API Guide

Select Bucket:

To save a single log to logman bucket, make POST request to url:

{{protocol}}//{{host}}/api/write?key={{ (sbucket)? sbucket.write_token : 'bucket_write_key' }}

With data in JSON format:

 	log_type: 1, 					//type of log: 1-error, 2-success, 3-warning,4-info
 	message: 'Err...', 				//log message
 	//Optional parameters
 	data: {						//aditional data
 		innerException: {message:'...'}    
 	datetime: '1-1-2013 10:00', 			//time when error occurred on server
 	data_type: '.net exception', 			//not used for now, but indicates 'data' field format
 	sources: [{ 					//Name and IP of machine that generated an error, 
 		name: 'my server',			//if logman Proxy is used, it will append his hostname and ip
 		ip_address: ''