## [2.2.0] - 2015-10-31 ### Added - Added support for returning Integers values to Roo::OpenOffice [#258](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/258) - A missing Header Raises `Roo::HeaderRowNotFoundError` [#247](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/247) - Roo::Excelx::Shared class to pass shared data to Roo::Excelx sheets [#220](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/220) - Proper Type support to Roo::Excelx [#240](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/240) - Added Roo::HeaderRowNotFoundError [#247](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/247) ### Changed - Made spelling/grammar corrections in the README[260](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/260) - Moved Roo::Excelx::Format module [#259](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/259) - Updated README with details about `Roo::Excelx#each_with_streaming` method [#250](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/250) ### Fixed - Fixed Base64 not found issue in Open Office [#267](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/267) - Fixed Regexp to allow method access to cells with multiple digits [#255](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/255), [#268](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/268) ## [2.1.1] - 2015-08-02 ### Fixed invalid new lines with _x000D_ character[#231](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/231) ### Fixed missing URI issue. [#245](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/245) ## [2.1.0] - 2015-07-18 ### Added - Added support for Excel 2007 `xlsm` files. [#232](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/232) - Roo::Excelx returns an enumerator when calling each_row_streaming without a block. [#224](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/224) - Returns an enumerator when calling `each` without a block. [#219](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/219) ### Fixed - Removed tabs and windows CRLF. [#235](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/235), [#234](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/234) - Fixed Regexp to only check for valid URI's when opening a spreadsheet. [#229](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/228) - Open streams in Roo:Excelx correctly. [#222](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/222) ## [2.0.1] - 2015-06-01 ### Added - Return an enumerator when calling '#each' without a block [#219](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/219) - Added Roo::Base#close to delete any temp directories[#211](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/211) - Offset option for excelx #each_row. [#214](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/214) - Allow Roo::Excelx to open streams [#209](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/209) ### Fixed - Use gsub instead of tr for double quote escaping [#212](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/212), [#212-patch](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/fcc9a015868ebf9d42cbba5b6cfdaa58b81ecc01) - Fixed Changelog links and release data. [#204](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/204), [#206](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/206) - Allow Pathnames to be used when opening files. [#207](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/207) ### Removed - Removed the scripts folder. [#213](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/213) ## [2.0.0] - 2015-04-24 ### Added - Added optional support for hidden sheets in Excelx and LibreOffice files [#177](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/177) - Roo::OpenOffice can be used to open encrypted workbooks. [#157](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/157) - Added streaming for parsing of large Excelx Sheets. [#69](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/69) - Added Roo::Base#first_last_row_col_for_sheet [a0dd800](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a0dd800d5cf0de052583afa91bf82f8802ede9a0) - Added Roo::Base#collect_last_row_col_for_sheet [a0dd800](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a0dd800d5cf0de052583afa91bf82f8802ede9a0) - Added Roo::Base::MAX_ROW_COL, Roo::Base::MIN_ROW_COL [a0dd800](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a0dd800d5cf0de052583afa91bf82f8802ede9a0) - Extract Roo::Font to replace equivalent uses in Excelx and OpenOffice. [23e19de](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/23e19de1ccc64b2b02a80090ff6666008a29c43b) - Roo::Utils [3169a0e](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/3169a0e803ce742d2cbf9be834d27a5098a68638) - Roo::ExcelxComments [0a43341](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0a433413210b5559dc92d743a72a1f38ee775f5f) [0a43341](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0a433413210b5559dc92d743a72a1f38ee775f5f) - Roo::Excelx::Relationships [0a43341](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0a433413210b5559dc92d743a72a1f38ee775f5f) - Roo::Excelx::SheetDoc [0a43341](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0a433413210b5559dc92d743a72a1f38ee775f5f) [c2bb7b8](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/c2bb7b8614f4ff1dff6b7bdbda0ded125ae549c7) +- Roo::Excelx::Styles [c2bb7b8](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/c2bb7b8614f4ff1dff6b7bdbda0ded125ae549c7) +- Roo::Excelx::Workbook [c2bb7b8](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/c2bb7b8614f4ff1dff6b7bdbda0ded125ae549c7) - Switch from Spreadsheet::Link to Roo::Link [ee67321](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/ee6732144f3616631d19ade0c5490e1678231ce2) - Roo::Base#to_csv: Added separator parameter (defaults to ",") [#102](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/102) - Added development development gems [#104](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/104) ### Changed - Reduced size of published gem. [#194](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/194) - Stream the reading of the dimensions [#192](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/192) - Return `nil` when a querying a cell that doesn't exist (instead of a NoMethodError) [#192](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/192), [#165](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/165) - Roo::OpenOffice#formula? now returns a `Boolean` instead of a `String` or `nil` [#191](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/191) - Added a less verbose Roo::Base#inspect. It no longer returns the entire object. [#188](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/188), [#186](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/186) - Memoize Roo::Utils.split_coordinate [#180](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/180) - Roo::Base: use regular expressions for extracting headers [#173](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/173) - Roo::Base: memoized `first_row`/`last_row` `first_column`/`last_column` and changed the default value of the `sheet` argument from `nil` to `default_sheet` [a0dd800](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a0dd800d5cf0de052583afa91bf82f8802ede9a0) - Roo::Base: changed the order of arguments for `to_csv` to (filename = nil, separator = ',', sheet = default_sheet) from (filename=nil,sheet=nil) [1e82a21](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/1e82a218087ba34379ae7312214911b104333e2c) - In OpenOffice / LibreOffice, load the content xml lazily. Leave the tmpdir open so that reading may take place after initialize. The OS will be responsible for cleaning it up. [adb204b](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a74157adb204bc93d289c5708e8e79e143d09037) - Lazily initialize @default_sheet, to avoid reading the sheets earlier than necessary. Use the #default_sheet accessor instead. [704e3dc](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/704e3dca1692d84ac4877f04a7e46238772d423b) - Roo::Base#default_sheet is no longer an attr_reader [704e3dc](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/704e3dca1692d84ac4877f04a7e46238772d423b) - In Excelx, load styles, shared strings and the workbook lazily. Leave the tmpdir open so that reading may take place after initialize. The OS will be responsible for cleaning it up. [a973237](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a9732372f531e435a3330d8ab5bd44ce2cb57b0b), [4834e20c](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/4834e20c6c4d2086414c43f8b0cc2d1413b45a61), [e49a1da](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/e49a1da22946918992873e8cd5bacc15ea2c73c4) - Change the tmpdir prefix from oo_ to roo_ [102d5fc](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/102d5fce30b46e928807bc60f607f81956ed898b) - Accept the tmpdir_root option in Roo::Excelx [0e325b6](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0e325b68f199ff278b26bd621371ed42fa999f24) - Refactored Excelx#comment? [0fb90ec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/0fb90ecf6a8f422ef16a7105a1d2c42d611556c3) - Refactored Roo::Base#find, #find_by_row, #find_by_conditions. [1ccedab](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/1ccedab3fb656f4614f0a85e9b0a286ad83f5c1e) - Extended Roo::Spreadsheet.open so that it accepts Tempfiles and other arguments responding to `path`. Note they require an :extension option to be declared, as the tempfile mangles the extension. [#84](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/84). ### Fixed - Process sheets from Numbers 3.1 xlsx files in the right order. [#196](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/196), [#181](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/181), [#114](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/114) - Fixed comments for xlsx files exported from Google [#197](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/197) - Fixed Roo::Excelx#celltype to return :link when appropriate. - Fixed type coercion of ids. [#192](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/192) - Clean option only removes spaces and control characters instead of removing all characters outside of the ASCII range. [#176](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/176) - Fixed parse method with `clean` option [#184](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/184) - Fixed some memory issues. - Fixed Roo::Utils.number_to_letter [#180](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/180) - Fixed merged cells return value. Instead of only the top-left cell returning a value, all merged cells return that value instead of returning nil. [#171](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/171) - Handle headers with brackets [#162](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/162) - Roo::Base#sheet method was not returning the sheet specified when using either an index or name [#160](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/160) - Properly process paths with spaces. [#142](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/142), [#121](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/121), [#94](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/94), [4e7d7d1](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/4e7d7d18d37654b0c73b229f31ea0d305c7e90ff) - Disambiguate #open call in Excelx#extract_file. [#125](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/125) - Fixed that #parse-ing with a hash of columns not in the document would fail mysteriously. [#129](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/129) - Fixed Excelx issue when reading hyperlinks [#123](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/123) - Fixed invalid test case [#124](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/124) - Fixed error in test helper file_diff [56e2e61](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/56e2e61d1ad9185d8ab0d4af4b32928f07fdaad0) - Stopped `inspect` from being called recursively. [#115](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/115) - Fixes for Excelx Datetime cells. [#104](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/104), [#120](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/120) - Prevent ArgumentError when using `find` [#100](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/100) - Export to_csv converts link cells to url [#93](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/93), [#108](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/pull/108) ### Removed - Roo::Excel - Extracted to roo-xls gem. [a7edbec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a7edbec2eb44344611f82cff89a82dac31ec0d79) - Roo::Excel2003XML - Extracted to roo-xls gem. [a7edbec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a7edbec2eb44344611f82cff89a82dac31ec0d79) - Roo::Google - Extracted to roo-google gem. [a7edbec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a7edbec2eb44344611f82cff89a82dac31ec0d79) - Roo::OpenOffice::Font - Refactored into Roo::Font - Removed Roo::OpenOffice.extract_content [a74157a](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a74157adb204bc93d289c5708e8e79e143d09037) - Removed OpenOffice.process_zipfile [835368e](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/835368e1d29c1530f00bf9caa07704b17370e38f) - Roo::OpenOffice#comment? - Roo::ZipFile - Removed the Roo::ZipFile abstraction. Roo now depends on rubyzip 1.0.0+ [d466950](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/d4669503b5b80c1d30f035177a2b0e4b56fc49ce) - SpreadSheet::Worksheet - Extracted to roo-xls gem. [a7edbec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a7edbec2eb44344611f82cff89a82dac31ec0d79) - Spreadsheet - Extracted to roo-xls gem. [a7edbec](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/commit/a7edbec2eb44344611f82cff89a82dac31ec0d79) ## [1.13.2] - 2013-12-23 ### Fixed - Fix that Excelx link-cells would blow up if the value wasn't a string. Due to the way Spreadsheet::Link is implemented the link text must be treated as a string. #92 ## [1.13.1] - 2013-12-23 ### Fixed - Fix that Excelx creation could blow up due to nil rels files. #90 ## [1.13.0] - 2013-12-05 ### Changed / Added - Support extracting link data from Excel and Excelx spreadsheets, via Excel#read_cell() and Excelx#hyperlink(?). #47 - Support setting the Excel Spreadsheet mode via the :mode option. #88 - Support Spreadsheet.open with a declared :extension that includes a leading '.'. #73 - Enable file type detection for URI's with parameters / anchors. #51 ### Fixed - Fix that CSV#each_row could overwrite the filename when run against a uri. #77 - Fix that #to_matrix wasn't respecting the sheet argument. #87 ## [1.12.2] - 2013-09-11 ### Changed / Added - Support rubyzip >= 1.0.0. #65 - Fix typo in deprecation notices. #63 ## [1.12.1] - 2013-08-18 ### Changed / Added - Support :boolean fields for CSV export via #cell_to_csv. #59 ### Fixed - Fix that Excelx would error on files with gaps in the numbering of their internal sheet#.xml files. #58 - Fix that Base#info to preserve the original value of #default_sheet. #44 ## [1.12.0] - 2013-08-18 ### Deprecated - Rename Openoffice -> OpenOffice, Libreoffice -> LibreOffice, Csv -> CSV, and redirect the old names to the new constants - Enable Roo::Excel, Excel2003XML, Excelx, OpenOffice to accept an options hash, and deprecate the old method argument based approach to supplying them options - Roo's roo_rails_helper, aka the `spreadsheet` html-generating view method is currently deprecated with no replacement. If you find it helpful, tell http://github.com/Empact or extract it yourself. ### Changed / Added - Add Roo::Excelx#load_xml so that people can customize to their data, e.g. #23 - Enable passing csv_options to Roo::CSV, which are passed through to the underlying CSV call. - Enable passing options through from Roo::Spreadsheet to any Roo type. - Enable passing an :extension option to Roo::Spreadsheet.new, which will override the extension detected on in the path #15 - Switch from google-spreadsheet-ruby to google_drive for Roo::Google access #40 - Make all the classes consistent in that #read_cells is only effective if the sheet has not been read. - Roo::Google supports login via oauth :access_token. #61 - Roo::Excel now exposes its Spreadsheet workbook via #workbook - Pull #load_xml down into Roo::Base, and use it in Excel2003XML and OpenOffice. ### Changed - #formula? now returns truthy or falsey, rather than true/false. - Base#longest_sheet was moved to Excel, as it only worked under Excel ### Fixed - Fix that Roo::CSV#parse(headers: true) would blow up. #37 ## [1.11.2] - 2013-04-10 ### Fixed - Fix that Roo::Spreadsheet.open wasn't tolerant to case differences. - Fix that Roo::Excel2003XML loading was broken #27 - Enable loading Roo::Csv files from uris, just as other file types #31 - Fix that Excelx "m/d/yy h:mm" was improperly being interpreted as date rather than datetime #29 ## [1.11.1] - 2013-03-18 ### Fixed - Exclude test/log/roo.log test log file from the gemspec in order to avoid a rubygems warning: #26 ## [1.11.0] - 2013-03-14 ### Changed / Added - Support ruby 2.0.0 by replacing Iconv with String#encode #19 - Excelx: Loosen the format detection rules such that more are successfully detected #20 - Delete the roo binary, which was useless and not declared in the gemspec ### Changed - Drop support for ruby 1.8.x or lower. Required in order to easily support 2.0.0. ## [1.10.3] - 2013-03-03 ### Fixed - Support both nokogiri 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 (Karsten Richter) #18 ### Changed / Added - Relax our nokogiri dependency back to 1.4.0, as we have no particular reason to require a newer version. ## [1.10.2] - 2013-02-03 ### Fixed - Support opening URIs with query strings https://github.com/Empact/roo/commit/abf94bdb59cabc16d4f7764025e88e3661983525 - Support both http: & https: urls https://github.com/Empact/roo/commit/fc5c5899d96dd5f9fbb68125d0efc8ce9be2c7e1 ## [1.10.1] - 2011-11-14 ### Fixed - forgot dependency 'rubyzip' - at least one external application does create xlsx-files with different internal file names which differ from the original file names of Excel. Solution: ignore lower-/upper case in file names. ## [1.10.0] - 2011-10-10 ### Changed / Added - New class Csv. - Openoffice, Libreoffice: new method 'labels' - Excelx: implemented all methods concerning labels - Openoffice, Excelx: new methods concerning comments (comment, comment? and comments) ### Fixed - XLSX: some cells were not recognized correctly from a spreadsheet file from a windows mobile phone. - labels: Moved to a separate methode. There were problems if there was an access to a label before read_cells were called. ## [1.9.7] - 2011-08-27 ### Fixed - Openoffice: Better way for extracting formula strings, some characters were deleted at the formula string. ## [1.9.6] - 2011-08-03 ### Changed / Added - new class Libreoffice (Libreoffice should do exactly the same as the Openoffice class. It's just another name. Technically, Libreoffice is inherited from the Openoffice class with no new methods. ### Fixed - Openoffice: file type check, deletion of temporary files not in ensure clause - Cell type :datetime was not handled in the to_csv method - Better deletion of temporary directories if something went wrong ## [1.9.5] - 2011-06-25 ### Changed / Added - Method #formulas moved to generic-spreadsheet class (the Excel version is overwritten because the spreadsheet gem currently does not support formulas. ### Fixed - Openoffice/Excelx/Google: #formulas of an empty sheet should not result in an error message. Instead it should return an empty array. - Openoffice/Excelx/Google: #to_yaml of an empty sheet should not result in an error message. Instead it should return an empty string. - Openoffice/Excelx/Google: #to_matrix of an empty sheet should not result in an error message. Instead it should return an empty matrix. ## [1.9.4] - 2011-06-23 ### Changed / Added - removed gem 'builder'. Functionality goes to gem 'nokogiri'. ### Fixed - Excel: remove temporary files if spreadsheed-file is not an excel file and an exception was raised - Excelx: a referenced cell with a string had the content 0.0 not the correct string - Fixed a problem with a date cell which was not recognized as a Date object (see 2011-05-21 in excelx.rb) ## [1.9.3] - 2010-02-12 ### Changed / Added - new method 'to_matrix' ### Fixed - missing dependencies defined ## [1.9.2] - 2009-12-08 ### Fixed - double quoting of '"' fixed ## [1.9.1] - 2009-11-10 ### Fixed - syntax in nokogiri methods - missing dependency ...rubyzip ## [1.9.0] - 2009-10-29 ### Changed / Added - Ruby 1.9 compatible - oo.aa42 as a shortcut of oo.cell('aa',42) - oo.aa42('sheet1') as a shortcut of oo.cell('aa',42,'sheet1') - oo.anton as a reference to a cell labelled 'anton' (or any other label name) (currently only for Openoffice spreadsheets) ## [1.2.3] - 2009-01-04 ### Fixed - fixed encoding in #cell at exported Google-spreadsheets (.xls) ## [1.2.2] - 2008-12-14 ### Changed / Added - added celltype :datetime in Excelx - added celltype :datetime in Google ## [1.2.1] - 2008-11-13 ### Changed / Added - added celltype :datetime in Openoffice and Excel ## [1.2.0] - 2008-08-24 ### Changed / Added - Excelx: improved the detection of cell type and conversion into roo types - All: to_csv: changed boundaries from first_row,1..last_row,last_column to 1,1..last_row,last_column - All: Environment variable "ROO_TMP" indicate where temporary directories will be created (if not set the default is the current working directory) ### Fixed - Excel: improved the detection of last_row/last_column (parseexcel-gem bug?) - Excel/Excelx/Openoffice: temporary directories were not removed at opening a file of the wrong type ## [1.1.0] - 2008-07-26 ### Changed / Added - Excel: speed improvements - Changed the behavior of reading files with the wrong type ### Fixed - Google: added normalize in set_value method - Excel: last_row in Excel class did not work properly under some circumstances - all: fixed a bug in #to_xml if there is an empty sheet ## [1.0.2] - 2008-07-04 ### Fixed - Excelx: fixed a bug when there are .xml.rels files in the XLSX archive - Excelx: fixed a bug with celltype recognition (see comment with "2008-07-03") ## [1.0.1] - 2008-06-30 ### Fixed - Excel: row/column method Fixnum/Float confusion ## [1.0.0] - 2008-05-28 ### Changed / Added - support of Excel's new .xlsx file format - method #to_xml for exporting a spreadsheet to an xml representation ### Fixed - fixed a bug with excel-spreadsheet character conversion under Macintosh Darwin ## [0.9.4] - 2008-04-22 ### Fixed - fixed a bug with excel-spreadsheet character conversion under Solaris ## [0.9.3] - 2008-03-25 ### Fixed - no more tmp directories if an invalid spreadsheet file was openend ## [0.9.2] - 2008-03-24 ### Changed / Added - new celltype :time ### Fixed - time values like '23:15' are handled as seconds from midnight ## [0.9.1] - 2008-03-23 ### Changed / Added - additional 'sheet' parameter in Google#set_value ### Fixed - fixed a bug within Google#set_value. thanks to davecahill for the patch. ## [0.9.0] - 2008-01-24 ### Changed / Added - better support of roo spreadsheets in rails views ## [0.8.5] - 2008-01-16 ### Fixed - fixed a bug within #to_cvs and explicit call of a sheet ## [0.8.4] - 2008-01-01 ### Fixed - fixed 'find_by_condition' for excel sheets (header_line= --> GenericSpredsheet) ## [0.8.3] - 2007-12-31 ### Fixed - another fix for the encoding issue in excel sheet-names - reactived the Excel#find method which has been disappeared in the last restructoring, moved to GenericSpreadsheet ## [0.8.2] - 2007-12-28 ### Changed / Added - basename() only in method #info ### Fixed - changed logging-method to mysql-database in test code with AR, table column 'class' => 'class_name' - reactived the Excel#to_csv method which has been disappeared in the last restructoring ## [0.8.1] - 2007-12-22 ### Fixed - fixed a bug with first/last-row/column in empty sheet - #info prints now '- empty -' if a sheet within a document is empty - tried to fix the iconv conversion problem ## [0.8.0] - 2007-12-15 ### Changed / Added - Google online spreadsheets were implemented - some methods common to more than one class were factored out to the GenericSpreadsheet (virtual) class ## [0.7.0] - 2007-11-23 ### Changed / Added - Openoffice/Excel: the most methods can be called with an option 'sheet' parameter which will be used instead of the default sheet - Excel: improved the speed of CVS output - Openoffice/Excel: new method #column - Openoffice/Excel: new method #find - Openoffice/Excel: new method #info - better exception if a spreadsheet file does not exist ## [0.6.1] - 2007-10-06 ### Changed / Added - Openoffice: percentage-values are now treated as numbers (not strings) - Openoffice: refactoring ### Fixed - Openoffice: repeating date-values in a line are now handled correctly ## [0.6.0] - 2007-10-06 ### Changed / Added - csv-output to stdout or file ## [0.5.4] - 2007-08-27 ### Fixed - Openoffice: fixed a bug with internal representation of a spreadsheet (thanks to Ric Kamicar for the patch) ## [0.5.3] - 2007-08-26 ### Changed / Added - Openoffice: can now read zip-ed files - Openoffice: can now read files from http://-URL over the net ## [0.5.2] - 2007-08-26 ### Fixed - excel: removed debugging output ## [0.5.1] - 2007-08-26 ### Changed / Added - Openoffice: Exception if an illegal sheet-name is selected - Openoffice/Excel: no need to set a default_sheet if there is only one in the document - Excel: can now read zip-ed files - Excel: can now read files from http://-URL over the net ## [0.5.0] - 2007-07-20 ### Changed / Added - Excel-objects: the methods default_sheet= and sheets can now handle names instead of numbers ### Changedd the celltype methods to return symbols, not strings anymore (possible values are :formula, :float, :string, :date, :percentage (if you need strings you can convert it with .to_s) - tests can now run on the client machine (not only my machine), if there are not public released files involved these tests are skipped ## [0.4.1] - 2007-06-27 ### Fixed - there was ONE false require-statement which led to misleading error messageswhen this gem was used ## [0.4.0] - 2007-06-27 ### Changed / Added - robustness: Exception if no default_sheet was set - new method reload() implemented - about 15 % more method documentation - optimization: huge increase of speed (no need to use fixed borders anymore) - added the method 'formulas' which gives you all formulas in a spreadsheet - added the method 'set' which can set cells to a certain value - added the method 'to_yaml' which can produce output for importing in a (rails) database ### Fixed - ..row_as_letter methods were nonsense - removed - @cells_read should be reset if the default_sheet is changed - error in excel-part: strings are now converted to utf-8 (the parsexcel-gem gave me an error with my test data, which could not converted to .to_s using latin1 encoding) - fixed bug when default_sheet is changed ## [0.3.0] - 2007-06-20 ### Changed / Added - Openoffice: formula support ## [0.2.7] - 2007-06-20 ### Fixed - Excel: float-numbers were truncated to integer ## [0.2.6] - 2007-06-19 ### Fixed - Openoffice: two or more consecutive cells with string content failed ## [0.2.5] - 2007-06-17 ### Changed / Added - Excel: row method implemented - more tests ### Fixed - Openoffice: row method fixed ## [0.2.4] - 2007-06-16 ### Fixed - ID 11605 Two cols with same value: crash roo (openoffice version only) ## [0.2.3] - 2007-06-02 ### Changed / Added - more robust call att Excel#default_sheet= when called with a name - new method empty? - refactoring ### Fixed - bugfix in Excel#celltype - bugfix (running under windows only) in closing the temp file before removing it ## [0.2.2] - 2007-06-01 ### Fixed - correct pathname for running with windows ## [0.2.2] - 2007-06-01 ### Fixed - incorrect dependencies fixed ## [0.2.0] - 2007-06-01 ### Changed / Added - support for MS-Excel Spreadsheets ## [0.1.2] - 2007-05-31 ### Changed / Added - cells with more than one character, like 'AA' can now be handled ## [0.1.1] - 2007-05-31 ### Fixed - bugfixes in first/last methods ## [0.1.0] - 2007-05-31 ### Changed / Added - new methods first/last row/column - new method officeversion ## [0.0.3] - 2007-05-30 ### Changed / Added - new method row() ## [0.0.2] - 2007-05-30 ### Changed / Added - fixed some bugs - more ways to access a cell ## [0.0.1] - 2007-05-25 ### Changed / Added - Initial release