Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do |config| namespace :deploy do namespace :notify do task :default do if $deploy["notify"] unless dna["app_env"] == "development" || dna["env_pod"] == "dev" airbrake if $deploy["notify"].member? "airbrake" newrelic if $deploy["notify"].member? "newrelic" email if $deploy["notify"].member? "email" campfire if $deploy["notify"].member? "campfire" flowdock if $deploy["notify"].member? "flowdock" end end end task :email do run_locally "echo '#{notify_message}' | mail -s '#{notify_message}' #{$deploy["notify"]["email"]["recipients"].join(" ")}" end task :campfire do require 'capistrano/campfire' set :campfire_options, :ssl => true, :account => $deploy["notify"]["campfire"]["account"], :room => $deploy["notify"]["campfire"]["room"], :email => $deploy["notify"]["campfire"]["email"], :token => $deploy["notify"]["campfire"]["token"] begin campfire_room.speak notify_message rescue $stderr.puts "Campfire announcement failed" end end task :airbrake do require 'airbrake' require 'airbrake_tasks' Airbrake.configure do |config| config.api_key = $deploy["notify"]["airbrake"]["api_key"] end begin AirbrakeTasks.deploy({ :rails_env => dna['app_env'], :scm_revision => current_revision, :scm_repository => repository, :local_username => ENV['_AO_USER'] }) rescue EOFError $stderr.puts "An error occurred during the Airtoad deploy notification." end end task :flowdock do require 'flowdock' flow = => $deploy["notify"]["flowdock"]["api_token"]) flow.push_to_team_inbox( :subject => "Application #{$deploy["application"]} deployed #deploy", :content => "Application deployed successfully!", :tags => $deploy["notify"]["flowdock"]["tags"], :source => "alpha_omega deployment", :from => { :address => $deploy["notify"]["flowdock"]["from"]["address"], :name => $deploy["notify"]["flowdock"]["from"]["name"] }, :project => $deploy["notify"]["flowdock"]["project"]) end task :newrelic do require 'new_relic/recipes' end def notify_message "#{ENV['_AO_USER']} deployed #{application} (#{current_revision}@#{repository}) to #{dna['app_env']}" end end end after "deploy:restart", "deploy:notify" end