# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rumale/base/regressor' require 'rumale/neural_network/base_mlp' module Rumale module NeuralNetwork # MLPRegressor is a class that implements regressor based on multi-layer perceptron. # MLPRegressor use ReLu as the activation function and Adam as the optimization method # and mean squared error as the loss function. # # @example # estimator = Rumale::NeuralNetwork::MLPRegressor.new(hidden_units: [100, 100], dropout_rate: 0.3) # estimator.fit(training_samples, traininig_labels) # results = estimator.predict(testing_samples) class MLPRegressor < BaseMLP include Base::Regressor # Return the network. # @return [Rumale::NeuralNetwork::Model::Sequential] attr_reader :network # Return the number of iterations run for optimization # @return [Integer] attr_reader :n_iter # Return the random generator. # @return [Random] attr_reader :rng # Create a new regressor with multi-layer perceptron. # # @param hidden_units [Array] The number of units in the i-th hidden layer. # @param dropout_rate [Float] The rate of the units to drop. # @param learning_rate [Float] The initial value of learning rate in Adam optimizer. # @param decay1 [Float] The smoothing parameter for the first moment in Adam optimizer. # @param decay2 [Float] The smoothing parameter for the second moment in Adam optimizer. # @param max_iter [Integer] The maximum number of epochs that indicates # how many times the whole data is given to the training process. # @param batch_size [Intger] The size of the mini batches. # @param tol [Float] The tolerance of loss for terminating optimization. # @param verbose [Boolean] The flag indicating whether to output loss during iteration. # @param random_seed [Integer] The seed value using to initialize the random generator. def initialize(hidden_units: [128, 128], dropout_rate: 0.4, learning_rate: 0.001, decay1: 0.9, decay2: 0.999, max_iter: 200, batch_size: 50, tol: 1e-4, verbose: false, random_seed: nil) check_params_type(Array, hidden_units: hidden_units) check_params_numeric(dropout_rate: dropout_rate, learning_rate: learning_rate, decay1: decay1, decay2: decay2, max_iter: max_iter, batch_size: batch_size, tol: tol) check_params_boolean(verbose: verbose) check_params_numeric_or_nil(random_seed: random_seed) super @network = nil end # Fit the model with given training data. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model. # @param y [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) The taget values to be used for fitting the model. # @return [MLPRegressor] The learned regressor itself. def fit(x, y) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) y = check_convert_tvalue_array(y) check_sample_tvalue_size(x, y) y = y.expand_dims(1) if y.ndim == 1 n_targets = y.shape[1] n_features = x.shape[1] sub_rng = @rng.dup loss = Loss::MeanSquaredError.new @network = buld_network(n_features, n_targets, sub_rng) @network = train(x, y, @network, loss, sub_rng) @network.delete_dropout self end # Predict values for samples. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the values. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) Predicted values per sample. def predict(x) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) out, = @network.forward(x) out = out[true, 0] if out.shape[1] == 1 out end end end end