module InertiaRails class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('./install', __dir__) class_option :front_end, type: :string, default: 'react' FRONT_END_INSTALLERS = [ 'react', ] def install exit! unless installable? install_base! send "install_#{options[:front_end]}!" say "You're all set! Run rails s and checkout localhost:3000/inertia-example", :green end protected def installable? unless run("./bin/rails webpacker:verify_install") say "Sorry, you need to have webpacker installed for inertia_rails default setup.", :red return false end unless options[:front_end].in? FRONT_END_INSTALLERS say "Sorry, there is no generator for #{options[:front_end]}!\n\n", :red say "If you are a #{options[:front_end]} developer, please help us improve inertia_rails by contributing an installer.\n\n" say "\n\n" return false end end def install_base! say "Adding inertia pack tag to application layout", :blue insert_into_file Rails.root.join("app/views/layouts/application.html.erb").to_s, after: "<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>\n" do "\t\t<%= javascript_pack_tag 'inertia' %>\n" end say "Installing inertia client packages", :blue run "yarn add @inertiajs/inertia @inertiajs/progress" say "Copying example files", :blue template "controller.rb", Rails.root.join("app/controllers/inertia_example_controller.rb").to_s say "Adding a route for the example inertia controller...", :blue route "get 'inertia-example', to: 'inertia_example#index'" end def install_react! say "Creating a React page component...", :blue run 'yarn add @inertiajs/inertia-react' template "react.jsx", Rails.root.join("app/javascript/Pages/InertiaExample.js").to_s say "Copying inertia.jsx into webpacker's packs folder...", :blue template "inertia.jsx", Rails.root.join("app/javascript/packs/inertia.jsx").to_s say "done!", :green end end end