module Slugs module ActiveRecord module Translatable extend ActiveSupport::Concern protected def generate_slugs old_locale = current_locale I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale with_locale locale generate_slug end I18n.locale = old_locale with_locale old_locale end module ClassMethods def find_previous_slug(slug) t = reflect_on_association(:translations) joins( "INNER JOIN #{t.table_name} t ON t.#{t.foreign_key} = #{table_name}.#{t.active_record_primary_key}" ).where( "(t.slug LIKE ? OR t.slug = ?) AND t.locale = ?", "#{slug}-%", slug, I18n.locale ).order( 'LENGTH(t.slug) DESC, t.slug DESC' ).map(&:slug).select{ |r| r =~ /^#{slug}(-\d+)?$/ }.first end def find_by_slug(id) t = reflect_on_association(:translations) joins( "INNER JOIN #{t.table_name} t ON t.#{t.foreign_key} = #{table_name}.#{t.active_record_primary_key}" ).where( "t.slug = ? AND t.locale = ?", id, I18n.locale ).readonly(false).first end def exists_by_slug?(id) t = reflect_on_association(:translations) joins(:translations).exists? t.table_name.to_sym => { slug: id, locale: I18n.locale } end end end end end