=== 0.2.3 2013-03-05 * catch all events with "EventEmitter#on :*" === 0.2.2 2013-01-04 * bugfix === 0.2.1 2013-01-04 * use bundler gem template === 0.2.0 2012-12-16 * remove_listener * fix method-name duplication === 0.1.0 2012-11-15 * support on/emit multiple arguments === 0.0.7 2012-11-09 * on/emit without any args * add tests === 0.0.6 2012-11-09 * add sample === 0.0.5 2012-11-08 * add github page link === 0.0.4 2012-11-08 * instance-specific method with EventEmitter.apply(instance) === 0.0.3 2012-11-08 * call listener with Object#instance_exec === 0.0.2 2012-11-07 * EventEmitter#once : call listener only first time * EventEmitter#add_listener, remove_listener === 0.0.1 2012-11-07 * implement "on" and "emit"