#!/usr/bin/env ruby if ARGV.size < 2 or ARGV.find {|option| option == "-h" or option == "--help"} puts "Usage: #{$0} DATABASE_FILE [FILE_OR_DIRECTORY ...]" exit end require 'pathname' base_directory = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + ".." $LOAD_PATH.unshift((base_directory + "ext").to_s) $LOAD_PATH.unshift((base_directory + "lib").to_s) require 'rubygems' require 'groonga' require 'nokogiri' database_file, *targets = ARGV database_file = Pathname(database_file) database_directory = database_file.dirname database_directory.mkpath unless database_directory.exist? if database_file.exist? Groonga::Database.open(database_file.to_s) else Groonga::Database.create(:path => database_file.to_s) Groonga::Schema.define do |schema| schema.create_table("documents") do |table| table.string("title") table.text("content") table.string("path") table.time("last-modified") end schema.create_table("terms", :type => :patricia_trie, :key_normalize => true, :default_tokenizer => "TokenBigram") do |table| table.index("documents.title") table.index("documents.content") end end end documents = Groonga::Context.default["documents"] targets.each do |target| target = Pathname(target) target.find do |path| throw :prune if path.basename.to_s == ".svn" if path.file? and path.extname == ".html" path.open do |html| values = {:path => path.relative_path_from(target).to_s} _documents = documents.select do |record| record["path"] == values[:path] end if _documents.size.zero? document = documents.add else document = _documents.to_a[0].key end html_document = Nokogiri::HTML(html) html_document.css("title").each do |title| values[:title] = title.text end contents = [] html_document.css("body").each do |body| contents << body.text end html_document.css("img").each do |image| image_content = [] title = image['title'] alt = image['alt'] image_content << title if title and !title.empty? image_content << alt if alt and !alt.empty? contents.concat(image_content) unless image_content.empty? end values[:content] = contents.join("\n") values["last-modified"] = path.mtime values.each do |key, value| document[key] = value end end end end end