# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card # Card::Query is for finding implicit lists (or counts of lists) of cards. # # Search and Set cards use Card::Query to query the database, and it's also # frequently used directly in code. # # Query "statements" (objects, really) are made in WQL (Wagn Query # Language). Because WQL is used by Wagneers, the primary language # documentation is on wagn.org. (http://wagn.org/WQL_Syntax). Note that the # examples there are in JSON, like Search card content, but statements in # Card::Query are in ruby form. # # In Wagn's current form, Card::Query generates and executes SQL statements. # However, the SQL generation is largely (not yet fully) separated from the # WQL statement interpretation. # # The most common way to use Card::Query is as follows: # list_of_cards = Card::Query.run(statement) # # This is equivalent to: # query = Card::Query.new(statement) # list_of_cards = query.run # # Upon initiation, the query is interpreted, and the following key objects # are populated: # # - @join - an Array of Card::Query::Join objects # - @conditions - an Array of conditions # - @mod - a Hash of other query-altering keys # - @subqueries - a list of other queries nested within this one # # Each condition is either a SQL-ready string (boo) or an Array in this form: # [ field_string_or_sym, Card::Value::Query object ] class Query require_dependency 'card/query/clause' require_dependency 'card/query/value' require_dependency 'card/query/reference' require_dependency 'card/query/attributes' require_dependency 'card/query/sql_statement' require_dependency 'card/query/join' include Clause include Attributes ATTRIBUTES = { basic: %w( id name key type_id content left_id right_id creator_id updater_id codename ), relational: %w( type part left right editor_of edited_by last_editor_of last_edited_by creator_of created_by member_of member ), plus_relational: %w( plus left_plus right_plus ), ref_relational: %w( refer_to referred_to_by link_to linked_to_by include included_by ), conjunction: %w( and or all any ), special: %w( found_by not sort match complete extension_type ), ignore: %w( prepend append view params vars size ) }.inject({}) {|h,pair| pair[1].each { |v| h[v.to_sym]=pair[0] }; h } CONJUNCTIONS = { any: :or, in: :or, or: :or, all: :and, and: :and } MODIFIERS = %w( conj return sort sort_as group dir limit offset ) .inject({}) { |h,v| h[v.to_sym]=nil; h } OPERATORS = %w( != = =~ < > in ~ ).inject({}) {|h,v| h[v]=v; h }.merge({ eq: '=', gt: '>', lt: '<', match: '~', ne: '!=', :'not in'=> nil }.stringify_keys) DEFAULT_ORDER_DIRS = { :update => "desc", :relevance => "desc" } attr_reader :statement, :mods, :conditions, :subqueries, :superquery attr_accessor :joins, :table_seq, :unjoined, :conditions_on_join def initialize statement @subqueries = [] @conditions = [] @joins = [] @mods = {} @statement = statement.clone @unjoined = @statement.delete(:unjoined ) || nil @context = @statement.delete(:context ) || nil @superquery = @statement.delete(:superquery) || nil @vars = @statement.delete(:vars ) || {} @vars.symbolize_keys! interpret @statement self end # Query Execution # By default a query returns card objects. This is accomplished by returning # a card identifier from SQL and then hooking into our caching system (see # Card::Fetch) def self.run statement query = new statement query.run end # run the current query # @return array of card objects by default def run retrn = statement[:return].present? ? statement[:return].to_s : 'card' if retrn == 'card' get_results('name').map do |name| Card.fetch name, new: {} end else get_results retrn end end # @return Integer for :count, otherwise Array of Strings or Integers def get_results retrn rows = run_sql if retrn == 'name' && (statement[:prepend] || statement[:append]) rows.map do |row| [statement[:prepend], row['name'], statement[:append]].compact * '+' end else case retrn when 'count' then rows.first['count'].to_i when 'raw' then rows when /id$/ then rows.map { |row| row[retrn].to_i } else rows.map { |row| row[retrn] } end end end def run_sql # puts "\nstatement = #{@statement}" # puts "sql = #{sql}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) end def sql @sql ||= SqlStatement.new(self).build.to_s end # Query Hierarchy # @root, @subqueries, and @superquery are used to track a hierarchy of # query objects. This nesting allows to find, for example, cards that # link to cards that link to cards.... def root @root ||= @superquery ? @superquery.root : self end def subquery opts={} subquery = Query.new opts.merge(superquery: self) @subqueries << subquery subquery end # Query Interpretation # normalize and extract meaning from a clause # @param clause [Hash, String, Integer] statement or chunk thereof def interpret clause interpret_by_key normalize_clause(clause) end def normalize_clause clause clause = clause_to_hash clause clause.symbolize_keys! clause.each do |key, val| clause[key] = normalize_value val end clause end def clause_to_hash clause case clause when Hash then clause when String then { key: clause.to_name.key } when Integer then { id: clause } else fail BadQuery, "Invalid query args #{clause.inspect}" end end def normalize_value val case val when Integer, Float, Symbol, Hash then val when String, Card::Name then normalize_string_value val when Array then val.map { |v| normalize_value v } else fail BadQuery, "unknown WQL value type: #{val.class}" end end def normalize_string_value val case val.to_s when /^\$(\w+)$/ # replace from @vars @vars[Regexp.last_match[1].to_sym].to_s.strip when /\b_/ # absolutize based on @context val.to_name.to_absolute(context) else val end end def context if !@context.nil? @context else @context = @superquery ? @superquery.context : '' end end def interpret_by_key clause clause.each do |key, val| case when OPERATORS.key?(key.to_s) && !ATTRIBUTES[key] # eg "match" is both operator and attribute; # interpret as attribute when "match" is key interpret content: [key, val] when MODIFIERS.key?(key) && !clause[key].is_a?(Hash) # eg when "sort" is hash, it can have subqueries # and must be interpreted like an attribute @mods[key] = val.is_a?(Array) ? val : val.to_s else interpret_attributes key, val end end end def add_condition *args @conditions << if args.size > 1 [args.shift, Value.new(args.shift, self)] else args[0] end end def interpret_attributes key, val case ATTRIBUTES[key] when :basic then add_condition key, val when :conjunction then send key, val when :relational then relate key, val when :special then relate key, val when :ref_relational then relate key, val, method: :join_references when :plus_relational then relate_compound key, val when :ignore then # noop else fail BadQuery, "Invalid attribute #{key}" end end def relate_compound key, val has_multiple_values = val.is_a?(Array) && (val.first.is_a?(Array) || conjunction(val.first).present?) relate key, val, multiple: has_multiple_values end def relate key, val, opts={} multiple = opts[:multiple].nil? ? val.is_a?(Array) : opts[:multiple] method = opts[:method] || :send if multiple conj = conjunction(val.first) ? conjunction(val.shift) : :and if conj == current_conjunction # same conjunction as container, no need for subcondition val.each { |v| send method, key, v } else send conj, val.map { |v| { key => v } } end else send method, key, val end end def current_conjunction @mods[:conj].blank? ? :and : @mods[:conj] end def all_joins @all_joins ||= (joins + subqueries.find_all(&:unjoined).map(&:all_joins)).flatten end end end