require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/calc/templates/Standard.html':"
\n"}}); define("dojox/calc/Standard", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/ready", "dojo/keys", "dijit/registry", "dijit/typematic", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin", "dojox/math/_base", "dijit/TooltipDialog", "dojo/text!./templates/Standard.html", "dojox/calc/_Executor", // template "dijit/Menu", // template "dijit/MenuItem", // template "dijit/form/ComboButton", // template "dijit/form/Button", // template "dijit/form/TextBox" // template ], function(declare, lang, has, win, event, domStyle, ready, keys, registry, typematic, WidgetBase, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, TemplatedMixin, _TextBoxMixin, math, TooltipDialog, template, calc){ return declare( "dojox.calc.Standard", [WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, WidgetsInTemplateMixin], { // summary: // The dialog layout for a standard 4 function/algebraic calculator templateString: template, readStore:null, writeStore:null, functions: [], executorLoaded: function(){ // summary: // load in the stores after executor is loaded (the stores need executor to be loaded because it parses them) ready(lang.hitch(this, function(){ this.loadStore(this.readStore, true); this.loadStore(this.writeStore); })); }, saveFunction: function(name, args, body){ // summary: // make the function with executor this.functions[name] = this.executor.normalizedFunction(name, args, body); this.functions[name].args = args; this.functions[name].body = body; }, loadStore: function(store, isReadOnly){ // summary: // load an entire store, and make it publicly editable/viewable based on isReadOnly if(!store){ return; } store.query({}).forEach(lang.hitch(this, function(item){ lang.hitch(this, isReadOnly ? this.executor.normalizedFunction : this.saveFunction)(, item.args, item.body); })); }, parseTextbox: function(){ // summary: // parse the contents of the textboxWidget and display the answer somewhere (depending on the layout) var text = this.textboxWidget.textbox.value; if(text == "" && this.commandList.length > 0){ this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, this.commandList[this.commandList.length-1]); text = this.textboxWidget.textbox.value; } if(text!=""){ var ans = this.executor.eval(text); if((typeof ans == "number" && isNaN(ans))){ if(this.commandList.length == 0 || this.commandList[this.commandList.length - 1] != text){ this.commandList.push(text); } this.print(text, false); this.print("Not a Number", true); }else if(((typeof ans == "object" && "length" in ans) || typeof ans != "object") && typeof ans != "function" && ans != null){ this.executor.eval("Ans="+ans); // add it to the command list as well if(this.commandList.length == 0 || this.commandList[this.commandList.length - 1] != text){ this.commandList.push(text); } this.print(text, false); this.print(ans, true); } this.commandIndex = this.commandList.length-1; //this.displayBox.textbox.scrollTop=this.displayBox.textbox.scrollHeight; if(this.hasDisplay){ this.displayBox.scrollTop=this.displayBox.scrollHeight; } //this.clearText(); //this.textboxWidget.focus(); _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.textboxWidget.textbox); }else{ this.textboxWidget.focus(); } }, cycleCommands: function(count, node, event){ // summary: // Cycle through the commands that the user has entered. // It does not wrap around. if(count == -1 || this.commandList.length==0){ return; } var keyNum = event.charOrCode; //up arrow if(keyNum == keys.UP_ARROW){ this.cycleCommandUp(); }else if(keyNum == keys.DOWN_ARROW){ this.cycleCommandDown(); } }, cycleCommandUp: function(){ // summary: // cycle up through the list of commands the user has entered already if(this.commandIndex-1<0){ this.commandIndex=0; }else{ this.commandIndex--; } this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, this.commandList[this.commandIndex]); }, cycleCommandDown: function(){ // summary: // cycle down through the list of commands the user has entered already if(this.commandIndex+1>=this.commandList.length){ this.commandIndex=this.commandList.length; this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, ""); }else{ this.commandIndex++; this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, this.commandList[this.commandIndex]); } }, onBlur: function(){ // summary: // IE is lacking in function when it comes to the text boxes, so here, make it work like other browsers do by forcing a node.selectionStart and End onto it if(has('ie')){ var tr = win.doc.selection.createRange().duplicate(); var selectedText = tr.text || ''; var ntr = this.textboxWidget.textbox.createTextRange(); tr.move("character",0); ntr.move("character",0); try{ ntr.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tr); this.textboxWidget.textbox.selectionEnd = (this.textboxWidget.textbox.selectionStart = String(ntr.text).replace(/\r/g,"").length) + selectedText.length; }catch(e){} } }, onKeyPress: function(e){ // summary: // handle key input for Enter and operators if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER){ this.parseTextbox(); // stop form submissions event.stop(e); }else if(e.charOrCode == '!' || e.charOrCode == '^' || e.charOrCode == '*' || e.charOrCode == '/' || e.charOrCode == '-' || e.charOrCode == '+'){ if(has('ie')){ var tr = win.doc.selection.createRange().duplicate(); var selectedText = tr.text || ''; var ntr = this.textboxWidget.textbox.createTextRange(); tr.move("character",0); ntr.move("character",0); try{ ntr.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tr); this.textboxWidget.textbox.selectionEnd = (this.textboxWidget.textbox.selectionStart = String(ntr.text).replace(/\r/g,"").length) + selectedText.length; }catch(e){} } if(this.textboxWidget.get("value")==""){ this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, "Ans"); }else if(this.putInAnsIfTextboxIsHighlighted(this.textboxWidget.textbox, event.charOrCode)){ this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, "Ans");//this.insertText("Ans"); // move the cursor to the end of "Ans" _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.textboxWidget.textbox, this.textboxWidget.textbox.value.length, this.textboxWidget.textbox.value.length); } } }, insertMinus: function(){ // summary: // insert a minus sign when they press (-) in the combo button this.insertText('-'); }, print: function(text, isRight){ // summary: // print the answer (typically) to the display or the input box var t = ""; }else{ t += "text-align:left;'>"; } t += text+"
"; if(this.hasDisplay){ this.displayBox.innerHTML += t; }else{// if there is not a display box, put the answer in the input box this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, text); } //this.setTextboxValue(this.displayBox, this.displayBox.get('value')+'\n'+text); }, setTextboxValue: function(widget, val){ // summary: // set a widget's value widget.set('value', val); }, putInAnsIfTextboxIsHighlighted: function(node){ // summary: // try seeing if the textbox is highlighted completely so you know if Ans should be put in for an operator like + //console.log("Entered "+node.selectionStart + " "+ node.selectionEnd); if(typeof node.selectionStart == "number"){ // not-IE if(node.selectionStart==0 && node.selectionEnd == node.value.length){ //node.value = "Ans"; //dijit.selectInputText(node, node.value.length, node.value.length); return true; } }else if(document.selection){ // IE //console.log("Entered 2"); var range = document.selection.createRange(); //console.log("Range: "+range.text +" Node: "+node.value); if(node.value == range.text){ //this.insertText("Ans"); return true; } } return false; }, clearText: function(){ // summary: // this clears the input box if it has content, but if it does not it clears the display if(this.hasDisplay && this.textboxWidget.get('value')==""){ this.displayBox.innerHTML = "";//this.setTextboxValue(this.displayBox, ""); }else{ this.setTextboxValue(this.textboxWidget, ""); } this.textboxWidget.focus(); }, /*insertMinusSign: function(){ // var v = this.subtract.get('label'); if(v != '(-)' && this.putInAnsIfTextboxIsHighlighted(this.textboxWidget.textbox)){ this.insertText("Ans-"); return; } this.insertText('-'); },*/ insertOperator: function(newText){ // summary: // insert an operator with a button if(typeof newText == "object"){ newText = newText = registry.getEnclosingWidget(newText["target"]).value; } if(this.textboxWidget.get("value") == "" || this.putInAnsIfTextboxIsHighlighted(this.textboxWidget.textbox)){ newText = "Ans"+newText; } this.insertText(newText); }, insertText: function(newText){//(node, newText){ // summary: // insert text to the textboxWidget node setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ var node = this.textboxWidget.textbox; if(node.value==""){ node.selectionStart = 0; node.selectionEnd = 0; } if(typeof newText == "object"){ newText = newText = registry.getEnclosingWidget(newText["target"]).value; } var value = node.value.replace(/\r/g,''); if(typeof node.selectionStart == "number"){ // not-IE var pos = node.selectionStart; var cr = 0; if(has('opera')){ cr = (node.value.substring(0,pos).match(/\r/g) || []).length; } node.value = value.substring(0, node.selectionStart-cr) + newText + value.substring(node.selectionEnd-cr); node.focus(); pos += newText.length; //node.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.textboxWidget.textbox, pos, pos); }else if(document.selection){ // IE if(this.handle){ clearTimeout(this.handle); this.handle = null; } node.focus(); this.handle = setTimeout(function(){ var range = document.selection.createRange(); range.text = newText; // show cursor; this.handle = null; }, 0); } }), 0); }, hasDisplay: false, postCreate: function(){ // summary: // run startup, see if there is an upper display box, etc this.handle = null; this.commandList = []; this.commandIndex = 0; if(this.displayBox){ this.hasDisplay = true; } if(this.toFracButton && !calc.toFrac){ domStyle.set(this.toFracButton.domNode, { visibility: "hidden" }); } if(this.functionMakerButton && !calc.FuncGen){ domStyle.set(this.functionMakerButton.domNode, { visibility: "hidden" }); } if(this.grapherMakerButton && !calc.Grapher){ domStyle.set(this.grapherMakerButton.domNode, { visibility: "hidden" }); } this._connects.push(typematic.addKeyListener(this.textboxWidget.textbox, { charOrCode:keys.UP_ARROW, shiftKey:false, metaKey:false, ctrlKey:false // ALT is optional since its unspecified }, this, this.cycleCommands, 200, 200)); this._connects.push(typematic.addKeyListener(this.textboxWidget.textbox, { charOrCode:keys.DOWN_ARROW, shiftKey:false, metaKey:false, ctrlKey:false // ALT is optional since its unspecified }, this, this.cycleCommands, 200, 200)); //onClick="this.insertText(document.getElementById('textbox'), '\u221A')" //this.sqrt.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, "insertText", this.textboxWidget, '\u221A')); //this.pi.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, "insertText", this.textboxWidget, '\u03C0')); this.startup() } }); });