module Compass module Installers class Base include Actions attr_accessor :template_path, :target_path, :working_path attr_accessor :options def initialize(template_path, target_path, options = {}) @template_path = template_path @target_path = target_path @working_path = Dir.getwd @options = options self.logger = options[:logger] end [:css_dir, :sass_dir, :images_dir, :javascripts_dir, :http_stylesheets_path, :fonts_dir, :preferred_syntax].each do |dir| define_method dir do Compass.configuration.send(dir) end define_method "#{dir}_without_default" do Compass.configuration.send("#{dir}_without_default") end end # Runs the installer. # Every installer must conform to the installation strategy of prepare, install, and then finalize. # A default implementation is provided for each step. def run(run_options = {}) prepare unless run_options[:skip_preparation] install unless options[:prepare] finalize(options.merge(run_options)) unless options[:prepare] || run_options[:skip_finalization] end # The default prepare method -- it is a no-op. # Generally you would create required directories, etc. def prepare end # The install method override this to install def install raise "Not Yet Implemented" end # The default finalize method -- it is a no-op. # This could print out a message or something. def finalize(options = {}) end def compilation_required? false end def pattern_name_as_dir "#{options[:pattern_name]}/" if options[:pattern_name] end def self.installer(type, installer_opts = {}, &locator) locator ||= lambda{|to| to} loc_method = "install_location_for_#{type}".to_sym define_method("simple_#{loc_method}", locator) define_method(loc_method) do |to, options| if options[:like] && options[:like] != type send("install_location_for_#{options[:like]}", to, options) else send("simple_#{loc_method}", to) end end define_method "install_#{type}" do |from, to, options| from = templatize(from) to = targetize(send(loc_method, to, options)) is_binary = installer_opts[:binary] || options[:binary] if is_binary copy from, to, nil, is_binary else contents = if options.delete(:erb) ctx = TemplateContext.ctx(:to => to, :options => options) contents = process_erb(contents, ctx) end write_file to, contents end end end installer :stylesheet do |to| "#{sass_dir}/#{pattern_name_as_dir}#{to}" end def install_stylesheet(from, to, options) from = templatize(from) to = targetize(install_location_for_stylesheet(to, options)) contents = if options.delete(:erb) ctx = TemplateContext.ctx(:to => to, :options => options) contents = process_erb(contents, ctx) end if preferred_syntax.to_s != from[-4..-1] # logger.record :convert, basename(from) tree =, Compass.sass_engine_options.merge(:syntax => from[-4..-1].intern)).to_tree contents = tree.send("to_#{preferred_syntax}") to[-4..-1] = preferred_syntax.to_s end write_file to, contents end installer :css do |to| "#{css_dir}/#{to}" end installer :image, :binary => true do |to| "#{images_dir}/#{to}" end installer :javascript do |to| "#{javascripts_dir}/#{to}" end installer :font do |to| "#{fonts_dir}/#{to}" end installer :file do |to| "#{pattern_name_as_dir}#{to}" end installer :html do |to| "#{pattern_name_as_dir}#{to}" end def install_directory(from, to, options) d = if within = options[:within] if respond_to?(within) targetize("#{send(within)}/#{to}") else raise Compass::Error, "Unrecognized location: #{within}" end else targetize(to) end directory d end alias install_html_without_haml install_html def install_html(from, to, options) if to =~ /\.haml$/ require 'haml' to = to[0..-(".haml".length+1)] if respond_to?(:install_location_for_html) to = install_location_for_html(to, options) end contents = if options.delete(:erb) ctx = TemplateContext.ctx(:to => to, :options => options) contents = process_erb(contents, ctx) end Compass.configure_sass_plugin! html =, :filename => templatize(from)).render write_file(targetize(to), html, options) else install_html_without_haml(from, to, options) end end # returns an absolute path given a path relative to the current installation target. # Paths can use unix style "/" and will be corrected for the current platform. def targetize(path) strip_trailing_separator File.join(target_path, separate(path)) end # returns an absolute path given a path relative to the current template. # Paths can use unix style "/" and will be corrected for the current platform. def templatize(path) strip_trailing_separator File.join(template_path, separate(path)) end # Emits an HTML fragment that can be used to link to the compiled css files def stylesheet_links "" end end end end require 'compass/installers/bare_installer' require 'compass/installers/manifest_installer'