# AjaxTableRails
AjaxTableRails is a super simple, super lightweight library if all you want is fast, JSON-loaded tables with ajax sorting and pagination. It provides just enough to get you going and doesn't do anything fancy. It is also still very much in early development, so there are probably bugs.
## Usage
### Dependencies
Rails and JQuery. C'est ca. If you want to use the Javascript without Rails, feel free.
### Install ajax_table_rails gem
Add `ajax_table_rails` to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install`
gem 'ajax_table_rails'
### Include javascript assets
Add the following to your `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`:
//= require ajaxtable
### Basic usage
#### Build your table
In your view (using Users as an example):
In this example, the table will automatically initialize, and the Name and Email columns will be sortable. Record count and pagination will be inserted into the `tfoot`.
**Required attributes**
| Attribute | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| table data-source | JSON path for your table data |
**Optional attributes**
| Attribute | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| table class | "ajax-table" required for ajax tables to auto-init. Exclude this if you wish to init manually with custom settings (see below). |
| th data-sort-column | Matches database column you'd like to sort against. |
#### Build your controller
Call `set_ajax_table` in a `before_action` to set your sorting criteria, then setup the query in a JSON response block.
`set_ajax_table` populates `@order` and `@page`, which you can use directly in your query. I use Kaminari for pagination, but you can use whatever you like.
before_action -> {
set_ajax_table(columns: %w[name email], default_column: "name", default_direction: "desc")
}, only: [:index]
def index
respond_to do |format|
format.html {}
format.json {
@users = User.order(@order).page(@page)
**Optional attributes**
| Attribute | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| columns | Whitelist of sortable columns |
| default_column | Your default sort column (if unspecified, defaults to `id`) |
| default_direction | Your default sort direction (if unspecified, deaults to `asc`) |
#### Build your JSON
You need to render two JSON nodes: `rows` for your records, and `pagination` for your pagination details.
json.rows(@users) do |user|
json.extract!(user, :name, :email)
json.action link_to("Edit", edit_user_path(user), class: "btn")
json.pagination do
json.per_page User.default_per_page
json.count @users.size
json.total_count User.count
### Advanced usage
#### Filtering results
**Under construction.** Adding the following anywhere on your page will currently work.
#### Customize your table
AjaxTableRails is built with Bootstrap and FontAwesome in mind, as well as some other defaults that may make you unhappy. You may want to override the classes used for pagination and sorting, as well as some other bits and bops. Here's what a full customization looks like (default values shown):
$(function() {
ajaxTable.init($('#some-table'), {
cssClasses: {
count: 'at-count', // "Showing xx records out of xx" span
pagination: 'pagination', // Pagination ul, defaults to match Bootstrap
sort: 'at-sort', // Sort icon base class
sortAsc: 'fa fa-sort-up', // Sort icon ascending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
sortDesc: 'fa fa-sort-down' // Sort icon descending indicator, defaults to use FontAwesome
text: {
count: 'Showing {count} records out of {total_count}', // Pass null to skip rendering of this element
nextPage: '»',
previousPage: '«'
#### Make it shiny
Use whatever CSS you like. Here's a rudimentary example of some things you may want to do.
th[data-sort-column] {
cursor: pointer;
i.at-sort {
margin-left: 5px;
span.at-count {
float: left;
margin-top: 10px;
ul.pagination {
float: right;
## Love it? Hate it?
I also write random [tech articles](http://blog.littleblimp.com).
## Copyright
Copyright © 2014 Yuval Kordov. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.
* Result filtering
* Windowed pagination
* Show default sort
* Allow customization via data attributes