class Brief::Apps::Blueprint::Epic include Brief::Model include Brief::RemoteSyncing defined_in Pathname(__FILE__) meta do title subheading project owner status String, :in => %w(draft published) tags Array end content do title "h1:first-of-type" paragraph "p:first-of-type" paragraphs "p" define_section "Features" do each("h2").has(:title => "h2", :paragraph => "p:first-of-type", :components => "p:first-of-type strong", :tasks => "ul li" ) each("h2").is_a :feature end end template <<-EOF # <%= object.title %> # Features <% Array(object.features).each do |feature| %> ## <%= feature.title %> <%= feature.paragraph %> <% end %> EOF actions do def validate $brief_cli ? validate_cli : true end def estimate estimate_cli if $brief_cli end def activate raise 'Need to implement this on your own' end def publish BlueprintEpicPublisher.publish(self, via: briefcase.settings.try(:tracking_system)) end # Converts a draft epic which contains inline feature definitions # into individual feature files def featurize puts "== Generating features for #{ title }" features_data.each do |feature| puts " -- #{ feature.title }" begin generate_feature(feature.title) if feature.title rescue => e puts "Error generating feature: #{ feature.title } #{ e.message }".red end end nil end end helpers do def features briefcase.features(project: project, epic: title) end def active? status.to_s.downcase == "active" end def published? status.to_s.downcase == "published" end def draft? status.to_s.downcase == "draft" || status.to_s == "" end def parent_project briefcase.projects(project: project).first end def find_feature_by_title(feature_title) briefcase.features(project: project, epic: title, title: feature_title) end def features_data do |item| item.components = Array(item.components) item.merge(goal: item.components[2], persona: item.components[0], behavior: item.components[1]) end end def generate_feature(feature_heading) path = feature_file_for(feature_heading) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path.dirname) c = generate_feature_content(feature_heading)"w+") do |fh| fh.write(c) end end def generate_feature_content(feature_heading) if feature_file_for(feature_heading).exist? return feature_file_for(feature_heading).read end data = { status: status, project: project, epic: title, title: feature_heading } content = raw_content_for_feature(feature_heading) data.stringify_keys.to_yaml + "---\n\n" + content end def feature_file_for(feature_heading) folder = features_folder filename = feature_heading.strip.parameterize + '.md' folder.join(filename) end def features_folder briefcase.docs_path.join("features", project.parameterize, title.parameterize) end def raw_content_for_feature(feature_heading, include_heading=true) document.content_under_heading(feature_heading, include_heading).tap do |v| # UGLY # Promotes the h2 heading to an h1 for this document v.gsub! "## #{ feature_heading }", "# #{ feature_heading }" v.gsub! "###{ feature_heading }", "# #{ feature_heading }" end end def estimate_cli new_content = ask_editor("# Enter point values next to each feature title\n\n#{estimations_yaml}") parsed = YAML.load(new_content) rescue nil if parsed"w+") {|fh| fh.write(new_content) } end end def estimations_yaml estimations_data.to_yaml end def estimations_data if estimations_yaml_path.exist? YAML.load( else estimates ={}) do |memo, feature_title| memo[feature_title] = 0 memo end { type: "epic_estimations", document_path: document.path, epic_title: title, estimates: estimates }.stringify_keys end end def estimations_yaml_path briefcase.data_path.join("estimations","#{title.parameterize}.yml") end # prints a validation report of the epic def validation_report warnings = [] errors = [] begin if features.any? {|f| f.title.to_s.length == 0 } errors.push "Feature is missing title. Should be an h2 element" end rescue => e errors.push "Error generating features: #{ e.message }" end if title.to_s.length == 0 errors.push "Missing epic title" end if project.to_s.length == 0 warnings.push "Missing project reference" else project_titles = Array(( rescue nil)) warnings.push "Invalid project reference. #{ project } does not refer to a valid project. #{ project_titles }" unless project_titles.include?(project) end [warnings, errors] end def validate_cli warnings, errors = validation_report if !warnings.empty? puts "== Epic Warnings. #{ document.path }".yellow warnings.each {|w| puts " -- #{ w }" } end if !errors.empty? puts "== Epic Errors. #{ document.path }".red errors.each {|w| puts " -- #{ w }" } end end def github_issue_body replace_feature_content_with_issue_links end def github_issue_title title end def replace_feature_content_with_issue_links content end def github_issue_labels [] end def github_milestone_number nil end def github_issue_attributes { title: github_issue_title, body: github_issue_body, labels: github_issue_labels, milestone: github_milestone_number } end end end