var v1 = Object.defineProperty; var be = (e, u) => { for (var n in u) v1(e, n, { get: u[n], enumerable: !0 }); }; var De = {}; be(De, { parsers: () => he }); var he = {}; be(he, { meriyah: () => T0 }); var T1 = { 0: "Unexpected token", 28: "Unexpected token: '%0'", 1: "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode", 2: "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings", 3: "Unexpected token `#`", 4: "Illegal Unicode escape sequence", 5: "Invalid code point %0", 6: "Invalid hexadecimal escape sequence", 8: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode", 7: "Decimal integer literals with a leading zero are forbidden in strict mode", 9: "Expected number in radix %0", 146: "Invalid left-hand side assignment to a destructible right-hand side", 10: "Non-number found after exponent indicator", 11: "Invalid BigIntLiteral", 12: "No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal", 13: "Escapes \\8 or \\9 are not syntactically valid escapes", 14: "Unterminated string literal", 15: "Unterminated template literal", 16: "Multiline comment was not closed properly", 17: "The identifier contained dynamic unicode escape that was not closed", 18: "Illegal character '%0'", 19: "Missing hexadecimal digits", 20: "Invalid implicit octal", 21: "Invalid line break in string literal", 22: "Only unicode escapes are legal in identifier names", 23: "Expected '%0'", 24: "Invalid left-hand side in assignment", 25: "Invalid left-hand side in async arrow", 26: 'Calls to super must be in the "constructor" method of a class expression or class declaration that has a superclass', 27: "Member access on super must be in a method", 29: "Await expression not allowed in formal parameter", 30: "Yield expression not allowed in formal parameter", 93: "Unexpected token: 'escaped keyword'", 31: "Unary expressions as the left operand of an exponentiation expression must be disambiguated with parentheses", 120: "Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a block", 32: "Unterminated regular expression", 33: "Unexpected regular expression flag", 34: "Duplicate regular expression flag '%0'", 35: "%0 functions must have exactly %1 argument%2", 36: "Setter function argument must not be a rest parameter", 37: "%0 declaration must have a name in this context", 38: "Function name may not contain any reserved words or be eval or arguments in strict mode", 39: "The rest operator is missing an argument", 40: "A getter cannot be a generator", 41: "A setter cannot be a generator", 42: "A computed property name must be followed by a colon or paren", 131: "Object literal keys that are strings or numbers must be a method or have a colon", 44: "Found `* async x(){}` but this should be `async * x(){}`", 43: "Getters and setters can not be generators", 45: "'%0' can not be generator method", 46: "No line break is allowed after '=>'", 47: "The left-hand side of the arrow can only be destructed through assignment", 48: "The binding declaration is not destructible", 49: "Async arrow can not be followed by new expression", 50: "Classes may not have a static property named 'prototype'", 51: "Class constructor may not be a %0", 52: "Duplicate constructor method in class", 53: "Invalid increment/decrement operand", 54: "Invalid use of `new` keyword on an increment/decrement expression", 55: "`=>` is an invalid assignment target", 56: "Rest element may not have a trailing comma", 57: "Missing initializer in %0 declaration", 58: "'for-%0' loop head declarations can not have an initializer", 59: "Invalid left-hand side in for-%0 loop: Must have a single binding", 60: "Invalid shorthand property initializer", 61: "Property name __proto__ appears more than once in object literal", 62: "Let is disallowed as a lexically bound name", 63: "Invalid use of '%0' inside new expression", 64: "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list", 65: 'Identifier "let" disallowed as left-hand side expression in strict mode', 66: "Illegal continue statement", 67: "Illegal break statement", 68: "Cannot have `let[...]` as a var name in strict mode", 69: "Invalid destructuring assignment target", 70: "Rest parameter may not have a default initializer", 71: "The rest argument must the be last parameter", 72: "Invalid rest argument", 74: "In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or inside a block", 75: "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or as the body of an if statement", 76: "Without web compatibility enabled functions can not be declared at top level, inside a block, or as the body of an if statement", 77: "Class declaration can't appear in single-statement context", 78: "Invalid left-hand side in for-%0", 79: "Invalid assignment in for-%0", 80: "for await (... of ...) is only valid in async functions and async generators", 81: "The first token after the template expression should be a continuation of the template", 83: "`let` declaration not allowed here and `let` cannot be a regular var name in strict mode", 82: "`let \n [` is a restricted production at the start of a statement", 84: "Catch clause requires exactly one parameter, not more (and no trailing comma)", 85: "Catch clause parameter does not support default values", 86: "Missing catch or finally after try", 87: "More than one default clause in switch statement", 88: "Illegal newline after throw", 89: "Strict mode code may not include a with statement", 90: "Illegal return statement", 91: "The left hand side of the for-header binding declaration is not destructible", 92: " only allowed within functions", 94: "'#' not followed by identifier", 100: "Invalid keyword", 99: "Can not use 'let' as a class name", 98: "'A lexical declaration can't define a 'let' binding", 97: "Can not use `let` as variable name in strict mode", 95: "'%0' may not be used as an identifier in this context", 96: "Await is only valid in async functions", 101: "The %0 keyword can only be used with the module goal", 102: "Unicode codepoint must not be greater than 0x10FFFF", 103: "%0 source must be string", 104: "Only a identifier can be used to indicate alias", 105: "Only '*' or '{...}' can be imported after default", 106: "Trailing decorator may be followed by method", 107: "Decorators can't be used with a constructor", 109: "HTML comments are only allowed with web compatibility (Annex B)", 110: "The identifier 'let' must not be in expression position in strict mode", 111: "Cannot assign to `eval` and `arguments` in strict mode", 112: "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not start with 'let'", 113: "Block body arrows can not be immediately invoked without a group", 114: "Block body arrows can not be immediately accessed without a group", 115: "Unexpected strict mode reserved word", 116: "Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode", 117: "Decorators must not be followed by a semicolon", 118: "Calling delete on expression not allowed in strict mode", 119: "Pattern can not have a tail", 121: "Can not have a `yield` expression on the left side of a ternary", 122: "An arrow function can not have a postfix update operator", 123: "Invalid object literal key character after generator star", 124: "Private fields can not be deleted", 126: "Classes may not have a field called constructor", 125: "Classes may not have a private element named constructor", 127: "A class field initializer may not contain arguments", 128: "Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block", 129: "Async methods are a restricted production and cannot have a newline following it", 130: "Unexpected character after object literal property name", 132: "Invalid key token", 133: "Label '%0' has already been declared", 134: "continue statement must be nested within an iteration statement", 135: "Undefined label '%0'", 136: "Trailing comma is disallowed inside import(...) arguments", 137: "import() requires exactly one argument", 138: "Cannot use new with import(...)", 139: "... is not allowed in import()", 140: "Expected '=>'", 141: "Duplicate binding '%0'", 142: "Cannot export a duplicate name '%0'", 145: "Duplicate %0 for-binding", 143: "Exported binding '%0' needs to refer to a top-level declared variable", 144: "Unexpected private field", 148: "Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literals", 147: "Only one underscore is allowed as numeric separator", 149: "JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text", 150: "Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for %0", 151: "Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag", 152: "JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty 'expression'", 153: "'%0' has already been declared", 154: "'%0' shadowed a catch clause binding", 155: "Dot property must be an identifier", 156: "Encountered invalid input after spread/rest argument", 157: "Catch without try", 158: "Finally without try", 159: "Expected corresponding closing tag for JSX fragment", 160: "Coalescing and logical operators used together in the same expression must be disambiguated with parentheses", 161: "Invalid tagged template on optional chain", 162: "Invalid optional chain from super property", 163: "Invalid optional chain from new expression", 164: 'Cannot use "import.meta" outside a module', 165: "Leading decorators must be attached to a class declaration", }, y2 = class extends SyntaxError { constructor(u, n, t, i, ...o) { let l = "[" + n + ":" + t + "]: " + T1[i].replace(/%(\d+)/g, (f, c) => o[c]); super(`${l}`), (this.index = u), (this.line = n), (this.column = t), (this.description = l), (this.loc = { line: n, column: t }); } }; function s(e, u, ...n) { throw new y2(e.index, e.line, e.column, u, ...n); } function j2(e) { throw new y2(e.index, e.line, e.column, e.type, e.params); } function k2(e, u, n, t, ...i) { throw new y2(e, u, n, t, ...i); } function A2(e, u, n, t) { throw new y2(e, u, n, t); } var P2 = ((e, u) => { let n = new Uint32Array(104448), t = 0, i = 0; for (; t < 3701; ) { let o = e[t++]; if (o < 0) i -= o; else { let l = e[t++]; o & 2 && (l = u[l]), o & 1 ? n.fill(l, i, (i += e[t++])) : (n[i++] = l); } } return n; })( [ -1, 2, 26, 2, 27, 2, 5, -1, 0, 77595648, 3, 44, 2, 3, 0, 14, 2, 57, 2, 58, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3168796671, 0, 4294956992, 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 59, 3, 0, 4, 0, 4294966523, 3, 0, 4, 2, 16, 2, 60, 2, 0, 0, 4294836735, 0, 3221225471, 0, 4294901942, 2, 61, 0, 134152192, 3, 0, 2, 0, 4294951935, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2683305983, 0, 2684354047, 2, 18, 2, 0, 0, 4294961151, 3, 0, 2, 2, 19, 2, 0, 0, 608174079, 2, 0, 2, 54, 2, 7, 2, 6, 0, 4278222591, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3, 0, 3, 0, 4294901711, 2, 40, 0, 4089839103, 0, 2961209759, 0, 1342439375, 0, 4294543342, 0, 3547201023, 0, 1577204103, 0, 4194240, 0, 4294688750, 2, 2, 0, 80831, 0, 4261478351, 0, 4294549486, 2, 2, 0, 2967484831, 0, 196559, 0, 3594373100, 0, 3288319768, 0, 8469959, 2, 200, 2, 3, 0, 4093640191, 0, 660618719, 0, 65487, 0, 4294828015, 0, 4092591615, 0, 1616920031, 0, 982991, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 2163244511, 0, 4227923919, 0, 4236247022, 2, 66, 0, 4284449919, 0, 851904, 2, 4, 2, 12, 0, 67076095, -1, 2, 67, 0, 1073741743, 0, 4093607775, -1, 0, 50331649, 0, 3265266687, 2, 33, 0, 4294844415, 0, 4278190047, 2, 20, 2, 133, -1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 23, 2, 0, 2, 10, 2, 0, 2, 15, 2, 22, 3, 0, 10, 2, 69, 2, 0, 2, 70, 2, 71, 2, 72, 2, 0, 2, 73, 2, 0, 2, 11, 0, 261632, 2, 25, 3, 0, 2, 2, 13, 2, 4, 3, 0, 18, 2, 74, 2, 5, 3, 0, 2, 2, 75, 0, 2151677951, 2, 29, 2, 9, 0, 909311, 3, 0, 2, 0, 814743551, 2, 42, 0, 67090432, 3, 0, 2, 2, 41, 2, 0, 2, 6, 2, 0, 2, 30, 2, 8, 0, 268374015, 2, 107, 2, 48, 2, 0, 2, 76, 0, 134153215, -1, 2, 7, 2, 0, 2, 8, 0, 2684354559, 0, 67044351, 0, 3221160064, 2, 17, -1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67051519, 0, 1046528, 3, 0, 3, 2, 9, 2, 0, 2, 50, 0, 4294960127, 2, 10, 2, 39, 2, 11, 0, 4294377472, 2, 12, 3, 0, 16, 2, 13, 2, 0, 2, 79, 2, 10, 2, 0, 2, 80, 2, 81, 2, 82, 2, 206, 2, 129, 0, 1048577, 2, 83, 2, 14, -1, 2, 14, 0, 131042, 2, 84, 2, 85, 2, 86, 2, 0, 2, 34, -83, 3, 0, 7, 0, 1046559, 2, 0, 2, 15, 2, 0, 0, 2147516671, 2, 21, 3, 87, 2, 2, 0, -16, 2, 88, 0, 524222462, 2, 4, 2, 0, 0, 4269801471, 2, 4, 3, 0, 2, 2, 28, 2, 16, 3, 0, 2, 2, 17, 2, 0, -1, 2, 18, -16, 3, 0, 206, -2, 3, 0, 692, 2, 68, -1, 2, 18, 2, 10, 3, 0, 8, 2, 90, 2, 128, 2, 0, 0, 3220242431, 3, 0, 3, 2, 19, 2, 91, 2, 92, 3, 0, 2, 2, 93, 2, 0, 2, 94, 2, 45, 2, 0, 0, 4351, 2, 0, 2, 9, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67043391, 0, 3909091327, 2, 0, 2, 24, 2, 9, 2, 20, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67076097, 2, 8, 2, 0, 2, 21, 0, 67059711, 0, 4236247039, 3, 0, 2, 0, 939524103, 0, 8191999, 2, 98, 2, 99, 2, 22, 2, 23, 3, 0, 3, 0, 67057663, 3, 0, 349, 2, 100, 2, 101, 2, 7, -264, 3, 0, 11, 2, 24, 3, 0, 2, 2, 32, -1, 0, 3774349439, 2, 102, 2, 103, 3, 0, 2, 2, 19, 2, 104, 3, 0, 10, 2, 10, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 46, 2, 0, 2, 31, 2, 105, 2, 25, 0, 1638399, 2, 170, 2, 106, 3, 0, 3, 2, 20, 2, 26, 2, 27, 2, 5, 2, 28, 2, 0, 2, 8, 2, 108, -1, 2, 109, 2, 110, 2, 111, -1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 12, -2, 2, 0, 2, 29, -3, 2, 159, -4, 2, 20, 2, 0, 2, 36, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 62, 2, 6, 2, 12, 2, 10, 2, 0, 2, 112, -1, 3, 0, 4, 2, 10, 2, 23, 2, 113, 2, 7, 2, 0, 2, 114, 2, 0, 2, 115, 2, 116, 2, 117, -2, 3, 0, 9, 2, 21, 2, 30, 2, 31, 2, 118, 2, 119, -2, 2, 120, 2, 121, 2, 30, 2, 21, 2, 8, -2, 2, 122, 2, 30, 2, 32, -2, 2, 0, 2, 38, -2, 0, 4277137519, 0, 2269118463, -1, 3, 20, 2, -1, 2, 33, 2, 37, 2, 0, 3, 30, 2, 2, 35, 2, 19, -3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 34, -1, 2, 0, 2, 35, 2, 0, 2, 35, 2, 0, 2, 47, -10, 2, 0, 0, 203775, -1, 2, 164, 2, 20, 2, 43, 2, 36, 2, 18, 2, 77, 2, 18, 2, 123, 2, 21, 3, 0, 2, 2, 37, 0, 2151677888, 2, 0, 2, 12, 0, 4294901764, 2, 140, 2, 0, 2, 52, 2, 51, 0, 5242879, 3, 0, 2, 0, 402644511, -1, 2, 125, 2, 38, 0, 3, -1, 2, 126, 2, 39, 2, 0, 0, 67045375, 2, 40, 0, 4226678271, 0, 3766565279, 0, 2039759, -4, 3, 0, 2, 0, 3288270847, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67043519, -5, 2, 0, 0, 4282384383, 0, 1056964609, -1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67043345, -1, 2, 0, 2, 41, 2, 42, -1, 2, 11, 2, 55, 2, 37, -5, 2, 0, 2, 12, -3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2147484671, 2, 130, 0, 4190109695, 2, 49, -2, 2, 131, 0, 4244635647, 0, 27, 2, 0, 2, 8, 2, 43, 2, 0, 2, 63, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 41, -8, 2, 53, 2, 44, 0, 67043329, 2, 45, 2, 46, 0, 8388351, -2, 2, 132, 0, 3028287487, 2, 47, 2, 134, 0, 33259519, 2, 42, -9, 2, 21, 0, 4294836223, 0, 3355443199, 0, 67043335, -2, 2, 64, -2, 3, 0, 28, 2, 32, -3, 3, 0, 3, 2, 17, 3, 0, 6, 2, 78, -81, 2, 18, 3, 0, 2, 2, 36, 3, 0, 33, 2, 25, 2, 30, -125, 3, 0, 18, 2, 37, -269, 3, 0, 17, 2, 41, 2, 8, 2, 23, 2, 0, 2, 8, 2, 23, 2, 48, 2, 0, 2, 21, 2, 49, 2, 135, 2, 25, -21, 3, 0, 2, -4, 3, 0, 2, 0, 4294936575, 2, 0, 0, 4294934783, -2, 0, 196635, 3, 0, 191, 2, 50, 3, 0, 38, 2, 30, -1, 2, 34, -278, 2, 136, 3, 0, 9, 2, 137, 2, 138, 2, 51, 3, 0, 11, 2, 7, -72, 3, 0, 3, 2, 139, 0, 1677656575, -147, 2, 0, 2, 24, 2, 37, -16, 0, 4161266656, 0, 4071, 2, 201, -4, 0, 28, -13, 3, 0, 2, 2, 52, 2, 0, 2, 141, 2, 142, 2, 56, 2, 0, 2, 143, 2, 144, 2, 145, 3, 0, 10, 2, 146, 2, 147, 2, 22, 3, 52, 2, 3, 148, 2, 3, 53, 2, 0, 4294954999, 2, 0, -16, 2, 0, 2, 89, 2, 0, 0, 2105343, 0, 4160749584, 2, 174, -34, 2, 8, 2, 150, -6, 0, 4194303871, 0, 4294903771, 2, 0, 2, 54, 2, 97, -3, 2, 0, 0, 1073684479, 0, 17407, -9, 2, 18, 2, 17, 2, 0, 2, 32, -14, 2, 18, 2, 32, -23, 2, 151, 3, 0, 6, 0, 8323103, -1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 55, -37, 2, 56, 2, 152, 2, 153, 2, 154, 2, 155, 2, 156, -105, 2, 26, -32, 3, 0, 1335, -1, 3, 0, 129, 2, 32, 3, 0, 6, 2, 10, 3, 0, 180, 2, 157, 3, 0, 233, 2, 158, 3, 0, 18, 2, 10, -77, 3, 0, 16, 2, 10, -47, 3, 0, 154, 2, 6, 3, 0, 130, 2, 25, -22250, 3, 0, 7, 2, 25, -6130, 3, 5, 2, -1, 0, 69207040, 3, 44, 2, 3, 0, 14, 2, 57, 2, 58, -3, 0, 3168731136, 0, 4294956864, 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 59, 3, 0, 4, 0, 4294966275, 3, 0, 4, 2, 16, 2, 60, 2, 0, 2, 34, -1, 2, 18, 2, 61, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2047, 0, 4294885376, 3, 0, 2, 0, 3145727, 0, 2617294944, 0, 4294770688, 2, 25, 2, 62, 3, 0, 2, 0, 131135, 2, 95, 0, 70256639, 0, 71303167, 0, 272, 2, 41, 2, 6, 0, 32511, 2, 0, 2, 42, -1, 2, 96, 2, 63, 0, 4278255616, 0, 4294836227, 0, 4294549473, 0, 600178175, 0, 2952806400, 0, 268632067, 0, 4294543328, 0, 57540095, 0, 1577058304, 0, 1835008, 0, 4294688736, 2, 65, 2, 64, 0, 33554435, 2, 127, 2, 65, 2, 160, 0, 131075, 0, 3594373096, 0, 67094296, 2, 64, -1, 0, 4294828e3, 0, 603979263, 0, 654311424, 0, 3, 0, 4294828001, 0, 602930687, 2, 167, 0, 393219, 0, 4294828016, 0, 671088639, 0, 2154840064, 0, 4227858435, 0, 4236247008, 2, 66, 2, 37, -1, 2, 4, 0, 917503, 2, 37, -1, 2, 67, 0, 537788335, 0, 4026531935, -1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 33, 2, 68, 0, 7936, -3, 2, 0, 0, 2147485695, 0, 1010761728, 0, 4292984930, 0, 16387, 2, 0, 2, 15, 2, 22, 3, 0, 10, 2, 69, 2, 0, 2, 70, 2, 71, 2, 72, 2, 0, 2, 73, 2, 0, 2, 12, -1, 2, 25, 3, 0, 2, 2, 13, 2, 4, 3, 0, 18, 2, 74, 2, 5, 3, 0, 2, 2, 75, 0, 2147745791, 3, 19, 2, 0, 122879, 2, 0, 2, 9, 0, 276824064, -2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 41, 2, 0, 0, 4294903295, 2, 0, 2, 30, 2, 8, -1, 2, 18, 2, 48, 2, 0, 2, 76, 2, 42, -1, 2, 21, 2, 0, 2, 29, -2, 0, 128, -2, 2, 28, 2, 9, 0, 8160, -1, 2, 124, 0, 4227907585, 2, 0, 2, 77, 2, 0, 2, 78, 2, 180, 2, 10, 2, 39, 2, 11, -1, 0, 74440192, 3, 0, 6, -2, 3, 0, 8, 2, 13, 2, 0, 2, 79, 2, 10, 2, 0, 2, 80, 2, 81, 2, 82, -3, 2, 83, 2, 14, -3, 2, 84, 2, 85, 2, 86, 2, 0, 2, 34, -83, 3, 0, 7, 0, 817183, 2, 0, 2, 15, 2, 0, 0, 33023, 2, 21, 3, 87, 2, -17, 2, 88, 0, 524157950, 2, 4, 2, 0, 2, 89, 2, 4, 2, 0, 2, 22, 2, 28, 2, 16, 3, 0, 2, 2, 17, 2, 0, -1, 2, 18, -16, 3, 0, 206, -2, 3, 0, 692, 2, 68, -1, 2, 18, 2, 10, 3, 0, 8, 2, 90, 0, 3072, 2, 0, 0, 2147516415, 2, 10, 3, 0, 2, 2, 25, 2, 91, 2, 92, 3, 0, 2, 2, 93, 2, 0, 2, 94, 2, 45, 0, 4294965179, 0, 7, 2, 0, 2, 9, 2, 92, 2, 9, -1, 0, 1761345536, 2, 95, 0, 4294901823, 2, 37, 2, 20, 2, 96, 2, 35, 2, 97, 0, 2080440287, 2, 0, 2, 34, 2, 149, 0, 3296722943, 2, 0, 0, 1046675455, 0, 939524101, 0, 1837055, 2, 98, 2, 99, 2, 22, 2, 23, 3, 0, 3, 0, 7, 3, 0, 349, 2, 100, 2, 101, 2, 7, -264, 3, 0, 11, 2, 24, 3, 0, 2, 2, 32, -1, 0, 2700607615, 2, 102, 2, 103, 3, 0, 2, 2, 19, 2, 104, 3, 0, 10, 2, 10, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 46, 2, 0, 2, 31, 2, 105, -3, 2, 106, 3, 0, 3, 2, 20, -1, 3, 5, 2, 2, 107, 2, 0, 2, 8, 2, 108, -1, 2, 109, 2, 110, 2, 111, -1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 12, -2, 2, 0, 2, 29, -8, 2, 20, 2, 0, 2, 36, -1, 2, 0, 2, 62, 2, 6, 2, 30, 2, 10, 2, 0, 2, 112, -1, 3, 0, 4, 2, 10, 2, 18, 2, 113, 2, 7, 2, 0, 2, 114, 2, 0, 2, 115, 2, 116, 2, 117, -2, 3, 0, 9, 2, 21, 2, 30, 2, 31, 2, 118, 2, 119, -2, 2, 120, 2, 121, 2, 30, 2, 21, 2, 8, -2, 2, 122, 2, 30, 2, 32, -2, 2, 0, 2, 38, -2, 0, 4277075969, 2, 30, -1, 3, 20, 2, -1, 2, 33, 2, 123, 2, 0, 3, 30, 2, 2, 35, 2, 19, -3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 34, -1, 2, 0, 2, 35, 2, 0, 2, 35, 2, 0, 2, 78, -10, 2, 0, 0, 197631, -2, 2, 20, 2, 43, 2, 77, 2, 18, 0, 3, 2, 18, 2, 123, 2, 21, 2, 124, 2, 50, -1, 0, 2490368, 2, 124, 2, 25, 2, 18, 2, 34, 2, 124, 2, 37, 0, 4294901904, 0, 4718591, 2, 124, 2, 35, 0, 335544350, -1, 2, 125, 0, 2147487743, 0, 1, -1, 2, 126, 2, 39, 2, 8, -1, 2, 127, 2, 65, 0, 3758161920, 0, 3, -4, 2, 0, 2, 29, 0, 2147485568, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 25, 0, 176, -5, 2, 0, 2, 17, 2, 188, -1, 2, 0, 2, 25, 2, 205, -1, 2, 0, 0, 16779263, -2, 2, 12, -1, 2, 37, -5, 2, 0, 2, 128, -3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 129, 2, 130, 0, 2147549183, 0, 2, -2, 2, 131, 2, 36, 0, 10, 0, 4294965249, 0, 67633151, 0, 4026597376, 2, 0, 0, 536871935, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 41, -8, 2, 53, 2, 17, 0, 1, 2, 45, 2, 25, -3, 2, 132, 2, 36, 2, 133, 2, 134, 0, 16778239, -10, 2, 35, 0, 4294836212, 2, 9, -3, 2, 64, -2, 3, 0, 28, 2, 32, -3, 3, 0, 3, 2, 17, 3, 0, 6, 2, 78, -81, 2, 18, 3, 0, 2, 2, 36, 3, 0, 33, 2, 25, 0, 126, -125, 3, 0, 18, 2, 37, -269, 3, 0, 17, 2, 41, 2, 8, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 8, 2, 18, 2, 54, 2, 0, 2, 25, 2, 78, 2, 135, 2, 25, -21, 3, 0, 2, -4, 3, 0, 2, 0, 67583, -1, 2, 104, -2, 0, 11, 3, 0, 191, 2, 50, 3, 0, 38, 2, 30, -1, 2, 34, -278, 2, 136, 3, 0, 9, 2, 137, 2, 138, 2, 51, 3, 0, 11, 2, 7, -72, 3, 0, 3, 2, 139, 2, 140, -187, 3, 0, 2, 2, 52, 2, 0, 2, 141, 2, 142, 2, 56, 2, 0, 2, 143, 2, 144, 2, 145, 3, 0, 10, 2, 146, 2, 147, 2, 22, 3, 52, 2, 3, 148, 2, 3, 53, 2, 2, 149, -57, 2, 8, 2, 150, -7, 2, 18, 2, 0, 2, 54, -4, 2, 0, 0, 1065361407, 0, 16384, -9, 2, 18, 2, 54, 2, 0, 2, 128, -14, 2, 18, 2, 128, -23, 2, 151, 3, 0, 6, 2, 123, -1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2063, -37, 2, 56, 2, 152, 2, 153, 2, 154, 2, 155, 2, 156, -138, 3, 0, 1335, -1, 3, 0, 129, 2, 32, 3, 0, 6, 2, 10, 3, 0, 180, 2, 157, 3, 0, 233, 2, 158, 3, 0, 18, 2, 10, -77, 3, 0, 16, 2, 10, -47, 3, 0, 154, 2, 6, 3, 0, 130, 2, 25, -28386, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 2, 129, 2, 0, 0, 8193, -21, 2, 198, 0, 10255, 0, 4, -11, 2, 64, 2, 179, -1, 0, 71680, -1, 2, 171, 0, 4292900864, 0, 268435519, -5, 2, 159, -1, 2, 169, -1, 0, 6144, -2, 2, 45, -1, 2, 163, -1, 0, 2147532800, 2, 160, 2, 166, 0, 16744448, -2, 0, 4, -4, 2, 194, 0, 205128192, 0, 1333757536, 0, 2147483696, 0, 423953, 0, 747766272, 0, 2717763192, 0, 4286578751, 0, 278545, 2, 161, 0, 4294886464, 0, 33292336, 0, 417809, 2, 161, 0, 1327482464, 0, 4278190128, 0, 700594195, 0, 1006647527, 0, 4286497336, 0, 4160749631, 2, 162, 0, 201327104, 0, 3634348576, 0, 8323120, 2, 162, 0, 202375680, 0, 2678047264, 0, 4293984304, 2, 162, -1, 0, 983584, 0, 48, 0, 58720273, 0, 3489923072, 0, 10517376, 0, 4293066815, 0, 1, 0, 2013265920, 2, 182, 2, 0, 0, 2089, 0, 3221225552, 0, 201359520, 2, 0, -2, 0, 256, 0, 122880, 0, 16777216, 2, 159, 0, 4160757760, 2, 0, -6, 2, 176, -11, 0, 3263218176, -1, 0, 49664, 0, 2160197632, 0, 8388802, -1, 0, 12713984, -1, 2, 163, 2, 164, 2, 183, -2, 2, 172, -20, 0, 3758096385, -2, 2, 165, 2, 191, 2, 91, 2, 177, 0, 4294057984, -2, 2, 173, 2, 168, 0, 4227874816, -2, 2, 165, -1, 2, 166, -1, 2, 178, 2, 129, 0, 4026593280, 0, 14, 0, 4292919296, -1, 2, 175, 0, 939588608, -1, 0, 805306368, -1, 2, 129, 2, 167, 2, 168, 2, 169, 2, 207, 2, 0, -2, 2, 170, 2, 129, -3, 0, 267386880, -1, 0, 117440512, 0, 7168, -1, 2, 210, 2, 163, 2, 171, 2, 184, -16, 2, 172, -1, 0, 1426112704, 2, 173, -1, 2, 192, 0, 271581216, 0, 2149777408, 2, 25, 2, 171, 2, 129, 0, 851967, 2, 185, -1, 2, 174, 2, 186, -4, 2, 175, -20, 2, 197, 2, 204, -56, 0, 3145728, 2, 187, -10, 0, 32505856, -1, 2, 176, -1, 0, 2147385088, 2, 91, 1, 2155905152, 2, -3, 2, 173, 2, 0, 0, 67108864, -2, 2, 177, -6, 2, 178, 2, 25, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 179, -3, 2, 123, 2, 64, -2, 2, 97, -2, 0, 32752, 2, 129, -915, 2, 170, -1, 2, 203, -10, 2, 190, -5, 2, 181, -6, 0, 4229232640, 2, 19, -1, 2, 180, -1, 2, 181, -2, 0, 4227874752, -3, 0, 2146435072, 2, 164, -2, 0, 1006649344, 2, 129, -1, 2, 91, 0, 201375744, -3, 0, 134217720, 2, 91, 0, 4286677377, 0, 32896, -1, 2, 175, -3, 0, 4227907584, -349, 0, 65520, 0, 1920, 2, 182, 3, 0, 264, -11, 2, 169, -2, 2, 183, 2, 0, 0, 520617856, 0, 2692743168, 0, 36, -3, 0, 524280, -13, 2, 189, -1, 0, 4294934272, 2, 25, 2, 183, -1, 2, 213, 0, 2158720, -3, 2, 164, 0, 1, -4, 2, 129, 0, 3808625411, 0, 3489628288, 0, 4096, 0, 1207959680, 0, 3221274624, 2, 0, -3, 2, 184, 0, 120, 0, 7340032, -2, 2, 185, 2, 4, 2, 25, 2, 173, 3, 0, 4, 2, 164, -1, 2, 186, 2, 182, -1, 0, 8176, 2, 166, 2, 184, 2, 211, -1, 0, 4290773232, 2, 0, -4, 2, 173, 2, 193, 0, 15728640, 2, 182, -1, 2, 171, -1, 0, 134250480, 0, 4720640, 0, 3825467396, 3, 0, 2, -9, 2, 91, 2, 178, 0, 4294967040, 2, 133, 0, 4160880640, 3, 0, 2, 0, 704, 0, 1849688064, 2, 187, -1, 2, 129, 0, 4294901887, 2, 0, 0, 130547712, 0, 1879048192, 2, 208, 3, 0, 2, -1, 2, 188, 2, 189, -1, 0, 17829776, 0, 2025848832, 2, 212, -2, 2, 0, -1, 0, 4286580608, -1, 0, 29360128, 2, 196, 0, 16252928, 0, 3791388672, 2, 39, 3, 0, 2, -2, 2, 202, 2, 0, -1, 2, 104, -1, 0, 66584576, -1, 2, 195, 3, 0, 9, 2, 129, -1, 0, 4294755328, 2, 0, 2, 20, -1, 2, 171, 2, 183, 2, 25, 2, 95, 2, 25, 2, 190, 2, 91, -2, 0, 245760, 2, 191, -1, 2, 159, 2, 199, 0, 4227923456, -1, 2, 192, 2, 171, 2, 91, -3, 0, 4292870145, 0, 262144, -1, 2, 92, 2, 0, 0, 1073758848, 2, 193, -1, 0, 4227921920, 2, 194, 0, 68289024, 0, 528402016, 0, 4292927536, 3, 0, 4, -2, 0, 268435456, 2, 92, -2, 2, 195, 3, 0, 5, -1, 2, 196, 2, 173, 2, 0, -2, 0, 4227923936, 2, 62, -1, 2, 183, 2, 95, 2, 0, 2, 163, 2, 175, 2, 197, 3, 0, 5, -1, 2, 182, 3, 0, 3, -2, 0, 2146959360, 0, 9440640, 0, 104857600, 0, 4227923840, 3, 0, 2, 0, 768, 2, 198, 2, 28, -2, 2, 171, -2, 2, 199, -1, 2, 165, 2, 95, 3, 0, 7, 0, 512, 0, 8388608, 2, 200, 2, 170, 2, 189, 0, 4286578944, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1152, 0, 1266679808, 2, 195, 0, 576, 0, 4261707776, 2, 95, 3, 0, 9, 2, 165, 0, 131072, 0, 939524096, 2, 183, 3, 0, 2, 2, 16, -1, 0, 2147221504, -28, 2, 183, 3, 0, 3, -3, 0, 4292902912, -6, 2, 96, 3, 0, 81, 2, 25, -2, 2, 104, -33, 2, 18, 2, 178, 3, 0, 125, -18, 2, 197, 3, 0, 269, -17, 2, 165, 2, 129, 2, 201, -1, 2, 129, 2, 193, 0, 4290822144, -2, 0, 67174336, 0, 520093700, 2, 18, 3, 0, 21, -2, 2, 184, 3, 0, 3, -2, 0, 30720, -1, 0, 32512, 3, 0, 2, 0, 4294770656, -191, 2, 181, -38, 2, 178, 2, 0, 2, 202, 3, 0, 278, 0, 2417033215, -9, 0, 4294705144, 0, 4292411391, 0, 65295, -11, 2, 182, 3, 0, 72, -3, 0, 3758159872, 0, 201391616, 3, 0, 147, -1, 2, 169, 2, 203, -3, 2, 96, 2, 0, -7, 2, 178, -1, 0, 384, -1, 0, 133693440, -3, 2, 204, -2, 2, 107, 3, 0, 3, 3, 177, 2, -2, 2, 91, 2, 165, 3, 0, 4, -2, 2, 192, -1, 2, 159, 0, 335552923, 2, 205, -1, 0, 538974272, 0, 2214592512, 0, 132e3, -10, 0, 192, -8, 2, 206, -21, 0, 134213632, 2, 158, 3, 0, 34, 2, 129, 0, 4294965279, 3, 0, 6, 0, 100663424, 0, 63524, -1, 2, 209, 2, 148, 3, 0, 3, -1, 0, 3221282816, 0, 4294917120, 3, 0, 9, 2, 25, 2, 207, -1, 2, 208, 3, 0, 14, 2, 25, 2, 183, 3, 0, 23, 0, 2147520640, -6, 0, 4286578784, 2, 0, -2, 0, 1006694400, 3, 0, 24, 2, 36, -1, 0, 4292870144, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 173, 3, 0, 6, 2, 205, 0, 4110942569, 0, 1432950139, 0, 2701658217, 0, 4026532864, 0, 4026532881, 2, 0, 2, 46, 3, 0, 8, -1, 2, 175, -2, 2, 177, 0, 98304, 0, 65537, 2, 178, -5, 2, 209, 2, 0, 2, 77, 2, 199, 2, 182, 0, 4294770176, 2, 107, 3, 0, 4, -30, 2, 188, 0, 3758153728, -3, 0, 125829120, -2, 2, 183, 0, 4294897664, 2, 175, -1, 2, 195, -1, 2, 171, 0, 4294754304, 3, 0, 2, -10, 2, 177, 0, 3758145536, 2, 210, 2, 211, 0, 4026548160, 2, 212, -4, 2, 213, -1, 2, 204, 0, 4227923967, 3, 0, 32, -1335, 2, 0, -129, 2, 183, -6, 2, 173, -180, 0, 65532, -233, 2, 174, -18, 2, 173, 3, 0, 77, -16, 2, 173, 3, 0, 47, -154, 2, 166, -130, 2, 18, 3, 0, 22250, -7, 2, 18, 3, 0, 6128, ], [ 4294967295, 4294967291, 4092460543, 4294828031, 4294967294, 134217726, 4294903807, 268435455, 2147483647, 1048575, 1073741823, 3892314111, 134217727, 1061158911, 536805376, 4294910143, 4294901759, 32767, 4294901760, 262143, 536870911, 8388607, 4160749567, 4294902783, 4294918143, 65535, 67043328, 2281701374, 4294967264, 2097151, 4194303, 255, 67108863, 4294967039, 511, 524287, 131071, 127, 3238002687, 4294902271, 4294549487, 33554431, 1023, 4294901888, 4286578687, 4294705152, 4294770687, 67043583, 2047999, 67043343, 16777215, 4294902e3, 4292870143, 4294966783, 16383, 67047423, 4294967279, 262083, 20511, 4290772991, 41943039, 493567, 4294959104, 603979775, 65536, 602799615, 805044223, 4294965206, 8191, 1031749119, 4294917631, 2134769663, 4286578493, 4282253311, 4294942719, 33540095, 4294905855, 63, 15, 2868854591, 1608515583, 265232348, 534519807, 2147614720, 1060109444, 4093640016, 17376, 2139062143, 224, 4169138175, 4294909951, 4286578688, 4294967292, 4294965759, 65734655, 4294966272, 4294967280, 32768, 8289918, 4294934399, 4294901775, 4294965375, 1602223615, 4294967259, 4294443008, 268369920, 4292804608, 4294967232, 486341884, 4294963199, 3087007615, 1073692671, 4128527, 4279238655, 4294902015, 4160684047, 4290246655, 469499899, 4294967231, 134086655, 4294966591, 2445279231, 3670015, 31, 4294967288, 4294705151, 3221208447, 4294549472, 4095, 2147483648, 4285526655, 4294966527, 4294966143, 64, 4294966719, 3774873592, 1877934080, 262151, 2555904, 536807423, 67043839, 3758096383, 3959414372, 3755993023, 2080374783, 4294835295, 4294967103, 4160749565, 4294934527, 4087, 2016, 2147446655, 184024726, 2862017156, 1593309078, 268434431, 268434414, 4294901763, 4294901761, 536870912, 2952790016, 202506752, 139264, 402653184, 3758096384, 4261412864, 63488, 1610612736, 4227922944, 49152, 57344, 65280, 3233808384, 3221225472, 65534, 61440, 57152, 4293918720, 4290772992, 25165824, 4227915776, 4278190080, 4026531840, 4227858432, 4160749568, 3758129152, 4294836224, 4194304, 251658240, 196608, 4294963200, 2143289344, 2097152, 64512, 417808, 4227923712, 12582912, 4294967168, 50331648, 65528, 65472, 15360, 4294966784, 65408, 4294965248, 16, 12288, 4294934528, 2080374784, 4294950912, 65024, 1073741824, 4261477888, 524288, ], ); function A(e) { return e.column++, (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt(++e.index)); } function F1(e, u) { if ((u & 64512) !== 55296) return 0; let n = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1); return (n & 64512) !== 56320 ? 0 : ((u = e.currentChar = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) + (n & 1023)), (P2[(u >>> 5) + 0] >>> u) & 31 & 1 || s(e, 18, G(u)), e.index++, e.column++, 1); } function G2(e, u) { (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt(++e.index)), (e.flags |= 1), u & 4 || ((e.column = 0), e.line++); } function c2(e) { (e.flags |= 1), (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt(++e.index)), (e.column = 0), e.line++; } function q1(e) { return ( e === 160 || e === 65279 || e === 133 || e === 5760 || (e >= 8192 && e <= 8203) || e === 8239 || e === 8287 || e === 12288 || e === 8201 || e === 65519 ); } function G(e) { return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : String.fromCharCode(e >>> 10) + String.fromCharCode(e & 1023); } function z(e) { return e < 65 ? e - 48 : (e - 65 + 10) & 15; } function L1(e) { switch (e) { case 134283266: return "NumericLiteral"; case 134283267: return "StringLiteral"; case 86021: case 86022: return "BooleanLiteral"; case 86023: return "NullLiteral"; case 65540: return "RegularExpression"; case 67174408: case 67174409: case 132: return "TemplateLiteral"; default: return (e & 143360) === 143360 ? "Identifier" : (e & 4096) === 4096 ? "Keyword" : "Punctuator"; } } var L = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1032, 0, 0, 2056, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8192, 0, 3, 0, 0, 8192, 0, 0, 0, 256, 0, 33024, 0, 0, 242, 242, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 594, 594, 0, 0, 16384, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4099, 0, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 16384, 0, 0, 0, 0, ], I1 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ], Fe = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; function _2(e) { return e <= 127 ? I1[e] : (P2[(e >>> 5) + 34816] >>> e) & 31 & 1; } function R2(e) { return e <= 127 ? Fe[e] : (P2[(e >>> 5) + 0] >>> e) & 31 & 1 || e === 8204 || e === 8205; } var qe = [ "SingleLine", "MultiLine", "HTMLOpen", "HTMLClose", "HashbangComment", ]; function N1(e) { let u = e.source; e.currentChar === 35 && u.charCodeAt(e.index + 1) === 33 && (A(e), A(e), x2(e, u, 0, 4, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); } function Ce(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { return t & 2048 && s(e, 0), x2(e, u, n, i, o, l, f); } function x2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let { index: f } = e; for ( e.tokenPos = e.index, e.linePos = e.line, e.colPos = e.column; e.index < e.end; ) { if (L[e.currentChar] & 8) { let c = e.currentChar === 13; c2(e), c && e.index < e.end && e.currentChar === 10 && (e.currentChar = u.charCodeAt(++e.index)); break; } else if ((e.currentChar ^ 8232) <= 1) { c2(e); break; } A(e), (e.tokenPos = e.index), (e.linePos = e.line), (e.colPos = e.column); } if (e.onComment) { let c = { start: { line: o, column: l }, end: { line: e.linePos, column: e.colPos }, }; e.onComment(qe[t & 255], u.slice(f, e.tokenPos), i, e.tokenPos, c); } return n | 1; } function V1(e, u, n) { let { index: t } = e; for (; e.index < e.end; ) if (e.currentChar < 43) { let i = !1; for (; e.currentChar === 42; ) if ((i || ((n &= -5), (i = !0)), A(e) === 47)) { if ((A(e), e.onComment)) { let o = { start: { line: e.linePos, column: e.colPos }, end: { line: e.line, column: e.column }, }; e.onComment(qe[1], u.slice(t, e.index - 2), t - 2, e.index, o); } return ( (e.tokenPos = e.index), (e.linePos = e.line), (e.colPos = e.column), n ); } if (i) continue; L[e.currentChar] & 8 ? e.currentChar === 13 ? ((n |= 5), c2(e)) : (G2(e, n), (n = (n & -5) | 1)) : A(e); } else (e.currentChar ^ 8232) <= 1 ? ((n = (n & -5) | 1), c2(e)) : ((n &= -5), A(e)); s(e, 16); } function R1(e, u) { let n = e.index, t = 0; e: for (;;) { let g = e.currentChar; if ((A(e), t & 1)) t &= -2; else switch (g) { case 47: if (t) break; break e; case 92: t |= 1; break; case 91: t |= 2; break; case 93: t &= 1; break; case 13: case 10: case 8232: case 8233: s(e, 32); } if (e.index >= e.source.length) return s(e, 32); } let i = e.index - 1, o = 0, l = e.currentChar, { index: f } = e; for (; R2(l); ) { switch (l) { case 103: o & 2 && s(e, 34, "g"), (o |= 2); break; case 105: o & 1 && s(e, 34, "i"), (o |= 1); break; case 109: o & 4 && s(e, 34, "m"), (o |= 4); break; case 117: o & 16 && s(e, 34, "u"), (o |= 16); break; case 121: o & 8 && s(e, 34, "y"), (o |= 8); break; case 115: o & 32 && s(e, 34, "s"), (o |= 32); break; case 100: o & 64 && s(e, 34, "d"), (o |= 64); break; default: s(e, 33); } l = A(e); } let c = e.source.slice(f, e.index), m = e.source.slice(n, i); return ( (e.tokenRegExp = { pattern: m, flags: c }), u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), (e.tokenValue = O1(e, m, c)), 65540 ); } function O1(e, u, n) { try { return new RegExp(u, n); } catch { try { return new RegExp(u, n.replace("d", "")), null; } catch { s(e, 32); } } } function U1(e, u, n) { let { index: t } = e, i = "", o = A(e), l = e.index; for (; !(L[o] & 8); ) { if (o === n) return ( (i += e.source.slice(l, e.index)), A(e), u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(t, e.index)), (e.tokenValue = i), 134283267 ); if ((o & 8) === 8 && o === 92) { if ( ((i += e.source.slice(l, e.index)), (o = A(e)), o < 127 || o === 8232 || o === 8233) ) { let f = Le(e, u, o); f >= 0 ? (i += G(f)) : Ie(e, f, 0); } else i += G(o); l = e.index + 1; } e.index >= e.end && s(e, 14), (o = A(e)); } s(e, 14); } function Le(e, u, n) { switch (n) { case 98: return 8; case 102: return 12; case 114: return 13; case 110: return 10; case 116: return 9; case 118: return 11; case 13: if (e.index < e.end) { let t = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1); t === 10 && ((e.index = e.index + 1), (e.currentChar = t)); } case 10: case 8232: case 8233: return (e.column = -1), e.line++, -1; case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: { let t = n - 48, i = e.index + 1, o = e.column + 1; if (i < e.end) { let l = e.source.charCodeAt(i); if (L[l] & 32) { if (u & 1024) return -2; if ( ((e.currentChar = l), (t = (t << 3) | (l - 48)), i++, o++, i < e.end) ) { let f = e.source.charCodeAt(i); L[f] & 32 && ((e.currentChar = f), (t = (t << 3) | (f - 48)), i++, o++); } (e.flags |= 64), (e.index = i - 1), (e.column = o - 1); } else if ((t !== 0 || L[l] & 512) && u & 1024) return -2; } return t; } case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: { if (u & 1024) return -2; let t = n - 48, i = e.index + 1, o = e.column + 1; if (i < e.end) { let l = e.source.charCodeAt(i); L[l] & 32 && ((t = (t << 3) | (l - 48)), (e.currentChar = l), (e.index = i), (e.column = o)); } return (e.flags |= 64), t; } case 120: { let t = A(e); if (!(L[t] & 64)) return -4; let i = z(t), o = A(e); if (!(L[o] & 64)) return -4; let l = z(o); return (i << 4) | l; } case 117: { let t = A(e); if (e.currentChar === 123) { let i = 0; for (; L[A(e)] & 64; ) if (((i = (i << 4) | z(e.currentChar)), i > 1114111)) return -5; return e.currentChar < 1 || e.currentChar !== 125 ? -4 : i; } else { if (!(L[t] & 64)) return -4; let i = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1); if (!(L[i] & 64)) return -4; let o = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 2); if (!(L[o] & 64)) return -4; let l = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 3); return L[l] & 64 ? ((e.index += 3), (e.column += 3), (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index)), (z(t) << 12) | (z(i) << 8) | (z(o) << 4) | z(l)) : -4; } } case 56: case 57: if (!(u & 256)) return -3; default: return n; } } function Ie(e, u, n) { switch (u) { case -1: return; case -2: s(e, n ? 2 : 1); case -3: s(e, 13); case -4: s(e, 6); case -5: s(e, 102); } } function Ne(e, u) { let { index: n } = e, t = 67174409, i = "", o = A(e); for (; o !== 96; ) { if (o === 36 && e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1) === 123) { A(e), (t = 67174408); break; } else if ((o & 8) === 8 && o === 92) if (((o = A(e)), o > 126)) i += G(o); else { let l = Le(e, u | 1024, o); if (l >= 0) i += G(l); else if (l !== -1 && u & 65536) { (i = void 0), (o = M1(e, o)), o < 0 && (t = 67174408); break; } else Ie(e, l, 1); } else e.index < e.end && o === 13 && e.source.charCodeAt(e.index) === 10 && ((i += G(o)), (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt(++e.index))), (((o & 83) < 3 && o === 10) || (o ^ 8232) <= 1) && ((e.column = -1), e.line++), (i += G(o)); e.index >= e.end && s(e, 15), (o = A(e)); } return ( A(e), (e.tokenValue = i), (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(n + 1, e.index - (t === 67174409 ? 1 : 2))), t ); } function M1(e, u) { for (; u !== 96; ) { switch (u) { case 36: { let n = e.index + 1; if (n < e.end && e.source.charCodeAt(n) === 123) return (e.index = n), e.column++, -u; break; } case 10: case 8232: case 8233: (e.column = -1), e.line++; } e.index >= e.end && s(e, 15), (u = A(e)); } return u; } function J1(e, u) { return e.index >= e.end && s(e, 0), e.index--, e.column--, Ne(e, u); } function Pe(e, u, n) { let t = e.currentChar, i = 0, o = 9, l = n & 64 ? 0 : 1, f = 0, c = 0; if (n & 64) (i = "." + q2(e, t)), (t = e.currentChar), t === 110 && s(e, 11); else { if (t === 48) if (((t = A(e)), (t | 32) === 120)) { for (n = 136, t = A(e); L[t] & 4160; ) { if (t === 95) { c || s(e, 147), (c = 0), (t = A(e)); continue; } (c = 1), (i = i * 16 + z(t)), f++, (t = A(e)); } (f === 0 || !c) && s(e, f === 0 ? 19 : 148); } else if ((t | 32) === 111) { for (n = 132, t = A(e); L[t] & 4128; ) { if (t === 95) { c || s(e, 147), (c = 0), (t = A(e)); continue; } (c = 1), (i = i * 8 + (t - 48)), f++, (t = A(e)); } (f === 0 || !c) && s(e, f === 0 ? 0 : 148); } else if ((t | 32) === 98) { for (n = 130, t = A(e); L[t] & 4224; ) { if (t === 95) { c || s(e, 147), (c = 0), (t = A(e)); continue; } (c = 1), (i = i * 2 + (t - 48)), f++, (t = A(e)); } (f === 0 || !c) && s(e, f === 0 ? 0 : 148); } else if (L[t] & 32) for (u & 1024 && s(e, 1), n = 1; L[t] & 16; ) { if (L[t] & 512) { (n = 32), (l = 0); break; } (i = i * 8 + (t - 48)), (t = A(e)); } else L[t] & 512 ? (u & 1024 && s(e, 1), (e.flags |= 64), (n = 32)) : t === 95 && s(e, 0); if (n & 48) { if (l) { for (; o >= 0 && L[t] & 4112; ) { if (t === 95) { (t = A(e)), (t === 95 || n & 32) && A2(e.index, e.line, e.index + 1, 147), (c = 1); continue; } (c = 0), (i = 10 * i + (t - 48)), (t = A(e)), --o; } if ( (c && A2(e.index, e.line, e.index + 1, 148), o >= 0 && !_2(t) && t !== 46) ) return ( (e.tokenValue = i), u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), 134283266 ); } (i += q2(e, t)), (t = e.currentChar), t === 46 && (A(e) === 95 && s(e, 0), (n = 64), (i += "." + q2(e, e.currentChar)), (t = e.currentChar)); } } let m = e.index, g = 0; if (t === 110 && n & 128) (g = 1), (t = A(e)); else if ((t | 32) === 101) { (t = A(e)), L[t] & 256 && (t = A(e)); let { index: a } = e; L[t] & 16 || s(e, 10), (i += e.source.substring(m, a) + q2(e, t)), (t = e.currentChar); } return ( ((e.index < e.end && L[t] & 16) || _2(t)) && s(e, 12), g ? ((e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), (e.tokenValue = BigInt(i)), 134283389) : ((e.tokenValue = n & 15 ? i : n & 32 ? parseFloat(e.source.substring(e.tokenPos, e.index)) : +i), u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), 134283266) ); } function q2(e, u) { let n = 0, t = e.index, i = ""; for (; L[u] & 4112; ) { if (u === 95) { let { index: o } = e; (u = A(e)), u === 95 && A2(e.index, e.line, e.index + 1, 147), (n = 1), (i += e.source.substring(t, o)), (t = e.index); continue; } (n = 0), (u = A(e)); } return ( n && A2(e.index, e.line, e.index + 1, 148), i + e.source.substring(t, e.index) ); } var O = [ "end of source", "identifier", "number", "string", "regular expression", "false", "true", "null", "template continuation", "template tail", "=>", "(", "{", ".", "...", "}", ")", ";", ",", "[", "]", ":", "?", "'", '"', "", "++", "--", "=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "**=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "^=", "|=", "&=", "||=", "&&=", "??=", "typeof", "delete", "void", "!", "~", "+", "-", "in", "instanceof", "*", "%", "/", "**", "&&", "||", "===", "!==", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^", "var", "let", "const", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "continue", "debugger", "default", "do", "else", "export", "extends", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "import", "new", "return", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "while", "with", "implements", "interface", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "yield", "as", "async", "await", "constructor", "get", "set", "from", "of", "enum", "eval", "arguments", "escaped keyword", "escaped future reserved keyword", "reserved if strict", "#", "BigIntLiteral", "??", "?.", "WhiteSpace", "Illegal", "LineTerminator", "PrivateField", "Template", "@", "target", "meta", "LineFeed", "Escaped", "JSXText", ], Ve = Object.create(null, { this: { value: 86113 }, function: { value: 86106 }, if: { value: 20571 }, return: { value: 20574 }, var: { value: 86090 }, else: { value: 20565 }, for: { value: 20569 }, new: { value: 86109 }, in: { value: 8738868 }, typeof: { value: 16863277 }, while: { value: 20580 }, case: { value: 20558 }, break: { value: 20557 }, try: { value: 20579 }, catch: { value: 20559 }, delete: { value: 16863278 }, throw: { value: 86114 }, switch: { value: 86112 }, continue: { value: 20561 }, default: { value: 20563 }, instanceof: { value: 8476725 }, do: { value: 20564 }, void: { value: 16863279 }, finally: { value: 20568 }, async: { value: 209007 }, await: { value: 209008 }, class: { value: 86096 }, const: { value: 86092 }, constructor: { value: 12401 }, debugger: { value: 20562 }, export: { value: 20566 }, extends: { value: 20567 }, false: { value: 86021 }, from: { value: 12404 }, get: { value: 12402 }, implements: { value: 36966 }, import: { value: 86108 }, interface: { value: 36967 }, let: { value: 241739 }, null: { value: 86023 }, of: { value: 274549 }, package: { value: 36968 }, private: { value: 36969 }, protected: { value: 36970 }, public: { value: 36971 }, set: { value: 12403 }, static: { value: 36972 }, super: { value: 86111 }, true: { value: 86022 }, with: { value: 20581 }, yield: { value: 241773 }, enum: { value: 86134 }, eval: { value: 537079927 }, as: { value: 77934 }, arguments: { value: 537079928 }, target: { value: 143494 }, meta: { value: 143495 }, }); function Ee(e, u, n) { for (; Fe[A(e)]; ); return ( (e.tokenValue = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), e.currentChar !== 92 && e.currentChar <= 126 ? Ve[e.tokenValue] || 208897 : p2(e, u, 0, n) ); } function j1(e, u) { let n = Re(e); return R2(n) || s(e, 4), (e.tokenValue = G(n)), p2(e, u, 1, L[n] & 4); } function p2(e, u, n, t) { let i = e.index; for (; e.index < e.end; ) if (e.currentChar === 92) { (e.tokenValue += e.source.slice(i, e.index)), (n = 1); let l = Re(e); R2(l) || s(e, 4), (t = t && L[l] & 4), (e.tokenValue += G(l)), (i = e.index); } else if (R2(e.currentChar) || F1(e, e.currentChar)) A(e); else break; e.index <= e.end && (e.tokenValue += e.source.slice(i, e.index)); let o = e.tokenValue.length; if (t && o >= 2 && o <= 11) { let l = Ve[e.tokenValue]; return l === void 0 ? 208897 : n ? l === 209008 ? u & 4196352 ? 121 : l : u & 1024 ? l === 36972 || (l & 36864) === 36864 ? 122 : (l & 20480) === 20480 ? u & 268435456 && !(u & 8192) ? l : 121 : 143483 : u & 268435456 && !(u & 8192) && (l & 20480) === 20480 ? l : l === 241773 ? u & 268435456 ? 143483 : u & 2097152 ? 121 : l : l === 209007 ? 143483 : (l & 36864) === 36864 ? l : 121 : l; } return 208897; } function X1(e) { return _2(A(e)) || s(e, 94), 131; } function Re(e) { return ( e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1) !== 117 && s(e, 4), (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt((e.index += 2))), H1(e) ); } function H1(e) { let u = 0, n = e.currentChar; if (n === 123) { let l = e.index - 2; for (; L[A(e)] & 64; ) (u = (u << 4) | z(e.currentChar)), u > 1114111 && A2(l, e.line, e.index + 1, 102); return e.currentChar !== 125 && A2(l, e.line, e.index - 1, 6), A(e), u; } L[n] & 64 || s(e, 6); let t = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 1); L[t] & 64 || s(e, 6); let i = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 2); L[i] & 64 || s(e, 6); let o = e.source.charCodeAt(e.index + 3); return ( L[o] & 64 || s(e, 6), (u = (z(n) << 12) | (z(t) << 8) | (z(i) << 4) | z(o)), (e.currentChar = e.source.charCodeAt((e.index += 4))), u ); } var Oe = [ 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 128, 136, 128, 128, 130, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 128, 16842800, 134283267, 131, 208897, 8457015, 8455751, 134283267, 67174411, 16, 8457014, 25233970, 18, 25233971, 67108877, 8457016, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 134283266, 21, 1074790417, 8456258, 1077936157, 8456259, 22, 133, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 208897, 69271571, 137, 20, 8455497, 208897, 132, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 208897, 4096, 208897, 208897, 4096, 208897, 4096, 208897, 4096, 208897, 4096, 4096, 4096, 208897, 4096, 4096, 208897, 4096, 4096, 2162700, 8455240, 1074790415, 16842801, 129, ]; function D(e, u) { if ( ((e.flags = (e.flags | 1) ^ 1), (e.startPos = e.index), (e.startColumn = e.column), (e.startLine = e.line), (e.token = Ue(e, u, 0)), e.onToken && e.token !== 1048576) ) { let n = { start: { line: e.linePos, column: e.colPos }, end: { line: e.line, column: e.column }, }; e.onToken(L1(e.token), e.tokenPos, e.index, n); } } function Ue(e, u, n) { let t = e.index === 0, i = e.source, o = e.index, l = e.line, f = e.column; for (; e.index < e.end; ) { (e.tokenPos = e.index), (e.colPos = e.column), (e.linePos = e.line); let c = e.currentChar; if (c <= 126) { let m = Oe[c]; switch (m) { case 67174411: case 16: case 2162700: case 1074790415: case 69271571: case 20: case 21: case 1074790417: case 18: case 16842801: case 133: case 129: return A(e), m; case 208897: return Ee(e, u, 0); case 4096: return Ee(e, u, 1); case 134283266: return Pe(e, u, 144); case 134283267: return U1(e, u, c); case 132: return Ne(e, u); case 137: return j1(e, u); case 131: return X1(e); case 128: A(e); break; case 130: (n |= 5), c2(e); break; case 136: G2(e, n), (n = (n & -5) | 1); break; case 8456258: let g = A(e); if (e.index < e.end) { if (g === 60) return e.index < e.end && A(e) === 61 ? (A(e), 4194334) : 8456516; if (g === 61) return A(e), 8456256; if (g === 33) { let d = e.index + 1; if ( d + 1 < e.end && i.charCodeAt(d) === 45 && i.charCodeAt(d + 1) == 45 ) { (e.column += 3), (e.currentChar = i.charCodeAt((e.index += 3))), (n = Ce(e, i, n, u, 2, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (o = e.tokenPos), (l = e.linePos), (f = e.colPos); continue; } return 8456258; } if (g === 47) { if (!(u & 16)) return 8456258; let d = e.index + 1; if (d < e.end && ((g = i.charCodeAt(d)), g === 42 || g === 47)) break; return A(e), 25; } } return 8456258; case 1077936157: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; return d === 61 ? A(e) === 61 ? (A(e), 8455996) : 8455998 : d === 62 ? (A(e), 10) : 1077936157; } case 16842800: return A(e) !== 61 ? 16842800 : A(e) !== 61 ? 8455999 : (A(e), 8455997); case 8457015: return A(e) !== 61 ? 8457015 : (A(e), 4194342); case 8457014: { if ((A(e), e.index >= e.end)) return 8457014; let d = e.currentChar; return d === 61 ? (A(e), 4194340) : d !== 42 ? 8457014 : A(e) !== 61 ? 8457273 : (A(e), 4194337); } case 8455497: return A(e) !== 61 ? 8455497 : (A(e), 4194343); case 25233970: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; return d === 43 ? (A(e), 33619995) : d === 61 ? (A(e), 4194338) : 25233970; } case 25233971: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; if (d === 45) { if ((A(e), (n & 1 || t) && e.currentChar === 62)) { u & 256 || s(e, 109), A(e), (n = Ce(e, i, n, u, 3, o, l, f)), (o = e.tokenPos), (l = e.linePos), (f = e.colPos); continue; } return 33619996; } return d === 61 ? (A(e), 4194339) : 25233971; } case 8457016: { if ((A(e), e.index < e.end)) { let d = e.currentChar; if (d === 47) { A(e), (n = x2(e, i, n, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (o = e.tokenPos), (l = e.linePos), (f = e.colPos); continue; } if (d === 42) { A(e), (n = V1(e, i, n)), (o = e.tokenPos), (l = e.linePos), (f = e.colPos); continue; } if (u & 32768) return R1(e, u); if (d === 61) return A(e), 4259877; } return 8457016; } case 67108877: let a = A(e); if (a >= 48 && a <= 57) return Pe(e, u, 80); if (a === 46) { let d = e.index + 1; if (d < e.end && i.charCodeAt(d) === 46) return ( (e.column += 2), (e.currentChar = i.charCodeAt((e.index += 2))), 14 ); } return 67108877; case 8455240: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; return d === 124 ? (A(e), e.currentChar === 61 ? (A(e), 4194346) : 8979003) : d === 61 ? (A(e), 4194344) : 8455240; } case 8456259: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; if (d === 61) return A(e), 8456257; if (d !== 62) return 8456259; if ((A(e), e.index < e.end)) { let k = e.currentChar; if (k === 62) return A(e) === 61 ? (A(e), 4194336) : 8456518; if (k === 61) return A(e), 4194335; } return 8456517; } case 8455751: { A(e); let d = e.currentChar; return d === 38 ? (A(e), e.currentChar === 61 ? (A(e), 4194347) : 8979258) : d === 61 ? (A(e), 4194345) : 8455751; } case 22: { let d = A(e); if (d === 63) return A(e), e.currentChar === 61 ? (A(e), 4194348) : 276889982; if (d === 46) { let k = e.index + 1; if (k < e.end && ((d = i.charCodeAt(k)), !(d >= 48 && d <= 57))) return A(e), 67108991; } return 22; } } } else { if ((c ^ 8232) <= 1) { (n = (n & -5) | 1), c2(e); continue; } if ((c & 64512) === 55296 || (P2[(c >>> 5) + 34816] >>> c) & 31 & 1) return ( (c & 64512) === 56320 && ((c = ((c & 1023) << 10) | (c & 1023) | 65536), (P2[(c >>> 5) + 0] >>> c) & 31 & 1 || s(e, 18, G(c)), e.index++, (e.currentChar = c)), e.column++, (e.tokenValue = ""), p2(e, u, 0, 0) ); if (q1(c)) { A(e); continue; } s(e, 18, G(c)); } } return 1048576; } function z1(e, u) { return ( (e.startPos = e.tokenPos = e.index), (e.startColumn = e.colPos = e.column), (e.startLine = e.linePos = e.line), (e.token = L[e.currentChar] & 8192 ? K1(e, u) : Ue(e, u, 0)), e.token ); } function K1(e, u) { let n = e.currentChar, t = A(e), i = e.index; for (; t !== n; ) e.index >= e.end && s(e, 14), (t = A(e)); return ( t !== n && s(e, 14), (e.tokenValue = e.source.slice(i, e.index)), A(e), u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index)), 134283267 ); } function d2(e, u) { if ( ((e.startPos = e.tokenPos = e.index), (e.startColumn = e.colPos = e.column), (e.startLine = e.linePos = e.line), e.index >= e.end) ) return (e.token = 1048576); switch (Oe[e.source.charCodeAt(e.index)]) { case 8456258: { A(e), e.currentChar === 47 ? (A(e), (e.token = 25)) : (e.token = 8456258); break; } case 2162700: { A(e), (e.token = 2162700); break; } default: { let t = 0; for (; e.index < e.end; ) { let o = L[e.source.charCodeAt(e.index)]; if ( (o & 1024 ? ((t |= 5), c2(e)) : o & 2048 ? (G2(e, t), (t = (t & -5) | 1)) : A(e), L[e.currentChar] & 16384) ) break; } let i = e.source.slice(e.tokenPos, e.index); u & 512 && (e.tokenRaw = i), (e.tokenValue = i), (e.token = 138); } } return e.token; } function Y2(e) { if ((e.token & 143360) === 143360) { let { index: u } = e, n = e.currentChar; for (; L[n] & 32770; ) n = A(e); e.tokenValue += e.source.slice(u, e.index); } return (e.token = 208897), e.token; } function H(e, u) { var n; !(e.flags & 1) && (e.token & 1048576) !== 1048576 && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), q(e, u, 1074790417) || (n = e.onInsertedSemicolon) == null ||, e.startPos); } function Me(e, u, n, t) { return u - n < 13 && t === "use strict" && ((e.token & 1048576) === 1048576 || e.flags & 1) ? 1 : 0; } function ee(e, u, n) { return e.token !== n ? 0 : (D(e, u), 1); } function q(e, u, n) { return e.token !== n ? !1 : (D(e, u), !0); } function P(e, u, n) { e.token !== n && s(e, 23, O[n & 255]), D(e, u); } function r(e, u) { switch (u.type) { case "ArrayExpression": u.type = "ArrayPattern"; let n = u.elements; for (let i = 0, o = n.length; i < o; ++i) { let l = n[i]; l && r(e, l); } return; case "ObjectExpression": u.type = "ObjectPattern"; let t =; for (let i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; ++i) r(e, t[i]); return; case "AssignmentExpression": (u.type = "AssignmentPattern"), u.operator !== "=" && s(e, 69), delete u.operator, r(e, u.left); return; case "Property": r(e, u.value); return; case "SpreadElement": (u.type = "RestElement"), r(e, u.argument); } } function O2(e, u, n, t, i) { u & 1024 && ((t & 36864) === 36864 && s(e, 115), !i && (t & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116)), (t & 20480) === 20480 && s(e, 100), n & 24 && t === 241739 && s(e, 98), u & 4196352 && t === 209008 && s(e, 96), u & 2098176 && t === 241773 && s(e, 95, "yield"); } function Je(e, u, n) { u & 1024 && ((n & 36864) === 36864 && s(e, 115), (n & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116), n === 122 && s(e, 93), n === 121 && s(e, 93)), (n & 20480) === 20480 && s(e, 100), u & 4196352 && n === 209008 && s(e, 96), u & 2098176 && n === 241773 && s(e, 95, "yield"); } function je(e, u, n) { return ( n === 209008 && (u & 4196352 && s(e, 96), (e.destructible |= 128)), n === 241773 && u & 2097152 && s(e, 95, "yield"), (n & 20480) === 20480 || (n & 36864) === 36864 || n == 122 ); } function $1(e) { return ? === "PrivateIdentifier" : !1; } function Xe(e, u, n, t) { for (; u; ) { if (u["$" + n]) return t && s(e, 134), 1; t && u.loop && (t = 0), (u = u.$); } return 0; } function W1(e, u, n) { let t = u; for (; t; ) t["$" + n] && s(e, 133, n), (t = t.$); u["$" + n] = 1; } function y(e, u, n, t, i, o) { return ( u & 2 && ((o.start = n), (o.end = e.startPos), (o.range = [n, e.startPos])), u & 4 && ((o.loc = { start: { line: t, column: i }, end: { line: e.startLine, column: e.startColumn }, }), e.sourceFile && (o.loc.source = e.sourceFile)), o ); } function U2(e) { switch (e.type) { case "JSXIdentifier": return; case "JSXNamespacedName": return e.namespace + ":" +; case "JSXMemberExpression": return U2(e.object) + "." + U2(; } } function X2(e, u, n) { let t = J(s2(), 1024); return t2(e, u, t, n, 1, 0), t; } function Q2(e, u, ...n) { let { index: t, line: i, column: o } = e; return { type: u, params: n, index: t, line: i, column: o }; } function s2() { return { parent: void 0, type: 2 }; } function J(e, u) { return { parent: e, type: u, scopeError: void 0 }; } function u2(e, u, n, t, i, o) { i & 4 ? He(e, u, n, t, i) : t2(e, u, n, t, i, o), o & 64 && l2(e, t); } function t2(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = n["#" + t]; l && !(l & 2) && (i & 1 ? (n.scopeError = Q2(e, 141, t)) : (u & 256 && l & 64 && o & 2) || s(e, 141, t)), n.type & 128 && n.parent["#" + t] && !(n.parent["#" + t] & 2) && s(e, 141, t), n.type & 1024 && l && !(l & 2) && i & 1 && (n.scopeError = Q2(e, 141, t)), n.type & 64 && n.parent["#" + t] & 768 && s(e, 154, t), (n["#" + t] = i); } function He(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = n; for (; o && !(o.type & 256); ) { let l = o["#" + t]; l & 248 && ((u & 256 && !(u & 1024) && ((i & 128 && l & 68) || (l & 128 && i & 68))) || s(e, 141, t)), o === n && l & 1 && i & 1 && (o.scopeError = Q2(e, 141, t)), l & 768 && (!(l & 512) || !(u & 256) || u & 1024) && s(e, 141, t), (o["#" + t] = i), (o = o.parent); } } function l2(e, u) { e.exportedNames !== void 0 && u !== "" && (e.exportedNames["#" + u] && s(e, 142, u), (e.exportedNames["#" + u] = 1)); } function _1(e, u) { e.exportedBindings !== void 0 && u !== "" && (e.exportedBindings["#" + u] = 1); } function Y1(e, u) { return function (n, t, i, o, l) { let f = { type: n, value: t }; e & 2 && ((f.start = i), (f.end = o), (f.range = [i, o])), e & 4 && (f.loc = l), u.push(f); }; } function Q1(e, u) { return function (n, t, i, o) { let l = { token: n }; e & 2 && ((l.start = t), (l.end = i), (l.range = [t, i])), e & 4 && (l.loc = o), u.push(l); }; } function ue(e, u) { return e & 2098176 ? (e & 2048 && u === 209008) || (e & 2097152 && u === 241773) ? !1 : (u & 143360) === 143360 || (u & 12288) === 12288 : (u & 143360) === 143360 || (u & 12288) === 12288 || (u & 36864) === 36864; } function ne(e, u, n) { (n & 537079808) === 537079808 && (u & 1024 && s(e, 116), (e.flags |= 512)), ue(u, n) || s(e, 0); } function Z1(e, u, n, t, i) { return { source: e, flags: 0, index: 0, line: 1, column: 0, startPos: 0, end: e.length, tokenPos: 0, startColumn: 0, colPos: 0, linePos: 1, startLine: 1, sourceFile: u, tokenValue: "", token: 1048576, tokenRaw: "", tokenRegExp: void 0, currentChar: e.charCodeAt(0), exportedNames: [], exportedBindings: [], assignable: 1, destructible: 0, onComment: n, onToken: t, onInsertedSemicolon: i, leadingDecorators: [], }; } function r1(e, u, n) { let t = "", i, o, l; u != null && (u.module && (n |= 3072), && (n |= 1), u.loc && (n |= 4), u.ranges && (n |= 2), u.uniqueKeyInPattern && (n |= 536870912), u.lexical && (n |= 64), u.webcompat && (n |= 256), u.directives && (n |= 520), u.globalReturn && (n |= 32), u.raw && (n |= 512), u.preserveParens && (n |= 128), u.impliedStrict && (n |= 1024), u.jsx && (n |= 16), u.source && (t = u.source), u.onComment != null && (i = Array.isArray(u.onComment) ? Y1(n, u.onComment) : u.onComment), u.onInsertedSemicolon != null && (o = u.onInsertedSemicolon), u.onToken != null && (l = Array.isArray(u.onToken) ? Q1(n, u.onToken) : u.onToken)); let f = Z1(e, t, i, l, o); n & 1 && N1(f); let c = n & 64 ? s2() : void 0, m = [], g = "script"; if (n & 2048) { if (((g = "module"), (m = x1(f, n | 8192, c)), c)) for (let d in f.exportedBindings) d[0] === "#" && !c[d] && s(f, 143, d.slice(1)); } else m = G1(f, n | 8192, c); let a = { type: "Program", sourceType: g, body: m }; return ( n & 2 && ((a.start = 0), (a.end = e.length), (a.range = [0, e.length])), n & 4 && ((a.loc = { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line: f.line, column: f.column }, }), f.sourceFile && (a.loc.source = t)), a ); } function G1(e, u, n) { D(e, u | 32768 | 268435456); let t = []; for (; e.token === 134283267; ) { let { index: i, tokenPos: o, tokenValue: l, linePos: f, colPos: c, token: m, } = e, g = X(e, u); Me(e, i, o, l) && (u |= 1024), t.push(te(e, u, g, m, o, f, c)); } for (; e.token !== 1048576; ) t.push(w2(e, u, n, 4, {})); return t; } function x1(e, u, n) { D(e, u | 32768); let t = []; if (u & 8) for (; e.token === 134283267; ) { let { tokenPos: i, linePos: o, colPos: l, token: f } = e; t.push(te(e, u, X(e, u), f, i, o, l)); } for (; e.token !== 1048576; ) t.push(p1(e, u, n)); return t; } function p1(e, u, n) { e.leadingDecorators = K2(e, u); let t; switch (e.token) { case 20566: t = bu(e, u, n); break; case 86108: t = hu(e, u, n); break; default: t = w2(e, u, n, 4, {}); } return e.leadingDecorators.length && s(e, 165), t; } function w2(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = e.tokenPos, l = e.linePos, f = e.colPos; switch (e.token) { case 86106: return i2(e, u, n, t, 1, 0, 0, o, l, f); case 133: case 86096: return r2(e, u, n, 0, o, l, f); case 86092: return Z2(e, u, n, 16, 0, o, l, f); case 241739: return ku(e, u, n, t, o, l, f); case 20566: s(e, 101, "export"); case 86108: switch ((D(e, u), e.token)) { case 67174411: return _e(e, u, o, l, f); case 67108877: return We(e, u, o, l, f); default: s(e, 101, "import"); } case 209007: return ze(e, u, n, t, i, 1, o, l, f); default: return S2(e, u, n, t, i, 1, o, l, f); } } function S2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { switch (e.token) { case 86090: return Ke(e, u, n, 0, l, f, c); case 20574: return uu(e, u, l, f, c); case 20571: return tu(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 20569: return Au(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 20564: return yu(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 20580: return lu(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 86112: return ou(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 1074790417: return nu(e, u, l, f, c); case 2162700: return E2(e, u, n && J(n, 2), i, l, f, c); case 86114: return iu(e, u, l, f, c); case 20557: return cu(e, u, i, l, f, c); case 20561: return fu(e, u, i, l, f, c); case 20579: return au(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 20581: return du(e, u, n, i, l, f, c); case 20562: return su(e, u, l, f, c); case 209007: return ze(e, u, n, t, i, 0, l, f, c); case 20559: s(e, 157); case 20568: s(e, 158); case 86106: s(e, u & 1024 ? 74 : u & 256 ? 75 : 76); case 86096: s(e, 77); default: return eu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c); } } function eu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { let { tokenValue: m, token: g } = e, a; switch (g) { case 241739: (a = I(e, u)), u & 1024 && s(e, 83), e.token === 69271571 && s(e, 82); break; default: a = K(e, u, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); } return g & 143360 && e.token === 21 ? ie(e, u, n, t, i, m, a, g, o, l, f, c) : ((a = N(e, u, a, 0, 0, l, f, c)), (a = U(e, u, 0, 0, l, f, c, a)), e.token === 18 && (a = p(e, u, 0, l, f, c, a)), h2(e, u, a, l, f, c)); } function E2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = []; for (P(e, u | 32768, 2162700); e.token !== 1074790415; ) f.push(w2(e, u, n, 2, { $: t })); return ( P(e, u | 32768, 1074790415), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "BlockStatement", body: f }) ); } function uu(e, u, n, t, i) { !(u & 32) && u & 8192 && s(e, 90), D(e, u | 32768); let o = e.flags & 1 || e.token & 1048576 ? null : j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "ReturnStatement", argument: o }) ); } function h2(e, u, n, t, i, o) { return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ExpressionStatement", expression: n }) ); } function ie(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m, g, a) { O2(e, u, 0, f, 1), W1(e, i, o), D(e, u | 32768); let d = c && !(u & 1024) && u & 256 && e.token === 86106 ? i2(e, u, J(n, 2), t, 0, 0, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos) : S2(e, u, n, t, i, c, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y(e, u, m, g, a, { type: "LabeledStatement", label: l, body: d }); } function ze(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { let { token: m, tokenValue: g } = e, a = I(e, u); if (e.token === 21) return ie(e, u, n, t, i, g, a, m, 1, l, f, c); let d = e.flags & 1; if (!d) { if (e.token === 86106) return o || s(e, 120), i2(e, u, n, t, 1, 0, 1, l, f, c); if ((e.token & 143360) === 143360) return ( (a = e1(e, u, 1, l, f, c)), e.token === 18 && (a = p(e, u, 0, l, f, c, a)), h2(e, u, a, l, f, c) ); } return ( e.token === 67174411 ? (a = de(e, u, a, 1, 1, 0, d, l, f, c)) : (e.token === 10 && (ne(e, u, m), (a = z2(e, u, e.tokenValue, a, 0, 1, 0, l, f, c))), (e.assignable = 1)), (a = N(e, u, a, 0, 0, l, f, c)), (a = U(e, u, 0, 0, l, f, c, a)), (e.assignable = 1), e.token === 18 && (a = p(e, u, 0, l, f, c, a)), h2(e, u, a, l, f, c) ); } function te(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { return ( t !== 1074790417 && ((e.assignable = 2), (n = N(e, u, n, 0, 0, i, o, l)), e.token !== 1074790417 && ((n = U(e, u, 0, 0, i, o, l, n)), e.token === 18 && (n = p(e, u, 0, i, o, l, n))), H(e, u | 32768)), u & 8 && n.type === "Literal" && typeof n.value == "string" ? y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "ExpressionStatement", expression: n, directive: n.raw.slice(1, -1), }) : y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "ExpressionStatement", expression: n }) ); } function nu(e, u, n, t, i) { return D(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "EmptyStatement" }); } function iu(e, u, n, t, i) { D(e, u | 32768), e.flags & 1 && s(e, 88); let o = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "ThrowStatement", argument: o }) ); } function tu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u), P(e, u | 32768, 67174411), (e.assignable = 1); let f = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.line, e.colPos); P(e, u | 32768, 16); let c = we(e, u, n, t, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), m = null; return ( e.token === 20565 && (D(e, u | 32768), (m = we(e, u, n, t, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "IfStatement", test: f, consequent: c, alternate: m, }) ); } function we(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { return u & 1024 || !(u & 256) || e.token !== 86106 ? S2(e, u, n, 0, { $: t }, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos) : i2(e, u, J(n, 2), 0, 0, 0, 0, i, o, l); } function ou(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u), P(e, u | 32768, 67174411); let f = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); P(e, u, 16), P(e, u, 2162700); let c = [], m = 0; for (n && (n = J(n, 8)); e.token !== 1074790415; ) { let { tokenPos: g, linePos: a, colPos: d } = e, k = null, C = []; for ( q(e, u | 32768, 20558) ? (k = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)) : (P(e, u | 32768, 20563), m && s(e, 87), (m = 1)), P(e, u | 32768, 21); e.token !== 20558 && e.token !== 1074790415 && e.token !== 20563; ) C.push(w2(e, u | 4096, n, 2, { $: t })); c.push(y(e, u, g, a, d, { type: "SwitchCase", test: k, consequent: C })); } return ( P(e, u | 32768, 1074790415), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "SwitchStatement", discriminant: f, cases: c }) ); } function lu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u), P(e, u | 32768, 67174411); let f = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); P(e, u | 32768, 16); let c = C2(e, u, n, t); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "WhileStatement", test: f, body: c }); } function C2(e, u, n, t) { return S2( e, ((u | 134217728) ^ 134217728) | 131072, n, 0, { loop: 1, $: t }, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, ); } function fu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { u & 131072 || s(e, 66), D(e, u); let l = null; if (!(e.flags & 1) && e.token & 143360) { let { tokenValue: f } = e; (l = I(e, u | 32768)), Xe(e, n, f, 1) || s(e, 135, f); } return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ContinueStatement", label: l }) ); } function cu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { D(e, u | 32768); let l = null; if (!(e.flags & 1) && e.token & 143360) { let { tokenValue: f } = e; (l = I(e, u | 32768)), Xe(e, n, f, 0) || s(e, 135, f); } else u & 135168 || s(e, 67); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "BreakStatement", label: l }) ); } function du(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u), u & 1024 && s(e, 89), P(e, u | 32768, 67174411); let f = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); P(e, u | 32768, 16); let c = S2(e, u, n, 2, t, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "WithStatement", object: f, body: c }); } function su(e, u, n, t, i) { return ( D(e, u | 32768), H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "DebuggerStatement" }) ); } function au(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u | 32768); let f = n ? J(n, 32) : void 0, c = E2(e, u, f, { $: t }, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), { tokenPos: m, linePos: g, colPos: a } = e, d = q(e, u | 32768, 20559) ? mu(e, u, n, t, m, g, a) : null, k = null; if (e.token === 20568) { D(e, u | 32768); let C = f ? J(n, 4) : void 0; k = E2(e, u, C, { $: t }, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); } return ( !d && !k && s(e, 86), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "TryStatement", block: c, handler: d, finalizer: k, }) ); } function mu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = null, c = n; q(e, u, 67174411) && (n && (n = J(n, 4)), (f = i1( e, u, n, (e.token & 2097152) === 2097152 ? 256 : 512, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, )), e.token === 18 ? s(e, 84) : e.token === 1077936157 && s(e, 85), P(e, u | 32768, 16), n && (c = J(n, 64))); let m = E2(e, u, c, { $: t }, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "CatchClause", param: f, body: m }); } function gu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { n && (n = J(n, 2)); let l = 540672; u = ((u | l) ^ l) | 262144; let { body: f } = E2(e, u, n, {}, t, i, o); return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "StaticBlock", body: f }); } function yu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u | 32768); let f = C2(e, u, n, t); P(e, u, 20580), P(e, u | 32768, 67174411); let c = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( P(e, u | 32768, 16), q(e, u | 32768, 1074790417), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "DoWhileStatement", body: f, test: c }) ); } function ku(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let { token: f, tokenValue: c } = e, m = I(e, u); if (e.token & 2240512) { let g = g2(e, u, n, 8, 0); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: "let", declarations: g, }) ); } if (((e.assignable = 1), u & 1024 && s(e, 83), e.token === 21)) return ie(e, u, n, t, {}, c, m, f, 0, i, o, l); if (e.token === 10) { let g; u & 64 && (g = X2(e, u, c)), (e.flags = (e.flags | 128) ^ 128), (m = B2(e, u, g, [m], 0, i, o, l)); } else (m = N(e, u, m, 0, 0, i, o, l)), (m = U(e, u, 0, 0, i, o, l, m)); return e.token === 18 && (m = p(e, u, 0, i, o, l, m)), h2(e, u, m, i, o, l); } function Z2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { D(e, u); let c = g2(e, u, n, t, i); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: t & 8 ? "let" : "const", declarations: c, }) ); } function Ke(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u); let f = g2(e, u, n, 4, t); return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: "var", declarations: f, }) ); } function g2(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = 1, l = [Se(e, u, n, t, i)]; for (; q(e, u, 18); ) o++, l.push(Se(e, u, n, t, i)); return o > 1 && i & 32 && e.token & 262144 && s(e, 59, O[e.token & 255]), l; } function Se(e, u, n, t, i) { let { token: o, tokenPos: l, linePos: f, colPos: c } = e, m = null, g = i1(e, u, n, t, i, l, f, c); return ( e.token === 1077936157 ? (D(e, u | 32768), (m = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (i & 32 || !(o & 2097152)) && (e.token === 274549 || (e.token === 8738868 && (o & 2097152 || !(t & 4) || u & 1024))) && k2(l, e.line, e.index - 3, 58, e.token === 274549 ? "of" : "in")) : (t & 16 || (o & 2097152) > 0) && (e.token & 262144) !== 262144 && s(e, 57, t & 16 ? "const" : "destructuring"), y(e, u, l, f, c, { type: "VariableDeclarator", id: g, init: m }) ); } function Au(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u); let f = ((u & 4194304) > 0 || ((u & 2048) > 0 && (u & 8192) > 0)) && q(e, u, 209008); P(e, u | 32768, 67174411), n && (n = J(n, 1)); let c = null, m = null, g = 0, a = null, d = e.token === 86090 || e.token === 241739 || e.token === 86092, k, { token: C, tokenPos: b, linePos: E, colPos: w } = e; if ( (d ? C === 241739 ? ((a = I(e, u)), e.token & 2240512 ? (e.token === 8738868 ? u & 1024 && s(e, 65) : (a = y(e, u, b, E, w, { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: "let", declarations: g2(e, u | 134217728, n, 8, 32), })), (e.assignable = 1)) : u & 1024 ? s(e, 65) : ((d = !1), (e.assignable = 1), (a = N(e, u, a, 0, 0, b, E, w)), e.token === 274549 && s(e, 112))) : (D(e, u), (a = y( e, u, b, E, w, C === 86090 ? { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: "var", declarations: g2(e, u | 134217728, n, 4, 32), } : { type: "VariableDeclaration", kind: "const", declarations: g2(e, u | 134217728, n, 16, 32), }, )), (e.assignable = 1)) : C === 1074790417 ? f && s(e, 80) : (C & 2097152) === 2097152 ? ((a = C === 2162700 ? Y(e, u, void 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 32, b, E, w) : _(e, u, void 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 32, b, E, w)), (g = e.destructible), u & 256 && g & 64 && s(e, 61), (e.assignable = g & 16 ? 2 : 1), (a = N(e, u | 134217728, a, 0, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : (a = W(e, u | 134217728, 1, 0, 1, b, E, w)), (e.token & 262144) === 262144) ) { if (e.token === 274549) { e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 78, f ? "await" : "of"), r(e, a), D(e, u | 32768), (k = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), P(e, u | 32768, 16); let S = C2(e, u, n, t); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "ForOfStatement", left: a, right: k, body: S, await: f, }); } e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 78, "in"), r(e, a), D(e, u | 32768), f && s(e, 80), (k = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), P(e, u | 32768, 16); let M = C2(e, u, n, t); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "ForInStatement", body: M, left: a, right: k, }); } f && s(e, 80), d || (g & 8 && e.token !== 1077936157 && s(e, 78, "loop"), (a = U(e, u | 134217728, 0, 0, b, E, w, a))), e.token === 18 && (a = p(e, u, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, a)), P(e, u | 32768, 1074790417), e.token !== 1074790417 && (c = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), P(e, u | 32768, 1074790417), e.token !== 16 && (m = j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), P(e, u | 32768, 16); let v = C2(e, u, n, t); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "ForStatement", init: a, test: c, update: m, body: v, }); } function $e(e, u, n) { return ( ue(u, e.token) || s(e, 115), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116), n && t2(e, u, n, e.tokenValue, 8, 0), I(e, u) ); } function hu(e, u, n) { let t = e.tokenPos, i = e.linePos, o = e.colPos; D(e, u); let l = null, { tokenPos: f, linePos: c, colPos: m } = e, g = []; if (e.token === 134283267) l = X(e, u); else { if (e.token & 143360) { let a = $e(e, u, n); if ( ((g = [y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier", local: a })]), q(e, u, 18)) ) switch (e.token) { case 8457014: g.push(Be(e, u, n)); break; case 2162700: ve(e, u, n, g); break; default: s(e, 105); } } else switch (e.token) { case 8457014: g = [Be(e, u, n)]; break; case 2162700: ve(e, u, n, g); break; case 67174411: return _e(e, u, t, i, o); case 67108877: return We(e, u, t, i, o); default: s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); } l = Du(e, u); } return ( H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ImportDeclaration", specifiers: g, source: l }) ); } function Be(e, u, n) { let { tokenPos: t, linePos: i, colPos: o } = e; return ( D(e, u), P(e, u, 77934), (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 && k2(t, e.line, e.index, 28, O[e.token & 255]), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier", local: $e(e, u, n) }) ); } function Du(e, u) { return ( q(e, u, 12404) || s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), e.token !== 134283267 && s(e, 103, "Import"), X(e, u) ); } function ve(e, u, n, t) { for (D(e, u); e.token & 143360; ) { let { token: i, tokenValue: o, tokenPos: l, linePos: f, colPos: c } = e, m = I(e, u), g; q(e, u, 77934) ? ((e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 || e.token === 18 ? s(e, 104) : O2(e, u, 16, e.token, 0), (o = e.tokenValue), (g = I(e, u))) : (O2(e, u, 16, i, 0), (g = m)), n && t2(e, u, n, o, 8, 0), t.push( y(e, u, l, f, c, { type: "ImportSpecifier", local: g, imported: m }), ), e.token !== 1074790415 && P(e, u, 18); } return P(e, u, 1074790415), t; } function We(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = Qe( e, u, y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "Identifier", name: "import" }), n, t, i, ); return ( (o = N(e, u, o, 0, 0, n, t, i)), (o = U(e, u, 0, 0, n, t, i, o)), e.token === 18 && (o = p(e, u, 0, n, t, i, o)), h2(e, u, o, n, t, i) ); } function _e(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = Ze(e, u, 0, n, t, i); return ( (o = N(e, u, o, 0, 0, n, t, i)), e.token === 18 && (o = p(e, u, 0, n, t, i, o)), h2(e, u, o, n, t, i) ); } function bu(e, u, n) { let t = e.tokenPos, i = e.linePos, o = e.colPos; D(e, u | 32768); let l = [], f = null, c = null, m; if (q(e, u | 32768, 20563)) { switch (e.token) { case 86106: { f = i2(e, u, n, 4, 1, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; } case 133: case 86096: f = r2(e, u, n, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 209007: let { tokenPos: g, linePos: a, colPos: d } = e; f = I(e, u); let { flags: k } = e; k & 1 || (e.token === 86106 ? (f = i2(e, u, n, 4, 1, 1, 1, g, a, d)) : e.token === 67174411 ? ((f = de(e, u, f, 1, 1, 0, k, g, a, d)), (f = N(e, u, f, 0, 0, g, a, d)), (f = U(e, u, 0, 0, g, a, d, f))) : e.token & 143360 && (n && (n = X2(e, u, e.tokenValue)), (f = I(e, u)), (f = B2(e, u, n, [f], 1, g, a, d)))); break; default: (f = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), H(e, u | 32768); } return ( n && l2(e, "default"), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration", declaration: f }) ); } switch (e.token) { case 8457014: { D(e, u); let k = null; return ( q(e, u, 77934) && (n && l2(e, e.tokenValue), (k = I(e, u))), P(e, u, 12404), e.token !== 134283267 && s(e, 103, "Export"), (c = X(e, u)), H(e, u | 32768), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ExportAllDeclaration", source: c, exported: k, }) ); } case 2162700: { D(e, u); let k = [], C = []; for (; e.token & 143360; ) { let { tokenPos: b, tokenValue: E, linePos: w, colPos: v } = e, M = I(e, u), S; e.token === 77934 ? (D(e, u), (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 && s(e, 104), n && (k.push(e.tokenValue), C.push(E)), (S = I(e, u))) : (n && (k.push(e.tokenValue), C.push(e.tokenValue)), (S = M)), l.push( y(e, u, b, w, v, { type: "ExportSpecifier", local: M, exported: S, }), ), e.token !== 1074790415 && P(e, u, 18); } if ((P(e, u, 1074790415), q(e, u, 12404))) e.token !== 134283267 && s(e, 103, "Export"), (c = X(e, u)); else if (n) { let b = 0, E = k.length; for (; b < E; b++) l2(e, k[b]); for (b = 0, E = C.length; b < E; b++) _1(e, C[b]); } H(e, u | 32768); break; } case 86096: f = r2(e, u, n, 2, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 86106: f = i2(e, u, n, 4, 1, 2, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 241739: f = Z2(e, u, n, 8, 64, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 86092: f = Z2(e, u, n, 16, 64, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 86090: f = Ke(e, u, n, 64, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); break; case 209007: let { tokenPos: g, linePos: a, colPos: d } = e; if ((D(e, u), !(e.flags & 1) && e.token === 86106)) { (f = i2(e, u, n, 4, 1, 2, 1, g, a, d)), n && ((m = ? : ""), l2(e, m)); break; } default: s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); } return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ExportNamedDeclaration", declaration: f, specifiers: l, source: c, }); } function R(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = K(e, u, 2, 0, n, t, 1, i, o, l); return (f = N(e, u, f, t, 0, i, o, l)), U(e, u, t, 0, i, o, l, f); } function p(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = [l]; for (; q(e, u | 32768, 18); ) f.push(R(e, u, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "SequenceExpression", expressions: f }); } function j(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = R(e, u, t, n, i, o, l); return e.token === 18 ? p(e, u, n, i, o, l, f) : f; } function U(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let { token: c } = e; if ((c & 4194304) === 4194304) { e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 24), ((!t && c === 1077936157 && f.type === "ArrayExpression") || f.type === "ObjectExpression") && r(e, f), D(e, u | 32768); let m = R(e, u, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( (e.assignable = 2), y( e, u, i, o, l, t ? { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: f, right: m } : { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: f, operator: O[c & 255], right: m, }, ) ); } return ( (c & 8454144) === 8454144 && (f = n2(e, u, n, i, o, l, 4, c, f)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (f = f2(e, u, f, i, o, l)), f ); } function L2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let { token: c } = e; D(e, u | 32768); let m = R(e, u, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( (f = y( e, u, i, o, l, t ? { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: f, right: m } : { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: f, operator: O[c & 255], right: m, }, )), (e.assignable = 2), f ); } function f2(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = R( e, (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, ); P(e, u | 32768, 21), (e.assignable = 1); let f = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ConditionalExpression", test: n, consequent: l, alternate: f, }) ); } function n2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { let m = -((u & 134217728) > 0) & 8738868, g, a; for ( e.assignable = 2; e.token & 8454144 && ((g = e.token), (a = g & 3840), ((g & 524288 && f & 268435456) || (f & 524288 && g & 268435456)) && s(e, 160), !(a + ((g === 8457273) << 8) - ((m === g) << 12) <= l)); ) D(e, u | 32768), (c = y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: g & 524288 || g & 268435456 ? "LogicalExpression" : "BinaryExpression", left: c, right: n2( e, u, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, a, g, W(e, u, 0, n, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), ), operator: O[g & 255], })); return e.token === 1077936157 && s(e, 24), c; } function Cu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { n || s(e, 0); let f = e.token; D(e, u | 32768); let c = W(e, u, 0, l, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( e.token === 8457273 && s(e, 31), u & 1024 && f === 16863278 && (c.type === "Identifier" ? s(e, 118) : $1(c) && s(e, 124)), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "UnaryExpression", operator: O[f & 255], argument: c, prefix: !0, }) ); } function Pu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { let { token: m } = e, g = I(e, u), { flags: a } = e; if (!(a & 1)) { if (e.token === 86106) return Ge(e, u, 1, n, l, f, c); if ((e.token & 143360) === 143360) return t || s(e, 0), e1(e, u, i, l, f, c); } return !o && e.token === 67174411 ? de(e, u, g, i, 1, 0, a, l, f, c) : e.token === 10 ? (ne(e, u, m), o && s(e, 49), z2(e, u, e.tokenValue, g, o, i, 0, l, f, c)) : ((e.assignable = 1), g); } function Eu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { if ((n && (e.destructible |= 256), u & 2097152)) { D(e, u | 32768), u & 8388608 && s(e, 30), t || s(e, 24), e.token === 22 && s(e, 121); let f = null, c = !1; return ( e.flags & 1 || ((c = q(e, u | 32768, 8457014)), (e.token & 77824 || c) && (f = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "YieldExpression", argument: f, delegate: c }) ); } return u & 1024 && s(e, 95, "yield"), ce(e, u, i, o, l); } function wu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { if ((t && (e.destructible |= 128), u & 4194304 || (u & 2048 && u & 8192))) { n && s(e, 0), u & 8388608 && k2(e.index, e.line, e.index, 29), D(e, u | 32768); let f = W(e, u, 0, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( e.token === 8457273 && s(e, 31), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "AwaitExpression", argument: f }) ); } return u & 2048 && s(e, 96), ce(e, u, i, o, l); } function H2(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let { tokenPos: l, linePos: f, colPos: c } = e; P(e, u | 32768, 2162700); let m = [], g = u; if (e.token !== 1074790415) { for (; e.token === 134283267; ) { let { index: a, tokenPos: d, tokenValue: k, token: C } = e, b = X(e, u); Me(e, a, d, k) && ((u |= 1024), e.flags & 128 && k2(e.index, e.line, e.tokenPos, 64), e.flags & 64 && k2(e.index, e.line, e.tokenPos, 8)), m.push(te(e, u, b, C, d, e.linePos, e.colPos)); } u & 1024 && (i && ((i & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116), (i & 36864) === 36864 && s(e, 38)), e.flags & 512 && s(e, 116), e.flags & 256 && s(e, 115)), u & 64 && n && o !== void 0 && !(g & 1024) && !(u & 8192) && j2(o); } for ( e.flags = (e.flags | 512 | 256 | 64) ^ 832, e.destructible = (e.destructible | 256) ^ 256; e.token !== 1074790415; ) m.push(w2(e, u, n, 4, {})); return ( P(e, t & 24 ? u | 32768 : u, 1074790415), (e.flags &= -193), e.token === 1077936157 && s(e, 24), y(e, u, l, f, c, { type: "BlockStatement", body: m }) ); } function Su(e, u, n, t, i) { switch ((D(e, u), e.token)) { case 67108991: s(e, 162); case 67174411: { u & 524288 || s(e, 26), u & 16384 && !(u & 33554432) && s(e, 27), (e.assignable = 2); break; } case 69271571: case 67108877: { u & 262144 || s(e, 27), u & 16384 && !(u & 33554432) && s(e, 27), (e.assignable = 1); break; } default: s(e, 28, "super"); } return y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "Super" }); } function W(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let c = K(e, u, 2, 0, n, t, i, o, l, f); return N(e, u, c, t, 0, o, l, f); } function Bu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 53); let { token: l } = e; return ( D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "UpdateExpression", argument: n, operator: O[l & 255], prefix: !1, }) ); } function N(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { if ((e.token & 33619968) === 33619968 && !(e.flags & 1)) n = Bu(e, u, n, o, l, f); else if ((e.token & 67108864) === 67108864) { switch (((u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728), e.token)) { case 67108877: { D(e, (u | 268435456 | 8192) ^ 8192), u & 16384 && e.token === 131 && e.tokenValue === "super" && s(e, 27), (e.assignable = 1); let c = Ye(e, u | 65536); n = y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !1, property: c, }); break; } case 69271571: { let c = !1; (e.flags & 2048) === 2048 && ((c = !0), (e.flags = (e.flags | 2048) ^ 2048)), D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: m, linePos: g, colPos: a } = e, d = j(e, u, t, 1, m, g, a); P(e, u, 20), (e.assignable = 1), (n = y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !0, property: d, })), c && (e.flags |= 2048); break; } case 67174411: { if ((e.flags & 1024) === 1024) return (e.flags = (e.flags | 1024) ^ 1024), n; let c = !1; (e.flags & 2048) === 2048 && ((c = !0), (e.flags = (e.flags | 2048) ^ 2048)); let m = fe(e, u, t); (e.assignable = 2), (n = y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "CallExpression", callee: n, arguments: m, })), c && (e.flags |= 2048); break; } case 67108991: { D(e, (u | 268435456 | 8192) ^ 8192), (e.flags |= 2048), (e.assignable = 2), (n = vu(e, u, n, o, l, f)); break; } default: (e.flags & 2048) === 2048 && s(e, 161), (e.assignable = 2), (n = y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "TaggedTemplateExpression", tag: n, quasi: e.token === 67174408 ? le(e, u | 65536) : oe(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), })); } n = N(e, u, n, 0, 1, o, l, f); } return ( i === 0 && (e.flags & 2048) === 2048 && ((e.flags = (e.flags | 2048) ^ 2048), (n = y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "ChainExpression", expression: n }))), n ); } function vu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = !1, f; if ( ((e.token === 69271571 || e.token === 67174411) && (e.flags & 2048) === 2048 && ((l = !0), (e.flags = (e.flags | 2048) ^ 2048)), e.token === 69271571) ) { D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: c, linePos: m, colPos: g } = e, a = j(e, u, 0, 1, c, m, g); P(e, u, 20), (e.assignable = 2), (f = y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !0, optional: !0, property: a, })); } else if (e.token === 67174411) { let c = fe(e, u, 0); (e.assignable = 2), (f = y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "CallExpression", callee: n, arguments: c, optional: !0, })); } else { e.token & 143360 || s(e, 155); let c = I(e, u); (e.assignable = 2), (f = y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !1, optional: !0, property: c, })); } return l && (e.flags |= 2048), f; } function Ye(e, u) { return ( !(e.token & 143360) && e.token !== 131 && s(e, 155), u & 1 && e.token === 131 ? J2(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos) : I(e, u) ); } function Tu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { n && s(e, 54), t || s(e, 0); let { token: f } = e; D(e, u | 32768); let c = W(e, u, 0, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 53), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "UpdateExpression", argument: c, operator: O[f & 255], prefix: !0, }) ); } function K(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m) { if ((e.token & 143360) === 143360) { switch (e.token) { case 209008: return wu(e, u, t, o, f, c, m); case 241773: return Eu(e, u, o, i, f, c, m); case 209007: return Pu(e, u, o, l, i, t, f, c, m); } let { token: g, tokenValue: a } = e, d = I(e, u | 65536); return e.token === 10 ? (l || s(e, 0), ne(e, u, g), z2(e, u, a, d, t, i, 0, f, c, m)) : (u & 16384 && g === 537079928 && s(e, 127), g === 241739 && (u & 1024 && s(e, 110), n & 24 && s(e, 98)), (e.assignable = u & 1024 && (g & 537079808) === 537079808 ? 2 : 1), d); } if ((e.token & 134217728) === 134217728) return X(e, u); switch (e.token) { case 33619995: case 33619996: return Tu(e, u, t, l, f, c, m); case 16863278: case 16842800: case 16842801: case 25233970: case 25233971: case 16863277: case 16863279: return Cu(e, u, l, f, c, m, o); case 86106: return Ge(e, u, 0, o, f, c, m); case 2162700: return Vu(e, u, i ? 0 : 1, o, f, c, m); case 69271571: return Nu(e, u, i ? 0 : 1, o, f, c, m); case 67174411: return Ou(e, u | 65536, i, 1, 0, f, c, m); case 86021: case 86022: case 86023: return Lu(e, u, f, c, m); case 86113: return Iu(e, u); case 65540: return Ju(e, u, f, c, m); case 133: case 86096: return ju(e, u, o, f, c, m); case 86111: return Su(e, u, f, c, m); case 67174409: return oe(e, u, f, c, m); case 67174408: return le(e, u); case 86109: return Uu(e, u, o, f, c, m); case 134283389: return re(e, u, f, c, m); case 131: return J2(e, u, f, c, m); case 86108: return Fu(e, u, t, o, f, c, m); case 8456258: if (u & 16) return ae(e, u, 1, f, c, m); default: if (ue(u, e.token)) return ce(e, u, f, c, m); s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); } } function Fu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = I(e, u); return e.token === 67108877 ? Qe(e, u, f, i, o, l) : (n && s(e, 138), (f = Ze(e, u, t, i, o, l)), (e.assignable = 2), N(e, u, f, t, 0, i, o, l)); } function Qe(e, u, n, t, i, o) { return ( u & 2048 || s(e, 164), D(e, u), e.token !== 143495 && e.tokenValue !== "meta" && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "MetaProperty", meta: n, property: I(e, u) }) ); } function Ze(e, u, n, t, i, o) { P(e, u | 32768, 67174411), e.token === 14 && s(e, 139); let l = R(e, u, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return P(e, u, 16), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "ImportExpression", source: l }); } function re(e, u, n, t, i) { let { tokenRaw: o, tokenValue: l } = e; return ( D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), y( e, u, n, t, i, u & 512 ? { type: "Literal", value: l, bigint: o.slice(0, -1), raw: o } : { type: "Literal", value: l, bigint: o.slice(0, -1) }, ) ); } function oe(e, u, n, t, i) { e.assignable = 2; let { tokenValue: o, tokenRaw: l, tokenPos: f, linePos: c, colPos: m } = e; P(e, u, 67174409); let g = [N2(e, u, o, l, f, c, m, !0)]; return y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "TemplateLiteral", expressions: [], quasis: g, }); } function le(e, u) { u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728; let { tokenValue: n, tokenRaw: t, tokenPos: i, linePos: o, colPos: l } = e; P(e, u | 32768, 67174408); let f = [N2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, !1)], c = [j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)]; for ( e.token !== 1074790415 && s(e, 81); (e.token = J1(e, u)) !== 67174409; ) { let { tokenValue: m, tokenRaw: g, tokenPos: a, linePos: d, colPos: k } = e; P(e, u | 32768, 67174408), f.push(N2(e, u, m, g, a, d, k, !1)), c.push(j(e, u, 0, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), e.token !== 1074790415 && s(e, 81); } { let { tokenValue: m, tokenRaw: g, tokenPos: a, linePos: d, colPos: k } = e; P(e, u, 67174409), f.push(N2(e, u, m, g, a, d, k, !0)); } return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "TemplateLiteral", expressions: c, quasis: f, }); } function N2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let c = y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "TemplateElement", value: { cooked: n, raw: t }, tail: f, }), m = f ? 1 : 2; return ( u & 2 && ((c.start += 1), (c.range[0] += 1), (c.end -= m), (c.range[1] -= m)), u & 4 && ((c.loc.start.column += 1), (c.loc.end.column -= m)), c ); } function qu(e, u, n, t, i) { (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728), P(e, u | 32768, 14); let o = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( (e.assignable = 1), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "SpreadElement", argument: o }) ); } function fe(e, u, n) { D(e, u | 32768); let t = []; if (e.token === 16) return D(e, u | 65536), t; for ( ; e.token !== 16 && (e.token === 14 ? t.push(qu(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)) : t.push(R(e, u, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), !(e.token !== 18 || (D(e, u | 32768), e.token === 16))); ); return P(e, u, 16), t; } function I(e, u) { let { tokenValue: n, tokenPos: t, linePos: i, colPos: o } = e; return D(e, u), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "Identifier", name: n }); } function X(e, u) { let { tokenValue: n, tokenRaw: t, tokenPos: i, linePos: o, colPos: l } = e; return e.token === 134283389 ? re(e, u, i, o, l) : (D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), y( e, u, i, o, l, u & 512 ? { type: "Literal", value: n, raw: t } : { type: "Literal", value: n }, )); } function Lu(e, u, n, t, i) { let o = O[e.token & 255], l = e.token === 86023 ? null : o === "true"; return ( D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), y( e, u, n, t, i, u & 512 ? { type: "Literal", value: l, raw: o } : { type: "Literal", value: l }, ) ); } function Iu(e, u) { let { tokenPos: n, linePos: t, colPos: i } = e; return ( D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "ThisExpression" }) ); } function i2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m) { D(e, u | 32768); let g = i ? ee(e, u, 8457014) : 0, a = null, d, k = n ? s2() : void 0; if (e.token === 67174411) o & 1 || s(e, 37, "Function"); else { let E = t & 4 && (!(u & 8192) || !(u & 2048)) ? 4 : 64; Je(e, u | ((u & 3072) << 11), e.token), n && (E & 4 ? He(e, u, n, e.tokenValue, E) : t2(e, u, n, e.tokenValue, E, t), (k = J(k, 256)), o && o & 2 && l2(e, e.tokenValue)), (d = e.token), e.token & 143360 ? (a = I(e, u)) : s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); } (u = ((u | 32243712) ^ 32243712) | 67108864 | ((l * 2 + g) << 21) | (g ? 0 : 268435456)), n && (k = J(k, 512)); let C = pe(e, u | 8388608, k, 0, 1), b = H2( e, (u | 8192 | 4096 | 131072) ^ 143360, n ? J(k, 128) : k, 8, d, n ? k.scopeError : void 0, ); return y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "FunctionDeclaration", id: a, params: C, body: b, async: l === 1, generator: g === 1, }); } function Ge(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u | 32768); let f = ee(e, u, 8457014), c = (n * 2 + f) << 21, m = null, g, a = u & 64 ? s2() : void 0; (e.token & 176128) > 0 && (Je(e, ((u | 32243712) ^ 32243712) | c, e.token), a && (a = J(a, 256)), (g = e.token), (m = I(e, u))), (u = ((u | 32243712) ^ 32243712) | 67108864 | c | (f ? 0 : 268435456)), a && (a = J(a, 512)); let d = pe(e, u | 8388608, a, t, 1), k = H2(e, u & -134377473, a && J(a, 128), 0, g, void 0); return ( (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "FunctionExpression", id: m, params: d, body: k, async: n === 1, generator: f === 1, }) ); } function Nu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = _(e, u, void 0, n, t, 0, 2, 0, i, o, l); return ( u & 256 && e.destructible & 64 && s(e, 61), e.destructible & 8 && s(e, 60), f ); } function _(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m, g) { D(e, u | 32768); let a = [], d = 0; for (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728; e.token !== 20; ) if (q(e, u | 32768, 18)) a.push(null); else { let C, { token: b, tokenPos: E, linePos: w, colPos: v, tokenValue: M } = e; if (b & 143360) if (((C = K(e, u, l, 0, 1, i, 1, E, w, v)), e.token === 1077936157)) { e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 24), D(e, u | 32768), n && u2(e, u, n, M, l, f); let S = R(e, u, 1, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); (C = y( e, u, E, w, v, o ? { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: C, right: S } : { type: "AssignmentExpression", operator: "=", left: C, right: S, }, )), (d |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0 | (e.destructible & 128) ? 128 : 0); } else e.token === 18 || e.token === 20 ? (e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : n && u2(e, u, n, M, l, f), (d |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0 | (e.destructible & 128) ? 128 : 0)) : ((d |= l & 1 ? 32 : l & 2 ? 0 : 16), (C = N(e, u, C, i, 0, E, w, v)), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 20 ? (e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= 16), (C = U(e, u, i, o, E, w, v, C))) : e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32)); else b & 2097152 ? ((C = e.token === 2162700 ? Y(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, E, w, v) : _(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, E, w, v)), (d |= e.destructible), (e.assignable = e.destructible & 16 ? 2 : 1), e.token === 18 || e.token === 20 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : e.destructible & 8 ? s(e, 69) : ((C = N(e, u, C, i, 0, E, w, v)), (d = e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 0), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 20 ? (C = U(e, u, i, o, E, w, v, C)) : e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32))) : b === 14 ? ((C = D2(e, u, n, 20, l, f, 0, i, o, E, w, v)), (d |= e.destructible), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 20 && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255])) : ((C = W(e, u, 1, 0, 1, E, w, v)), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 20 ? ((C = U(e, u, i, o, E, w, v, C)), !(l & 3) && b === 67174411 && (d |= 16)) : e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : b === 67174411 && (d |= e.assignable & 1 && l & 3 ? 32 : 16)); if ((a.push(C), q(e, u | 32768, 18))) { if (e.token === 20) break; } else break; } P(e, u, 20); let k = y(e, u, c, m, g, { type: o ? "ArrayPattern" : "ArrayExpression", elements: a, }); return !t && e.token & 4194304 ? xe(e, u, d, i, o, c, m, g, k) : ((e.destructible = d), k); } function xe(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { e.token !== 1077936157 && s(e, 24), D(e, u | 32768), n & 16 && s(e, 24), i || r(e, c); let { tokenPos: m, linePos: g, colPos: a } = e, d = R(e, u, 1, t, m, g, a); return ( (e.destructible = ((n | 64 | 8) ^ 72) | (e.destructible & 128 ? 128 : 0) | (e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0)), y( e, u, o, l, f, i ? { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: c, right: d } : { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: c, operator: "=", right: d }, ) ); } function D2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m, g, a) { D(e, u | 32768); let d = null, k = 0, { token: C, tokenValue: b, tokenPos: E, linePos: w, colPos: v } = e; if (C & 143360) (e.assignable = 1), (d = K(e, u, i, 0, 1, f, 1, E, w, v)), (C = e.token), (d = N(e, u, d, f, 0, E, w, v)), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== t && (e.assignable & 2 && e.token === 1077936157 && s(e, 69), (k |= 16), (d = U(e, u, f, c, E, w, v, d))), e.assignable & 2 ? (k |= 16) : C === t || C === 18 ? n && u2(e, u, n, b, i, o) : (k |= 32), (k |= e.destructible & 128 ? 128 : 0); else if (C === t) s(e, 39); else if (C & 2097152) (d = e.token === 2162700 ? Y(e, u, n, 1, f, c, i, o, E, w, v) : _(e, u, n, 1, f, c, i, o, E, w, v)), (C = e.token), C !== 1077936157 && C !== t && C !== 18 ? (e.destructible & 8 && s(e, 69), (d = N(e, u, d, f, 0, E, w, v)), (k |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 0), (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? (e.token !== 1077936157 && (k |= 16), (d = U(e, u, f, c, E, w, v, d))) : ((e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (d = n2(e, u, 1, E, w, v, 4, C, d)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (d = f2(e, u, d, E, w, v)), (k |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32))) : (k |= t === 1074790415 && C !== 1077936157 ? 16 : e.destructible); else { (k |= 32), (d = W(e, u, 1, f, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); let { token: M, tokenPos: S, linePos: V, colPos: h } = e; return ( M === 1077936157 && M !== t && M !== 18 ? (e.assignable & 2 && s(e, 24), (d = U(e, u, f, c, S, V, h, d)), (k |= 16)) : (M === 18 ? (k |= 16) : M !== t && (d = U(e, u, f, c, S, V, h, d)), (k |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16)), (e.destructible = k), e.token !== t && e.token !== 18 && s(e, 156), y(e, u, m, g, a, { type: c ? "RestElement" : "SpreadElement", argument: d, }) ); } if (e.token !== t) if ((i & 1 && (k |= l ? 16 : 32), q(e, u | 32768, 1077936157))) { k & 16 && s(e, 24), r(e, d); let M = R(e, u, 1, f, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); (d = y( e, u, E, w, v, c ? { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: d, right: M } : { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: d, operator: "=", right: M }, )), (k = 16); } else k |= 16; return ( (e.destructible = k), y(e, u, m, g, a, { type: c ? "RestElement" : "SpreadElement", argument: d }) ); } function Z(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = n & 64 ? 14680064 : 31981568; u = ((u | f) ^ f) | ((n & 88) << 18) | 100925440; let c = u & 64 ? J(s2(), 512) : void 0, m = Ru(e, u | 8388608, c, n, 1, t); c && (c = J(c, 128)); let g = H2(e, u & -134230017, c, 0, void 0, void 0); return y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "FunctionExpression", params: m, body: g, async: (n & 16) > 0, generator: (n & 8) > 0, id: null, }); } function Vu(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let f = Y(e, u, void 0, n, t, 0, 2, 0, i, o, l); return ( u & 256 && e.destructible & 64 && s(e, 61), e.destructible & 8 && s(e, 60), f ); } function Y(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m, g) { D(e, u); let a = [], d = 0, k = 0; for (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728; e.token !== 1074790415; ) { let { token: b, tokenValue: E, linePos: w, colPos: v, tokenPos: M } = e; if (b === 14) a.push(D2(e, u, n, 1074790415, l, f, 0, i, o, M, w, v)); else { let S = 0, V = null, h, Q = e.token; if (e.token & 143360 || e.token === 121) if ( ((V = I(e, u)), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 || e.token === 1077936157) ) if ( ((S |= 4), u & 1024 && (b & 537079808) === 537079808 ? (d |= 16) : O2(e, u, l, b, 0), n && u2(e, u, n, E, l, f), q(e, u | 32768, 1077936157)) ) { d |= 8; let B = R(e, u, 1, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); (d |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0 | (e.destructible & 128) ? 128 : 0), (h = y(e, u, M, w, v, { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: u & 536870912 ? Object.assign({}, V) : V, right: B, })); } else (d |= (b === 209008 ? 128 : 0) | (b === 121 ? 16 : 0)), (h = u & 536870912 ? Object.assign({}, V) : V); else if (q(e, u | 32768, 21)) { let { tokenPos: B, linePos: F, colPos: T } = e; if ((E === "__proto__" && k++, e.token & 143360)) { let o2 = e.token, a2 = e.tokenValue; (d |= Q === 121 ? 16 : 0), (h = K(e, u, l, 0, 1, i, 1, B, F, T)); let { token: x } = e; (h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? x === 1077936157 || x === 1074790415 || x === 18 ? ((d |= e.destructible & 128 ? 128 : 0), e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : n && (o2 & 143360) === 143360 && u2(e, u, n, a2, l, f)) : (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16) : (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? (e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : x !== 1077936157 ? (d |= 32) : n && u2(e, u, n, a2, l, f), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))) : ((d |= 16), (e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (h = n2(e, u, 1, B, F, T, 4, x, h)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (h = f2(e, u, h, B, F, T))); } else (e.token & 2097152) === 2097152 ? ((h = e.token === 69271571 ? _(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T) : Y(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T)), (d = e.destructible), (e.assignable = d & 16 ? 2 : 1), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : e.destructible & 8 ? s(e, 69) : ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 0), (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? (h = L2(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h)) : ((e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (h = n2(e, u, 1, B, F, T, 4, b, h)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (h = f2(e, u, h, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32)))) : ((h = W(e, u, 1, i, 1, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 0), e.token !== 18 && b !== 1074790415 && (e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))))); } else e.token === 69271571 ? ((d |= 16), b === 209007 && (S |= 16), (S |= (b === 12402 ? 256 : b === 12403 ? 512 : 1) | 2), (V = m2(e, u, i)), (d |= e.assignable), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : e.token & 143360 ? ((d |= 16), b === 121 && s(e, 93), b === 209007 && (e.flags & 1 && s(e, 129), (S |= 16)), (V = I(e, u)), (S |= b === 12402 ? 256 : b === 12403 ? 512 : 1), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : e.token === 67174411 ? ((d |= 16), (S |= 1), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : e.token === 8457014 ? ((d |= 16), b === 12402 ? s(e, 40) : b === 12403 ? s(e, 41) : b === 143483 && s(e, 93), D(e, u), (S |= 9 | (b === 209007 ? 16 : 0)), e.token & 143360 ? (V = I(e, u)) : (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 ? (V = X(e, u)) : e.token === 69271571 ? ((S |= 2), (V = m2(e, u, i)), (d |= e.assignable)) : s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 ? (b === 209007 && (S |= 16), (S |= b === 12402 ? 256 : b === 12403 ? 512 : 1), (d |= 16), (V = X(e, u)), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : s(e, 130); else if ((e.token & 134217728) === 134217728) if (((V = X(e, u)), e.token === 21)) { P(e, u | 32768, 21); let { tokenPos: B, linePos: F, colPos: T } = e; if ((E === "__proto__" && k++, e.token & 143360)) { h = K(e, u, l, 0, 1, i, 1, B, F, T); let { token: o2, tokenValue: a2 } = e; (h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? o2 === 1077936157 || o2 === 1074790415 || o2 === 18 ? e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : n && u2(e, u, n, a2, l, f) : (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16) : e.token === 1077936157 ? (e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))) : ((d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))); } else (e.token & 2097152) === 2097152 ? ((h = e.token === 69271571 ? _(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T) : Y(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T)), (d = e.destructible), (e.assignable = d & 16 ? 2 : 1), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : (e.destructible & 8) !== 8 && ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 0), (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? (h = L2(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h)) : ((e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (h = n2(e, u, 1, B, F, T, 4, b, h)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (h = f2(e, u, h, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32)))) : ((h = W(e, u, 1, 0, 1, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 1 ? 0 : 16), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 1074790415 && (e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))))); } else e.token === 67174411 ? ((S |= 1), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (d = e.assignable | 16)) : s(e, 131); else if (e.token === 69271571) if ( ((V = m2(e, u, i)), (d |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0), (S |= 2), e.token === 21) ) { D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: B, linePos: F, colPos: T, tokenValue: o2, token: a2, } = e; if (e.token & 143360) { h = K(e, u, l, 0, 1, i, 1, B, F, T); let { token: x } = e; (h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? ((d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : x === 1077936157 ? 0 : 32), (h = L2(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))) : e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? x === 1077936157 || x === 1074790415 || x === 18 ? e.assignable & 2 ? (d |= 16) : n && (a2 & 143360) === 143360 && u2(e, u, n, o2, l, f) : (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16) : ((d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))); } else (e.token & 2097152) === 2097152 ? ((h = e.token === 69271571 ? _(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T) : Y(e, u, n, 0, i, o, l, f, B, F, T)), (d = e.destructible), (e.assignable = d & 16 ? 2 : 1), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : d & 8 ? s(e, 60) : ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 2 ? d | 16 : 0), (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304 ? (e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= 16), (h = L2(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))) : ((e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (h = n2(e, u, 1, B, F, T, 4, b, h)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (h = f2(e, u, h, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 2 ? 16 : 32)))) : ((h = W(e, u, 1, 0, 1, B, F, T)), (d |= e.assignable & 1 ? 32 : 16), e.token === 18 || e.token === 1074790415 ? e.assignable & 2 && (d |= 16) : ((h = N(e, u, h, i, 0, B, F, T)), (d = e.assignable & 1 ? 0 : 16), e.token !== 18 && e.token !== 1074790415 && (e.token !== 1077936157 && (d |= 16), (h = U(e, u, i, o, B, F, T, h))))); } else e.token === 67174411 ? ((S |= 1), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, w, v)), (d = 16)) : s(e, 42); else if (b === 8457014) if ((P(e, u | 32768, 8457014), (S |= 8), e.token & 143360)) { let { token: B, line: F, index: T } = e; (V = I(e, u)), (S |= 1), e.token === 67174411 ? ((d |= 16), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : k2( T, F, T, B === 209007 ? 44 : B === 12402 || e.token === 12403 ? 43 : 45, O[B & 255], ); } else (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 ? ((d |= 16), (V = X(e, u)), (S |= 1), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, M, w, v))) : e.token === 69271571 ? ((d |= 16), (S |= 3), (V = m2(e, u, i)), (h = Z(e, u, S, i, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos))) : s(e, 123); else s(e, 28, O[b & 255]); (d |= e.destructible & 128 ? 128 : 0), (e.destructible = d), a.push( y(e, u, M, w, v, { type: "Property", key: V, value: h, kind: S & 768 ? (S & 512 ? "set" : "get") : "init", computed: (S & 2) > 0, method: (S & 1) > 0, shorthand: (S & 4) > 0, }), ); } if (((d |= e.destructible), e.token !== 18)) break; D(e, u); } P(e, u, 1074790415), k > 1 && (d |= 64); let C = y(e, u, c, m, g, { type: o ? "ObjectPattern" : "ObjectExpression", properties: a, }); return !t && e.token & 4194304 ? xe(e, u, d, i, o, c, m, g, C) : ((e.destructible = d), C); } function Ru(e, u, n, t, i, o) { P(e, u, 67174411); let l = []; if (((e.flags = (e.flags | 128) ^ 128), e.token === 16)) return t & 512 && s(e, 35, "Setter", "one", ""), D(e, u), l; t & 256 && s(e, 35, "Getter", "no", "s"), t & 512 && e.token === 14 && s(e, 36), (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728); let f = 0, c = 0; for (; e.token !== 18; ) { let m = null, { tokenPos: g, linePos: a, colPos: d } = e; if ( (e.token & 143360 ? (u & 1024 || ((e.token & 36864) === 36864 && (e.flags |= 256), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && (e.flags |= 512)), (m = se(e, u, n, t | 1, 0, g, a, d))) : (e.token === 2162700 ? (m = Y(e, u, n, 1, o, 1, i, 0, g, a, d)) : e.token === 69271571 ? (m = _(e, u, n, 1, o, 1, i, 0, g, a, d)) : e.token === 14 && (m = D2(e, u, n, 16, i, 0, 0, o, 1, g, a, d)), (c = 1), e.destructible & 48 && s(e, 48)), e.token === 1077936157) ) { D(e, u | 32768), (c = 1); let k = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); m = y(e, u, g, a, d, { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: m, right: k }); } if ((f++, l.push(m), !q(e, u, 18) || e.token === 16)) break; } return ( t & 512 && f !== 1 && s(e, 35, "Setter", "one", ""), n && n.scopeError !== void 0 && j2(n.scopeError), c && (e.flags |= 128), P(e, u, 16), l ); } function m2(e, u, n) { D(e, u | 32768); let t = R( e, (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728, 1, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, ); return P(e, u, 20), t; } function Ou(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { e.flags = (e.flags | 128) ^ 128; let { tokenPos: c, linePos: m, colPos: g } = e; D(e, u | 32768 | 268435456); let a = u & 64 ? J(s2(), 1024) : void 0; if (((u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728), q(e, u, 16))) return M2(e, u, a, [], n, 0, o, l, f); let d = 0; e.destructible &= -385; let k, C = [], b = 0, E = 0, { tokenPos: w, linePos: v, colPos: M } = e; for (e.assignable = 1; e.token !== 16; ) { let { token: S, tokenPos: V, linePos: h, colPos: Q } = e; if (S & 143360) a && t2(e, u, a, e.tokenValue, 1, 0), (k = K(e, u, t, 0, 1, 1, 1, V, h, Q)), e.token === 16 || e.token === 18 ? e.assignable & 2 ? ((d |= 16), (E = 1)) : ((S & 537079808) === 537079808 || (S & 36864) === 36864) && (E = 1) : (e.token === 1077936157 ? (E = 1) : (d |= 16), (k = N(e, u, k, 1, 0, V, h, Q)), e.token !== 16 && e.token !== 18 && (k = U(e, u, 1, 0, V, h, Q, k))); else if ((S & 2097152) === 2097152) (k = S === 2162700 ? Y(e, u | 268435456, a, 0, 1, 0, t, i, V, h, Q) : _(e, u | 268435456, a, 0, 1, 0, t, i, V, h, Q)), (d |= e.destructible), (E = 1), (e.assignable = 2), e.token !== 16 && e.token !== 18 && (d & 8 && s(e, 119), (k = N(e, u, k, 0, 0, V, h, Q)), (d |= 16), e.token !== 16 && e.token !== 18 && (k = U(e, u, 0, 0, V, h, Q, k))); else if (S === 14) { (k = D2(e, u, a, 16, t, i, 0, 1, 0, V, h, Q)), e.destructible & 16 && s(e, 72), (E = 1), b && (e.token === 16 || e.token === 18) && C.push(k), (d |= 8); break; } else { if ( ((d |= 16), (k = R(e, u, 1, 1, V, h, Q)), b && (e.token === 16 || e.token === 18) && C.push(k), e.token === 18 && (b || ((b = 1), (C = [k]))), b) ) { for (; q(e, u | 32768, 18); ) C.push(R(e, u, 1, 1, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); (e.assignable = 2), (k = y(e, u, w, v, M, { type: "SequenceExpression", expressions: C, })); } return P(e, u, 16), (e.destructible = d), k; } if ( (b && (e.token === 16 || e.token === 18) && C.push(k), !q(e, u | 32768, 18)) ) break; if ((b || ((b = 1), (C = [k])), e.token === 16)) { d |= 8; break; } } return ( b && ((e.assignable = 2), (k = y(e, u, w, v, M, { type: "SequenceExpression", expressions: C }))), P(e, u, 16), d & 16 && d & 8 && s(e, 146), (d |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0 | (e.destructible & 128) ? 128 : 0), e.token === 10 ? (d & 48 && s(e, 47), u & 4196352 && d & 128 && s(e, 29), u & 2098176 && d & 256 && s(e, 30), E && (e.flags |= 128), M2(e, u, a, b ? C : [k], n, 0, o, l, f)) : (d & 8 && s(e, 140), (e.destructible = ((e.destructible | 256) ^ 256) | d), u & 128 ? y(e, u, c, m, g, { type: "ParenthesizedExpression", expression: k }) : k) ); } function ce(e, u, n, t, i) { let { tokenValue: o } = e, l = I(e, u); if (((e.assignable = 1), e.token === 10)) { let f; return ( u & 64 && (f = X2(e, u, o)), (e.flags = (e.flags | 128) ^ 128), B2(e, u, f, [l], 0, n, t, i) ); } return l; } function z2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m) { o || s(e, 55), i && s(e, 49), (e.flags &= -129); let g = u & 64 ? X2(e, u, n) : void 0; return B2(e, u, g, [t], l, f, c, m); } function M2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c) { i || s(e, 55); for (let m = 0; m < t.length; ++m) r(e, t[m]); return B2(e, u, n, t, o, l, f, c); } function B2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { e.flags & 1 && s(e, 46), P(e, u | 32768, 10), (u = ((u | 15728640) ^ 15728640) | (i << 22)); let c = e.token !== 2162700, m; if ((n && n.scopeError !== void 0 && j2(n.scopeError), c)) m = R( e, u & 16384 ? u | 33554432 : u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos, ); else { switch ( (n && (n = J(n, 128)), (m = H2( e, (u | 134221824 | 8192 | 16384) ^ 134246400, n, 16, void 0, void 0, )), e.token) ) { case 69271571: e.flags & 1 || s(e, 113); break; case 67108877: case 67174409: case 22: s(e, 114); case 67174411: e.flags & 1 || s(e, 113), (e.flags |= 1024); break; } (e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && !(e.flags & 1) && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), (e.token & 33619968) === 33619968 && s(e, 122); } return ( (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "ArrowFunctionExpression", params: t, body: m, async: i === 1, expression: c, }) ); } function pe(e, u, n, t, i) { P(e, u, 67174411), (e.flags = (e.flags | 128) ^ 128); let o = []; if (q(e, u, 16)) return o; u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728; let l = 0; for (; e.token !== 18; ) { let f, { tokenPos: c, linePos: m, colPos: g } = e; if ( (e.token & 143360 ? (u & 1024 || ((e.token & 36864) === 36864 && (e.flags |= 256), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && (e.flags |= 512)), (f = se(e, u, n, i | 1, 0, c, m, g))) : (e.token === 2162700 ? (f = Y(e, u, n, 1, t, 1, i, 0, c, m, g)) : e.token === 69271571 ? (f = _(e, u, n, 1, t, 1, i, 0, c, m, g)) : e.token === 14 ? (f = D2(e, u, n, 16, i, 0, 0, t, 1, c, m, g)) : s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]), (l = 1), e.destructible & 48 && s(e, 48)), e.token === 1077936157) ) { D(e, u | 32768), (l = 1); let a = R(e, u, 1, t, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); f = y(e, u, c, m, g, { type: "AssignmentPattern", left: f, right: a }); } if ((o.push(f), !q(e, u, 18) || e.token === 16)) break; } return ( l && (e.flags |= 128), n && (l || u & 1024) && n.scopeError !== void 0 && j2(n.scopeError), P(e, u, 16), o ); } function V2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let { token: f } = e; if (f & 67108864) { if (f === 67108877) { D(e, u | 268435456), (e.assignable = 1); let c = Ye(e, u); return V2( e, u, y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !1, property: c, }), 0, i, o, l, ); } else if (f === 69271571) { D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: c, linePos: m, colPos: g } = e, a = j(e, u, t, 1, c, m, g); return ( P(e, u, 20), (e.assignable = 1), V2( e, u, y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "MemberExpression", object: n, computed: !0, property: a, }), 0, i, o, l, ) ); } else if (f === 67174408 || f === 67174409) return ( (e.assignable = 2), V2( e, u, y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "TaggedTemplateExpression", tag: n, quasi: e.token === 67174408 ? le(e, u | 65536) : oe(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), }), 0, i, o, l, ) ); } return n; } function Uu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = I(e, u | 32768), { tokenPos: f, linePos: c, colPos: m } = e; if (q(e, u, 67108877)) { if (u & 67108864 && e.token === 143494) return (e.assignable = 2), Mu(e, u, l, t, i, o); s(e, 92); } (e.assignable = 2), (e.token & 16842752) === 16842752 && s(e, 63, O[e.token & 255]); let g = K(e, u, 2, 1, 0, n, 1, f, c, m); (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728), e.token === 67108991 && s(e, 163); let a = V2(e, u, g, n, f, c, m); return ( (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "NewExpression", callee: a, arguments: e.token === 67174411 ? fe(e, u, n) : [], }) ); } function Mu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = I(e, u); return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "MetaProperty", meta: n, property: l }); } function e1(e, u, n, t, i, o) { return ( e.token === 209008 && s(e, 29), u & 2098176 && e.token === 241773 && s(e, 30), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && (e.flags |= 512), z2(e, u, e.tokenValue, I(e, u), 0, n, 1, t, i, o) ); } function de(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m) { D(e, u | 32768); let g = u & 64 ? J(s2(), 1024) : void 0; if (((u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728), q(e, u, 16))) return e.token === 10 ? (l & 1 && s(e, 46), M2(e, u, g, [], t, 1, f, c, m)) : y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "CallExpression", callee: n, arguments: [] }); let a = 0, d = null, k = 0; e.destructible = (e.destructible | 256 | 128) ^ 384; let C = []; for (; e.token !== 16; ) { let { token: b, tokenPos: E, linePos: w, colPos: v } = e; if (b & 143360) g && t2(e, u, g, e.tokenValue, i, 0), (d = K(e, u, i, 0, 1, 1, 1, E, w, v)), e.token === 16 || e.token === 18 ? e.assignable & 2 ? ((a |= 16), (k = 1)) : (b & 537079808) === 537079808 ? (e.flags |= 512) : (b & 36864) === 36864 && (e.flags |= 256) : (e.token === 1077936157 ? (k = 1) : (a |= 16), (d = N(e, u, d, 1, 0, E, w, v)), e.token !== 16 && e.token !== 18 && (d = U(e, u, 1, 0, E, w, v, d))); else if (b & 2097152) (d = b === 2162700 ? Y(e, u, g, 0, 1, 0, i, o, E, w, v) : _(e, u, g, 0, 1, 0, i, o, E, w, v)), (a |= e.destructible), (k = 1), e.token !== 16 && e.token !== 18 && (a & 8 && s(e, 119), (d = N(e, u, d, 0, 0, E, w, v)), (a |= 16), (e.token & 8454144) === 8454144 && (d = n2(e, u, 1, f, c, m, 4, b, d)), q(e, u | 32768, 22) && (d = f2(e, u, d, f, c, m))); else if (b === 14) (d = D2(e, u, g, 16, i, o, 1, 1, 0, E, w, v)), (a |= (e.token === 16 ? 0 : 16) | e.destructible), (k = 1); else { for ( d = R(e, u, 1, 0, E, w, v), a = e.assignable, C.push(d); q(e, u | 32768, 18); ) C.push(R(e, u, 1, 0, E, w, v)); return ( (a |= e.assignable), P(e, u, 16), (e.destructible = a | 16), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "CallExpression", callee: n, arguments: C }) ); } if ((C.push(d), !q(e, u | 32768, 18))) break; } return ( P(e, u, 16), (a |= e.destructible & 256 ? 256 : 0 | (e.destructible & 128) ? 128 : 0), e.token === 10 ? (a & 48 && s(e, 25), (e.flags & 1 || l & 1) && s(e, 46), a & 128 && s(e, 29), u & 2098176 && a & 256 && s(e, 30), k && (e.flags |= 128), M2(e, u, g, C, t, 1, f, c, m)) : (a & 8 && s(e, 60), (e.assignable = 2), y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "CallExpression", callee: n, arguments: C })) ); } function Ju(e, u, n, t, i) { let { tokenRaw: o, tokenRegExp: l, tokenValue: f } = e; return ( D(e, u), (e.assignable = 2), u & 512 ? y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "Literal", value: f, regex: l, raw: o }) : y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "Literal", value: f, regex: l }) ); } function r2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { u = (u | 16777216 | 1024) ^ 16777216; let f = K2(e, u); f.length && ((i = e.tokenPos), (o = e.linePos), (l = e.colPos)), e.leadingDecorators.length && (e.leadingDecorators.push(...f), (f = e.leadingDecorators), (e.leadingDecorators = [])), D(e, u); let c = null, m = null, { tokenValue: g } = e; e.token & 4096 && e.token !== 20567 ? (je(e, u, e.token) && s(e, 115), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116), n && (t2(e, u, n, g, 32, 0), t && t & 2 && l2(e, g)), (c = I(e, u))) : t & 1 || s(e, 37, "Class"); let a = u; q(e, u | 32768, 20567) ? ((m = W(e, u, 0, 0, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (a |= 524288)) : (a = (a | 524288) ^ 524288); let d = u1(e, a, u, n, 2, 8, 0); return y( e, u, i, o, l, u & 1 ? { type: "ClassDeclaration", id: c, superClass: m, decorators: f, body: d, } : { type: "ClassDeclaration", id: c, superClass: m, body: d }, ); } function ju(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = null, f = null; u = (u | 1024 | 16777216) ^ 16777216; let c = K2(e, u); c.length && ((t = e.tokenPos), (i = e.linePos), (o = e.colPos)), D(e, u), e.token & 4096 && e.token !== 20567 && (je(e, u, e.token) && s(e, 115), (e.token & 537079808) === 537079808 && s(e, 116), (l = I(e, u))); let m = u; q(e, u | 32768, 20567) ? ((f = W(e, u, 0, n, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)), (m |= 524288)) : (m = (m | 524288) ^ 524288); let g = u1(e, m, u, void 0, 2, 0, n); return ( (e.assignable = 2), y( e, u, t, i, o, u & 1 ? { type: "ClassExpression", id: l, superClass: f, decorators: c, body: g, } : { type: "ClassExpression", id: l, superClass: f, body: g }, ) ); } function K2(e, u) { let n = []; if (u & 1) for (; e.token === 133; ) n.push(Xu(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); return n; } function Xu(e, u, n, t, i) { D(e, u | 32768); let o = K(e, u, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, n, t, i); return ( (o = N(e, u, o, 0, 0, n, t, i)), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "Decorator", expression: o }) ); } function u1(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { let { tokenPos: f, linePos: c, colPos: m } = e; P(e, u | 32768, 2162700), (u = (u | 134217728) ^ 134217728); let g = e.flags & 32; e.flags = (e.flags | 32) ^ 32; let a = [], d; for (; e.token !== 1074790415; ) { let k = 0; if ( ((d = K2(e, u)), (k = d.length), k > 0 && e.tokenValue === "constructor" && s(e, 107), e.token === 1074790415 && s(e, 106), q(e, u, 1074790417)) ) { k > 0 && s(e, 117); continue; } a.push(n1(e, u, t, n, i, d, 0, l, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); } return ( P(e, o & 8 ? u | 32768 : u, 1074790415), (e.flags = (e.flags & -33) | g), y(e, u, f, c, m, { type: "ClassBody", body: a }) ); } function n1(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f, c, m, g) { let a = l ? 32 : 0, d = null, { token: k, tokenPos: C, linePos: b, colPos: E } = e; if (k & 176128) switch (((d = I(e, u)), k)) { case 36972: if ( !l && e.token !== 67174411 && (e.token & 1048576) !== 1048576 && e.token !== 1077936157 ) return n1(e, u, n, t, i, o, 1, f, c, m, g); break; case 209007: if (e.token !== 67174411 && !(e.flags & 1)) { if (u & 1 && (e.token & 1073741824) === 1073741824) return I2(e, u, d, a, o, C, b, E); a |= 16 | (ee(e, u, 8457014) ? 8 : 0); } break; case 12402: if (e.token !== 67174411) { if (u & 1 && (e.token & 1073741824) === 1073741824) return I2(e, u, d, a, o, C, b, E); a |= 256; } break; case 12403: if (e.token !== 67174411) { if (u & 1 && (e.token & 1073741824) === 1073741824) return I2(e, u, d, a, o, C, b, E); a |= 512; } break; } else if (k === 69271571) (a |= 2), (d = m2(e, t, f)); else if ((k & 134217728) === 134217728) d = X(e, u); else if (k === 8457014) (a |= 8), D(e, u); else if (u & 1 && e.token === 131) (a |= 4096), (d = J2(e, u | 16384, C, b, E)); else if (u & 1 && (e.token & 1073741824) === 1073741824) a |= 128; else { if (l && k === 2162700) return gu(e, u, n, C, b, E); k === 122 ? ((d = I(e, u)), e.token !== 67174411 && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255])) : s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); } if ( (a & 792 && (e.token & 143360 ? (d = I(e, u)) : (e.token & 134217728) === 134217728 ? (d = X(e, u)) : e.token === 69271571 ? ((a |= 2), (d = m2(e, u, 0))) : e.token === 122 ? (d = I(e, u)) : u & 1 && e.token === 131 ? ((a |= 4096), (d = J2(e, u, C, b, E))) : s(e, 132)), a & 2 || (e.tokenValue === "constructor" ? ((e.token & 1073741824) === 1073741824 ? s(e, 126) : !(a & 32) && e.token === 67174411 && (a & 920 ? s(e, 51, "accessor") : u & 524288 || (e.flags & 32 ? s(e, 52) : (e.flags |= 32))), (a |= 64)) : !(a & 4096) && a & 824 && e.tokenValue === "prototype" && s(e, 50)), u & 1 && e.token !== 67174411) ) return I2(e, u, d, a, o, C, b, E); let w = Z(e, u, a, f, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y( e, u, c, m, g, u & 1 ? { type: "MethodDefinition", kind: !(a & 32) && a & 64 ? "constructor" : a & 256 ? "get" : a & 512 ? "set" : "method", static: (a & 32) > 0, computed: (a & 2) > 0, key: d, decorators: o, value: w, } : { type: "MethodDefinition", kind: !(a & 32) && a & 64 ? "constructor" : a & 256 ? "get" : a & 512 ? "set" : "method", static: (a & 32) > 0, computed: (a & 2) > 0, key: d, value: w, }, ); } function J2(e, u, n, t, i) { D(e, u); let { tokenValue: o } = e; return ( o === "constructor" && s(e, 125), D(e, u), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "PrivateIdentifier", name: o }) ); } function I2(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let c = null; if ((t & 8 && s(e, 0), e.token === 1077936157)) { D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: m, linePos: g, colPos: a } = e; e.token === 537079928 && s(e, 116); let d = t & 64 ? 14680064 : 31981568; (u = ((u | d) ^ d) | ((t & 88) << 18) | 100925440), (c = K(e, u | 16384, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, m, g, a)), ((e.token & 1073741824) !== 1073741824 || (e.token & 4194304) === 4194304) && ((c = N(e, u | 16384, c, 0, 0, m, g, a)), (c = U(e, u | 16384, 0, 0, m, g, a, c)), e.token === 18 && (c = p(e, u, 0, o, l, f, c))); } return y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "PropertyDefinition", key: n, value: c, static: (t & 32) > 0, computed: (t & 2) > 0, decorators: i, }); } function i1(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { if (e.token & 143360) return se(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f); (e.token & 2097152) !== 2097152 && s(e, 28, O[e.token & 255]); let c = e.token === 69271571 ? _(e, u, n, 1, 0, 1, t, i, o, l, f) : Y(e, u, n, 1, 0, 1, t, i, o, l, f); return e.destructible & 16 && s(e, 48), e.destructible & 32 && s(e, 48), c; } function se(e, u, n, t, i, o, l, f) { let { tokenValue: c, token: m } = e; return ( u & 1024 && ((m & 537079808) === 537079808 ? s(e, 116) : (m & 36864) === 36864 && s(e, 115)), (m & 20480) === 20480 && s(e, 100), u & 2099200 && m === 241773 && s(e, 30), m === 241739 && t & 24 && s(e, 98), u & 4196352 && m === 209008 && s(e, 96), D(e, u), n && u2(e, u, n, c, t, i), y(e, u, o, l, f, { type: "Identifier", name: c }) ); } function ae(e, u, n, t, i, o) { if ((D(e, u), e.token === 8456259)) return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXFragment", openingFragment: Hu(e, u, t, i, o), children: Te(e, u), closingFragment: Ku(e, u, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), }); let l = null, f = [], c = _u(e, u, n, t, i, o); if (!c.selfClosing) { (f = Te(e, u)), (l = zu(e, u, n, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); let m = U2(; U2( !== m && s(e, 150, m); } return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXElement", children: f, openingElement: c, closingElement: l, }); } function Hu(e, u, n, t, i) { return d2(e, u), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXOpeningFragment" }); } function zu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { P(e, u, 25); let l = t1(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( n ? P(e, u, 8456259) : (e.token = d2(e, u)), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXClosingElement", name: l }) ); } function Ku(e, u, n, t, i, o) { return ( P(e, u, 25), P(e, u, 8456259), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXClosingFragment" }) ); } function Te(e, u) { let n = []; for (; e.token !== 25; ) (e.index = e.tokenPos = e.startPos), (e.column = e.colPos = e.startColumn), (e.line = e.linePos = e.startLine), d2(e, u), n.push($u(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); return n; } function $u(e, u, n, t, i) { if (e.token === 138) return Wu(e, u, n, t, i); if (e.token === 2162700) return l1(e, u, 0, 0, n, t, i); if (e.token === 8456258) return ae(e, u, 0, n, t, i); s(e, 0); } function Wu(e, u, n, t, i) { d2(e, u); let o = { type: "JSXText", value: e.tokenValue }; return u & 512 && (o.raw = e.tokenRaw), y(e, u, n, t, i, o); } function _u(e, u, n, t, i, o) { (e.token & 143360) !== 143360 && (e.token & 4096) !== 4096 && s(e, 0); let l = t1(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos), f = Qu(e, u), c = e.token === 8457016; return ( e.token === 8456259 ? d2(e, u) : (P(e, u, 8457016), n ? P(e, u, 8456259) : d2(e, u)), y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXOpeningElement", name: l, attributes: f, selfClosing: c, }) ); } function t1(e, u, n, t, i) { Y2(e); let o = $2(e, u, n, t, i); if (e.token === 21) return o1(e, u, o, n, t, i); for (; q(e, u, 67108877); ) Y2(e), (o = Yu(e, u, o, n, t, i)); return o; } function Yu(e, u, n, t, i, o) { let l = $2(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXMemberExpression", object: n, property: l, }); } function Qu(e, u) { let n = []; for (; e.token !== 8457016 && e.token !== 8456259 && e.token !== 1048576; ) n.push(ru(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos)); return n; } function Zu(e, u, n, t, i) { D(e, u), P(e, u, 14); let o = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( P(e, u, 1074790415), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXSpreadAttribute", argument: o }) ); } function ru(e, u, n, t, i) { if (e.token === 2162700) return Zu(e, u, n, t, i); Y2(e); let o = null, l = $2(e, u, n, t, i); if ((e.token === 21 && (l = o1(e, u, l, n, t, i)), e.token === 1077936157)) { let f = z1(e, u), { tokenPos: c, linePos: m, colPos: g } = e; switch (f) { case 134283267: o = X(e, u); break; case 8456258: o = ae(e, u, 1, c, m, g); break; case 2162700: o = l1(e, u, 1, 1, c, m, g); break; default: s(e, 149); } } return y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXAttribute", value: o, name: l }); } function o1(e, u, n, t, i, o) { P(e, u, 21); let l = $2(e, u, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return y(e, u, t, i, o, { type: "JSXNamespacedName", namespace: n, name: l }); } function l1(e, u, n, t, i, o, l) { D(e, u | 32768); let { tokenPos: f, linePos: c, colPos: m } = e; if (e.token === 14) return Gu(e, u, i, o, l); let g = null; return ( e.token === 1074790415 ? (t && s(e, 152), (g = xu(e, u, e.startPos, e.startLine, e.startColumn))) : (g = R(e, u, 1, 0, f, c, m)), n ? P(e, u, 1074790415) : d2(e, u), y(e, u, i, o, l, { type: "JSXExpressionContainer", expression: g }) ); } function Gu(e, u, n, t, i) { P(e, u, 14); let o = R(e, u, 1, 0, e.tokenPos, e.linePos, e.colPos); return ( P(e, u, 1074790415), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXSpreadChild", expression: o }) ); } function xu(e, u, n, t, i) { return ( (e.startPos = e.tokenPos), (e.startLine = e.linePos), (e.startColumn = e.colPos), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXEmptyExpression" }) ); } function $2(e, u, n, t, i) { let { tokenValue: o } = e; return D(e, u), y(e, u, n, t, i, { type: "JSXIdentifier", name: o }); } function f1(e, u) { return r1(e, u, 0); } function pu(e, u) { let n = new SyntaxError( e + " (" + u.loc.start.line + ":" + u.loc.start.column + ")", ); return Object.assign(n, u); } var c1 = pu; function e0(e) { let u = []; for (let n of e) try { return n(); } catch (t) { u.push(t); } throw Object.assign(new Error("All combinations failed"), { errors: u }); } var d1 = e0; var u0 = (e, u, n) => { if (!(e && u == null)) return Array.isArray(u) || typeof u == "string" ? u[n < 0 ? u.length + n : n] :; }, me = u0; function n0(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0; } var s1 = n0; function $(e) { var t, i, o; let u = ((t = e.range) == null ? void 0 : t[0]) ?? e.start, n = (o = ((i = e.declaration) == null ? void 0 : i.decorators) ?? e.decorators) == null ? void 0 : o[0]; return n ? Math.min($(n), u) : u; } function e2(e) { var u; return ((u = e.range) == null ? void 0 : u[1]) ?? e.end; } function i0(e) { let u = new Set(e); return (n) => u.has(n == null ? void 0 : n.type); } var a1 = i0; var t0 = a1(["Block", "CommentBlock", "MultiLine"]), v2 = t0; function o0(e) { let u = `*${e.value}*`.split(` `); return u.length > 1 && u.every((n) => n.trimStart()[0] === "*"); } var ge = o0; function l0(e) { return v2(e) && e.value[0] === "*" && /@(?:type|satisfies)\b/u.test(e.value); } var m1 = l0; var T2 = null; function F2(e) { if (T2 !== null && typeof { let u = T2; return (T2 = F2.prototype = null), u; } return (T2 = F2.prototype = e ?? Object.create(null)), new F2(); } var f0 = 10; for (let e = 0; e <= f0; e++) F2(); function ye(e) { return F2(e); } function c0(e, u = "type") { ye(e); function n(t) { let i = t[u], o = e[i]; if (!Array.isArray(o)) throw Object.assign(new Error(`Missing visitor keys for '${i}'.`), { node: t, }); return o; } return n; } var g1 = c0; var y1 = { ArrayExpression: ["elements"], AssignmentExpression: ["left", "right"], BinaryExpression: ["left", "right"], InterpreterDirective: [], Directive: ["value"], DirectiveLiteral: [], BlockStatement: ["directives", "body"], BreakStatement: ["label"], CallExpression: ["callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], CatchClause: ["param", "body"], ConditionalExpression: ["test", "consequent", "alternate"], ContinueStatement: ["label"], DebuggerStatement: [], DoWhileStatement: ["test", "body"], EmptyStatement: [], ExpressionStatement: ["expression"], File: ["program"], ForInStatement: ["left", "right", "body"], ForStatement: ["init", "test", "update", "body"], FunctionDeclaration: [ "id", "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters", "predicate", ], FunctionExpression: ["id", "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"], Identifier: ["typeAnnotation", "decorators"], IfStatement: ["test", "consequent", "alternate"], LabeledStatement: ["label", "body"], StringLiteral: [], NumericLiteral: [], NullLiteral: [], BooleanLiteral: [], RegExpLiteral: [], LogicalExpression: ["left", "right"], MemberExpression: ["object", "property"], NewExpression: ["callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], Program: ["directives", "body"], ObjectExpression: ["properties"], ObjectMethod: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters", ], ObjectProperty: ["key", "value", "decorators"], RestElement: ["argument", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], ReturnStatement: ["argument"], SequenceExpression: ["expressions"], ParenthesizedExpression: ["expression"], SwitchCase: ["test", "consequent"], SwitchStatement: ["discriminant", "cases"], ThisExpression: [], ThrowStatement: ["argument"], TryStatement: ["block", "handler", "finalizer"], UnaryExpression: ["argument"], UpdateExpression: ["argument"], VariableDeclaration: ["declarations"], VariableDeclarator: ["id", "init"], WhileStatement: ["test", "body"], WithStatement: ["object", "body"], AssignmentPattern: ["left", "right", "decorators", "typeAnnotation"], ArrayPattern: ["elements", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], ArrowFunctionExpression: [ "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters", "predicate", ], ClassBody: ["body"], ClassExpression: [ "id", "body", "superClass", "mixins", "typeParameters", "superTypeParameters", "implements", "decorators", "superTypeArguments", ], ClassDeclaration: [ "id", "body", "superClass", "mixins", "typeParameters", "superTypeParameters", "implements", "decorators", "superTypeArguments", ], ExportAllDeclaration: ["source", "attributes", "exported"], ExportDefaultDeclaration: ["declaration"], ExportNamedDeclaration: ["declaration", "specifiers", "source", "attributes"], ExportSpecifier: ["local", "exported"], ForOfStatement: ["left", "right", "body"], ImportDeclaration: ["specifiers", "source", "attributes"], ImportDefaultSpecifier: ["local"], ImportNamespaceSpecifier: ["local"], ImportSpecifier: ["local", "imported"], ImportExpression: ["source", "options", "attributes"], MetaProperty: ["meta", "property"], ClassMethod: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters", ], ObjectPattern: ["properties", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], SpreadElement: ["argument"], Super: [], TaggedTemplateExpression: ["tag", "quasi", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], TemplateElement: [], TemplateLiteral: ["quasis", "expressions"], YieldExpression: ["argument"], AwaitExpression: ["argument"], Import: [], BigIntLiteral: [], ExportNamespaceSpecifier: ["exported"], OptionalMemberExpression: ["object", "property"], OptionalCallExpression: [ "callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments", ], ClassProperty: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "variance"], ClassAccessorProperty: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], ClassPrivateProperty: [ "key", "value", "decorators", "typeAnnotation", "variance", ], ClassPrivateMethod: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters", ], PrivateName: ["id"], StaticBlock: ["body"], AnyTypeAnnotation: [], ArrayTypeAnnotation: ["elementType"], BooleanTypeAnnotation: [], BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: [], NullLiteralTypeAnnotation: [], ClassImplements: ["id", "typeParameters"], DeclareClass: [ "id", "typeParameters", "extends", "mixins", "implements", "body", ], DeclareFunction: ["id", "predicate"], DeclareInterface: ["id", "typeParameters", "extends", "body"], DeclareModule: ["id", "body"], DeclareModuleExports: ["typeAnnotation"], DeclareTypeAlias: ["id", "typeParameters", "right"], DeclareOpaqueType: ["id", "typeParameters", "supertype"], DeclareVariable: ["id"], DeclareExportDeclaration: ["declaration", "specifiers", "source"], DeclareExportAllDeclaration: ["source"], DeclaredPredicate: ["value"], ExistsTypeAnnotation: [], FunctionTypeAnnotation: [ "typeParameters", "params", "rest", "returnType", "this", ], FunctionTypeParam: ["name", "typeAnnotation"], GenericTypeAnnotation: ["id", "typeParameters"], InferredPredicate: [], InterfaceExtends: ["id", "typeParameters"], InterfaceDeclaration: ["id", "typeParameters", "extends", "body"], InterfaceTypeAnnotation: ["extends", "body"], IntersectionTypeAnnotation: ["types"], MixedTypeAnnotation: [], EmptyTypeAnnotation: [], NullableTypeAnnotation: ["typeAnnotation"], NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: [], NumberTypeAnnotation: [], ObjectTypeAnnotation: [ "properties", "indexers", "callProperties", "internalSlots", ], ObjectTypeInternalSlot: ["id", "value"], ObjectTypeCallProperty: ["value"], ObjectTypeIndexer: ["id", "key", "value", "variance"], ObjectTypeProperty: ["key", "value", "variance"], ObjectTypeSpreadProperty: ["argument"], OpaqueType: ["id", "typeParameters", "supertype", "impltype"], QualifiedTypeIdentifier: ["id", "qualification"], StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: [], StringTypeAnnotation: [], SymbolTypeAnnotation: [], ThisTypeAnnotation: [], TupleTypeAnnotation: ["types", "elementTypes"], TypeofTypeAnnotation: ["argument", "typeArguments"], TypeAlias: ["id", "typeParameters", "right"], TypeAnnotation: ["typeAnnotation"], TypeCastExpression: ["expression", "typeAnnotation"], TypeParameter: ["bound", "default", "variance"], TypeParameterDeclaration: ["params"], TypeParameterInstantiation: ["params"], UnionTypeAnnotation: ["types"], Variance: [], VoidTypeAnnotation: [], EnumDeclaration: ["id", "body"], EnumBooleanBody: ["members"], EnumNumberBody: ["members"], EnumStringBody: ["members"], EnumSymbolBody: ["members"], EnumBooleanMember: ["id", "init"], EnumNumberMember: ["id", "init"], EnumStringMember: ["id", "init"], EnumDefaultedMember: ["id"], IndexedAccessType: ["objectType", "indexType"], OptionalIndexedAccessType: ["objectType", "indexType"], JSXAttribute: ["name", "value"], JSXClosingElement: ["name"], JSXElement: ["openingElement", "children", "closingElement"], JSXEmptyExpression: [], JSXExpressionContainer: ["expression"], JSXSpreadChild: ["expression"], JSXIdentifier: [], JSXMemberExpression: ["object", "property"], JSXNamespacedName: ["namespace", "name"], JSXOpeningElement: ["name", "attributes", "typeArguments", "typeParameters"], JSXSpreadAttribute: ["argument"], JSXText: [], JSXFragment: ["openingFragment", "children", "closingFragment"], JSXOpeningFragment: [], JSXClosingFragment: [], Noop: [], Placeholder: [], V8IntrinsicIdentifier: [], ArgumentPlaceholder: [], BindExpression: ["object", "callee"], ImportAttribute: ["key", "value"], Decorator: ["expression"], DoExpression: ["body"], ExportDefaultSpecifier: ["exported"], RecordExpression: ["properties"], TupleExpression: ["elements"], DecimalLiteral: [], ModuleExpression: ["body"], TopicReference: [], PipelineTopicExpression: ["expression"], PipelineBareFunction: ["callee"], PipelinePrimaryTopicReference: [], TSParameterProperty: ["parameter", "decorators"], TSDeclareFunction: ["id", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType", "body"], TSDeclareMethod: [ "decorators", "key", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType", ], TSQualifiedName: ["left", "right"], TSCallSignatureDeclaration: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation", "params", "returnType", ], TSConstructSignatureDeclaration: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation", "params", "returnType", ], TSPropertySignature: ["key", "typeAnnotation"], TSMethodSignature: [ "key", "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation", "params", "returnType", ], TSIndexSignature: ["parameters", "typeAnnotation"], TSAnyKeyword: [], TSBooleanKeyword: [], TSBigIntKeyword: [], TSIntrinsicKeyword: [], TSNeverKeyword: [], TSNullKeyword: [], TSNumberKeyword: [], TSObjectKeyword: [], TSStringKeyword: [], TSSymbolKeyword: [], TSUndefinedKeyword: [], TSUnknownKeyword: [], TSVoidKeyword: [], TSThisType: [], TSFunctionType: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation", "params", "returnType", ], TSConstructorType: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation", "params", "returnType", ], TSTypeReference: ["typeName", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], TSTypePredicate: ["parameterName", "typeAnnotation"], TSTypeQuery: ["exprName", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], TSTypeLiteral: ["members"], TSArrayType: ["elementType"], TSTupleType: ["elementTypes"], TSOptionalType: ["typeAnnotation"], TSRestType: ["typeAnnotation"], TSNamedTupleMember: ["label", "elementType"], TSUnionType: ["types"], TSIntersectionType: ["types"], TSConditionalType: ["checkType", "extendsType", "trueType", "falseType"], TSInferType: ["typeParameter"], TSParenthesizedType: ["typeAnnotation"], TSTypeOperator: ["typeAnnotation"], TSIndexedAccessType: ["objectType", "indexType"], TSMappedType: ["typeParameter", "typeAnnotation", "nameType"], TSLiteralType: ["literal"], TSExpressionWithTypeArguments: ["expression", "typeParameters"], TSInterfaceDeclaration: ["id", "typeParameters", "extends", "body"], TSInterfaceBody: ["body"], TSTypeAliasDeclaration: ["id", "typeParameters", "typeAnnotation"], TSInstantiationExpression: ["expression", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], TSAsExpression: ["expression", "typeAnnotation"], TSSatisfiesExpression: ["expression", "typeAnnotation"], TSTypeAssertion: ["typeAnnotation", "expression"], TSEnumDeclaration: ["id", "members"], TSEnumMember: ["id", "initializer"], TSModuleDeclaration: ["id", "body"], TSModuleBlock: ["body"], TSImportType: ["argument", "qualifier", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], TSImportEqualsDeclaration: ["id", "moduleReference"], TSExternalModuleReference: ["expression"], TSNonNullExpression: ["expression"], TSExportAssignment: ["expression"], TSNamespaceExportDeclaration: ["id"], TSTypeAnnotation: ["typeAnnotation"], TSTypeParameterInstantiation: ["params"], TSTypeParameterDeclaration: ["params"], TSTypeParameter: ["constraint", "default", "name"], ChainExpression: ["expression"], ExperimentalRestProperty: ["argument"], ExperimentalSpreadProperty: ["argument"], Literal: [], MethodDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "value"], PrivateIdentifier: [], Property: ["key", "value"], PropertyDefinition: [ "decorators", "key", "typeAnnotation", "value", "variance", ], AccessorProperty: ["decorators", "key", "typeAnnotation", "value"], TSAbstractAccessorProperty: ["decorators", "key", "typeAnnotation"], TSAbstractKeyword: [], TSAbstractMethodDefinition: ["key", "value"], TSAbstractPropertyDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "typeAnnotation"], TSAsyncKeyword: [], TSClassImplements: ["expression", "typeArguments", "typeParameters"], TSDeclareKeyword: [], TSEmptyBodyFunctionExpression: [ "id", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType", ], TSEnumBody: ["members"], TSExportKeyword: [], TSInterfaceHeritage: ["expression", "typeArguments", "typeParameters"], TSPrivateKeyword: [], TSProtectedKeyword: [], TSPublicKeyword: [], TSReadonlyKeyword: [], TSStaticKeyword: [], TSTemplateLiteralType: ["quasis", "types"], AsConstExpression: ["expression"], AsExpression: ["expression", "typeAnnotation"], BigIntLiteralTypeAnnotation: [], BigIntTypeAnnotation: [], ComponentDeclaration: [ "id", "params", "body", "typeParameters", "rendersType", ], ComponentParameter: ["name", "local"], ComponentTypeAnnotation: ["params", "rest", "typeParameters", "rendersType"], ComponentTypeParameter: ["name", "typeAnnotation"], ConditionalTypeAnnotation: [ "checkType", "extendsType", "trueType", "falseType", ], DeclareComponent: ["id", "params", "rest", "typeParameters", "rendersType"], DeclareEnum: ["id", "body"], DeclareHook: ["id"], DeclareNamespace: ["id", "body"], EnumBigIntBody: ["members"], EnumBigIntMember: ["id", "init"], HookDeclaration: ["id", "params", "body", "typeParameters", "returnType"], HookTypeAnnotation: ["params", "returnType", "rest", "typeParameters"], InferTypeAnnotation: ["typeParameter"], KeyofTypeAnnotation: ["argument"], ObjectTypeMappedTypeProperty: [ "keyTparam", "propType", "sourceType", "variance", ], QualifiedTypeofIdentifier: ["qualification", "id"], TupleTypeLabeledElement: ["label", "elementType", "variance"], TupleTypeSpreadElement: ["label", "typeAnnotation"], TypeOperator: ["typeAnnotation"], TypePredicate: ["parameterName", "typeAnnotation", "asserts"], NGRoot: ["node"], NGPipeExpression: ["left", "right", "arguments"], NGChainedExpression: ["expressions"], NGEmptyExpression: [], NGMicrosyntax: ["body"], NGMicrosyntaxKey: [], NGMicrosyntaxExpression: ["expression", "alias"], NGMicrosyntaxKeyedExpression: ["key", "expression"], NGMicrosyntaxLet: ["key", "value"], NGMicrosyntaxAs: ["key", "alias"], JsExpressionRoot: ["node"], JsonRoot: ["node"], TSJSDocAllType: [], TSJSDocUnknownType: [], TSJSDocNullableType: ["typeAnnotation"], TSJSDocNonNullableType: ["typeAnnotation"], NeverTypeAnnotation: [], UndefinedTypeAnnotation: [], UnknownTypeAnnotation: [], SatisfiesExpression: ["expression", "typeAnnotation"], }; var d0 = g1(y1), k1 = d0; function ke(e, u) { if (!(e !== null && typeof e == "object")) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] = ke(e[t], u); return e; } let n = k1(e); for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t++) e[n[t]] = ke(e[n[t]], u); return u(e) || e; } var W2 = ke; function s0(e, u) { let { parser: n, text: t } = u; if (e.type === "File" && e.program.interpreter) { let { program: { interpreter: i }, comments: o, } = e; delete e.program.interpreter, o.unshift(i); } if (n === "babel") { let i = new Set(); (e = W2(e, (o) => { var l; (l = o.leadingComments) != null && l.some(m1) && i.add($(o)); })), (e = W2(e, (o) => { if (o.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") { let { expression: l } = o; if (l.type === "TypeCastExpression") return (l.range = [...o.range]), l; let f = $(o); if (!i.has(f)) return (l.extra = { ...l.extra, parenthesized: !0 }), l; } })); } if ( ((e = W2(e, (i) => { var o; switch (i.type) { case "LogicalExpression": if (A1(i)) return Ae(i); break; case "VariableDeclaration": { let l = me(!1, i.declarations, -1); l != null && l.init && t[e2(l)] !== ";" && (i.range = [$(i), e2(l)]); break; } case "TSParenthesizedType": return i.typeAnnotation; case "TSTypeParameter": if (typeof == "string") { let l = $(i); = { type: "Identifier", name:, range: [l, l +], }; } break; case "TopicReference": e.extra = { ...e.extra, __isUsingHackPipeline: !0 }; break; case "ExportAllDeclaration": if ( n === "meriyah" && ((o = i.exported) == null ? void 0 : o.type) === "Identifier" ) { let { exported: l } = i, f = t.slice($(l), e2(l)); (f.startsWith('"') || f.startsWith("'")) && (i.exported = { ...i.exported, type: "Literal", value:, raw: f, }); } break; case "TSUnionType": case "TSIntersectionType": if (i.types.length === 1) return i.types[0]; break; } })), s1(e.comments)) ) { let i = me(!1, e.comments, -1); for (let o = e.comments.length - 2; o >= 0; o--) { let l = e.comments[o]; e2(l) === $(i) && v2(l) && v2(i) && ge(l) && ge(i) && (e.comments.splice(o + 1, 1), (l.value += "*//*" + i.value), (l.range = [$(l), e2(i)])), (i = l); } } return e.type === "Program" && (e.range = [0, t.length]), e; } function A1(e) { return ( e.type === "LogicalExpression" && e.right.type === "LogicalExpression" && e.operator === e.right.operator ); } function Ae(e) { return A1(e) ? Ae({ type: "LogicalExpression", operator: e.operator, left: Ae({ type: "LogicalExpression", operator: e.operator, left: e.left, right: e.right.left, range: [$(e.left), e2(e.right.left)], }), right: e.right.right, range: [$(e), e2(e)], }) : e; } var h1 = s0; var a0 = (e, u, n, t) => { if (!(e && u == null)) return u.replaceAll ? u.replaceAll(n, t) : ? u.replace(n, t) : u.split(n).join(t); }, b2 = a0; var m0 = /\*\/$/, g0 = /^\/\*\*?/, y0 = /^\s*(\/\*\*?(.|\r?\n)*?\*\/)/, k0 = /(^|\s+)\/\/([^\n\r]*)/g, D1 = /^(\r?\n)+/, A0 = /(?:^|\r?\n) *(@[^\n\r]*?) *\r?\n *(?![^\n\r@]*\/\/[^]*)([^\s@][^\n\r@]+?) *\r?\n/g, b1 = /(?:^|\r?\n) *@(\S+) *([^\n\r]*)/g, h0 = /(\r?\n|^) *\* ?/g, D0 = []; function C1(e) { let u = e.match(y0); return u ? u[0].trimStart() : ""; } function P1(e) { let u = ` `; e = b2(!1, e.replace(g0, "").replace(m0, ""), h0, "$1"); let n = ""; for (; n !== e; ) (n = e), (e = b2(!1, e, A0, `${u}$1 $2${u}`)); e = e.replace(D1, "").trimEnd(); let t = Object.create(null), i = b2(!1, e, b1, "").replace(D1, "").trimEnd(), o; for (; (o = b1.exec(e)); ) { let l = b2(!1, o[2], k0, ""); if (typeof t[o[1]] == "string" || Array.isArray(t[o[1]])) { let f = t[o[1]]; t[o[1]] = [...D0, ...(Array.isArray(f) ? f : [f]), l]; } else t[o[1]] = l; } return { comments: i, pragmas: t }; } function b0(e) { if (!e.startsWith("#!")) return ""; let u = e.indexOf(` `); return u === -1 ? e : e.slice(0, u); } var E1 = b0; function C0(e) { let u = E1(e); u && (e = e.slice(u.length + 1)); let n = C1(e), { pragmas: t, comments: i } = P1(n); return { shebang: u, text: e, pragmas: t, comments: i }; } function w1(e) { let { pragmas: u } = C0(e); return (, "prettier") ||, "format") ); } function P0(e) { return ( (e = typeof e == "function" ? { parse: e } : e), { astFormat: "estree", hasPragma: w1, locStart: $, locEnd: e2, ...e } ); } var S1 = P0; function E0(e) { let { filepath: u } = e; if (u) { if (((u = u.toLowerCase()), u.endsWith(".cjs"))) return "script"; if (u.endsWith(".mjs")) return "module"; } } var B1 = E0; var w0 = { next: !0, ranges: !0, webcompat: !0, loc: !0, raw: !0, directives: !0, globalReturn: !0, impliedStrict: !1, preserveParens: !1, lexical: !1, jsx: !0, uniqueKeyInPattern: !1, }; function S0(e, u) { let n = [], t = [], i = f1(e, { ...w0, module: u === "module", onComment: n, onToken: t }); return (i.comments = n), (i.tokens = t), i; } function B0(e) { var o; let { message: u, line: n, column: t } = e, i = (o = u.match(/^\[(?\d+):(?\d+)\]: (?.*)$/u)) == null ? void 0 : o.groups; return ( i && ((u = i.message), typeof n != "number" && ((n = Number(i.line)), (t = Number(i.column)))), typeof n != "number" ? e : c1(u, { loc: { start: { line: n, column: t } }, cause: e }) ); } function v0(e, u = {}) { let n = B1(u), t = (n ? [n] : ["module", "script"]).map((o) => () => S0(e, o)), i; try { i = d1(t); } catch ({ errors: [o] }) { throw B0(o); } return h1(i, { parser: "meriyah", text: e }); } var T0 = S1(v0); var Fn = De; export { Fn as default, he as parsers };