module CORL module Provisioner class Puppetnode < CORL.plugin_class(:provisioner) @@puppet_lock = #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provisioner plugin interface def normalize(reload) super do if CORL.log_level == :debug Puppet.debug = true end end end #--- def register(options = {}) Util::Puppet.register_plugins(Config.ensure(options).defaults({ :puppet_scope => scope })) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Property accessor / modifiers def compiler @compiler end #--- def scope return compiler.topscope if compiler nil end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Puppet initialization def init_puppet(profiles) locations = build_locations # Must be in this order!! Puppet.initialize_settings Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) # TODO: Figure out how to store these damn settings in a specialized # environment without phantom empty environment issues. node = get_node Puppet[:node_name_value] = id.to_s if manifest = gateway if manifest.match(/^packages\/.*/) manifest = File.join(build_directory, locations[:build], manifest) else manifest = File.join(, directory, manifest) end Puppet[:manifest] = manifest end unless profiles.empty? modulepath = profiles.collect do |profile| File.join(build_directory, locations[:module][profile.to_sym]) end Puppet[:modulepath] = array(modulepath).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end @compiler = register # Initialize the compiler so we can can lookup and include stuff # This is ugly but seems to be the only way. compiler.compile end protected :init_puppet #--- def get_node node_id = id.to_s node = Puppet::Node.indirection.find(node_id) if facts = Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.find(node_id) = node_id node.merge(facts.values) end node end protected :get_node #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provisioner interface operations def build(options = {}) super do |locations, package_info, init_location|, nil), :pp), :pp) # Build modules locations[:module] = {} init_profile = lambda do |package_name, profile_name, profile_info| package_id = id(package_name) base_directory = File.join(locations[:modules], package_id.to_s, profile_name.to_s) if profile_info.has_key?(:modules) profile_info[:modules].each do |module_name, module_reference| module_directory = File.join(base_directory, module_name.to_s) module_project = CORL.project(extended_config(:puppet_module, { :directory => File.join(build_directory, module_directory), :url => module_reference, :create => true, :pull => true })) raise unless module_project end locations[:module][profile_id(package_name, profile_name)] = base_directory end end hash(package_info.get([ :provisioners, plugin_provider ])).each do |package_name, info| if info.has_key?(:profiles) info[:profiles].each do |profile_name, profile_info|, profile_name, profile_info) end end end profiles.each do |profile_name, profile_info|, profile_name, profile_info) end end end #--- def lookup(property, default = nil, options = {}) Util::Puppet.lookup(property, default, Config.ensure(options).defaults({ :provisioner => :puppetnode, :puppet_scope => scope })) end #-- def import(files, options = {}) Util::Puppet.import(files, Config.ensure(options).defaults({ :puppet_scope => scope, :puppet_import_base => })) end #--- def include(resource_name, properties = {}, options = {}) Util::Puppet.include(resource_name, properties, Config.ensure(options).defaults({ :provisioner => :puppetnode, :puppet_scope => scope })) end #--- def add_search_path(type, resource_name) Config.set_options([ :all, type ], { :search => [ resource_name.to_s ] }) end #--- def provision(profiles, options = {}) locations = build_locations success = true include_location = lambda do |type, add_to_catalog = true, add_search_path = false| locations[:package].each do |name, package_directory| gateway = File.join(build_directory, package_directory, "#{type}.pp") resource_name = concatenate([ name, type ]) add_search_path(type, resource_name) if add_search_path if File.exists?(gateway) import(gateway) include(resource_name, { :before => 'Anchor[gateway_init]' }) if add_to_catalog end directory = File.join(build_directory, package_directory, type.to_s) Dir.glob(File.join(directory, '*.pp')).each do |file| resource_name = concatenate([ name, type, File.basename(file).gsub('.pp', '') ]) import(file) include(resource_name, { :before => 'Anchor[gateway_init]' }) if add_to_catalog end end gateway = File.join(build_directory, locations[:build], "#{type}.pp") resource_name = concatenate([ plugin_name, type ]) add_search_path(type, resource_name) if add_search_path if File.exists?(gateway) import(gateway) include(resource_name, { :before => 'Anchor[gateway_init]' }) if add_to_catalog end if locations.has_key?(type) directory = File.join(build_directory, locations[type]) Dir.glob(File.join(directory, '*.pp')).each do |file| resource_name = concatenate([ plugin_name, type, File.basename(file).gsub('.pp', '') ]) import(file) include(resource_name, { :before => 'Anchor[gateway_init]' }) if add_to_catalog end end end @@puppet_lock.synchronize do begin start_time = init_puppet(profiles) # Include defaults, true, true) # Import and include needed profiles, false) profiles.each do |profile| include(profile, { :require => 'Anchor[gateway_exit]' }) end # Start system configuration catalog = compiler.catalog.to_ral catalog.finalize catalog.retrieval_duration = - start_time configurer = if ! => catalog, :pluginsync => false) success = false end rescue Exception => error raise error Puppet.log_exception(error) end end success end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities def profile_id(package_name, profile_name) concatenate([ package_name, 'profile', profile_name ], false) end #--- def concatenate(components, capitalize = false) super(components, capitalize, '::') end end end end