require_relative "../../test_helper" module Unit module Connection class TestQuery < MiniTest::Test class Connection < SimpleConnection include MonetDB::Connection::Messages include MonetDB::Connection::Query end describe MonetDB::Connection::Query do before do @connection = end describe "#extract_headers!" do it "returns an array with delegated return values" do response, foo, bar = mock, mock, mock @connection.expects(:parse_query_header!).with(response).returns(foo) @connection.expects(:parse_scheme_header!).with(response).returns(bar) assert_equal [foo, bar], @connection.send(:extract_headers!, response) end end describe "#parse_query_header!" do describe "containing an error message" do it "raises a query error" do assert_raises MonetDB::QueryError do @connection.send(:parse_query_header!, ["!epicfail", "foo"]) end end end describe "when absent in response" do it "raises a query error" do assert_raises MonetDB::QueryError do @connection.send(:parse_query_header!, ["$money", "foo"]) end end end describe "when present in response" do it "extracts the first line from the response and returns to_query_header_hash" do response = [ "& 1 8 1982 0", "% foo", "% bar", "[ 19, 82 ]", "[ 20, 47 ]" ] @connection.expects(:to_query_header_hash).returns(hash = "hash") assert_equal hash, @connection.send(:parse_query_header!, response) assert_equal [ "% foo", "% bar", "[ 19, 82 ]", "[ 20, 47 ]" ], response end end end describe "#to_query_header_hash" do describe "when Q_TABLE header" do it "returns a table header hash" do assert_equal({ :type => "1", :id => 0, :rows => 1947, :columns => 8, :returned => 2014 }, @connection.send(:to_query_header_hash, "&1 0 1947 8 2014")) end end describe "when Q_BLOCK header" do it "returns a block header hash" do assert_equal({ :type => "6", :id => 0, :columns => 10, :remains => 179, :offset => 100 }, @connection.send(:to_query_header_hash, "&6 0 10 179 100")) end end describe "when unknown header" do it "returns a simple hash with just the type" do assert_equal({:type => "0"}, @connection.send(:to_query_header_hash, "&0 1 2 3")) end end end describe "#parse_scheme_header!" do describe "when present in response" do it "extracts scheme related lines from the response and returns to_scheme_header_hash" do response = [ "% foo", "% bar", "[ 19, 82 ]", "[ 20, 47 ]" ] @connection.expects(:to_scheme_header_hash).returns(hash = "hash") assert_equal hash, @connection.send(:parse_scheme_header!, response) assert_equal [ "[ 19, 82 ]", "[ 20, 47 ]" ], response end end describe "when absent in response" do it "returns nil" do response = [ "[ 19, 82 ]", "% foo bar", "[ 20, 47 ]" ] assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_scheme_header!, response) assert_equal [ "[ 19, 82 ]", "% foo bar", "[ 20, 47 ]" ], response end end end describe "#to_scheme_header_hash" do it "returns a frozen hash" do header = [ %w(foo_bars baz_quxs paul_engels), %w(foo bar baz qux), %w(tinyint varchar integer float), %w(1 9 8 2) ] hash = @connection.send(:to_scheme_header_hash, header) assert_equal true, hash.frozen? assert_equal({ :table_name => "foo_bars", :column_names => %w(foo bar baz qux), :column_types => [:tinyint, :varchar, :integer, :float], :column_lengths => [1, 9, 8, 2] }, hash) end end describe "#parse_rows" do it "returns an array of hashes" do table_header = { :column_types => [:varchar, :date, :double] } response = [ "[ \"Paul Engel\",\t1982-08-01,\t19.82\t]", "[ \"Ken Adams\",\t1980-10-13,\t20.47\t]" ].join("\n") assert_equal [ ["Paul Engel", Date.parse("1982-08-01"), 19.82], ["Ken Adams", Date.parse("1980-10-13"), 20.47] ], @connection.send(:parse_rows, table_header, response) end end describe "#parse_value" do describe "when NULL" do it "returns nil" do assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :varchar, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :text, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :int, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :smallint, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :bigint, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :double, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :float, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :real, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :date, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :timestamp, "NULL") assert_nil @connection.send(:parse_value, :tinyint, "NULL") end end describe "when not NULL" do describe "when is type valid" do it "delegates to the appropiate parse method" do value = mock @connection.expects(:parse_string_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :varchar, value) @connection.expects(:parse_string_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :text, value) @connection.expects(:parse_integer_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :int, value) @connection.expects(:parse_integer_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :smallint, value) @connection.expects(:parse_integer_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :bigint, value) @connection.expects(:parse_float_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :float, value) @connection.expects(:parse_float_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :real, value) @connection.expects(:parse_date_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :date, value) @connection.expects(:parse_date_time_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :timestamp, value) @connection.expects(:parse_boolean_value).with(value) @connection.send(:parse_value, :tinyint, value) end end describe "when is type invalid" do it "raises a not implemented error" do assert_raises NotImplementedError do @connection.send(:parse_value, :foo, mock) end end end end end describe "#parse_string_value" do it "returns a string" do assert_equal "Paul Engel", @connection.send(:parse_string_value, "\"Paul Engel\"") end end describe "#parse_integer_value" do it "returns an integer" do assert_equal 1982, @connection.send(:parse_integer_value, "1982") end end describe "#parse_float_value" do it "returns a float" do assert_equal 19.82, @connection.send(:parse_float_value, "19.82") end end describe "#parse_date_value" do it "returns a Date instance" do assert_equal Date.parse("1982-08-01"), @connection.send(:parse_date_value, "1982-08-01") end end describe "#parse_date_time_value" do it "returns a Time instance" do assert_equal Time.parse("1982-08-01 18:19:47"), @connection.send(:parse_date_time_value, "1982-08-01 18:19:47.0000") end end describe "#parse_boolean_value" do it "returns a boolean" do assert_equal false, @connection.send(:parse_boolean_value, "0") assert_equal true, @connection.send(:parse_boolean_value, "1") end end end end end end