module Taperole module Commands class Ansible < Thor include Taperole::AnsibleRunner include Taperole::Helpers::Logging class_option :limit, type: :string, aliases: :l, desc: 'Limits ansible runs to hosts matching the given pattern' class_option :task, type: :string, aliases: :T, desc: 'Name of the rake task to execute' class_option :inventory, aliases: :i, type: :string, desc: 'Do actions with the given inventory file' class_option :name, aliases: :n, type: :string, desc: 'The name of the machine to operate on' class_option :port, aliases: :p, type: :numeric, desc: 'The port that the machine is listening on for SSH connections' class_option :tags, aliases: :t, type: :string, desc: 'Only run plays and tasks tagged with these values' class_option :role, aliases: :r, type: :string, desc: 'Name of the role to operate on' class_option :'ask-vault-pass', type: :boolean, desc: 'Ask for Ansible vault password' class_option :book, aliases: :b, type: :string, desc: 'A custom playbook to run' desc 'everything', 'Initial setup of a server' def everything Taperole::Notifier.register_notifiers(options) valid_preconfigs ? ansible(options: options) : puts("Not a Rails or JS app") end desc 'deploy', 'Deploy the latest version of the app' def deploy Taperole::Notifier.register_notifiers(options) ansible_deploy(args: '-t be_deploy,fe_deploy', options: options) end end end end