkException, [resp.code.to_s, resp.body].reject { |s| s.blank? }.join(' ') end end fail RestClientException, {:message => message, :service_code => service_code, :code => status_code}, caller end def issue_request(method:, path:, headers: {}, payload: nil) logger.debug("Resource #{method.upcase} request: #{path}") logger.debug "Headers: #{headers.to_json}" begin logger.debug "Body: #{filter_sensitive_data(payload.to_json)}" rescue JSON::GeneratorError, Encoding::UndefinedConversionError logger.debug "Body: Error: could not render payload as json" end client = rest_client(REQUEST_MAP[method], method, path) args = [method, payload, headers].compact process_response(client.send(*args)) rescue RestClient::Exception => e raise_rest_client_exception e, path, method.upcase rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED service = path.split("/").second raise Errors::ConnectionRefusedException, _("A backend service [ %s ] is unreachable") % service.capitalize end # re-raise the same exception with nicer error message def raise_rest_client_exception(e, a_path, http_method) msg = "#{name}: #{e.message} #{e.http_body} (#{http_method} #{a_path})" e.message = msg fail e end def join_path(*args) args.inject("") do |so_far, current| so_far << '/' if (!so_far.empty? && so_far[so_far.length - 1].chr != '/') || current[0].chr != '/' so_far << current.strip end end # Creates a RestClient::Resource class with a signed OAuth style # Authentication header added to the request headers. def rest_client(http_type, method, path) # Need full path to properly generate the signature url = + path params = { :site =>, :http_method => method, :request_token_path => "", :authorize_path => "", :access_token_path => ""} params[:ca_file] = self.ca_cert_file unless self.ca_cert_file.nil? # New OAuth consumer to setup signing the request consumer =, self.consumer_secret, params) # The type is passed in, GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request = # Sign the request with OAuth consumer.sign!(request) # Extract the header and add it to the RestClient added_header = {'Authorization' => request['Authorization']} options = { :headers => added_header, :open_timeout => SETTINGS[:katello][:rest_client_timeout], :timeout => SETTINGS[:katello][:rest_client_timeout] } options[:ssl_ca_file] = self.ca_cert_file unless self.ca_cert_file.nil? options[:ssl_client_cert] = self.ssl_client_cert unless self.ssl_client_cert.nil? options[:ssl_client_key] = self.ssl_client_key unless self.ssl_client_key.nil?, options) end def hash_to_query(query_parameters) "?#{URI.encode_www_form(query_parameters)}" end end end end