class E9Crm::DealsController < E9Crm::ResourcesController defaults :resource_class => Deal include E9Rails::Controllers::Orderable # for campaign select options helper :"e9_crm/campaigns" filter_access_to :leads, :reports, :require => :read, :context => :admin skip_after_filter :flash_to_headers, :except => :destroy prepend_before_filter :set_leads_index_title, :only => :leads prepend_before_filter :set_reports_index_title, :only => :reports before_filter :prepop_deal_owner_contact, :only => [:new, :edit] before_filter :redirect_for_default_from_time, :only => [:leads, :reports] ## # All Scopes # has_scope :until_time, :as => :until, :unless => 'params[:from].present?' has_scope :from_time, :as => :from do |controller, scope, value| #is_reports = controller.params[:action] == 'reports' is_reports = false if controller.params[:until] scope.for_time_range(value, controller.params[:until], :right_join => is_reports) else scope.from_time(value, :right_join => is_reports) end end ## # Leads Scopes # # NOTE default => 'true' only exists to ensure this scope is called has_scope :only_leads, :only => :leads, :default => 'true' do |controller, scope| scope.leads(true) end has_scope :offer, :only => :leads ## # Index Scopes # # NOTE default => 'false' only exists to ensure this scope is called has_scope :no_leads, :only => :index, :default => 'false' do |controller, scope| scope.leads(false) end has_scope :category, :only => :index has_scope :status, :only => :index has_scope :owner, :only => :index ## # Reports scopes # has_scope :reports, :only => :reports, :type => :boolean, :default => true has_scope :group, :only => :reports do |c, scope, value| scope & Campaign.of_group(value) end has_scope :type, :only => :reports do |_, scope, value| scope & Campaign.of_type("#{value}_campaign".classify) end ## # Actions # def leads index! end def reports index! end protected def add_edit_breadcrumb(opts = {}) @edit_title = e9_t(resource.lead? ? :new_title : :edit_title) add_breadcrumb!(@edit_title) end # TODO the leads table references offer each row, and it is not joined here def collection get_collection_ivar || begin set_collection_ivar( if params[:action] == 'reports' end_of_association_chain.all elsif params[:action] == 'deals' # NOTE this is a pretty ugly join just to be able to sort on owner end_of_association_chain .joins("left outer join contacts on = deals.contact_id") .select("deals.*, contacts.first_name owner_name") .all else end_of_association_chain.includes(:contacts).paginate(pagination_parameters) end ) end end def prepop_deal_owner_contact object = params[:id] ? resource : build_resource if !object.owner && contact = object.owner = contact end end def set_leads_index_title @index_title = I18n.t(:index_title, :scope => 'e9.e9_crm.leads') end def set_reports_index_title @index_title = I18n.t(:index_title, :scope => 'e9.e9_crm.reports') end def ordered_if %w(index leads reports).member? params[:action] end def default_ordered_on 'name' end def default_ordered_dir 'ASC' end def redirect_for_default_from_time format = request.format.blank? || request.format == Mime::ALL ? Mime::HTML : request.format if format.html? && params[:from].blank? url = params.slice(:controller, :action) url.merge!(:from =>'%Y/%m')) redirect_to url and return false end end end