# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class SML < RegexLexer desc 'Standard ML' tag 'sml' aliases 'ml' filenames '*.sml', '*.sig', '*.fun' mimetypes 'text/x-standardml', 'application/x-standardml' def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( abstype and andalso as case datatype do else end exception fn fun handle if in infix infixr let local nonfix of op open orelse raise rec then type val with withtype while eqtype functor include sharing sig signature struct structure where ) end def self.symbolic_reserved @symbolic_reserved ||= Set.new %w(: | = => -> # :>) end id = /[\w']+/i symbol = %r([!%&$#/:<=>?@\\~`^|*+-]+) def self.analyze_text(text) return 0 end state :whitespace do rule /\s+/m, Text rule /[(][*]/, Comment, :comment end state :delimiters do rule /[(\[{]/, Punctuation, :main rule /[)\]}]/, Punctuation, :pop! rule /\b(let|if|local)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved do push; push end rule /\b(struct|sig|while)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved push end rule /\b(do|else|end|in|then)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :pop! end def token_for_id_with_dot(id) if self.class.keywords.include? id Error else Name::Namespace end end def token_for_final_id(id) if self.class.keywords.include? id or self.class.symbolic_reserved.include? id Error else Name end end def token_for_id(id) if self.class.keywords.include? id Keyword::Reserved elsif self.class.symbolic_reserved.include? id Punctuation else Name end end state :core do rule /[()\[\]{},;_]|[.][.][.]/, Punctuation rule /#"/, Str::Char, :char rule /"/, Str::Double, :string rule /~?0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/, Num::Hex rule /0wx[0-9a-fA-F]+/, Num::Hex rule /0w\d+/, Num::Integer rule /~?\d+([.]\d+)?[eE]~?\d+/, Num::Float rule /~?\d+[.]\d+/, Num::Float rule /~?\d+/, Num::Integer rule /#\s*[1-9][0-9]*/, Name::Label rule /#\s*#{id}/, Name::Label rule /#\s+#{symbol}/, Name::Label rule /\b(datatype|abstype)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :dname rule(/(?=\bexception\b(?!'))/) { push :ename } rule /\b(functor|include|open|signature|structure)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :sname rule /\b(type|eqtype)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :tname rule /'#{id}/, Name::Decorator rule /(#{id})([.])/ do |m| groups(token_for_id_with_dot(m[1]), Punctuation) push :dotted end rule id do |m| token token_for_id(m[0]) end rule symbol do |m| token token_for_id(m[0]) end end state :dotted do rule /(#{id})([.])/ do |m| groups(token_for_id_with_dot(m[1]), Punctuation) end rule id do |m| token token_for_id(m[0]) pop! end rule symbol do |m| token token_for_id(m[0]) pop! end end state :root do rule /#!.*?\n/, Comment::Preproc rule(//) { push :main } end state :main do mixin :whitespace rule /\b(val|and)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :vname rule /\b(fun)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved goto :main_fun push :fname end mixin :delimiters mixin :core end state :main_fun do mixin :whitespace rule /\b(fun|and)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved, :fname rule /\bval\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved goto :main push :vname end rule /[|]/, Punctuation, :fname rule /\b(case|handle)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved goto :main end mixin :delimiters mixin :core end state :has_escapes do rule /\\[\\"abtnvfr]/, Str::Escape rule /\\\^[\x40-\x5e]/, Str::Escape rule /\\[0-9]{3}/, Str::Escape rule /\\u\h{4}/, Str::Escape rule /\\\s+\\/, Str::Interpol end state :string do rule /[^"\\]+/, Str::Double rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop! mixin :has_escapes end state :char do rule /[^"\\]+/, Str::Char rule /"/, Str::Char, :pop! mixin :has_escapes end state :breakout do rule /(?=\w+\b(#{SML.keywords.to_a.join('|')})\b(?!'))/ do pop! end end state :sname do mixin :whitespace mixin :breakout rule id, Name::Namespace rule(//) { pop! } end state :has_annotations do rule /'[\w']*/, Name::Decorator rule /[(]/, Punctuation, :tyvarseq end state :fname do mixin :whitespace mixin :has_annotations rule id, Name::Function, :pop! rule symbol, Name::Function, :pop! end state :vname do mixin :whitespace mixin :has_annotations rule /(#{id})(\s*)(=(?!#{symbol}))/m do groups Name::Variable, Text, Punctuation pop! end rule /(#{symbol})(\s*)(=(?!#{symbol}))/m do groups Name::Variable, Text, Punctuation end rule id, Name::Variable, :pop! rule symbol, Name::Variable, :pop! rule(//) { pop! } end state :tname do mixin :whitespace mixin :breakout mixin :has_annotations rule /'[\w']*/, Name::Decorator rule /[(]/, Punctuation, :tyvarseq rule %r(=(?!#{symbol})) do token Punctuation goto :typbind end rule id, Keyword::Type rule symbol, Keyword::Type end state :typbind do mixin :whitespace rule /\b(and)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved goto :tname end mixin :breakout mixin :core end state :dname do mixin :whitespace mixin :breakout mixin :has_annotations rule /(=)(\s*)(datatype)\b/ do groups Punctuation, Text, Keyword::Reserved pop! end rule %r(=(?!#{symbol})) do token Punctuation goto :datbind push :datcon end rule id, Keyword::Type rule symbol, Keyword::Type end state :datbind do mixin :whitespace rule /\b(and)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved; goto :dname end rule /\b(withtype)\b(?!')/ do token Keyword::Reserved; goto :tname end rule /\bof\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved rule /([|])(\s*)(#{id})/ do groups(Punctuation, Text, Name::Class) end rule /([|])(\s+)(#{symbol})/ do groups(Punctuation, Text, Name::Class) end mixin :breakout mixin :core end state :ename do mixin :whitespace rule /(exception|and)(\s+)(#{id})/ do groups Keyword::Reserved, Text, Name::Class end rule /(exception|and)(\s*)(#{symbol})/ do groups Keyword::Reserved, Text, Name::Class end rule /\b(of)\b(?!')/, Keyword::Reserved mixin :breakout mixin :core end state :datcon do mixin :whitespace rule id, Name::Class, :pop! rule symbol, Name::Class, :pop! end state :tyvarseq do mixin :whitespace rule /'[\w']*/, Name::Decorator rule id, Name rule /,/, Punctuation rule /[)]/, Punctuation, :pop! rule symbol, Name end state :comment do rule /[^(*)]+/, Comment::Multiline rule /[(][*]/ do token Comment::Multiline; push end rule /[*][)]/, Comment::Multiline, :pop! rule /[(*)]/, Comment::Multiline end end end end