require 'gorgon/worker' class FakeAmqp def initialize mock_queue, mock_exchange @mock_queue = mock_queue @mock_exchange = mock_exchange end def start_worker queue_name, exchange_name yield @mock_queue, @mock_exchange end end describe Worker do WORKER_ID = 1 let(:file_queue) { double("Queue") } let(:reply_exchange) { double("Exchange", :publish => nil) } let(:fake_amqp) { fake_amqp = file_queue, reply_exchange } let(:callback_handler) { stub("Callback Handler", :before_start => nil, :after_complete => nil) } let(:job_definition) {stub("JobDefinition", :callbacks => ["/path/to/callback"], :file_queue_name => "queue", :reply_exchange_name => "exchange")} let(:params) { { :amqp => fake_amqp, :file_queue_name => "queue", :reply_exchange_name => "exchange", :worker_id => WORKER_ID, :callback_handler => callback_handler, :log_file => "path/to/log_file" } } describe ".build" do let(:config) { {:connection => "", :log_file => "path/to/log_file"} } before do stub_streams AmqpService.stub!(:new).and_return fake_amqp CallbackHandler.stub!(:new).and_return callback_handler Worker.stub!(:new) end it "redirects output to a file since writing to a pipe may block when pipe is full" do File.should_receive(:open).with(Worker.output_file(1, :out), 'w').and_return(:file1) STDOUT.should_receive(:reopen).with(:file1) File.should_receive(:open).with(Worker.output_file(1, :err), 'w').and_return(:file2) STDERR.should_receive(:reopen).with(:file2) 1, config end it "use STDOUT#sync to flush output immediately so if an exception happens, we can grab the last\ few lines of output and send it to originator. Order matters" do STDOUT.should_receive(:reopen).once.ordered STDOUT.should_receive(:sync=).with(true).once.ordered 1, config end it "use STDERR#sync to flush output immediately so if an exception happens, we can grab the last\ few lines of output and send it to originator. Order matters" do STDERR.should_receive(:reopen).once.ordered STDERR.should_receive(:sync=).with(true).once.ordered 1, config end it "creates a JobDefinition using a payload written to stdin" do STDIN.should_receive(:read).and_return '{ "key": "value" }' JobDefinition.should_receive(:new).with({:key => "value"}).and_return job_definition 1, config end it "creates a new worker" do JobDefinition.stub!(:new).and_return job_definition Worker.should_receive(:new).with(params) 1, config end end describe '#work' do before do stub_const("MiniTestRunner", :mini_test_runner) stub_const("MiniTest", :test) Worker.any_instance.stub(:initialize_logger) @worker = params @worker.stub!(:require_relative) end it 'should do nothing if the file queue is empty' do file_queue.should_receive(:pop).and_return(nil) end it "should send start message when file queue is not empty" do file_queue.should_receive(:pop).and_return("testfile1", nil) reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish) do |msg| msg[:action].should == :start msg[:filename].should == 'testfile1' end reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish).with(any_args()) TestRunner.stub!(:run_file).and_return({:type => :pass, :time => 0}) end it "should send finish message when test run is successful" do file_queue.should_receive(:pop).and_return("testfile1", nil) reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish).once reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish) do |msg| msg[:action].should == :finish msg[:type].should == :pass msg[:filename].should == 'testfile1' end TestRunner.stub!(:run_file).and_return({:type => :pass, :time => 0}) end it "should send finish message when test run has failures" do failures = stub file_queue.should_receive(:pop).and_return("testfile1", nil) reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish).once reply_exchange.should_receive(:publish) do |msg| msg[:action].should == :finish msg[:type].should == :fail msg[:filename].should == 'testfile1' msg[:failures].should == failures end TestRunner.stub!(:run_file).and_return({:type => :fail, :time => 0, :failures => failures}) end it "should notify the callback framework that it has started" do file_queue.stub(:pop => nil) callback_handler.should_receive(:before_start) end it "should notify the callback framework when it finishes" do file_queue.stub(:pop => nil) callback_handler.should_receive(:after_complete) end describe "shoosing right runner" do before :all do # we assume MiniTest is defined (default ruby 1.9), but let's define it just in case MiniTest ||= 1 Temp = MiniTest end before do stub_const("TestUnitRunner", :test_unit_runner) stub_const("RspecRunner", :rspec_runner) # ruby 1.9 defines MiniTest by default, so let's remove it for these test cases Object.send(:remove_const, :MiniTest) file_queue.stub!(:pop).and_return("file_test.rb", nil) File.stub!(:read).and_return("") end it "runs file using TestUnitRunner when file doesn't end in _spec and Test is defined" do stub_const("Test", :test_unit) @worker.should_receive(:require_relative).with "test_unit_runner" TestRunner.should_receive(:run_file).with("file_test.rb", TestUnitRunner).and_return({}) end it "runs file using RspecRunner when file finishes in _spec.rb and Rspec is defined" do file_queue.stub!(:pop).and_return("file_spec.rb", nil) @worker.should_receive(:require_relative).with "rspec_runner" TestRunner.should_receive(:run_file).with("file_spec.rb", RspecRunner).and_return({}) end it "runs file using MiniTest when file name doesn't end in _spec.rb and MiniTest is defined" do MiniTest = Temp @worker.should_receive(:require_relative).with "mini_test_runner" TestRunner.should_receive(:run_file).with("file_test.rb", MiniTestRunner).and_return({}) end it "runs file using TestUnitRunner when file doesn't end in _spec.rb, MiniTest is defined but project is using test-unit gem" do MiniTest = Temp File.stub!(:read).and_return("test-unit") stub_const("Test", :test_unit) @worker.should_receive(:require_relative).with "test_unit_runner" TestRunner.should_receive(:run_file).with("file_test.rb", TestUnitRunner).and_return({}) end it "uses UnknownRunner if the framework is unknown" do stub_const("UnknownRunner", :unknown_runner) file_queue.stub!(:pop).and_return("file.rb", nil) @worker.should_receive(:require_relative).with "unknown_runner" TestRunner.should_receive(:run_file).with("file.rb", UnknownRunner).and_return({}) end after do MiniTest ||= Temp end end end private def stub_streams STDIN.stub!(:read).and_return "{}" STDOUT.stub!(:reopen) STDERR.stub!(:reopen) STDOUT.stub!(:sync) STDERR.stub!(:sync) end end