require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'xcinvoke' require 'jazzy/config' require 'jazzy/executable' require 'jazzy/highlighter' require 'jazzy/source_declaration' require 'jazzy/source_mark' module Jazzy # This module interacts with the sourcekitten command-line executable module SourceKitten @documented_count = 0 @undocumented_tokens = [] # Group root-level docs by type and add as children to a group doc element def self.group_docs(docs, type) group, docs = docs.partition { |doc| doc.type == type } docs << do |sd| sd.type = SourceDeclaration::Type.overview = type.plural_name sd.abstract = "The following #{type.plural_name.downcase} are " \ 'available globally.' sd.children = group end if group.count > 0 docs end # Generate doc URL by prepending its parents URLs # @return [Hash] input docs with URLs def self.make_doc_urls(docs, parents) docs.each do |doc| if doc.children.count > 0 # Create HTML page for this doc if it has children parents_slash = parents.count > 0 ? '/' : '' doc.url = parents.join('/') + parents_slash + + '.html' doc.children = make_doc_urls(doc.children, parents + []) else # Don't create HTML page for this doc if it doesn't have children # Instead, make its link a hash-link on its parent's page doc.url = parents.join('/') + '.html#/' + doc.usr end end end # Run sourcekitten with given arguments and return STDOUT def self.run_sourcekitten(arguments) xcode = XCInvoke::Xcode.find_swift_version(Config.instance.swift_version) bin_path = Pathname(__FILE__).parent + 'SourceKitten/sourcekitten' output, _ = Executable.execute_command(bin_path, arguments, true, env: xcode.as_env) output end def self.make_default_doc_info(declaration) # @todo: Fix these declaration.line = 0 declaration.column = 0 declaration.abstract = 'Undocumented' declaration.parameters = [] declaration.children = [] end def self.documented_child?(doc) return false unless doc['key.substructure'] doc['key.substructure'].any? { |child| documented_child?(child) } end def self.should_document?(doc) unless doc['key.usr'] warn "`#{doc['']}` has no USR. First make sure all modules " \ 'used in your project have been imported. If all used modules ' \ 'are imported, please report this problem by filing an issue ' \ 'at along with your ' \ 'Xcode project. If this token is declared in an `#if` block, ' \ 'please ignore this message.' return false end return false if doc['key.doc.comment'].to_s.include?(':nodoc:') # Always document extensions, since we can't tell what ACL they are return true if doc['key.kind'] == 'source.lang.swift.decl.extension' SourceDeclaration::AccessControlLevel.from_doc(doc) >= @min_acl end def self.process_undocumented_token(doc, declaration) source_directory = Config.instance.source_directory.to_s filepath = doc['key.filepath'] if filepath && filepath.start_with?(source_directory) @undocumented_tokens << doc end return nil if !documented_child?(doc) && @skip_undocumented make_default_doc_info(declaration) end def self.make_paragraphs(doc, key) return nil unless doc[key] doc[key].map do |p| if para = p['Para'] Jazzy.markdown.render(para) elsif verbatim = p['Verbatim'] Jazzy.markdown.render("```\n#{verbatim}```\n") else warn "Jazzy could not recognize the `#{p.keys.first}` tag. " \ 'Please report this by filing an issue at ' \ ' along with the comment ' \ 'including this tag.' Jazzy.markdown.render(p.values.first) end end.join end def self.parameters(doc) (doc['key.doc.parameters'] || []).map do |p| { name: p['name'], discussion: make_paragraphs(p, 'discussion'), } end end def self.make_doc_info(doc, declaration) return unless should_document?(doc) unless doc['key.doc.full_as_xml'] return process_undocumented_token(doc, declaration) end declaration.line = doc['key.doc.line'] declaration.column = doc['key.doc.column'] declaration.declaration = Highlighter.highlight( doc['key.parsed_declaration'] || doc['key.doc.declaration'], 'swift', ) stripped_comment = string_until_first_rest_definition( doc['key.doc.comment'], ) || '' declaration.abstract = Jazzy.markdown.render(stripped_comment) declaration.discussion = '' declaration.return = make_paragraphs(doc, 'key.doc.result_discussion') declaration.parameters = parameters(doc) @documented_count += 1 end def self.string_until_first_rest_definition(string) matches = /^\s*:[^\s]+:/.match(string) return string unless matches string[0...matches.begin(0)] end def self.make_substructure(doc, declaration) if doc['key.substructure'] declaration.children = make_source_declarations( doc['key.substructure'], ) else declaration.children = [] end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.make_source_declarations(docs) declarations = [] current_mark = docs.each do |doc| if doc.key?('key.diagnostic_stage') declarations += make_source_declarations(doc['key.substructure']) next end declaration = declaration.type =['key.kind']) if declaration.type.mark? && doc[''].start_with?('MARK: ') current_mark =['']) end next unless declaration.type.should_document? unless raise 'Please file an issue at ' \ ' about adding support ' \ "for `#{declaration.type.kind}`." end declaration.file = Pathname(doc['key.filepath']) if doc['key.filepath'] declaration.usr = doc['key.usr'] = doc[''] declaration.mark = current_mark declaration.access_control_level = SourceDeclaration::AccessControlLevel.from_doc(doc) declaration.start_line = doc['key.parsed_scope.start'] declaration.end_line = doc['key.parsed_scope.end'] next unless make_doc_info(doc, declaration) make_substructure(doc, declaration) declarations << declaration end declarations end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def self.doc_coverage return 0 if @documented_count == 0 && @undocumented_tokens.count == 0 (100 * @documented_count) / (@undocumented_tokens.count + @documented_count) end def self.deduplicate_declarations(declarations) duplicates = declarations.group_by { |d| [d.usr, d.type.kind] }.values do |decls| decls.first.tap do |d| d.children = deduplicate_declarations(decls.flat_map(&:children).uniq) end end end def self.filter_excluded_files(json) excluded_files = Config.instance.excluded_files do |doc| key = doc.keys.first doc[key] unless excluded_files.include?(key) end.compact end # Parse sourcekitten STDOUT output as JSON # @return [Hash] structured docs def self.parse(sourcekitten_output, min_acl, skip_undocumented) @min_acl = min_acl @skip_undocumented = skip_undocumented sourcekitten_json = filter_excluded_files(JSON.parse(sourcekitten_output)) docs = make_source_declarations(sourcekitten_json) docs = deduplicate_declarations(docs) SourceDeclaration::Type.all.each do |type| docs = group_docs(docs, type) end [make_doc_urls(docs, []), doc_coverage, @undocumented_tokens] end end end